HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-07, Page 12Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 8.00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Kippen Gun Club Annual Shoot (By our Hensall Correspondent) The annual 24th of May' Veneer TrophY Shoot will be held at. Kip- pen on Sunday, May 10 at 1 p.m., sponsored by Kippen Gun Club, Main event: 50 bird, 16 yard for Verner Trophy; 25 bird,• 16 yard two-man team shoot for the London Winery Trophy; 25 bird sliding handicap; doubles, tithe permitting. Clinton Court A, fine of $15 and costs was paid by Wayne Johnson, 16-year- old motorist from Blyth, follow- ing magistrate's court sitting in Clinton on Tuesday morning. Johnson's small English car had left the road on Vinegar Hill (Highway 4) crossed over a lawn and struck a car just parked by J. A. Garneau in his own drive- "vW4weim • (re::f.:::Nefne/Mee4f —Ir":...' CHAMBORD BELGIUM CHINA VASES in black, gold and multi-coloured designs priced $7.25, $6.25 and $3.75 KERAMIK CHINA VASES in brown and gold shading Priced at $3.95, $2.25, $1.95, $1.75 CANDY DISHES—$2.00 and $1.75 ASH TRAYS—$2.00 and $1.50 TEA POTS—Music Box Tea Pots $7.25 Tea pots in all colours and designs Priced at—$3.25, $2.95, $1.95 and $1.75 Tea pots with cream and. sugar to match, in in peach, apple, and pear designs $4.50 BOOKENDS—Horse design—$1.50, Dog—$1.$5, Bird--$2.25 and Fish—$1.50 LADY SHEAFFER PENS $10.00 and ,up LEATHERMATE BUXTON SETS Of Purse and Keycase $8.50 LADY BUXTON PURSES $6.95 and $6.50 MOTHERS' DAY CARDS by Coutts, Hallmark and RustCraft Priced at Sc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.00 GO TS and SWATIONERY Clinton 13iil HIT 2,0766 BERT PEPPER Seaforth, Ont. HUnter 2-7534 tfb 101111.010• •0 •••• AUCTIONEER. Reserve Your Sale Date Now RR No. 3 Phone Clinton r ••••W.I Clip This Entry Form WANTED!!!! PEEWEE BASEBALL PLAYERS. FOR Kinsmen-Sponsored Baseball League COMPETING FOR NEWS-RECORD TROPHY Birthday Deadline: May 1, 1946 Players Signature • I Parent's Signature Bring Entry Form Properly Signed To First Practice Thursday, May 7, at 6.30 p.m. Clinton Public School Grounds Auction Sale Of Household Effects in the Town of SEAFORTH, North Main St, on Wednesday, May 13 at 1.30 p.m. 3-piece chesterfield suite; 8-piece dining room suite; china cabinet; grandfather's clock; Singer sewing machine; 2 bedroom suites; 2 kit- chen tables, 8 chairs; Snowbird Gilson refrigerator; Wingham Classic cook stove with reservoir; 2 foot stools; clock; studio couch; couch; kitchen cupboards; 2 rock- ing chairs; arm chair; day bed (nearly new); battery radio; elec- tric table, lamps; electric iron; Maxwell electric washing machine; hand washing machine; boiler, tubs; pictures; glassware; kitchen utensils; bedding; several hooked mats; books; jardinieres; 2-burner hot plate; Aladdin lamp; mirrors; fernery; sealers; deer head; garden hose; garden tractor, fully equip- ped; garden tools; power lawn mower. Other articles too num- erous to mention, Terms—Cash. Estate of the late Mrs. Thomas Aldington, Proprietors 18-b Clearing Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery, and Household Effects at Lot 7, Concession 1, Colborne Township, 11/2 miles east of Bemniller on Saturday, May 9 at 1 p.m. Cattle: '4• young Holstein cows fresh; 3 Hereford cows, fresh; 2 Jersey cows, due in June; 2 cows, ready for market; 6 heifers, ris- ing 1.yr. old; 8 steers, rising 1 yr. old; 6 steers, 2 yr, old, ready for market; 8 young calves. Machinery: Ferguson tractor; Ferguson plc)* and cultivator; 24 plate International disc; set har- rows; 13 disc fertilizer drill; disc plow; corn scuffler; 4 bar Massey Harris side rake (like new); drop head hay loader; 7 ft. New Idea power mower; New Idea manure spreader (like new); Massey Har- ris 7 ft. binder; fanning mill; Ren- frew scales (2,000 lbs.); rubber tir- ed wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; set sleighs; hay cable and rope. Hay and Grain: quantity Rodney oats (500 bus.); mixed hay. Forks, sh- ovels, chains; Homelite chain saw. Quantity of Household Effects. No reserve, farm sold. Terms Cash Jonathan Fisher, Prop. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney . 17-18-b DID YOU KNOW that $465,000.00 is the amount your friends and neighbours have invested in their Credit Union. Why Not Join Them To-day? Enquire at the Clinton Community Credit Union Limited Ika if a TENDER For Laundry Equipment HURON COUNTY HOME Clinton, Ontario Tenders for the supply of laundry equipment for the new addition to the Huron County Home, Clinton, OntariO,_ Will be received by the under:signed until 4.00 p.m. Tuesday, May 26, 1959. Tenders are to be in a sealed envelope, clearly marked "Tender for Laundry Equipment". All details and specifications may be secured from the under- sinned. Lowest or any tender, or part thereof, not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY Set.-Treas., Hum county Name Committee, Court House, `Goderich, Ontario, 18-b .BROWNIES -L „Th,.......,:,_. I N ' DRIVE!- r r LIMITED • . Featuring n.tie--- „4i,.,:r ,4,....`04------ -1 Va lei t . g , a %,%,\...w;4-----..7.7 CLINTON-ONTARIO the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County (Colour) "GOOD Thursday ROBERT and MORNING, (TWO STACK—JENNIFER Friday CARTOONS) May MISS 7 JONES . and DOVE” (Cinemascope) 8 Saturday (Colour) VICTOR In &flour • — "BANDIT and with "FORBIDDEN MATURE '-- Double (ONE JON OF Monday—May CARTOON) ANNE. HALL Feature — ZHOBE" ISLAND" AUBREY NAN 9 and 1T ---, (Cinernascope) ADAMS Tuesday and (Colour) BOB HOPE "PARIS (TWO Wednesday -- ANITA CARTOONS) HOLIDAY" -:—May EKBERG 12 and 13 (Clnemasoope) (Colour) Thursday "THE MARLENE JOHN and — Double MONTE "REBEL PAYNE (ONE DIETRICH IN -- Friday—Moir CARTOON) — Feature CARLO RUTH VITTORIO TOWN" ROMAN 14 — STORY' and 15 ' (Cinemascope) DeSICA Two Shows Nightly — Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE '55 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Pickup - $1450 Smart green finish and no bumps. We sold this truck and have serviced it for one owner' only. It's in top condition. For this price you get: Long wheelbase, hoist, heater, written warranty. Hurry to buy this one. '57 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Pickup $1575 Sold and serviced by us for one owner. Has been used carefully. A real buy at this price. '56 VOLKSWAGEN VAN $1150 In nice condition. If you think the price too high, make a fair offer. We want to move it. CARS From '58 to '50 — In Various Makes and Models and Priced According to Ouality. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY. YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR BEST ADVERTISING. Larne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly CHEV.-OLDS. VAUXHALL Dealer HUnter 2.9321 CLINTON IMO %,wEr.vs MINTON 111:74W$4=0"415 THURSDAY, MAY 7, 3.951 Sergeants Mess Are First Champions of Huron Dart League The RCAF Clinton Sergeants' Mess dart team, has been declared the Huron County dart champions for 1959. In the Huron County Dart League playoffs at Grand Bend on April 15, Blyth Canadian Legion defeated the Fish and Game Club and the Clinton Serg- eants defeated Grand Bend Legion in the semi-finals, In the finals, Clinton Sergeants defeated Blyth Legion to win the Labatt Trophy. The Huron County Dart League was organized in January 1959 and consisted of teams from the Fish and Game Club, Blyth Leg- ion, Brussels Legion, Grand Bend Legion, RCAF Clinton Sergeants' Mess and RCAF Centralia Serg- way, The impact knocked the Garneau car against the next door house. Lucidly, no one was injur- ed. Johnston was defended by Ja- mes Donnelly, Goderich. Defence was •that a passenger in the car, Jim Carter, 18, Londesboro, had dropped a cigarette, and in reach- ing for it, had obstructed the driver. Magistrate Holmes expressed doubt that the cigarette dropping claim was a true one, and men- tioned that the night of the accid- ent, both young men had spoken of a car parked so close to the road they had to turn out to avoid it. Yet in court they had not stuck to this claim. Floyd E. Charlton, London, ap- peared to defend himself on a charge of speeding in Clinton. He based his plea on the fact that the licence number on the charge was not correct, but this was dir- regarded by the magistrate, and Charlton was fined $10 and costs. Dobbers. Are Town League Champions The Dobbers were vietorietis over the Budgies in the finals. last Monday to win the Clinton, Mixed Bowling League Champion- ship. In the five game total pins to count the Dobbers showed their superiority by whipping the Bud- gies by over 300 pins, Don. Strong was the big man for the Dobbers, as lie rolled a fine 1,270 for five games and also turned in the high game of 286, eants' Mess. „A, round robin series of one home game and one away genie between each team was play- ed during the winter, The Labatt Trophy, which has been won by the Clinton Serg- eants, will be awarded annually to the winning team. In addition, trophies for permanent retention will be awarded to the winners and runners-up. Tenders Wanted Tenders Tenders will be received by the undersigned for painting interior of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, until Saturday, May 23, 1959. For specifications 'contact Rev. Greene, Brussels. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. W. James Armstrong, RR 3, Brussels, Ontario. 17-8b TENDERS for 50' x 70' GRAIN STORAGE WAREHOUSE at Hen- sail, Ontario, for W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd., Blenheim, 'Ontario. Sealed tenders, plainly marked on the outside as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 5.00 p.m. Thursday, May 14, 1959. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the undersigned upon receipt of a certified cheque made payable to the Architect in the amount of $25.00. This deposit will be returned when plans and specifications are returned to the Architect in good 'condition. Lowest, or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. FREDERICK W. H. DAWES, Architect, M.R.A.I.C.,,, CHATHAM, Ontario, P.O. Box 178. 18-b Tender Opening No. 26 ONTARIO FOR SALE Cordwood and Used Building Materials, Ontario Hospital Site, Goderich, Ontario SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS will be received in the office of the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament. Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 4 p.m. E. D. Time on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th for the Purchase and Removal of all or any part thereof of approxi- mately 100 cords of mixed Elm and Basswood, used concrete blocks, timbers, window frames and sash, and galvanized sheet roofing from the site of the proposed Ontario Hospital at Goderich, Ontario. Tender form and tender envel- ope may be obtained on application to Mr. C. Bedard, Superintendent of Construction, Department of Public Works, at the proposed Ontario Hospital Site, Goderich, Ontario. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, -Ontario. April 22nd, 1959. 18-b CANADA SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for FEDERAL BUILD- ING, GODERICH, ONT., will be received in the office of the Secre- tary, until 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1959. Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Arch- itect, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Ontario, the District Arch- itect, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, and can be seen at the Post Offices at Kitchener, London and Goderich, Ontario. To be considered each tender must be accompanied by one of the alternative securities called for in the tender documents. Tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein, The Department, through the Chief Architect's office, or through the undersigned, or through the office of the District Architect at Toronto, Ont., will supply blue- prints and specification of the work on deposit of $150,00 in the form of a certified bank cheque or money- order payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada. The deposit will be released on return of the blue-prints and specification in good condition within a month from the date of reception of tend- ers. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Robert Fortier, Chief of Administrative ServiceS, and Secretary, Departinent of Public Works, Ottawa, April 30, 1959. 18-b GOSHEN LINE Mrs. Bruce Keys dislocated her. shoulder on Thursday while paper hanging, Miss Carol Williams, Clinton,' spent Friday night with Gwen McBride. Miss Bonnie Johnston, Bayfield, was a weekend visitor at the home of Miss Donna Peck. Ivan Steckle, Jr„ Eayfield, spent Saturday with Gerald and Robert family, , and spentM r ssu. aoyb wit hP emckr, and Mrs. John Snell, Londesboro. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer McBride, Exeter, visited Mr. and Mrs, Bert McBride, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride and five sons, visited with their parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride on Sunday, Elgin McKinley spent a few days last week in Toronto, op bus.- Mess, A number of Goshen ladies were guests of the Ontario Street Uni- ted. Church Woman's Association, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Campbell McKinley Spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, 5. Witmer at Zurich. Home From Hospital . Clarence Parke returned home from St. Joseph .flospital, London, last Wednesday, where he had been a patient since early in Jan- o. Counter Check Books on Sale at 'the News-Record Clearing Auction Sale of 38 Head of Purebred .« Ayrshire Cattle Fully accredited, registered and vaccinated. Also farm machinery; a quantity of grain and some household furniture, on Tuesday, May 19 at 1 o'clock at lot 26, Concession 3, Goderich Township, corner of Cut Line and Blue Water High- way, 4 /2 miles west of Hohnes- vile. Wilmer Harrison, Prop. Donald Blue, Auctioneer K, W. Colquhoun, Clerk 18b Westdell Dispersal Sale Thursday, May 14 Equipment sells at 12.30, Cattle sell at 2.30 at the farm 21/2 miles north of Blyth, which is on High- way No. 4, then 2 miles west to the farm. Cattle: 50 head Purebred Fully Accredited, Vaccinated, Bloodtest- ed, Holsteins. This herd is a very good type, with one graded "Very Good", 12 "Good Plus" including very good prospects among the younger cows. They are of popular blood lines. Mostly sired by Waterloo Unit bulls, with daughters selling off Elmcroft Tradition Glenafton, Milestone and Benefactor, Selling Sovereign A, Seiling Wing Pietjo, Maple Lea Skokie and Reflection Governor, Smithcroft Snowball Rochet, and Fraser Butter Boy. There are 24 milking age females, some bred, quite a few due sum- mer and fall; 4 fall bred heifers; balance yearlings and calves. Horses: Team of Clyde geldings, 4 and 6 years old. Equipment: Oliver 88 Diesel tractor; B250 International diesel tractor; Oliver baler, 3 yrs. old; Smoker 30 ft. elevator; Cockshutt side delivery rake; McCormick Deering 7 ft. power mower; 15-run International fertilizer drill, like new; McCormick Deering 8 ft. tandem disc; assey-Harris eight- blade one-way disc; 3-furrow Oliv- er tractor plow; Oliver tractor manure spreader; Universal milk- ing machine, 3 units, piping for 30 cows; colony house 12x12; 2 range shelters; set of sleighs; quantity of pine lumber; quantity of sabago potatoes; other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms—Cash. No reserve, proprietor taking up other business. Alvin Snell, Prop. A. Mike Brubaeker, and George Nesbitt, Auctioneers George Powell, Clerk 18-b Ernest F. Twitcheii A native of Clinton, Earnest F, Twitchell passed away in Union- ton on Tuesday, April 28, at the age of 77. Mr. Twitchell was one of the thunders of an early Ed- monton bakery firm, and was a resident of the city for almost 50 years, Mr. Twitchell went to. Edmon- ton in 1910, and was one 'of the original members and a director of the North West Biscuit Comp- any. For 1.9 years, until his re- tirement in 1949, Mr. Twitchell was manager of the Edmonton branch of the Independent Bis- cuit Company. Surviving is his wife, at 12420 109 Ave.; a daughter, Mrs. James Palmer, Edmonton; a son, James, Whittier, Calif.; four grandchild- ren; one brother, Charles, at Pres- cott, Ont,, and a sister, Mrs, Fr- ank Workman, Vancouver, Interment was in the Edmon- ton Cemetery. coming Events Thar., nay 's—Mother's Day tea, bake table and sewing table, to be held in the Ritchie RCAF from 8 to 10 P.M. Sponsor,• eci by RCAF Protestant Chapel, Sat., May 9—Hospital Tag Day in Clinton. 18-h Sato May 9—Rummage, bake sale, miscellaneous articles, spon- sored by Group 2, Brueefield WA, in the Council Chambers at 2 p.m. 17-18-b , Goderich Pavilion—Dancing ev- ery Saturday night, Paul Cross• and his Orchestra. 'Fri„ May 15— Teen 20 record dance. Lion's Bin- go every Wednesday night, 17-tfb, Thurs, May 14 — Mrs. F, G, Thompson will be interviewed on M'Lady, CKNX TV, between 2.30 and 3,00 p,m„ to speak on the Huron County Home Auxiliary. 18b DISTRICT AUCTION SALES