HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-07, Page 9"Eggs Are 80c a Dezen" I. did- n't know this either until April 24 when returning from the Ontario Beef Producers meeting in Tor- onto I stopped at a restaurant near Brampton for supper. While waiting for my order a Man, and I presume his wife, sat in at the next table, While they were talking I overheard the lady say that "eggs are 80 cents a doz- en." Were they turkey, duck or perhaps goose eggs? Certainly when I was going back over my Egg bills for my income tax report it doesn't seem reasonable that she was talking about hen eggs. Yet I feel quite certain that this lady, was speaking of hen eggs. Whenever I have questioned dealers on the necessary mark-up on-eggs they have always told me "A Gas Water Heater saves you money ... gives you more Hot Water in less time'', says, Harold Wise, Clinton Plumber Dealer. that 20 cents should take the eggs from the producer to the sonsum- er and since that is almost two- thirds of what most producers have been getting all winter is would seem to be plenty. From the remarks I have picked up here and there I believe some producers do get more than others even for equal quality, However the high est I have heard of was u- irriurn (and probably this was a maximum) of 38 cents for A large, On this basis the top price for eggs to .the consumer should have been only 58 cents per dozen, Where then does the other 22 cents go? Or does it mean that some producers are getting 60 cents a dozen? Is it the consumer that is being gouged or is it the producer that Who's Gering The txtra.Profits In Moving fogs to Consumer Market? (By J, Carl Hemingway) "You never run out of hot water when you have a Gas Water Heater. It heats water so fast (4 times faster than any other system) that you always have a constant supply of hot water. And it costs you less to buy .6. less to operate." See modern Gas Water Heaters at Wise Plumbing and 314 Heating,' Bayfield Road or UNIOEGAOCog_PANY PLCANAPAIN • 372 Bay,St., Toronto 35 Dunlop K. Barrio Phone 111.1 2-9644 Local Representative IL C. LAWSON Clinton, Ontario ...1.........0110000••••••n ••••••m.41.21.1 9 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 5% interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARS! T. B. BAIRD Phone HU 2-7498 Brucefield, Ontario ... Sayfield. 4•H Dairy Calf Club Has First Meeting • . The Paytield ..4-11 Dairy Calf Club met at the agrictdtnral office boardrooms Clinton, AJII, April XI, Club leader Ted Min; opened the, meeting by introducing president Robert Grigg. The secretary Bar, Mara Yeo read the minutes of the last meeting and 22 answered the. roll. Robert -Grigg introduced guest speaker Dan Rose, summer assis- tant at the agricultural office, who spoke on how to select and care for dairy calves, Henson Community Sale Prices (Hy our Heasall Correspondent) " Butcher steers, up to $25•80; butcher heifers, up to $23.40; but- cher cows, up to 20c; heifer cows, up to $21.80; springing cows, $23(); holstein calves, $12 to $25; Dur- ham calves, $26 to $65. Weanling pigs, 810,50 to $12.50; chunks, $13.50 to $15.50; feeders, $16.50 to $23:50. It's Finally Happened ! JACK THE GIANT KILLER IS IN JAIL FOR MURDERING PRICES ON 30 CARS SOLD IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS. WILL HE, OR WILL HE NOT, BE INDICTED? In The Meantime He Has Told The Boys To Carry On The Price Slashing TRUCKS °36 CHEVROLET iVa-ton truck, positively like new. °47 STUDEBAKER 1-ton, in good shape $250 /49 DODGE 4 Ton dump, 5 speed transmission Only $695 °52 CHEVROLET panel, runs like new. Make us an offer. GMC I/2 -ton pickup, with stock rack $750 "53 GMC (2) I/2 ton pickups item. "55 CHEVROLET lh ton pickup "56 DODGE 2-ton with 12-ft van, like new. Only $1,895 "56 DODGE I/2 ton pickup "57 FORD I/2 ton, wideside, like new $1,595 °58 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, just like new $1,595 CARS "49 AUSTIN Sedan, in nice shape Only $99 .!3—'50 FORD TWO DOORS, all mechanically good $295 ea. °50 DODGE Sedan, only 40,000 miles $295 "50 CHEV. Station Wagon, the only one in cap- tivity Only $595 "50 PONTIAC Sedan, refinished in gold metallic with only 38,000 miles, "50 FORD 2-door, with all-neW tires $395 "50 MERCURY Sedan, radio, excellent trans- portation $195 "50 FORD COACHES (3) at $295 each, "51 CHEV. Coach Only $295 "51 01-1EV, FLEETLINE 4 door, like new Only $495 "51 BUICK ROADMASTER Sedan, equipped with new motor and radio $695 Nine '51 Plymouths, Chevrolets, Pontiacs and Dodges from $295. ''52 CADILLAC Convertible, the pride of the fleet, make us an offer, "52 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery $495 '52 F,„ORD Customline, 2-door, automatic, 'radio.— $495 "52 FORD Customline 2-door, radio and new motor °52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan $495 '52 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, radio, auto- matic driVe, name your own price. '52 DODGE deluxe Sedan, refinished in black, like new ' $695 Six other '52 Chevrolets and Pontiacs. No reasonable offer refused. '53 MONARCH Hardtop, radio, whitewalls, a sharp car $995 '53 CHEVROLET 2-door hardtop equipped with new motor Only $895 '53 BUICK Sedan, radio, automatic, very sharp $995 '53 FORD Coach, new paint, excellent shape $795 '53 CHEV. BEL AIR. Sedan, with powerglide- radio, 2-tone, etc. '53 CHEV 150 Sedan, an economy car Only $595 '54 METEOR RIDEAU Hardtop, automatic, rad- io, rear speaker, very Sharp. '54 PONTIAC Chieftan Sedan, custom built radio $795 '55 PLYMOUTH 2-door hardtop, automatic, rad- io, whitewalls, 2-tone $1,495 '55 OLDS. 88 Sedan, radio, power steering, pow- er brakes, what are we offered? '55 FORD STATION WAGON, Customline model whitewalls $1,695 '55 BUICK SPECIAL hardtop, Dynaflow, radio, custom trim. whitewalls $1,495 '55 METEOR CUSTOMLINE Sedan, radio, the sharpest thing out '55 OLDS. 88, 4-door sedan, radio, whitewalls, very sharp $1,795 '56 CHEV. 210, 4 door Sedan, whitewalls, pos- itively like new Only $1,495 '56 BUICK CENTURY Convertible, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio, Dynaflow $2,295 '56 METEOR RIDEAU Sedan, automatic, cus- tom radio, just like new. '56 CHEVROLET 2-door, 150 series, sharp car $1,695 '56 PONTIAC Station Wagon, Pathfinder De- Luxe Model $1,795 '56 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2-door, smart 2-tone $1,895 '56 OLDSMOBILE. SUPER 88 4-door hardtop, radio, hydramatic drive, whitewalls .. $2,295 '56 BUICK SUPER 4-door hardtop, automatic, power steering & brakes, executive driven $2,295 '56 FORD CROWN VICTORIA, automatic radio, ,whitewalls, sharp $2,295 '56 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF Hardtop, hydra- matic, radio, chrome fender skirts, full lea- ther interior $2,295 '56 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan, can't be 'told from new. New car warranty Only $1,695 '56 BUICK 2-door hardtop, finished in black with red leather upholstery, all the' extras, like new Only $1,995 '5741CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-door, whitewalls, windshield washers $1,895 '57 BUICK 2-door hardtop, equipped with auto- matic drive, whitewalls, wheel discs Only $2,395 '57 PLYMOUTH 2-door, 8-cyl., window wash- ers, a sharp car Only $1,895 '57 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN HARDTOP, V-8 automatic drive, radio, whitewalls '57 BUICK CENTURY 4-door Sedan, full power owned by.,a member of the clergy. '58 CHEVROLET YEOMAN, 4-door Station Wagon Only $2,395 THREE RED HOT SPECIALS: '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA hardtop, equip- / ped with automatic drive, radio, white- walls, 2 tone, new car warranty — $700 OFF List Price '55 BUICK Special Sedan, custom radio, Whitewalls, 2 tone • Only $1395 '55 MERCURY Monterey, 4 door Sedan, automatic, wheel discs — a real sharp cbr Only $1275 JACK IN JAIL!! Victor Corran has joined the Department of Lands and Forests of the Dominion Government, and has left for his post At Elk Lake, ()Mario, For the summer months the church service at.Hohnesville ited church will start at 945 a,m,, beginning Sunday, May 10, o Huron County Farming Report (By D. H. Miles, Agricultural ;Representative for Huron County) Seeding operations are progres;- sing very favourably between sh- owers. Spring grain is up and sh- owing excellent growth, Some ear- ly seeding of turnips has taken place and it is expected that corn and sugar beets will be planted during the week. Some cattle are out on grass, although growth of grass is slow, Barnyard manure is being applied to pasture and corn fields between seeding operations. HARRY WILLIAMS 944€9ea6s PREPARE FOR WINTER, FAR AWAY WHILE BASI<ING `THE MORIN OF MAY HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL MOTOR OIL R.R.2, (LIMO N.?Phamt GASOLINE LUBRICANTS Phone HU 2-6633 • See the Largest Inventory of Used Cars in Huron . County Pearson Motor ZURICH LOT MAIN STREET EXETER LOT CORNER. HIGHWAYS 4 and 81 Zurich JACK PEARSON, PROP. Exeter PONTIAC!, BUICK, VAUXHALL CMG TRUCKS qamos mws-monr) inalT.RSDAY. APRIL'30,.1 5g PAGE .NINE; is being squeezed? Or is it more probably both? I have recently received two ar- ticles published by the Consumers Association complaining that Cali- ernment support prices are caus- ing the consumer to pay too much for his food and therefore the support price should be lowered but in this matter of eggs it does- n't seem to be the producer price that makes eggs dear. I think the consumer would do well to consider Mr. Greer's state- ment in reference to support prices on dairy products. "Even though the floor price goes down, the Government has no assurance that the consumer price will drop." Perhaps farm producers have been negligent of their responsi- bility to the consumer in that they have taken no part in marketing to see to it that the consumer is paying only a fair price for the farmers produce. Certainly there seems to be room for improvement in the marketing of eggs. News of Holmesville CorrespondePt MRS. P1, IVI0011140VWX Phone Iftf 2-7418 Mission Aland The Wilharnine Mission Band of Holmesville United Church met in the school with Marion Liebold in charge, Donald Yeo read the 23rd Psalm. Darlene Haughton had a Peace story and Douglas McCullough read a temperance poem. James McCullough led in prayer. The president, Marilyn Yeo, conducted the business, A game "The Hapy Day Ex press" was enjoyed. Study book chapters were reviewed by the leaders, Mrs. Lloyd Bond and Mrs. William Norman. Thankoffering Guests were present from Var- na United Church, Turner's Chur- ch, Ontario Street Church and Wesley-Willis Church for the Spring Thankoffering services of the WMS of Holmesville United Church. The president, Mrs, C. Tebbutt gave the call to Worship. The Scripture lesson and com- ments were taken by Mrs. C. Teb- butt and Mrs. Elmer Potter led in prayer. The collection was re- ceived by Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Harry Cudmore. A reading was given by Mrs. M. Batkin, Ontario Street Church; a musical number by Mrs. Jack Turner, Turner's; a reading by Mrs. Coleman, Varna; and Mrs. M. Nediger of Wesley-Willis sang a solo. The special speaker, Mrs. J. A. McKim was introduced by Mrs. L: Jervis and she spoke on "Five Oakes." Mrs, F. Mulholland thanked all the special guests for assisting with the meeting. A duet was sung by Mrs. E. Pot- ter and Mrs. L. Jervis. Mrs. W. Yeo was organist for the meeting. Lunch was served to the guests, with 1VIrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. E, J. Tre- wartha and Mrs. F. Mulholland pouring tea and coffee from a table covered with white lineh and decorated with daffodils and green candles. Those serving the guests were Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. J. Yeo, Mrs. K. Trewartha, Mrs, L. Jervis, Mrs. J. Grigg and Mrs. C. Tebbutt. Committees in charge of the meet- ing and tea were Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. F. Mulholland, Mrs. E. J. Trewar- tha, Mrs. E. Potter, Mrs. F. Mc- Cullough, Mrs. J. Yeo and Mrs. H. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty, Will- owdale, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. McCullough, 1111111.4• - COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR PAINTING TENDERS for Painting the Exterior Woodwork of the Huron County Home (1954 addition only) will be received by the undersigned until Friday noon, May 22, 1959. Specification forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned, or from the County Home at Clinton. Tenders are to be in sealed envelopes clearly marked "Tender for Painting" and addressed to the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, SECRETARY, HURON COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH. 18-b • JOY THESE EXTRAS E IN THE WEEKEND TELY WEEKEND Magazine, with articles by Gregory Clark, Andy O'Brien and other4. TV Weekly, with Roii Poulton's Pre- views and program listings for a weeli. 16 Pages of Color Comics. Regular Saturday Thy with extra pages on travel, hobbies, books, religion. WEEKEND: VT • lOt