HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-07, Page 3DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND (4• miles northwest of Zurich) — DANCING 10-1.30 — MUSIC BY: DESJARD!NE ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock'n'Roll, Square Dancing SPECIAL THIS WEEK: THREE SPOT DANCE PRIZES Admission: 75 cents 8-b DAM-04ti. 'Ito& PAO INTO A DAY IN 1 0 r , ISESZ MEET THE ONE THAT -MAKES DRIVING FUN BY STUDEPAKER‘ THE, Here's 141/2 feet of pure pleasure. Parks proudly (and easily!) in the poshest places, has a personality, all its own. Livelier, lovelier, lower in cost—seats 6 in doirifdre —gives marathon mileage on regular gas. Available in V8 or 6.cylinder models. An exciting combination of sense and sophistication. Drive it and'see W. H. DALRYMPLE & SON Brucefield Discover how economical it is to explore Ontario by mailing the coupon below, Literature you will receive includes an up-to,date hat of accommodation that shows you where to stay at the price you want to pay. •:= Mtai FREE: ONTARIO TRAVEL 184 Parliament Bid ge., Tqronto, Ontario Send free literature about Central Ontario and road map Name Address Post Off lea 'FAVEMMOSM.f,M.... The first oil well in. the 11$' River .-0.1tas are so called Was bOilt Titusville, Pa., In cause their triangular shape rep 1$59, sernbles the Greek letter, Delta, "You mean say— lust 3.a.day may send 'backache away!" .Sounds geed! Logical, tool You see The normal job of rho kidneys is to remove excess wastes and acids • Uodds ,-,50 often the cause of backache—from the system, :Dodd's ICiriney Pills stimulate the kidneys this function and so may bring you ' That welcome relief from backache they have mow °there. Try, ug earirlepericl on Dotirfar,-in the blue boa with the red band. 64 IMPORTANT NOTICE re: Clinton Dump In order to comply with regulations as set out by the Huron County Health Unit, several changes have been made at our Municipal Dumping Grounds. We ask the full co-operation of all citizens to obey all signs that are posted to insure a clean respectable dump being maintained. • ALL GARBAGE MUST GO TO FACE OF DUMP An Incinerator will be provided for inflammable garbage. All trucks must be covered en route to and from Dump with tarpaulin to avoid loss of papers or garbage. As this is Town of Clinton property, situated in the Township of Hullett, it will be under the surveillance of both the Clinton Police Department and the Ontario Provincial . Police, Any illegal dumping may result in charges from either or both polite forces. IMPORTANT•---The Dump Will be - Open ariN. Wednesday often/wont el all• day- Saturdayi when Citizens may dump garbage under supervision. This Dump Is Limited To Use Only Of Citizens And o Ratepayers Of Clinton. Pleas CO-opotafe. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE, CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL. SPRING TONIC for your house? See about a low-cost Home Improvement Loan BANIK. OE MONTREAL 4,1404deti Veva. etto4 tijaten btanclir WILLIAM MORLOK, Manager Londeshorough (Sub4,Ageocy): Open Mon. & Thu& WO'RIC1 NO WI H CANADIANS 1t4 EVERY WALK 00 LIVE SINCE 1 81 7 62 2.3 TUVRSDAY. AWOL 30, 1,950 cutiToN mws,Ruconp 1PAO.RI Superintendent of Beck Sanatorium Speaker at Huron TB Annual Meeting POSTAL CLERKS $2550. $3600. Post Office Department Clinton, Ontario Details and 'application forms at Post Offices, National Employment Offices and the Civil Service Commission. Apply before MAY 16th, 1959, to the Civil 'Service Commission, 25 St, Clair Avenue East, TORONTO, Ontario. 0004 Ontario is a land of gay resorts and sparkling lakes. Here you can golf or laic by the blue waters, with, every comfort within easy reach, Friendliness is in :the air and there's a welcome mat alit for everyone. Have fun here yourself this year, Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity, Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister KNOW ONTARIO BETTER "The Christmas Seali campaign rnaised $12,478,95, an increase of 34 , percent over th4 previous Amounts raised by the var- iotm comMunities were; Seaforth, $999.25, up $60; Goderich, $2.203,- 75, up $150; Clinton 4 including ,RCAF, $1,579.20, up $120; Wing- ham. $1,569,75, up $142; Brussels, $834.40, up $279; Zurich,' $374.75, up .$50, and Blyth and Londesboro The average age of the 14 Huron men admitted to the an during ;the past five years Was, and of the 12 women, 56 years. At pres- ent there are three Men and two women 'from Huron in the San. H. A. McDermott, ofi Fordwich, was named president, succeeding H. Glenn Hays, Q,C., of Goderich. Othet officials are: honorary pres- ident, Judge Frank Fingland; hon- orary treasurer, H. C. Lawson, Clinton; first vice-president, J. E- McKinley, Zurich; second vice- president, D. I. Stewart; Seaforth; executive council, E. B. Menzies, Clinton; Elgin Rovveliffe, Hensall; P. D, McConnell, Seaforth; Russell Knight, Brussels; W. B. Cruick- shank, Wingbam; auditors, E. C. Boswell and W. E. Southgate, Sea- forth. The executive secretary is Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth. White tapers in candelabra, with two baskets of pink snapdragons, formed the decorations in Ontario Street United Church on Saturday, May 2, when Mary Pauline Jervis became the bride of .Carl John Powell, both of Clinton. , The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jervis, Albert Street, Clinton, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, Lurnsden, Sask: Given in Marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in traditional white taffeta, with sabrina neck- -line, with alencon lace embroider- ed with seed pearls, and lily point sleeves, the overskirt was of pure white silk organza over pale blue tulle, and her shoulder-length veil of pure silk organza was edged with seed pearls. Her headdress was a band of organza over taf- feta, embroidered with alencon lace and seed pearls and she car- ried a mauve orchid with white orange blossoms and streamers of ivy. Miss Aletha Bertrand, Norwish, was maid 'of honour in gumdrop blne taffeta, styled with, a V-neck- line, matching bltie net overskirt, and matching blue bow headdress. She carried white fans crested with white carnations and lily-of- the-valley over blue tulle. Junior bridesmaid_ was Glenda Lee Mero, Mary Street,. Clinton, dressed identically to the maid of honour. The double ring ceremony was conducted by the Rev:, Grant L. Mills, Albert Street, Clinton. - Lennard Fawcett, North Street, Clinton, was,grOomsman, and ush- ers were Russell Hoffnieyer, iMt- chell and George Ross, Port Elgin, James Corran, RR 2, Clinton, was soloist and sang ,"Because," the "Lord's Prayer" andi "I'll Walk Beside You," accompanied by Miss Lois Grasby, organist of the chur- ch. Decorations for the reception, at the home of the„ bride!s parents, were silver candelabra:i and white tapers, with spring flowers, Mrs. Jervis received in a green embroid- ered satin sheath with White flow- ered hat and black accessories and a yelloW rose corsage. :Mrs. Nor- man Sly assisted in giey printed silk with white accessories and a white carnation corsao. For a wedding trip to Saskatch- WcimOrt Teachers Make Plans For BanquetHere June 3 On Tuesday evening, April 28, members of the Clinton Unit of the VWTA0 assembled in the Clin ton Public School for their regu- lar meeting, The president, Miss Edythe Beacom, was in charge, 11011 call was responded to by each person 'spelling her name back- wards: A nominating committee, consis- ting of Misses W, Gray, L. John- ston and Mrs, B. -Taylor was ap- pointed to bring in a slate of of- ficers for the coming year. Final plans -were made for the South Huron Association banquet which will be held in the Legion Hall, Clinton, on the evening of June 3. At this time the guest speaker will be W, D, Sutton, sup- erintendent of Public Schools for the city of London. The musical part of the program VST4s put on by several winners of the Hullett Township Music Festi- val, and consisted of solos by Lloy and Robert Shaddick, a duet. by a 'Henry. 'Henry. Molyr Sback.liek gave an amusing, reading entitled, "Marco Comes .11te." A .dernonstration on making foam ,rubher, floWers and novelties' was ably given by Mrs„ Lloyd Pipe, LonclesbOro. Lunch 'and a social hour in the lounge brought the evening to a close. ewan and Banff, Alberta, the bride left in a blue fitted suit with white collar and cuffs, a white velvet hat and black leather purse and shoes, Upon their return they will live on Princess Street, Clinton, The groom is a forester with Ontario Hydro. The bride is a graduate of Stratford General Hospital School of Nursing, and is on staff at the Clinton Public Hospital. Prior to the wedding, the bride received many beautiful gifts at recent showers. Mrs, Charles Houghton entertained at a pantry shelf shower on April 15. Mrs, H. Gordon Manning was hostess for a cup and saucer shower. Nursing associates at Clinton Public Hospi- tal, presented ,her a gift at the home of Mrs. C. M. Shearing, Mrs, L, W. Lavis opened her home for a miscellaneous„ shower on Wednesday evening when 40 friends and neighbours were pres- ent. On Thursday evening the graduating class of 1958, at Strat- ford Hospital, gave her a shower at her home. Friday evening Mrs. H. Williams, Holmesville, enter- tained at a kitchen shower. — Feature — See How They Grow with WESTON BREAD Freihnets Guaranteed Clinton . 4i I ,,,,,.,....I :.:5 Competitive Prices RUG Plus Personal STORES Service. Special Values, and. Reminders This Week. Money Saving Values! I.D.A. BRAND BEEF, IRON and WINE REG. $1.00 79c I.D.A. BRAND _ SHAVING CREAM REG, 49c 39c EAST-GLOSS 1 POUND TIN FLOOR WAX REG. 59c 45c, 2 for 89c LUSTRE SHAMPOO -CREME RICHARD EGG SHAMPOO CREME HUDNUT REG. $1.10 89 c i REG. 75c 59c ETIQUET STICK DEODORANT REG, 9Se 19c NORTH -RITE LIQUID LUSTRE or LOTION -CREME BALL "GOLD POINT 'CAP" PEN SHAMPOO 79c SIZE PLUS 45c SIZE REG. $1.00 75c Both For 79c FREE BOTTLE apENER, with ' FAMILY -COLGATE DENT AI CREAM SIZE 89c i . , 1 Mother REMEMBER ill s MOM ON HER DAY Day,inlay 10 Cadbury's Milk Tray Chocolates ,... 85c, $1.60 Compacts $1.50 up Guerlain Perfume $3.00; Cologne $3.00, $5.00 Hair Brushes . 59c, 98c, up Hazel Bishop White Frosting Lipstick 79c Max Factor Hi-Society. Lipstick $1.95 Friendship Garden 'Bath Saks $1.75 Friendship 'Garden Toilet Water $1.25, $2.00 Desert Flower Spray Cologne $3.00 Desert Flower. Toilet Water $2.00 Tweed ColOgne $1.50, $2.00 Tweed Perfume • , '$2.50, $3.25 Boxed Stationery ., 75c, $1.00, $1.50, up - Ladies Billfolds 98c, $2.50, up -...•... • 41. F. Hunter UNIQUE SERVICE ' • ' \ B. PENNEBAKER 2-6626 liRUGGIST , 7, ionameniminosomme, While progress is being made, tatiOn. and Social service work in tuberculosis continues to be the connection with patients and ex_ number one pUblie health menace 'patients of Reck San cost $390. in Canada, Di'', William Sharpe, More than 1,000 persons received superintendent of Beck Sanatori, free X-rays at hospitals in Sea urn told members of the Huron forth, Goderich, Exeter, Wingnam County Tuberculosis Association. and Clinton, at a cost of $3,320, The occasion was theannual meet- ing of the association which fol- lowed dinner in Armstrong's Rest- aurant, Exeter, on Monday even- ing, April 27. The, danger in the disease is the apathy with which it is re- garded by the public, TB kills more people that the total of all other infectious diseases, with the exception of influenza. Although the death rate has decreased, there are almost as many admissions today to sanatoriums as in the past, At the moment, admissions are at the rate of ten •per day in Ontario, Dr, Sharpe said. The speaker placed emphasis on the necessity of continued testing as a means of prevention. Recent trends in planning programs of TB prevention give tnhercular testing an important place, he said. It is clear that if the entire population were given a tubercular skin test, Some 30 percent would show in- fection, although in only five per- cent would the disease become ap- parent. The well-attended meeting heard reports indicating progress` made by the association during the past year. A grant of $5,000 was giv- en Goderich Hospital and rehabili- ,, Pow6II-Jervis Wedding