HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-07, Page 11SPRING SALE CONTINVES MANY BARGAINS _REMAIN' Drop In Soon!. SASH, PAINT BRUSHES SHINGLES PLYWOOD WALLBOARDS DOORS J. W. COUNTER Builders Supplies PHONE HU 2-9621 ALBERT STREET 18-b -SCOPE NOW! the sweetest, surest tune-up ever with our amazing new $7.....Lep-crit ANAL- . electronically analyzes troubles that cause missing — stalling — hard starting — low gas mileage. • electronically pinpoints ignition defects — in- stantly shows faulty plugs, points, rotor cap — other defects. • gives the most accurate tune-up analysis ever offered anywhere. DRIVE IN NOW —have your car tuned for top perform- ance the modern Anal-O-Scope way. AUTO WELLS ELECTRIC Clinton . Phone HU 2-3851 CLINTON ALBERT ST. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT4 The Township of Mullett will receive Tenders for the Construction of 'a Tile Drain, known as The Glousher Municipal Drain. Plans and Bpecifications for this work may be procured' at the Clerk's Office. All Tenders must be accompanied by a .Certified cheque to the amount of .sgoo. Tenders must be in the possessien of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock Noon on June 1st, 1959, Lowest or any Tender not necessarily. accepted. HARRY TEBBUTT, Clerk, R. R. 1, Londesboro. 18-9-20-1-b SALE THISWEEK! 1 ff6110i1 1:PITIng tolims.-Nrh .4 .4. gropl AODEL 805.8 Powerful 'ii h.p. motor paper dust bag • light • quiet vinyl swivel hose a clip-on toots guaranteed • BIG SAVING COmplete with 7-piece set of cleaning tools EASY GLIDE RUG NOZZLE WITN FLOATING GLUM 0400 ATTACH•IMAATIO Clips NOM • See live demonstration at our store at once or PHONE FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL Beattie Furniture ON THIS POWERFUL—BRAND NEW •,.....A•t„,winktssm• 'mom— '`e • (1/ 'Pr Let mother wake up to a wonderful surprise on her day! Glorious Gifts chosen from our bigger than ever selection of everything she's hoping for. Every one's a perfect way to say, "Mom, you're the greatest" . . . So modestly priced, too!: Bath Scales China — Coffee Carafes — Teapots Steak Knives — Juice Servers — Casseroles You Get More From Life With Electricity We Have MANY ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Electric Fry Pans — Percolators — Steam Irons Kitchen Radios — Tea Kettles and Hair Driers. SUTTER-PERDUE LIMITED QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES CLINTON Dial HU 24023 • 4Xt "TTWRStAY, MAY 7, 3959 4#*• MINTON ..MWS-RECORD Mg MOW ,,,-.11411111.11# Miss Mary Hotiston, Hamilton, spent last weekend with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Houston. Mrs. John Oovier, London, spent a few days with her cousin Miss Margaret Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. William Doak, Goderich, were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. William Cory. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Miller and son Larry, London, visited on Suunday with her aunt, Mrs. Maud Fremlin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fisher and family at Benmiller. Mrs. William T Robison at- tended the funeral of her sister- in-law, Mrs. Carmen Anderson at Galt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McDonald, Seaforth, visited last Sunday with Mrs. Ezekiel Philllips and Miss Laura, Friends of Charles McNeill, God- erich, will be sorry to learn that he is a patient in Victoria hospi- tal, London, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Craig mo- ved into their new home last week. Miss Eileen Murdock spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Anderson, Brantford, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. William Straug- han and Mr. and Mrs. John Hous- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parton, Toronto, and her mother, Mrs. Hugh Hill, Goderich, visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wily Liam Cory. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ronald Rathwell, Micheal and Janice, St. Catherines, spent the Weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor. Mrs. Rathwell and child- ren remained for a week's visit. Representatives , of each of the churches in the village will meet on Friday evening of this week at 8.30 p.m: in the Baptist Church to plan for a daily vacation Bible School that is held here every summer. Albert Campbell is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Arthur Speigelberg, Mr. Speingel- berg and family, and is much im- proved in health. We hope he will soon be able to return to his home in the village. Mrs. Robert Arthur and Wilda Jane and Mrs. George Beadle vis- Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible, SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Russel Manson, Zurich,- Ont. or by writing to Canadian Co-Operative Wool Growers Limifed 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada JUNIOR FARMER MEETING VARNA HALL Tuesday, May 12 GUEST SPEAKER: Representative from Howard Chemicals, on Weed Control. Everybody Welcome 18p RUMMAGE SALE BAKE SALE Miscellaneous- Articles Saturday, May 9 2 p.m. In Council Chambers Spoosored by Group 2, BRUCEFIELD WA. 18b LONDESBORO Mrs. Bert Allan—correspondent Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Youngblut on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Radford, Linden, spent last weekend with Mrs, John Shobbroek and with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Haifiilton and family, London visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Gorier, Mr. and Mrs. Edwaxcl, White, Ingersoll, visited with their par- entS, the Rev, and Mrs, J. T. White, Fred Marshall has purchased the 100 acre farm of Robert Wat- son, on Concession 13, getting im- mediate possession. Mists Margaret Taxnblyn, togeth- er with her girl friend, Learning- ton, motored to Florida last Fri- day and will spend three weeks vacation there, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cardiff, Brussels, spent Sunday afternoon with the Beacom family, Mrs. Kate Bremner, sister of Mrs, Bea- com, is far from well, having suf- fered several strokes recently. She has been a welcome visitor in the village during the past few years, A few of the old neighbours cal- led on Mrs. Tillly Melville on Sun- day and found her enjoying very good health. She will be 92 next birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong celebrated their 34th wedding an- niversary last Wednesday at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong, Stratford, al- so were present. Mr. and Mrs. William COle, Mrs. Lew Cole, formerly of Listowel and Howard Cole, Stratford, made a short call on Mr .and Mrs, Bert Allen on Monday evening. Mr. and, Mrs. William Cole operate cottages at Bala and Modera Lake in Parry Sound. Burns WMS Burns Woman's Missionary Soc- iety met last Thursday at the par- sonage and the opening devotions were taken by-the president and Mrs. Lear, followed by the chapter from the study book taken by Mrs. Jean Scott. Mrs. Rae con- ducted the business session. Mrs. John Riley, president of the Woman's Association took ov- er and discussed the details of the coming centennial being held on June 14 and 21 in Burns Church. An auction basket was disposed of, and netted over $20. The Londesboro charge has ex- tended a call to Rev. Funge, in Nova Scotia. Next Sunday, May 10, Christ- ian family services, or Mother's Day will, be observed. and baptis- mal service will be included. NOTICE THAT THE DRUGS Rexall I CENT Sale CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT MORE THAN 300 ITEMS ON SALE TOILETRIES — VITAMINS — SHAVING NEEDS — STATIONERY REMEDIES — SUNDRIES NEWCOMBE ' army PHONE HU 2.9511 CLINTON A quiet atmosphere in pleasant surroundings And a trained competent staff. BALL & HUTCH FUNERAL SERVICE. AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9441 News. .of Auburn, corropondent; MRS. W. BRAD NOCK Phone Auburn 51 r 14 I Congratulations to MR. J. M. A NISTR074 Q.C. Mr. WriiistrThig, bur Assistant General Manager and Trust department Manager, was recently elected President of the Trust Companies Associa- tion of Canada at its annual meeting. Our dingratulations and hest wishes go to Mr. Armstrong on his election to this iniportant post. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Founded In 181/ Head Office ' STRATVOltD ited recently with Mn and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family, Langside Mrs. John Arthur returned home with them after spending several weeks with her daughter, Miss Hilda Smith, superinten- dent of the Clinton Public Hospi- tal will be guest speaker at the May meeting of the Auburn We- men's Institute on May 12, and will speak about the blood; bank, The roll call will be answered with a donation of seeds, bulbs, and plants for the auction. Kenneth Staples was rewarded recently for his honesty with a sum of money, for returning a wallet confining a large amount of rnoney His boat, the Midland Prince, was in port at Soda Point, USA, and Ken strolling d'own,the street noticed the wallet on the street. He took it into the neighbouring store where the own- er happened to know the owner of the wallet and returned it, Ken was pleased with his reward and called his wife long distance to tell of his good luck. Plans are being made for the United Church Sunday School an- niversary to be held on May 17, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., with Dr. H. H Savage, Pontiac, Michigan, as guest speaker. Special music will also be heard with particulars next week. Horticulture Executive The executive of the Auburn Horticultural Society met Monday evening at the home of the pres- ident, Mrs. Bert Chaig. Highlights of the past year were read. These were sent to the Year Book which will be given to the delegate from each society at the district meeting to be held at Goderich on July 8. Several school children in the district are entering the 1959 Poster competition and these will be on display at the June meeting, which will be on the first Tues- day evening in June. This poster will be to advertise a Horticulture function. Other correspondence was dealt with and plans for, the summer planting of the big flower beds were discussed. The Manchester Garden will take on a new look this season and be a beauty spot to see when all the roses and the delphinums, that have been re- cently planted come in bloom. Miss Elma Mutch and some of the other ladies gave the high- lights of the meetings at Goderich and Lucknqw. The program for the June meet- ing will be a guest speaker and Mrs. Gordon R Taylor will be in charge of the muusleal part of the program. The pot-luck lUnch will be arranged by Mrs. 'Clifford Brown, Mrs. James Hembly, and Miss Viola Thompson. The financial report was given by the treasurer, Miss Margaret R. Jackson, and she also gave a report of the many plants that were ordered this spring and have been delivered. She was instruc- ted to write a letter re the il- lumination of the Manchester Garden.