HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-14, Page 7RATES., No ,charge. for ..app0000rtneots of Births, - • Marriages And .Peattao Articles for sale, rent, etc„ 004 of Tbanks, .tc Memoriam, ertgagerneras, 3e a word, .44aUntga Box NO, to this office 1.50 addi*Mal, Repeat aertions 2c a word, minimum 000, CASH DISCOUNT:. .% it paid by Saturday hawing last insertion. Billing of 10e .added each time bill sent, Latest Time. for Insertions --, 12 noon Wednesday Dial WO 2'3443 NEWS.RECORD WANT S FOR QUICK RESULTS Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock. Impfelnents, a quantity of Grain and some House- hold Furniture, at Lot 26, corner of Cut Line and Blue Water High- way, on Tuesday, May 19 at 1 p.m. 41/2 miles west of Holmesville. Machinery: Ford tractor, 1949, recently overhauled; 1.12 in. Ferg- uson tractor plow; Ford cultivat- or with scuffler attachment; set Ford discs; McCormick Deering fertilizer drill, 13 disc; McCormick Deerinf binder, 8 ft. cut; Deer- ing mower, 6 it.; New Idea hay loader; New Idea side rake; cut- ting box and pipes; wagon and hay rack; set sleighs; quantity of ash plank; Woods milking machine, 3 single units; Woods oat roller; 1.2 h p. electric motor; Champion milk cooler, 5 can; 12 milk cans and numerous other articles. Furniture: Westinghouse refrig- erator; Wingham coal or wood range; electric 4-burner stove; ex- tension table; 4 chairs; beds; dres- sers and numerous other articles. Livestock: aged team of horses. 38 head of fully accredited, reg- istered and vaccinated Ayrshire cattle. Write for listing, or come and see them. No reserve as the farm has been sold. Wilmer Harrison, Proprietor Donald Blue, Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhoun, Clerk 19b BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve Your Sale Date Now RR No. 3 Phone Clinton Seaforth, Ont. H Unter 2-7534 tfb WEEKEND SPECIALS SPORT SHIRTS Here it is, right in the heart of the season, buy 2 or 3 at these prices and Save. Pickett 8i Campbell Limited Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats Phone HtI 2,9732—Main Corner Clinton by W. R. JOHNSTON EXTRA PANTS FREE On 3 Top Ranges of Made-To.Measure Suits TaURSDAY, MAY 14, 19$9 ,CLINTON NEWSRECORD, PAGE SEVEN Re& Estate SUMMER COTTAGE for sale, lo- cated four miles north of Bayfield at Elliott's Grove. Phone I-IU 2- 9087. 17,p-tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, ,farms and homes, Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house Plan. Leonard G. Winter ' Real Estate, Agent for Ken-when. Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton, 49tfb BROILER TURKEY FARM, 116 acres of clay loam, 10 room brick home, modern conveniences, 4 floor barn with all the equipment, 2 other barns, located on- highway with some lake frontage. FOR QUICK SALE, immediate possession, 75 acre farm, good home and barn, located on high- way, only $8,000, Low down pay- ment. MANY SUMMER COTTAGES for sale. Farm Equipment Lost and Found For Sale colmmodatio For Rent' 2 )3EDROOIVI APARTMENT, un- furnished, available May 18, Phone HU 2-9493. 19-b 3-ROOM apartment, furnished and beated, available May 15. Phone HU 2-3844, 18-19-b 4-ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed, available May 14; also 6-room house for rent, unfurnished, avail- able now, Phone HU 2-9508 19-b k ROOM UNFURNISHED apart- ment; 3 Room apartment, furnish- ed, TV downstairs, Reasonable rent. HU 2-9641 19-b FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM apart- ment in Seaforth. Private entrance. private bath. Dial HU 2-9673 for further information. 19-b 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, suitable for couple, available May 20, laundry facilities. Phone HU 2-9504, mornings and evenings. 19-tfb 3-ROOM APARTMENT, central location, three piece bath, furnish- ed, on Rattenbury Street, fully in- sulated. Phone HU 2-6665. . . 18-9-p 9 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE for, rent in Clinton, available June, July and August, all modern con- veniences. References required. Phone HU 2-9574. 19-tfb KITCHEN, Tivingroom and din- ingroom, and 3 bedrooms, located 5 miles west of Clinton on Bayfield Road. Phone HU 2-7447, 17-8-9b .3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, self-contained on ground floor. Centrally located, phone HU 2- 9581. ' 19p 3 ROOM UPTOWN APARTMENT available at once. Suitable for of or living apartment; also 3 room apartment vacant on .15th. Apply to C. D. Connell, box 281, Clinton, phone HU 2-3855. 19-p 3-ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apart- anent, furnished and heated. Laun- dry facilities. Clean and comfort- able, Available now. Apply in per- :son, evenings or weekends to Mrs. Marion L. Seeley, Huron Street, Clinton.. 18-9p Accommodation Wanted 3 TO 4 BEDROOM HOUSE want- ed in Clinton, furnace heated, by ,June 30. Phone HU 2-9138. 19b HOUSE WANTED, ANYWHERE vicinity of Clinton, 3 bedrooms. Needed for June. Reply Box 122, RCAF Station Clinton. 19-b WAN tut) TO RENT, teacher, -wife and one child desire 2 or 3 bedroom house by August or Sept- ember. Reply giving particulars to Box 182, Olinton News-Record, 18-tfb Articles For Sale WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS. Phone HU 2-9751, Clinton. 19p 2 MIDDLE SIZE boy's C.C.M. bi- 'cycles in good condition. Phone HU 2-7012. 19b BABY'S CAR BED, will convert to a car seat, like new. Phone HU 2-7203. 19-b LLOYD'S BABY CARRIAGE IN -excellent condition. Phone HU 2-9216. 19-p •1952 JOHNSON 10 h.p. outboard, separate tank, excellent condition, HU 2-9383, 17 and 19b -GOOSE HATCHING EGGS, white 'Embden. Bert Brunsdon, Londes 'boro, phone Blyth 37r19. 18tfb 24" WESTINGHOUSE STOVE; Kenmore washer; play pen, tri- 'light. Phone HU 2-9493. 18p-19b TAYLOR FORBES lawn mower, rubber tire wheels, in good shape. Phone HU 2-9434 19b ROUEN DUCK HATCHING eggs for sale, also quantity of Kat- andin potatoes. Contact Helen An- derson, phone HU 2-9167. 19-b SPRING SALE PRICE on Mc- Culloch Chain Saws now in effect. Buy now and save. Wells Auto Electric. .16-tfb G.E. DELUXE REFRIGERATOR, 6 cu, ft. ; Kemnote rangette, both in good condition, Phone HU 2- 7168. 19b 24" MOFFAT GAS RANGE, used three months. 'In excellent condi- tion, owner now Using electricity. Phone HU 2-9220. 11-tfb HAND LAWN MOWER for sale, also Coal oil stove and oven for stove, all in good condition,suit- able for summer cottage, phone HU 2-9728. 19b TREADLE SEWING MACHINE, New Williams make; boy's coaster wagon; Cub hat, size 3% and sweater, size' 28; Address J7, PMQ's, RCAF Station Clinton, 19p SEWING MACHINES: White and Singer, New rriathines from $69.50, For free home trial write, Carl Lacapra or phone 647W, ListoWel, Ontario, 18-9.20p . _ YOU CAN OWN A HOME for as little as $250.00 down and low monthly Payments. Colonial Hom- es Ltd., Clinton, Ontario, HU 2- nan0. 1.8-tfb Articles For Sale BABY BUGGY, ONE YEAR OLD; like new, "Rest-a-bed" model, $35. Phone HU 2-9526. ' 19-b RIBBONS FOR TYPEWRITERS and adding machines, $1.00 each. Clinton-News Record. $.-tfb 18 ft. of SLIDING DOOR TRACK, with door hangers. Richard Wil- cox Internal Roller track. $10. Hector Kings'well. Dial HU 2.6729, 19p OIL, SPACE HEATER. IDEAL for summer cottage. Apply Huron Presbytery office or HU 2-6622. 19-p SUNSHINE BABY BUGGY. wth parcel carrier, converts to'atroller, in real good condition, Phone HU 29719. i 19-p SPRINGTIME BABY CARRIAGE, in very good shape. Convertible to car bed or bassinet. $35, Dial HU 2-7054. 19-b DRAIN TILE RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p RIFLES FOR SALE. New .22 Hornet, with . good peep sights, bolt action, 5-shot repeater; .22 Mossberg, complete with 4-power scope. Jack Anderson, RR 2, Hen- sall, phone 675r14. 18-9-p AGAIN THIS YEAR OUTSIDE white paint at $2,99 per gal. Ph- one your order in T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, telephone HU 2-3232, open evenings 'till 9 p m. 17tfb GETTING MARRIED? See the samples of Wedding Stationery at the News-Record Office. Invita- tions, thank-you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, match books, etc. tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb TED RYDER'S TV, SALES and Service, Clinton HU 2-9320, Mill Street, your Dumont-Hallicrafter dealer, Hi-Fi, Stereo, Radios, TV, Antennas. 10% down payment. 18to25-p SEVERAL new patterns in. English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely 'Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 19-p 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite; 8 piece diningroom suite; wood en bed frame; console table; squ- are table; end tablea carpet sweep- er; floor lamp; mirror; veranda mat; odd chairs; pictures; cush- ions. Phone HU 2-7128. 19p FREE: One Aluminum combina- tion screen and storm door, $60 value, with purchase of 6 alum- inum self-storing screen and storm windows. For free estimates call Huron Gas Equipment Co., Huron Street, nu 2-9600. 18-9-b Articles Wanted TRICYCLE FOR GIRL OF 6. HU 2-3287." 19-p CHILD'S GO CART, in good con- dition. Phone HU 2-3222. 19b Automobiles For Sale 1954 OLDESMOBILE, very good condition. Phone HU 2-9689. 19-20p 1955 PLYMOUTH, 2-DOOR sedan, American' make, in very good con- dition. Owners moving. Contact owners May 14, 15, 16, 23, phone HU 2-7584. 19-p AUTOS FOR SALE 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, COACH — low mileage, like new. 1956 CHEV. Deluxe Sedan — low mileage, radio, a very clean car. 1951 DODGE Sedan—original in- terior, better than average, priced to sell. 1951 CHEV. 1/2 Ton Pickup—only 23,000 miles, Will finance any of the above ve- hicles personally. Call for a demonstration. WARD FRITZ Zurich — Phone 123 After 6 p.m. 19b Custom Work GARDEN PLOUGHED and work- ed; lawns rolled, Contact Henry Young, phone RU 2-9496. 17-8-9p WOULD LIKE to do Custom Man- ure loading. Contact Elmer Mc- Clinchey, phone HU 2-9154. 18-9p FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, Call HU 2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb LAWN SODDING, Free estimates, Fill, gravel, top soil, manure, de- livered. George A. Baird, Clinton, phone HU 2-3352. 18-9-p TREES — NOW IS THE TIME to arrange for tree removal; fully insured. Centaet, J. McFarlane, ICU 2-6654. 11. to 20-p SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, coos-pools, etc. pumped and cleaned with modern equipment, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, RR 2, brussels, phone 46r6 Brussels. 15 to 30p ELECTRIC BEAVER GRINDER, Ford Ferguson, 2 furrow hydraulic plough, 3 furrow plough, electric cream separator. Phone Bayfield 57r11, 19-b GEORGE WHITE THRESHING, machine, like new, used to thresh only 50 loads, complete with grain blower, shredder, elover attach- ments and, new drive belt, priced reasonable. Apply James Masse, phone 77r9, Zurich. ' 19-20p Help Wanted—Male BREAD SALESMAN, FOR estab- lished route. Steady employment. Apply in person. Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 19-b FIRST CLASS BRICK LAYER, and plasterer, immediately. Apply Charles Norton, Saunders Street, Exeter. 19-b LARGE UNITED STATES and Canadian Manufacturing Company requires. Field Representative in Stanley Township. Exceptionally high earnings, Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile essential. Agricultural or farming background most important. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario.- 16-7-8-9b DRAFTSMAN $3450 -- $3900 Required by the Department of National Defence (Air) at Clinton, Ontario. Details and application forms at Post Offices, National Employ- ment Offices and the Civil Ser- vice Commission. Apply before May 23rd, 1959, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ont, 19b Help Wanted Female WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 18-9-b WANTED: FEMALE CLERKS to work in local bank. Apply in per- son to Royal Bank, Clinton. 18-9b WAITRESSES. wanted at Ping- er's Restaurant, Apply in person. 19-b • HOUSEKEEPER wanted for three adults in Auburn. Write Mrs. Bert Marsh, Petersburg, Ont. 18-9-b Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. ATTENTION FARMERS! Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. Dead stock pick- ed up free of charge; no call ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851 r 11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 39p-tfb DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick and disabled horses and cattle. Old horses for slaught- er at 5c a pound, For prompt, sanitary disposal phone collect, Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12; if busy phone Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, William Morse, Brus- sels 1536. Trucks available at all times. 11-tfb Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses — 4c pet pound Phone Collect 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service Livestock For Sale 12 WEANED PIGS, Contact D. Bruinsma, phone IlUnter. 2-7540, 19p 3 HOLSTEIN CALVES Suitable for vealing, also 150 bales of mix- ed hay, Phone HU 2-3342, 19-b The GREY-BRUCE-HURON Aber- deen Angus Breeders' Association are holding their annual Spring Sale in the Owen Sound Coliseum on Thursday, May 21st, at 1,30 p.m, Ten sires and 22 females have been consigned, The auctioneer is Duncan Brown of Shedden—Gor- don L, Ribey, Underwood, Ont„ president; T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale, Out., aecretary, 18-9b LOST—Tail gate off lh ton truck, blue in color, Phone HU 2-9241, 19-b FOUND—A yellow Scotch collie, came to our premises last Thurs- day. Owner may have dog by iden- tifying same and paying for this ad. Phone HU 2-3367. 1.9-b • Lots For' Sale CHOICE LOT for sale on Mary Street; water sewage and gas av- ailable; contact Sam McDonald, phone HU 2-9589. ' 19p Miscellaneous OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS, Johnson Sales and Service. Don Epps Marine, Clinton, HU 2-9622. 19-tfb WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store . 19p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop, phone HU 2-6640. 44-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 19p TOP PRICES FOR LIVE 'POULTRY Phone 66 East Huron Produce Brussels, Ontario ' • 13 to 21-b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton ZEnith 9.5650 If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number' " Clinton Iftrnter 2-3441 For service 'or more information, call between: 7;30 and 9:30 a.m. week days 6;00 and 8.00 p.m. Sat. ,evenings For cows noticed in heat on Sun- day morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. 53-tfb Farmers - Attention WANTED: a number of progres- sive farmers who would like to set out a commercial block of new heavy bearing red raspberries or strawberries, We can furnish you markets for your crops, show you how to get heavy yields from your new planting. If genuinely inter- ested in berry growing write to: Meadowbrooke Nursery Wooler, Ont. on or before May 21, giving loca- tion of your farm. We will call on you giving full planting instruc- tions, cost of planting, estimates, yields, profits per acre. Late re- plies cannot be covered. You will find your planting cost with us quite reasonable, 18-9-b Notice ANYONE FOUND TRESPASS- ING on Lots 41 and. 51 both sides of the river, Tuckersmith Town- ship at any time hereafter will be prosecuted, By Order of the Owner A, E. Parry, 18-9-20-1-2-p Pasture For Rent PASTURE FOR RENT FOR 8 or 10 cattle. Phone HU 2-3316. 19-b CAN ACCOMMODATE 12 HEAD of cattle. William Lovett. Phone HU 2-3300. 19-p 58 ACRES OF PASTURE FOR rent. Plenty of water and shade. Louis Carbert, Phone HU 2-9865. 19-20-p Personal WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- vitalize thousands past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists. 18-19-20-b Property Wanted LOTS WANTED, L. 0. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, phone HU 2-6692, agent for Kernohan ' Homes,15-tfb JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE 1108 Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth C. Buruma, Clinton. 19-20-b REAL ESTATE Lake Front Cottage, 8 miles north of Bayfield, quarter acre landscaped grounds, large living- room, stone fireplace, running water, guest house, nice quiet lo- cation. Completely furnished, ready to move in, Price $8,500, with terms. Lake Front 2 Bedroom Cottage, one mile north of Hayfield, on private beach, inside plumbing -and furnished. Price $4,000. Three Bedroom Cottage, in Bay- field, nice lot, three-piece bath, winterized, immediate possession, Asking price, $6,700, Apply ADAM FLOWERS Phone Bayfield 83 Write Box 41 LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE 19-b Seed For Sale SANILAC SEED BEANS eligible for registration at 9c per lb., they were world champions at Royal Winter Fair and yielded 46 bush- els per acre. Contact Bob Allan, Brucefield.19-20-b • PFISTER SEED CORN by re- liable company, quality control; you can plant P.A.G. hybrids with con- fidence; it outyields competition 8 times out of 10 by an average of more than 9 bushels per acre. Ern- est Johnston, Mill road, phone 482W, Goderich. 18-21p Teachers Wanted ATTRACTIVE SCHOOL NEAR Hensall, Ontario, small enrollment, requires teacher September 1. Write full particulars to W. P. Roberts, Sec.-Treas., Tuckersmith School Area, Seaforth, Ontario. 1.9-b S.S. No. 9 GODERICH 'Township requires a qualified Protestant teacher for a modern one room school, Please state qualifications, former inspector and salary ex-. pected. Apply to Edward Wise, secretary-treasurer, R.R. 3, Clin- ton. . 18-tfb TEACHER REQUIRED F 0 R school near Seaforth, modern fac- ilities, average enrollment, write full particulars to W. P. Roberts, secretary-treasurer, Tuckersmith School Area, RR 3, Seaforth. On- tario. 19-20-b Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects From the home of the late William J. Elliott, at the corner of Victoria and Cutter Streets, Clinton, on Saturday, May 16 at 1.30 p.m. Dominion piano and bench; • Cor- onet 17-inch cabinet TV; walnut hand carved wall clock (antique); 3 large living room rugs; 3 smaller rugs; scatter rugs; 8-piece oak din- ing room suite of buffet, table and chairs; oak drop-leaf writing desk; walnut console table; drop-leaf table; walnut sideboard; 2 round tables; several small tables; iron table (antique); 2 rocking chairs; wicker arm chair; wicker rocking chair; love seat; arm chair; metal tubular full size bed, springs and mattress; metal % size bed, springs and mattress; chest of drawers; vanity dresser; cedar chest; Elect- rolux vacuum cleaner; Hoover vacuum cleaner; Singer sewing machine; Beatty modern electric range with oven control; Beatty washing machine; Empire enamel range; kitchen table and chairs; large set of dishes (nearly com- plete); fancy dishes; hand painted dishes; Community Plate silver- ware (service for" 8); kitchen dishes; cooking utensils; garden & carpenter's tools; numerous other articles. Terms—Cash. In event of rain the sale will be held inside the house. Fred Elliott, Administrator of the Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 19b Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effects In The Village of Bayfield Keith Crescent Drive • Monday, May 18 at 1 p.m. General Electric refrigerator (like new); rangette (like new); hot plate; iron; toaster; dining room suite (hi good condition); chesterfield; piano; 2 rocking chairs; odd chairs; studio couch; small tables; 3 three-quarter beds and mattresses; 1 double bed and Mattress; matching dresser and chest of drawers; wardrobe; sew- ing machine; cook stove; coal stove; washing machine; electric radio; dishes; Sealers; mats; pies- tic curtains, lawn mower; other articles too numerous to mention, Terms: Cash Robert John Rathwellt Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ibb TRAVEL SERVICE STAN 13LOWES REISBUREAU- 34 Wellington Street, Stratford, Telefoon 170—Alle luchtvaa.rt en scheepvaartmaatschappijen, spoor- weg hotels, enz, Voor inlichtingen Wendt U zich tot Henk 'Winans, Uw Nederlandse, reisbureau-agent. 19-b PARK THEATRE GODERICH N OW Winner of 9 PLAYING "UI Academy Awards! In Color and starring Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier and Louis Jourdan All Week — May 18-23 WALT DISNEY'S Newest Hit!! "The Shaggy Dog" In Color with Fred MacMurray, Jean Hagen and Tommy Kirk Ever hear of a Bratislavian Sheep- dog? Well then, did you ever hear of a 'teenaged zoy becoming one of these dogs, part time?? Neither did I but it's part of the magic of Walt Disney's latest bundle of real wholesome family fun. Don't Miss "The Shaggy Dog" Coming: "Some Came Running" In color with Frank Sinatra, Shirley MacLaine, Dean Martin and Martha Hyer. Counter Check Books on Sale at the News-Record Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL SELECTION Cool, Crisp, Comfortable Reg. Priced to $5.00 WEEKEND SPECIAL at $2.50 ea. Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Clinton News.Record 444-4-44-444-444-4,44444.4+*• Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL SELECTION S.—M.--L. Reg. Priced to $7.95 WEEKEND SPECIAL at $3.95 ea. BOXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly—First Show at 7 prn,—Wide Screen Soturaay Matinee 2.00 p,m. Now Playing-May 14-15-16 "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" (Adult Entertainment) Distinguished film from the pages of Tennessee greatest play, A picture for sophisticates. Elizabeth Taylor -- Newman -- Burl Ives Note; This will not be shown at the Saturday matinee, For the ohildren we have "Gypsy COLT" Mon., Tues.. WecI. May 18-19-20 DOUBLE BILL "SAFE CRACKER" See what happens when a celebrated safecracker turns his talent to aiding the British Intelligence. Ray Milland -- Barry Jones -- Jeannette Sterke AN D "LET'S ROCK" Coming—All Week=—June 1 to 6 "THE SHAGGY DOG" Fred MacMurray -- Jean Hagen -- Tommy Kirk