HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-14, Page 4Each lovely highlight • captured and held in memorable photographs. We'll be pleased to discuss our complete professional wedding service. lust give us a call. We're Swamped' With POWER MOWERS. But We Still Need Yours! REPAIRS AND SERVICE TO ALL MAKES We have Top Quality Machines in Both 2-Cycle and 4-Cycle POWER MOWERS Either Hand or Power Operated ALL PRICED TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET See The New CHIEF OUTBOARD MOTOR The most versatile motor in its class. 1J8 Apache Outboard '58 Model Reduced to Sell Go Modern, Go Light, Go "MIGHTY MITE" The NEPTUNE MIGHTY MITE weighs only 17 Ibs, Yours for as low as $129.50 Wells Auto Electric ORIGINAL Phone HU 2-3851 KING "STREET CLINTON AUTO•LITE EIMBIZI3 IN THE WEEKEND TELY WEEKEND Magazine, with articles by Gregory Clark, Andy O'Brien and others. TV Weekly, with Ron Poulton's Pre- views and program listings for a week. 16 Pages of Color Comics. Regular Saturday Tely with extira pages on travel, hobbies, books, religion. WEEKEND TELY ONLY 10c JOY THESE TRAS E — DINING ROOM HOURS — LUNCH 12.30-1,30 P.M. SUNDAY DINNER 1.00 P,M. DINNER 6.00-7.00 P.M. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative — Phones — Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869 Celebrate The Holiday Week-end line glaciouilg at Z/ie tittle inn OPEN JUNE 1st to OCTOBER 12th (Weekends only—May 16 to May 31) For Reservations Phone Bayfield 8 Z7he tittle inn BAYFIE‘D ONTARIO FREE NOW! REGoodrich SMILEAGE FACTS BOOM The clear facts you need to buy the right tire, based on your own driving habits! We. have your free copy ready! WESTINGHOUSE Model DM-24 9 COMPACT ft- BUDGET-PRICED High styled appearance and top-flight performance make the DM-24 an outstanding- buy in the economy price field. Oven has miracle seal and spread even beaters for perfect baking and roasting results in any rack position. All four Coroic surface units tilt out for easy cleaning. "Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON B,F.Goodrich sit.that Istsious IsWig of sofa"— BUY LIFE-SAVER TUBELESS! LIFE-SAVER SILVERTOWNS can't puncture at any speed! Gummy sealantcloses around puncturing object instantly ...makes permanent, auto- matic repair when object is removed B.f:Goodrich Silvertown tires AT SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE CLINTON, ONT,, Phone HU 2-7055 CANTELON'S SERVICE STATION CLINTON, ONT. Phone HU 2-0032 LLOYD BUTLER'S White Rose Station CLINTON, ONT. Phone HU 2-9021 The kind of tire you need depends on the type of driving you do. B.F. Goodrich offers a dependable, quality Uri: to match your driving needs and habits! ELEGoodrich Silvertown tires A5 6.0016 or 6.700 TUBE TYPE BLACKWA EL plus recappable trade-in START AT A LOW Lowest Prices 1 In SALE a t JIL Town L'S Starting Thursday Morning, May 14, at 9 a.m. 4-f Higher interest now! DEBENTURES Now alluron & trie— Canada Trust your invest- ment in Debentures earns a higher return. Authorized by law as trustee investments, Deben- tures are available in amounts of $100 or more. They, are authorized by law as trustee investments and may be cashed at par in the event of the death of the holder. Our "Debentures" folder explains the optional in- terest payment plans. You're invited to pick up a copy next time you're near our office. /11- Plan every step with Huron &Erie wCanada Trust Head Office London, Ontario Disfricf Representative H. C. LAWSON* Clinton, Ont. saes GIRL'S SUN DRESSES no, keg, 1,98 Now TOL Boy's or Girls'----siZe 3-6 SHORTS SETS Only set 89C BABY BONNETS and HATS 49c, 59c :OTTON PRINTS—Cofor- Fast, red. 89c Now 39c yd. Stock up Now and "Save! Out They Got MEN'S WORK PANTS SHIRTS -- PYJAMAS SOCKS -- Etc. 20% Discount Off Regular Prices BABY BLANKETS 30x40" 89c FINAL CLEARING Reg 3.95, 3.50, 4.50 CHILDREN'S SHOES Your Choicest% pr. PAM'POT, ussim prr7rummoossiimasismimmiumsmigrosisisspoma wohr ,NSW.B4MCDAP Tg(lESDAY, MAY 14, 1959' 600 RCAF Personnel Take Advantage Of Car Safety Check More than 600 automobiles be, longing to service personnel and civilian employees of RCAF 'Stat- ion Clinton received their quarter- ly safety cheek from the Ontario Provincial Police, on .Thursday, May 7. In all, 620 cars were checked of which 502 passed the test without difficulty, Owners of autos which failed have until May 15 to effect repairs and be rechecked. The .auto•checlis are carried out every three months at the ACAF base and are mandatory if tile own- erS• wish to. bring their cars on to the station. In addition, they must provide proof .of Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The checks were carried out by six Constables of the 'Kitchener, Detachment, OPP Traffic squad _under direction. Pt OPP Sergeant. Lorne Rutherford and Flight Ser- geant R. F. Johnson, NCO in eller- ge/of Air Force Police at Station Clinton, The automobiles checked are owned by personnel living on the . base and in other communities, such as Goderich, Seaforth, Clin- ton; Bayfield, 1:3rucefield and the. surrounding area. First house-owner to contribute towards the house-numbering pro, ject undertaken by the Kinsmen Club of Clinton,• is Fred Sloman, famed teacher of the Railway School Car at •CaPreol in Northern .Ontario. Mr. Sloman, who lives during summer vacation at the corner of Matilda and. Bond :Street in "Little Bngland", took his pen in hand up- on reading of the-project and pro-. mptly sent off a cheque for $4.98 With the following ,note to the KinSInen secretary: Dear Sir; "The Clinton Press advises me, that your Club purposes nailing numbers on houses in Clinton.• "I . am serving notice herewith that the house on which I pay tax- es in Clinton is not very substan- tially built and if it collapses or is otherwise damaged while a num- ber is being nailed on I will hold the Kinsmen Club responsible for any such damage. "I also insist that ,the - nailing-up Party be supervised by a compet- ent engineer who will- see that number is 'nailed up straight and Tuckersmith Ladies Club Plan Bake Sale Here Friday Afternoon The Tukersmith Ladies Club met At the home of Mrs. Ernest Crich, on Wednesday, May 6, with 13 members and three visitors pres- ent. Roll call was answered by an exchange of slips and bulbs. The Club plans to hold a bake sale in the Council Chamber on Friday, May 15, at 3 pm. Many pieces of yardgoods were distrib- uted among the members to be made up into children's clothing. A very interesting reading was given by Mrs. Warren Gibbings on the life and career of Gordon Tapp "Cousin Clem"; also one was given by Mrs. Howard Johns on the life of Bob Cummings. A con- test was given by Mrs. Ernest Crich with pictures of TV person- alities, and Mrs. W, P. Roberts was the winner. Lunch was served by Group 1. nails used must ,not exceed a len- gth of four (4) inches, Further- more I will not be held responsible if any or all of nailing-up party jams his or her finger with hem-, mer or hammers, Enclosed; $20Q for my house on Matilda street • 2.00 for same house on Bond street 0.98 for Coffee refreshments for oailing'-up party, (includ- ing engineer) after nailing up my number not later than August 31, • 1959. $4.98 "I also insist that sole ciwner- ship of any number nailed up on my house be turned over to me in perpetuity. Respectfully, FRED SLOMAN," This contribution the Kinsmen Club has accepted with great pleasure, and have plans for a fine coffee party with Fred's bonus 98 cents. Date for the "nailing-up" of numbers has been set definitely for the weekend of May 23, and the Kin hope to have the job pretty well completed at that time. French R.C,'s Consider Careless DriNing a Sin The Roman Catholic hierarchy in France is contemplating a re- vision of the catechism to add careless driving to the list of gra- ve sins, reports Associated Press. La Semaine Religieuse (The Re- ligious Week-, a bulletin issued by the Paris Archbishopric, said a new question-and-answer is likely to be added to the chapter on "the respect of life" in the next per- iodical revision of the French cat- echism. It will read: Can an automobile driver committ a grave sin? A. Yes, when he kills himself or kills somebody through imprudence, speed excess or disobedience of the highway code." Mrs, Bert Langford Honoured on 85th Birthday on Sunday A birthday party was held Sun-day, May 10, at the home of Mrs. Bert Langford, Rattenbury Street. Bast, Clinton, Mrs. Langford, was $5 years old that day, and al- though she has been in very poor health for the past year, was able to sit up in her wheel-chair, cut her birthday , cake and have her picture taken with her great • grandchild, little Debbie Langford, London, Mrs. Langford was the recipient of Many lovely flowers, cards and gifts, among them a basket of red roses from her son Harold,. stationed with the Canadian Army - at Camp Wainwright, Wainwright, Alberta; who was unable to attend. The following grandchildren at- tended the party: Mr, and Mrs, Bob Chapman, Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Langford and baby, Debbie; Murry, Larry and George Lang- ford, all of London, and Mr. and Mrs. David Bradshaw, Ingersoll. 0 Hensall Coach Works Announce Promotions Management promotions at Gen- eral Coach Works of Canada Ltd., Hensall, have been announced by William C, Smith, general manag- er, B. A. Johnston, London, be- comes general sales manager, and F. H. Broadley, also of London, has joined the organization as sales manager. James Taylor, formerly assist- ant sales manager, becomes resid- ent sales manager; Carlisle Wilk- inson, plant engineer; Ernie Chip- chase, plant superintendent; and Tunis Berends, plant foreman. Y MRS, MURRAY OARRETT WINS BEATTIE.DRAW Beattie 's Anniversary draw was made on Saturday, May 9, by May- or Burton Stanley. First prize, a Sealy Deluxe mattress value $69.- hot was won by Mrs, Murray ,Garen rett, Walker Street, Clinton, And second .prize, a Xrt)ellier Princess chair value .$37.50, was won. by Mr. Louis Freeman, North Street, Clinton, HE LiK.ES. Fred Sloman Sends $4.98 . For His House Number* iOr 0111:w • elluni MSYX PHOTO STUDIO Phone 199 WINGHAM, ONTARIO Cotton House Dresses JACKETS, JEANS, SHIRTS, BLAZERS at Bargain Size 12 Only 1 .29 Prices! LADIES BLOUSES 32-38—Poplin—Only 89c JILL'S CLOTHING FOOTWEAR "The Family Store" HU 2.9641 iimiiiiimmumnammisommin• Wash and Wear Cotton' Skirts • LADYBIRD T-SHIRTS Waistlines 24-26 INFANTS and CHILDREN'S Only 2 29 WEAR at Special Low Prices CLINTON