HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-30, Page 8 HEAVGUARTERS for fishermen -- Trout Season Opens ri - , i... „....", May 1st 1 4:4-0. _. Let us help Wk., get that first day's catch! A Real Buy! • SOLID GLASS SPINNING RODS „,. at $2.95 and $4.95 THE NEW TAMCO SPINNING REEL $19,95 JOHNSON CENTURY REELS $19.95 JOHNSON CITATION REELS„ ..... $25.50 SPINNING RODS from 1.95 to $29.95 TROUT LANDING NETS „,„,. ...... $1.10 to $1,95 CANVAS CREEL, complete with 'Pockets for Accessories $3.60 OLD PAL MINNOW PAILS $3.95 0 0 We have set up some ponels of lures in our store which are actually Clear-Out lteirs: Up to -50c Lures ...... Special 4 for. $1.00 Up” to 75c Lures Special 3 for $1.00 Up to $1,50 Lures Special 3 for $1.50 Spotting Aveli of ..2e4 5f CI:106.70N SEE SPECIALS 1957 PLYMOUTH V8 Suburban Very law mileage. A real family car Only $2175 1956 CHEVROLET Sedan very clean, radio, One owner Only $1550 1952 'DESOTO V8 Sedan Automatic Transmission, Radio, New Tires Only 645 1949 PLYMOUTH Good body and motor, Radio Only 250 Several Other Low Priced Cars To Choose From J & T MURPHY LIMITED CLINTON Phone HU 2-9475 NOW t the sweetest,. surest tuna-up ever with our amazing, new -SCOPE • electronically analyzes troubles that cause missing— stalling—hard starting—low gas mileage. • electronically pinpoints, ignition, defects.— in- stantly shows faulty plugs, points,, rotor cap —other defects. • gives the most accurate tune-up, analysis ever offered anywhere. DRIVE IN NOW — have your car tuned for top perform- ance the modern Anal-O-Scope way. HOUSE CLEANING TIME! .101, MO MI SET 98c Assorted Shades PEDAL PUSHERS BLOUSE Ta MATCH BOY'S SUITS Sizes PLAY3tx 98c BABY'S DRESSES - DIAPER SETS CRAWLERS - ROMPERS - SUNSUITS IMPORTED COTTON PRINTS Sizes 3 to 6 maNugsz mwsunconD PAM EGl rr APB414, 1•9000 Water fountain In Clinton ..Library Park Ruined. bird tot Friday evening (Continued from page One) bill pointed upwards. Water for" ced through the base of the foun- tain came out the open mouth of the bird, back down into the top- most bowl, and from there, fell from the Mouths of ten animal heads mounted around the rim, These animals looked more like mountain rams than anything else, From these spouts, the water fell into the loWer basin, and was drained away. The resulting fountain was quite beautiful, and was an attractive spot for visitors to the town. Scar- cely an hour went 147 on a sunny weekend, but what a group of young people, or tourists would find their way there to have their pictures taken, With the fountain in place for so many years, a number of people passed it every day and even after several days had passed since it collapsed, it is quite understand- able that many of them were not aware that it had fallen, But it will be missed. Six years ago, when council was in the process of trying out the old public school buildings for size --they called it the municipal of- fices then, we made a request for more knowledge about this Sidney H. Smith. A reply came from Montreal, ((we think from Cana- da's first dominion statistician, Robert H, Coats), also a former Clinton Boy. We quote from his letter: "Sidney Smith was one of the biggest cattle dealers in Huron in a day when many farmers "finish- ed" steers for the British market and drove the elephantine animals to town for shipment by rail, This Was long before trucks were in- lb. 29c av, lb. 39c lb. 29c lb. 73C vented and the huge animals could not travel more than I should guess two or three miles an hour, The weight lost in transit from stall to market must have been great, and, combined with the un- fair British slaughter regulations, helped to kill the industry in Can- ada, "Mr. Smith was the biggest deal- er in cattle in more ways than one. He was inches over six feet and With a girth even more than pro- portionate to his height. He lived in Clinton for some years and ev- entually bought ,the former Robert Coats property on the Bayfield road, where he died not long after- ward. "He married Miss Penelope Mc- Hardy, a brilliant pianist and, or- ganist, who taught fnusic in Chu. ton for some years. Unless I am very much mistaken on this point —and I think I am not—it was she who had the fountain erected to her husband's memory some years after his death." This then is the sum-total of whath we know about the fountain in the library park. It cannot be repaired, It'was of, a type of met- al which cannot be welded. Besides this, the wings of the long-necked bird are shattered. The whole thing seems to have been held by four metal rods in the base, which (though a good inch through at the top), had rusted away to a thin point at the bottom. It is possible that for many months, the only thing holding the struc- ture was the waterpipe up through the centre. What will take its place on Library Park? The First Column (Continued from page one) part of its economy . but we fail to see why they should be (as they claim) held back because of the present rules regarding night horse-racing . . We cannot see any reason why night harness rac- ing should be any less legal than day-harness racing . ONE OF CANADA'S FIRSTS; Insulin was discovered by two Ca- nadians . Sir Frederick Hard- ing and Dr, C, H. Best, in Toronto. * WE MUST ALL LEARN TO RE- cognize cancer , and to master our fear of it . . Only 50 years ago tuberculosis was such a hor- rifying word that it was whis- pered, and a consumptive was giv- en up for dead , . , Today, because of research . . the dedication .of our medical men and good public health measures . tubercolosis has dropped way down the list as a killer . . , and cancer has mov- ed into second place . . coming after heart disease . , . The day will dawn when cancer too, will have ceased to be a killer, . . FRASER STIRLING HAS RE- ceived word from Michigan of the safe arrival of the mechanism at- tached to a weather balloon, foUnd on the Stirling farm about 9 a.m. on April 1.2 „ . There was no way of knowing what time the balloon had been let loose on the U.S. side, but it was on the morning of the same day . . The authorities ex- pressed their thanks for the safe return of the mechanism, which was in such good repair that they will be able to use it again „ . OBITUARY Milton 4, Cook The funeral of Milton X. Go* was held from the D. J. Robb fun-. eral home, Sarnia, on Tuesday, April , Service was conducted by the Rev. George H. Young, Pat- erson Memorial Church, Was in Lakeview Cemetery, Sar- nia. Pallbearers were Edward Jardie, Gordon lVlattingley, Robert 'I'. Mil- ler, Herbert Nobel, Walter V. Nicholls ana H. E. Rom/bottom. Husband of Margaret Schoen- hals, 212 Kathleen Ave., Sarnia, he passed away suddenly at the resi- dence of their only child, (Betty) Mrs. Robert Morrow, 535 Lee Street, Woodstock, on Saturday, April 18. Mr, Cook was born at Clinton, and after leaving Collegiate, en- listed in the 161.st (Hurons) Bat- talion, and served in the First World War overseas,- lie entered the Canadian Cot', om Service on July 17, IRA 4114. commenced, his duties at the Fer- rY-dock, but soon after was trans-, ferred to the head office in .ehar,, ge of sales. tax. He was promoted. to Chief Clerk on JOly 1, 3950, the, Position he held at the time of Mr. Cook was a life long mem- ber of Paterson Memorial Church. Besides his wife and daughter. Betty June, he leaves to. mourn. a4 sister, Mrs, William (Vera) 1.V.1.04- (1.ei Windsor; four brothers, Lev, ern L. Cook,, Hamilton; Clinton C. Cook, Brantford; Elmore' C. J. Cook, Sarnra; an Ross Cooks Windsor, II()SPITAL AUXILIARY TO. MEW 9N MAX .6 The regular meeting of Clinton: Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, May 5, in the nurses re-, sidence. at 8 park. S ELECTRIC Phone HU 2-3851 AUTO wE L Clinton MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT Stanley's Red and White Food Market THREE DAYS ONLY — April 30th to May 2nd BANANAS—Firm, Golden Ripe 2 HUNT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE=-20 oz. WHITE SWAN TISSUE 8 r TOMATOES—Libby's Choke . . 28 oz. TOMATO JUICE—Libby's Fancy 48 oz. HEINZ TOMATO SOUP-10 oz. FRESH FRYERS, CHICKENS-3 fo 3 1/2 lbs. average FRESH, Regular or Dressed PICNIC HAMS-5 to 6 lb. FRESH TASTY BOLOGNA---- (by the piece) Libby's DEEP BROWN BEANS-:---20 oz. Fancy Qualify SOCKEYE SALMON-1/2 lb. fins GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—Treesweet — 48 oz. tins BONELESS DINNER HAMS PINEAPPLES—Cuba's No. 1—Size 12's . Thirty More Specials Just Like These - Buy Right — Shop Red and White Good Parking Friendly Service Free, Delivery ...... . 4 for 95c lbs. for 25c 9 for $1.00 oils for 89.c. —3 for 69c 3 for 85c 8 for 89c 5 for $1.00 2 for 89c 3 for 89c HOOVER SWEEPERS and FLOOR POLISHERS "Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON Just Arrived NEW SHIPMENT Summer Merchandise GIRLS' DRESSES Finest Quality — Newest Style $1.98 $2.98 Sizes 3 to 6x Come, take a look at the lighter side of the news in sport coats . up-to-the-minute in styling just right in weight for Wear right now and right through Summer. You'll welcome one of these change-of-pace coats to your casual wardrobe! $19.95 to $37.50 All Sizes — 35 to 44 HERMAN'S Men's Wear HU 2.9351 cLiNtoN 0g3.00444444*4/ M.594 H. F. WETTLAUFER CLINTON none HI.1 2.9792 Guaranteed Color Fast, 690 to 90c per yard. F199. CHOICE N°W 39c yd. &II Li L' S Fic-fc7riarke "The Family Store" THAT COW MUST HAVE STARTED ON MASTER Good producing Owe are those that get off to a good start. Feed your calve -0 Master Calf Starter 'Grower to build large bones, husky frames and big appetites. Start today. NU 2-9641 CLINTON