HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-30, Page 5z TR,SDA,Y, Al?= 3U,, 1959 CL1"NTON rMw$+RECORD F 41 c r,AA Property Wonted EWS*.R#� >VlRQ LOTS WANTED, L. % Winter No charge for nn#►ou tin Pt VArthol Real, Estate, High Street, phone Marx4iLes nand lafh HU 2-6692, agent for Kernohai Articles for sale, . 15 t Memoriam, en�aementa � a ward, irunimu�gi Box No, to this ,,mea't5c additional iy Homes, . sertilit- ons 2c a word, imnimo* W. Real Estaie WANT ADSCASH DISCOUNT: % if Amld by Saturday fol- lowing last inser. $illinag charge of 10c added FRAME HOUSE,, 7 YEARS OLD tion each time bili. is sent. 4 rooms and bath; oil heated "OQ ICK .RESULTS Latest Time for Xwrtlona >z Hoop '94Wedr►esday Picone HU 2-957$• 171 pial HU 2.-34O SUMMER COTTAGE for sale, Flo Sin4'S sated f north of Bayfiel, At. Elliott's rove, Xyhone HU 2 Acm mr. Modatioli Articles For Sole Help Wanted ---+ Female Miscellaneous sos7• 17„p-tfl MODERN FAMILY HOUSE, of For .Rent FRAME HENHOUSE; 12'40', WAITRESS FOR FULL .TIME WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR furnace,' insulated, in good repa5r a 3 rct5cally new, an skid, Poneemployment.Apply an t9 experts, Our work assures your large lawn and garden, bargain fo;or5ROOMApartment, partly furnished, HU 2-9642, 17b Clinton HU 2-7037, 170 .13artliffs Bakery Ltd, 17-b satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery, cash, Post Office Box :394, _Clinton - Huron County's Oldest Establish- 17.1 DRAIN TILE WAITRESSES wanted at Ping- ed Jewellery Store, 17-p rent on UNFURNISHED, 7 room house le , y in person, BRAND NEW, 8 bedroom, winter, rent on Victoria. Street, available RYDALL BRICK &TILE LTD, er S Restaurant, Apply Cali 193 Lucan 17-b: BRING IN your outboard mot ozs eyed cottage, .$ piece bath, anile( now, Phone UU 2-3464, 17-b El infield, Ontario. early for spring check up and g _ well, fenced lot, handy to beach staurant avoid last rrxinute delays. We also in town, $2,000 will handle. laleasc 2 -BEDROOM APARTMENT, un- 49 to48p WOMEN required for re furnished, available May 18, Phonework, days, nights and weekends. service 2 -cycle lawn mowers, DON call Adam. Flowers, Bayfield, 8i U 21 :H-9493, 17_b. TWA STOREY FRAME HOUSE, Cali HU 2-7438 mornings. 14 -tib EPPS MARINE. 15tfb or write Box 41, Lauckner Rea with kitchen attached, in condi- 3-ROOM. APARTMENT, central t}on to be moved and must be re- GIRL LIVING IN OR NEAR Bay- MOTORS AND GENERATORS Estate, 1?l location, three piece bath, furnish. =off property by June 1. Ap- field to come by the day as moth- rewam;d and repaired. l3rusl ' 4L. on Rattenbu tract fully i ply J. J. 1lobertson, RR 5 Gods- er's helper far Tamil of yawn a acitorS, witches, bearings; BUSINESS PROPERTIES; farms , P Y g p and homes. Build a home to suis sulatecl. Phone xHU 2-6665,116 7p rich, 17.8p children for July and . August. small api)lianoes repaired. Used your pocketbook on the . Nu -Was INGER ELECTRIC PO ABLE Write to Dr, W. A, Tilimann, 18 3r reconditioned xriotors for sale, house plan. Leonard. G. Winter, KITCHEN, livingroom, and din- S RT Chalmers Ave., London, Ontario. art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop, -Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan ,5iigroom, and 3 bedrooms, located sewing machine with zig zag, em- 16-7-b Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb Phone HU 26692 .for appointment; 5 miles west of Clinton on Bayfield brolders, monograms, blind hems, LET US REPAIR AND MAKE High Street, Clinton. 49tft Road. Phone HIJ 2-7447. lat8ilb etc., under guarantee, full balance HB! Wanted lulale $36 or take up payments of $6 P your rings and jewellery like new, REAL li�gTATE IS OUR BU81- ,FURNISHED AND HEATED, 3 monthly. Please reply to Box No, Diamond rings renewed and stones WANTED—Bartender, RCAF St- safely NESS, Parnas, residenNIA1, com. room' apartment, all conveniences 171. Clinton News -Record... 17.81) ation Clinton, For further details, y secured --- dont take ehan- �ra., summw. cottaiig�es. For, de. .for couple. Available April, Hi'al ces, Expert work done reasonably 1iU 2.9483. �1_tth SPACE 14EATER, HEATROLA, phone Mr, A. J. Lewis, HU 2-3`111, to your satisfaction, Watch re- pendsible ancaa�pab a service %I large, "'in good condition. Also Local 262, 17-b pairs and Pearl restringing. W. Your PrOPerty witch John Bosvedd, S -ROOM .APARTMENT, private cookstove,-coal or wood with res- MAN TO DRIVE PAPER ROUTE N, Counter, 17.0 Wellesley Street, Goderich. Phox bath, heated and fumish(d, availY ervoir. May be seen at J. D, 1108, Salesmen: C. Buruma, and part-time work in garage. Roy WATERLOO CATTLE.. Clinton; J. McConnell, Sea - able now„ Phone Ralph Cantelon, Thorndike's home any evening af- Mann, Supertest, behind the Post BREEDIIY!i,l ASSOCIATION forth, 2•tfb 1EIU 2-3329.. 1617b 'ter 6 p.m. 17-b Office. 17-0 "Where Better Bulls Are:Used” 3' ROOM COMMERCIAL, apart YOUNG MAN with at least Grade Supply artificial breeding service ments, unfurnished with bath, 'av- Automobiles For Sale XII. education or equivalent to for all bleeds of cattle, If phoning Teachers Wanted ailable May 1. Apply 'Ceriel van work in one of Ontario's leading long distance, supply ask for I)amme, phone HU 2-6685: 17-b 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor. sedan, rural Credit Unions. Opportunity Clinton ZEnith 9-5650 PROTESTANT TEACHER want - fl dd drive, windshield washers, for advancement, Apply stating If it is a local call, use our reg- ed for SS 8 Goderich Township, O'11 whitewall, tires, every good condi- starting salary, qualifications and ular number for next September. Please state ACCon'ltrl'OCldtl tion. Price below average. Ph- references to Clinton Community Clinton HUinter 2-3441 qualifications, former inspector Wanted one LAC David, HU 2-3411., local Credit Union Limited, Box 310, For service or more information, and salary expected. Charles Wall - 226, days only, 17-b Clinton, O'htario. 17-b call between: is, secretary -treasurer, RR 1, Bay - 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days field. 17-8-b MOUSE, FURNACE .. HEATED, adults, Civilians, Box •.No, 163, 1953 ,METEOR in :good shape. $650; 1954 Meteor, 2,000 miles on Clinton News -Record. 16-7-b a rebuilt motor and clutch, white - 2 -BEDROOM unfurrNhed'house or walls, custom radio, windshield .apartment, wanted prior to Junewashers, fender mirrors, Dynatone 15. Appl.•y.Bok 43, -Dublin or phone=, back up lights, $950, Ph - .21r3. 1r,,p_17,'8b one HU 2-3212 after 6.30 p.m. or Sundays, 17-8-p -A rti'CI%e s For Sale 1951 DODGE PANEL TRUCK in good shape, $250, Also Peterbor- TJSED GIRL'S. BICYCLE, Wer- ough cedar strip boat, 16 ft. long lich model, good as new. Phone with windshield, cruise a day gas 'HU 2-9636, 17b tank, life saver cushions. Tarp and MOFFAT DELUXE .4 -BURNER trailer, $550. .Apply weekends to Kenneth Morris, RR 4, Goderich, . Electric Stove. $100 or best offer. Ontario, '16-7-b Austin McCurdy, Bayfield. 16-7b 1952 JOHNSON 10 h.p, •outboard, Board and ,separate 'tank, cexcellen't reond tion, .Room 'HU 249383. 17-b ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE JUB13011TS FOR TYPEWRITERS person, Phone HU 2-9621,' after 6 ' Arid adding fiiachines. $1.00 each. p•m. `16-7-P Clinton -News Record, 8-tfb 'LLOYD'S BABY CARRIAGE in Clothing for Sale ,excellent condition; baby's dawn or porch. swing; playpen, reasonable- 2 SPRING COATS (lady's) just Phone HU 2-9216. 17-b like new, size 14. Reasonable price. Phone HU 2-3270 17b 'LLOYD'S BABY CARRIAGE, very slightly used, ,one year old, price $35; baby scales, "$5• Phone HU 2- '7054. 17=b WILL SELL, SWAP$ on TRADE ,electric range, chesterfield suite for refrigerator Phone HU 2-9079. 16-7.8-13 :SPRING 'SALE PRICE on Me- t-Culloch Chain Saws now in effect. !Buy, now and save. Wells Auto ec ic. . l tr 16�tfb 24" MOP -PAT GAS RANGE, used three months. In excellent' condi- tion, owner now using. electricity. Phone HU 2-9220, 11-tfb USED TV SETS FOR SALE. '24" Hallicrafter console, one year picture tube warranty; 21" Mot, orola; 17" Philips; 17" Westing_ .'house; 14" Admiral Portable. Dial "-IU 2,9320. 17-8-p ZPRING PRICES on Pioneer 'Chain Saws, effective• April and May. Save up. to 1;0%. if purchased ,now. Contact Robert Glen, Clinton, Rhone HU 2-9909. '.1959 GENERAL MOBILE HOME custom model 41'x10', sleeps seven, ;. used two months, furnished, auto- •matic washer, sacrifice. Bill Con- nell, Wingham, phone 32, 17-8b *OSBORN-NATIONAL ELECTRIC ::meat slicer, used. one year; din- ing .room table and six chairs; 'breakfast set, table, chairs and .buffet. Phone HU 2-7584. '17-p SUCH AN IMPORTANT `GIFT as a diamond houl e h should b chosen with ,special care, phone. for an even, Ing appointment. HU'2-9525 or HU 2-7054, Anstett Jewellers, 53tfb AEVERAL_ new patterns in English (gone China Dinnerware, including, i;ovely "Cornflower See it and .others in our window and get our dow prices for fine China; Counter's Jewellery, 17�p .AGAIN THIS YEAR OUTSIDE -white paint at $2,99 per gal. Ph- one your, order in T. A, Dutton Appliances, Brueefield, telephone HU 2-3232, open evenings 'till , 9 'PIA, 17tfb G'ET7'If O M'A991VD? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the Nbws-Record office, Invitations, thank -.you cards, wedding cake 'boxes, place cards, serviettes, Match books, etc, 11-tfb 'T,ED %YI) *"R',5 TV', SALES and fservice, Clinton HU 2-9320, Mill atteet, your Dunibnt-Halliorafter ,dealer, HI-FI, Stereo, Radios, TV, Antonnas. 10 down payment. 134[.5-6-7b 21" RCA TV' complete with anten- na and rotor $250; girl's. bicycle 120; %, bed with spring, $10; te'n't i" Sin er portable $owin til c - fs,, like nw $100. Phortt RU 2- 2212, after 6,80 P.M. or Sundays, f BRAND NEW pink evening dress for sale, worn once, 5 skirts to the dress, size 14. Man's top coat, blue, size 40. Phone HU 2-7067. 17-b Custom Work GARDEN PLOUGHED and' work- ed, lawns rolled. Contact He Young, phone HU 2-9496. 17-8-9p LAWN ROLLING for Clinton C ui on and � district, with 1i/ ton roller. Con- tact Ray Potter HU 2-9997, 17-b TRUCK - OWNERS—Truck letter- ing. and small signs, 35 years ex- perience. Dial I4U 2-9520,15 to 18p FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 Hawkins Hardware. ' 2-tfh ATTENTION FARMERS! Will do farm drainage, Contact Alex Irvine, Seaforth, phone 389J col- lest. 16-7�-8-b LAWN SODDING. Free estimates. Fill, gravel; top soil, manure, de- livered, George A. Baird, Clinton, phone HU 2-3352. 17p TREES -- NOW IS THE TIME to arrange for tree removal; fully insured, Contact J. McFarlane, HU 2-6654, 11 to 20-p SEWAGE DISPOSAL �-- Septic tanks, cess -pools, etc, pumped and cleaned with modern equipment, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 46r6 Brussels. 15 to 300 FURNITURE F4R SALE 17" TV MARCONI Coldspot re - frig,; Westinghouse stove; wash- ing machine; 1952 Chev. Contact G. TL 'Arthur, Mary Street, or phone HU 2,9493, 17p - Employment Wanted WILL MIND CHILDREN in my own home, Phone Hit' 2»9474, 17-8b Farre Equipment ._ For Sale 2 UNIT SURGE MILKER, USED two years; "hiking creat» separa. tor, 800 capacity, used. one year. Contact Charles Rau, RR 2, Zur- ich, phone' 98r8. 16-7-8-p ROBBIE BURNS GARAGE, your J.T. 'Case dealer at Londesboro has a large line of Case tractors and farm implements on hand, Come in and see the 'new Casematic, the at in tractors, 54t new c 1. fb Help Wanted S. WOMEN SOY W M "N and per- aranent employment in new plod. DM plant. Apply Highland Shoes, 96aforth. 17-:$yb LARGE UNITED STATES an Canadian Manufacturing Company requires Field Representative i Stanley Township, Exceptionally high. earnings. Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile. . essential Agricultural or farming background most important. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London Ontario. 16-7-8-9 LARGE UNITED STATES an Canadian manufacturing company requires field representative i Townships of Hullett and Gode- rich. Exceptionally high earnings. Guaranteed repeat business. Auto- mobile essential. Agricultural o farming background most import- ant. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario. 14-5-6-7b Livestock For Sale, 3 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due to freshen May 1, Phone' HU 2-9817. 17-b 8 WEANLING PIGS, 8 weeks old. Kenneth Trewartha; RR 2, Clin- ton, ' HU 2.9293. 17-b 18 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply to Wes and Ross Hoggarth phone HU 2-9878. 17b REGISTERED first and second calf heifers for ,sale,, all vaccinat- ed, Phone HU 2-3396, 170 24 YORKSHIRE CHUNKS; nine suckers. Bill Flynn, HU 2-99953. 17-b "RADE HOLSTEIN COW, 5 yrs. rn credit - 1 due to freshen from a �dherd, blood tested. Contact Ken Williams, Hiahway 8. 17b Lots For Sale Z GOOD BUILDING LOTS, corn- ar of Joseph and North Street, Ideal location. Apply to .Bert Wh= ite, Joseph Street, 17-b .".HOICE LOT for sale on Mary Street; water sewage and gas av- idable; contact Sam McDonald, phone. HU 2-9589. 16p -17b Livestock Wanted )LD HORSE'S WANTED AT 3%* b., and dead cattle at value. If lead, phone at once, GYLBERT IROS. MINK RANCH, phone col• ect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1.483 J I. ITTENTiON FARMMS:I ..Cash ,aid for sick, down and disabled .ows amid horses, Dead stack pick- id up free of ohwge; no is A ac- 'epted under 300 ;lbs: Call collect . Dd. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. �ss�ociated with Darling and Co, rf Canada Ltd. 39-pAfb DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for! lead, old, sick and disabled horses .nd cattle. Old horses for slauglit- r at 5c a pound. For prompt, anitary disposal phone collect, Torman Knapp, Blyth 21x12; if Busy phone Leroy Acheson, At,, M 153, 'William Morse, Brus-, els 15J6. 'T'rucks available at all lines. 11,tfb )ead Stock Services 166HEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, fJ� sir° v OR. DISABLED SA ED i2 S aei COWS � HORSES, Also Ilecad COW$ and Hoses At Cash `value Old Notses hd per poujid Phone Coffeet 133 - BRUSSELS BRUCE HIAR�, . T T 24 Baur Seevice d 0:00 and 8.00 p.m. Sat. evenings For cows noticed imheat on Sun- GODERICH TOWNSHIP School n day morning, do not call until Area Board requires two qualified Monday morning. Protestant teachers. Schools are The quality is high and the cost No 6 Union and No. 3' Holmesville. low,. 53-tfb Please state qualifications, former inspector and salary expected. For TOP PRICES FOR further particulars contact .Frank LIVELIVE POULTRY Yeo, sec.-treas., RR 3, Clinton, On - tario. 14 and 17b Phone 66 Tenders n Tenders will be received by the East Huron Produce undersigned for painting interior of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, Ontario Brussels, until Saturday, May 23, ` 13 to 21-b 1959, For specifications contact Rev. Greene, Brussels, Lowest or Novice ice T OC eeditOrS any tender not necessarily accep- ted, W. James Armstrong, RR All persons having claims ag- 3, Brussels, Ontario. 17-8b ainst Ahe estate of...DORA WALK- Eli, late 6f the' Tf fAll -of.'Clinton; in the County of At&6n, who died Clearing Auction Sale on or about the 26th day of March Of Household Effects 1959, are required to file the same in the Village of Auburn with full particulars with the un- 9 dersigned by the 9th day of May, Saturday, May 2 at 1 p.m. 1959, as after that ':date the as- Estate of late Mrs. Fred Ross. sets of the estate, will be distri- Chesterfield suite; number of buted. tables; bookcase; 2 Axminster DATED at Goderich in the rugs; rocking chairs; dining room County of Huron this. 9th .day of suite; 2 couches; kitchen range; April, 1959. Quebec heater; electric range; re - HAYS and iP}AtEST, frigerator; electric radio; kitchen Goderich, Ontario, table, buffet, 6 chairs; Singer sew - Solicitors for the '.Estate. Ing machine; 4 bedroom suites; 75-16-17-b 'kitchen, utensils; garden tools; el- ectric lamps; curtains, drapes; hall Notice to Creditors mirror; fernery; bedding; linens; In the Estate of ARCHIBALD writing desk; 2 sets of dishes; ALFRED ARMSTRONG,. .late of wardrobe; chest of drawers; .elec- the Township of Stanley, in the tric washing machine; electric ra- County of Huron, Farmer vacuum cleaner and d io• Eureka ac All persons having claims against attachments; linen. Other articles the above estate are required to too numerous to mention. forward full particulars to the Terms --Cash undersigned by the 16th day of Proprietor: Estate of the late May, 1959, after which date the Mrs, Fred Ross assets will be distributed. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer DONNELLY & DONNELLY, E. P. Chesney, Clark 18 The Square, (If the weather is inclement on Goderich, Ontario, the day of sale, the sale will be Solicitors for the Estate, held in the United Church sheds.) 16-7-88-b ' ' Clearing Auction Sale Notice to Credito t"$i Of Farm Stock, Imptements and In The Estate of AGNES F7flN- Household items, at Lot 27, Con - HAM, late of the Town of Clinton cession 3,, Stanley Township, 1% in the County of Huron, widow de- miles west and 1 mile' south of ceased, Clinton Radar School, on ALL persons having claims ag- WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, '1959 ainst the Estate of the above de- AT 1 P.M. (D.S.T.) ceased are required to file the Horses: •3 Clyde work horses. same with the undersigned Solici- Cattle: 3 Durham cows, 5 yrs. for for the said Estate, on or be. old, fresh; 1. Durham cow, 3 yrs. fore the 11th day of May, A.D, old, due in May; 2 Durham cows, 1959, after which date the assets 6 yrs, old, due in May and June; will be distributed amongst the 6 Durham and Hereford steers, parties entitled thereto, having re- 500 to 700 lbs.; 2 Durham heifers, gard only to the claims of which 1 yr, old; 3 young calves. notice shall have been given. Implements: Massey Harris sp- DAT.ED at Clinton, Ontario, this ring tooth cultivator; Masseye;Har- 20th d of April, A.D. 1 rig 12 plate outhrow disc-, Masse. a 959. 6..i3.yNtEiVxiES, Clinton, tint., Harris 7 ft. binder; Tadope-An i Solloltor for the said Est.,ite. derson manure spreader. on rub - 16 -7-8-b ber; McCormick Deering hay load. er; Deering side delivery rape; Pasture For Rent. Deering 6 ft. mower; scuffler; set of sleighs; land roller; set of 58 ACRES of PASTURE for Rent 4 section harrows; new, pump jack; plenty of water and shade, ph" 2 steel tired wagons; 15 ft, rolling one HU 2-9865, 76.17-p hay rack; fanning mill; Renfrew . 11truck scales; root pulper; DeLaval 50 ACRES of grass farm for rent, cream separator; grind stone; sug- outrigInt or will take cattle in by ar kettle; quantity of basswood the head, well supplied with water elm and hemlock lumber; woven and shade, also a quantity of wire `fence stretcher; buggy, cutt. Katandin potatoes, for sale. Con er, 1 set back band team harness; tact John Wbon, All. 1, Clinton, 1 set breeching team harness; 2 16.17 sets single harness; 1 electric ch- icken brooder; 160 ft, of hay mope; fork, and bay f also set of Personal pulleys y , a 4 sling ropes; 2 ton of mixed gr- WRY FEEL OLD? .FeelYears cn; 100 bu. Garry oats; small Younger, Os iex Ionic q1•r na- quantity loose hay; cutting bo • vitalize thousands past 4: Ol la.�d scraper; 2 walking plows; 690, -At.. _.all druggists, 15r6�7- riding plow; 2 farrow walking plow; 2 bunches of cedar shingles; Pet Stock ladder, electric fencer; grass seed scatterer; bag truck; logging ch. Rp:GIS 1'ERED THOROUGIIBI EE ains; forks, shovels, pails, .a quant- ity of scrap metal. and numerous pure bred Dachshund pups, gond .. children's pot nice house Other articles:. fi d0 s, ,. Phone Goderich 1149W, 16.7-1:. Household Effects: 18each cools stove with ,water front and reser. AEGISTERt, D OtR.MAN shdp, voir; 2 rooting chairs; flower st» herd pups. Top quality blood lines, and; 2 bicycles; dithea, palls, etc. Also 18 weanling pigs, Landrace, Tarms: Cash YorkxLatrdrace, Phone Bayfleld No k4gerve as farm has been• sold, 58r41, Don Campbell, RR 8, Bay. Bert Paf!e+', Auctioneer' field, 17.8h +wlifford S beau#, traia� PAGE l XV; M � : s W TH i . Two Shows Ni#hitly- First Show at pin,-�---Wide cre�an Saturday ,Matinee 2,00 p.m. - NOW PLAYING;: April 30 and May 114 'KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS � Reckless men sta�q the greatest roundup over filmed to. I capture a king among horses, George Montgomery -, .Di.a:te Brewster Edgar Buchanan I Monday, ,Taesdoy, Wednesday — May +4, 5, b �M rr , THISHAPPY FEELIN G Light hearted entertainment tq delight those whq love., to laugh � and who doesn't? 1. In Cinetlascope .and Eastman Color Debble Reynolds -- Curt Jurgens -- John Saxon Comin9 "HOUSEBOAT" Cary Grant ,- Sophia Lqren -. Martha Hyer Auoion Sale 1*9 f PARC THEATRE to G0DER. ICH ONTARIO Auction $alp of Buildings For Now Playing: Elizabeth Taylor in PROPERTY or No It 068 '"CAT ON A HOT TIN Two-storey six -room frame house, rr 24'x26' and attached cement block ROOF store 24'x60', frame garage 261140' in Color -- Adult Entertainment X40', fronting on the east side of With Buri lues and Paul Newman Highway No, 4 at the intersection— Y of the road . allowance between MONDAY TUESDAY lots 15 and 16, WEDNESDAY Auction will be held on' the premises on WEDNESDAY, MAY bM"TANCE 6th, ises n E ES GOA , TERMS: Cash, together with . Q�Q certified e f t0 PERSONS cheque or $100 payable IB YEAR5 OF AGE QR AVER to the Provincial Treasurer of ()n- NIWV DORIS DAY tario, as bond (guaranteeing that RICHARD WlDMARK work will be completed according to D.H.O, requirements) at time Gia Scala and Gig Young of sale. Startling comedy aobut a young Sale subject to reserve bid, married couple with adoption pians DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS who become involved, with a case ONTARIO of sex • in the suburbs Clearing Auction Sale `The Tunnel of Lover -Clearing Auction Sale of, Farm Stock, Machinery, and Household Effects at hot 7, Concession 1, Colborne Township, 1Y2 - miles east of Benmiller on Saturday, May 9 at 1 p.m. Cattle: 4 young Holstein cows fresh; 3 Hereford cows, fresh; 2 Jersey cows, due in June; 2 cows, ready for market; 6 heifers, ris- Ing lyr•. old; 8 steers, rising 1 yr. old; 6 steers, 2 yr. old, ready for market; 8 young calves. Machinery: Ferguson tractor; Ferguson plow and cultivator; 24 plate International disc; set har- rows; . 13 disc fertilizer drill; disc plow; born scuffles; 4 bar Massey Harris side rake (like new); drop bead hay loader; 7 ft. New Idea' power mower; New Idea manure spreader (like new); Massey Har- ris 7 ft. binder; fanning mill; Ren- frew. scales (2,000 lbs,); rubber tir- ed wagon; 16 ft, hay rack; set sleighs; hay, cable and rope. Hay and Grain: quantity Rodney oats (500 bus,); mixed hay. Forks, sh- ovels, chains; Hornelite chain saw, Quantity of Household Effects, -- In Cinemascope THURSDAY-- FRIDAY SATURDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY Diane Brewster - Edgar Buchanan Real family type entertainment for everyone who prefers a swift-mov- Ing and appealing outdoor yarn„ "KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS"' COMING: r - ^ _ 116161" 1616 1, The BIG. Academy Award Winnerl! No reserve, farm sold. Terms Cash Jonathan' Fisher, Prop. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney 17-18-h BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve Your Sale Date Now RR No. 3 Phone Clinton Seaforth, Ont. Hunter 2-7534 tfb Your IMP81110f 00CISINS sauW� 1NE RIOTt^�,h'�.,,,5' AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IT! Extra Pants FREE On W. R. Johnston Made -To - Measure Suits ( 3 Ranges) OR 20a DISCOUNT SASE UP TO T25 TEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Pickett C& phe.11 Limited Atro ' Sir Stet ni to w hit's sa Na Phone' HU 9.9132. -Man C-drner—Clinton 18 The Square, (If the weather is inclement on Goderich, Ontario, the day of sale, the sale will be Solicitors for the Estate, held in the United Church sheds.) 16-7-88-b ' ' Clearing Auction Sale Notice to Credito t"$i Of Farm Stock, Imptements and In The Estate of AGNES F7flN- Household items, at Lot 27, Con - HAM, late of the Town of Clinton cession 3,, Stanley Township, 1% in the County of Huron, widow de- miles west and 1 mile' south of ceased, Clinton Radar School, on ALL persons having claims ag- WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, '1959 ainst the Estate of the above de- AT 1 P.M. (D.S.T.) ceased are required to file the Horses: •3 Clyde work horses. same with the undersigned Solici- Cattle: 3 Durham cows, 5 yrs. for for the said Estate, on or be. old, fresh; 1. Durham cow, 3 yrs. fore the 11th day of May, A.D, old, due in May; 2 Durham cows, 1959, after which date the assets 6 yrs, old, due in May and June; will be distributed amongst the 6 Durham and Hereford steers, parties entitled thereto, having re- 500 to 700 lbs.; 2 Durham heifers, gard only to the claims of which 1 yr, old; 3 young calves. notice shall have been given. Implements: Massey Harris sp- DAT.ED at Clinton, Ontario, this ring tooth cultivator; Masseye;Har- 20th d of April, A.D. 1 rig 12 plate outhrow disc-, Masse. a 959. 6..i3.yNtEiVxiES, Clinton, tint., Harris 7 ft. binder; Tadope-An i Solloltor for the said Est.,ite. derson manure spreader. on rub - 16 -7-8-b ber; McCormick Deering hay load. er; Deering side delivery rape; Pasture For Rent. Deering 6 ft. mower; scuffler; set of sleighs; land roller; set of 58 ACRES of PASTURE for Rent 4 section harrows; new, pump jack; plenty of water and shade, ph" 2 steel tired wagons; 15 ft, rolling one HU 2-9865, 76.17-p hay rack; fanning mill; Renfrew . 11truck scales; root pulper; DeLaval 50 ACRES of grass farm for rent, cream separator; grind stone; sug- outrigInt or will take cattle in by ar kettle; quantity of basswood the head, well supplied with water elm and hemlock lumber; woven and shade, also a quantity of wire `fence stretcher; buggy, cutt. Katandin potatoes, for sale. Con er, 1 set back band team harness; tact John Wbon, All. 1, Clinton, 1 set breeching team harness; 2 16.17 sets single harness; 1 electric ch- icken brooder; 160 ft, of hay mope; fork, and bay f also set of Personal pulleys y , a 4 sling ropes; 2 ton of mixed gr- WRY FEEL OLD? .FeelYears cn; 100 bu. Garry oats; small Younger, Os iex Ionic q1•r na- quantity loose hay; cutting bo • vitalize thousands past 4: Ol la.�d scraper; 2 walking plows; 690, -At.. _.all druggists, 15r6�7- riding plow; 2 farrow walking plow; 2 bunches of cedar shingles; Pet Stock ladder, electric fencer; grass seed scatterer; bag truck; logging ch. Rp:GIS 1'ERED THOROUGIIBI EE ains; forks, shovels, pails, .a quant- ity of scrap metal. and numerous pure bred Dachshund pups, gond .. children's pot nice house Other articles:. fi d0 s, ,. Phone Goderich 1149W, 16.7-1:. Household Effects: 18each cools stove with ,water front and reser. AEGISTERt, D OtR.MAN shdp, voir; 2 rooting chairs; flower st» herd pups. Top quality blood lines, and; 2 bicycles; dithea, palls, etc. Also 18 weanling pigs, Landrace, Tarms: Cash YorkxLatrdrace, Phone Bayfleld No k4gerve as farm has been• sold, 58r41, Don Campbell, RR 8, Bay. Bert Paf!e+', Auctioneer' field, 17.8h +wlifford S beau#, traia� PAGE l XV; M � : s W TH i . Two Shows Ni#hitly- First Show at pin,-�---Wide cre�an Saturday ,Matinee 2,00 p.m. - NOW PLAYING;: April 30 and May 114 'KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS � Reckless men sta�q the greatest roundup over filmed to. I capture a king among horses, George Montgomery -, .Di.a:te Brewster Edgar Buchanan I Monday, ,Taesdoy, Wednesday — May +4, 5, b �M rr , THISHAPPY FEELIN G Light hearted entertainment tq delight those whq love., to laugh � and who doesn't? 1. In Cinetlascope .and Eastman Color Debble Reynolds -- Curt Jurgens -- John Saxon Comin9 "HOUSEBOAT" Cary Grant ,- Sophia Lqren -. Martha Hyer Auoion Sale 1*9 f PARC THEATRE to G0DER. ICH ONTARIO Auction $alp of Buildings For Now Playing: Elizabeth Taylor in PROPERTY or No It 068 '"CAT ON A HOT TIN Two-storey six -room frame house, rr 24'x26' and attached cement block ROOF store 24'x60', frame garage 261140' in Color -- Adult Entertainment X40', fronting on the east side of With Buri lues and Paul Newman Highway No, 4 at the intersection— Y of the road . allowance between MONDAY TUESDAY lots 15 and 16, WEDNESDAY Auction will be held on' the premises on WEDNESDAY, MAY bM"TANCE 6th, ises n E ES GOA , TERMS: Cash, together with . Q�Q certified e f t0 PERSONS cheque or $100 payable IB YEAR5 OF AGE QR AVER to the Provincial Treasurer of ()n- NIWV DORIS DAY tario, as bond (guaranteeing that RICHARD WlDMARK work will be completed according to D.H.O, requirements) at time Gia Scala and Gig Young of sale. Startling comedy aobut a young Sale subject to reserve bid, married couple with adoption pians DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS who become involved, with a case ONTARIO of sex • in the suburbs Clearing Auction Sale `The Tunnel of Lover -Clearing Auction Sale of, Farm Stock, Machinery, and Household Effects at hot 7, Concession 1, Colborne Township, 1Y2 - miles east of Benmiller on Saturday, May 9 at 1 p.m. Cattle: 4 young Holstein cows fresh; 3 Hereford cows, fresh; 2 Jersey cows, due in June; 2 cows, ready for market; 6 heifers, ris- Ing lyr•. old; 8 steers, rising 1 yr. old; 6 steers, 2 yr. old, ready for market; 8 young calves. Machinery: Ferguson tractor; Ferguson plow and cultivator; 24 plate International disc; set har- rows; . 13 disc fertilizer drill; disc plow; born scuffles; 4 bar Massey Harris side rake (like new); drop bead hay loader; 7 ft. New Idea' power mower; New Idea manure spreader (like new); Massey Har- ris 7 ft. binder; fanning mill; Ren- frew. scales (2,000 lbs,); rubber tir- ed wagon; 16 ft, hay rack; set sleighs; hay, cable and rope. Hay and Grain: quantity Rodney oats (500 bus,); mixed hay. Forks, sh- ovels, chains; Hornelite chain saw, Quantity of Household Effects, -- In Cinemascope THURSDAY-- FRIDAY SATURDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY Diane Brewster - Edgar Buchanan Real family type entertainment for everyone who prefers a swift-mov- Ing and appealing outdoor yarn„ "KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS"' COMING: r - ^ _ 116161" 1616 1, The BIG. Academy Award Winnerl! No reserve, farm sold. Terms Cash Jonathan' Fisher, Prop. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney 17-18-h BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve Your Sale Date Now RR No. 3 Phone Clinton Seaforth, Ont. Hunter 2-7534 tfb Your IMP81110f 00CISINS sauW� 1NE RIOTt^�,h'�.,,,5' AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IT! Extra Pants FREE On W. R. Johnston Made -To - Measure Suits ( 3 Ranges) OR 20a DISCOUNT SASE UP TO T25 TEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Pickett C& phe.11 Limited Atro ' Sir Stet ni to w hit's sa Na Phone' HU 9.9132. -Man C-drner—Clinton PAGE l XV; M � : s W TH i . Two Shows Ni#hitly- First Show at pin,-�---Wide cre�an Saturday ,Matinee 2,00 p.m. - NOW PLAYING;: April 30 and May 114 'KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS � Reckless men sta�q the greatest roundup over filmed to. I capture a king among horses, George Montgomery -, .Di.a:te Brewster Edgar Buchanan I Monday, ,Taesdoy, Wednesday — May +4, 5, b �M rr , THISHAPPY FEELIN G Light hearted entertainment tq delight those whq love., to laugh � and who doesn't? 1. In Cinetlascope .and Eastman Color Debble Reynolds -- Curt Jurgens -- John Saxon Comin9 "HOUSEBOAT" Cary Grant ,- Sophia Lqren -. Martha Hyer Auoion Sale 1*9 f PARC THEATRE to G0DER. ICH ONTARIO Auction $alp of Buildings For Now Playing: Elizabeth Taylor in PROPERTY or No It 068 '"CAT ON A HOT TIN Two-storey six -room frame house, rr 24'x26' and attached cement block ROOF store 24'x60', frame garage 261140' in Color -- Adult Entertainment X40', fronting on the east side of With Buri lues and Paul Newman Highway No, 4 at the intersection— Y of the road . allowance between MONDAY TUESDAY lots 15 and 16, WEDNESDAY Auction will be held on' the premises on WEDNESDAY, MAY bM"TANCE 6th, ises n E ES GOA , TERMS: Cash, together with . Q�Q certified e f t0 PERSONS cheque or $100 payable IB YEAR5 OF AGE QR AVER to the Provincial Treasurer of ()n- NIWV DORIS DAY tario, as bond (guaranteeing that RICHARD WlDMARK work will be completed according to D.H.O, requirements) at time Gia Scala and Gig Young of sale. Startling comedy aobut a young Sale subject to reserve bid, married couple with adoption pians DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS who become involved, with a case ONTARIO of sex • in the suburbs Clearing Auction Sale `The Tunnel of Lover -Clearing Auction Sale of, Farm Stock, Machinery, and Household Effects at hot 7, Concession 1, Colborne Township, 1Y2 - miles east of Benmiller on Saturday, May 9 at 1 p.m. Cattle: 4 young Holstein cows fresh; 3 Hereford cows, fresh; 2 Jersey cows, due in June; 2 cows, ready for market; 6 heifers, ris- Ing lyr•. old; 8 steers, rising 1 yr. old; 6 steers, 2 yr. old, ready for market; 8 young calves. Machinery: Ferguson tractor; Ferguson plow and cultivator; 24 plate International disc; set har- rows; . 13 disc fertilizer drill; disc plow; born scuffles; 4 bar Massey Harris side rake (like new); drop bead hay loader; 7 ft. New Idea' power mower; New Idea manure spreader (like new); Massey Har- ris 7 ft. binder; fanning mill; Ren- frew. scales (2,000 lbs,); rubber tir- ed wagon; 16 ft, hay rack; set sleighs; hay, cable and rope. Hay and Grain: quantity Rodney oats (500 bus,); mixed hay. Forks, sh- ovels, chains; Hornelite chain saw, Quantity of Household Effects, -- In Cinemascope THURSDAY-- FRIDAY SATURDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY Diane Brewster - Edgar Buchanan Real family type entertainment for everyone who prefers a swift-mov- Ing and appealing outdoor yarn„ "KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS"' COMING: r - ^ _ 116161" 1616 1, The BIG. Academy Award Winnerl! No reserve, farm sold. Terms Cash Jonathan' Fisher, Prop. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney 17-18-h BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve Your Sale Date Now RR No. 3 Phone Clinton Seaforth, Ont. Hunter 2-7534 tfb Your IMP81110f 00CISINS sauW� 1NE RIOTt^�,h'�.,,,5' AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IT! Extra Pants FREE On W. R. Johnston Made -To - Measure Suits ( 3 Ranges) OR 20a DISCOUNT SASE UP TO T25 TEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Pickett C& phe.11 Limited Atro ' Sir Stet ni to w hit's sa Na Phone' HU 9.9132. -Man C-drner—Clinton