HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-16, Page 11TINT BASES AND TUBES 500 Flat Tint Base, QUART Reg. Price $Lt27 GALLON 0 $8.10 Sale Price $1.80 $6.08 1 FLAT THIX-220-i24 inclusive VA GAL GALLON Reg. Price - $2.60 $8.00 Sale Price „„„ $1,96 $623 SEMI-GLOSS THU( - V4 GAL, GALLON Reg, Price . Sale Price $2.14 $6,79 THIX GLOSS ENAMEL (White Only) V GAL. GALLON Reg. Price $3.00 $10.40 Sale Price $2.25 $ 7.80 No. 450 Special ONLY $3 10 gal. (Tubes Can Be Used ,For Coloring), STEP LADDERS, 5 ff. Re $5 50 Sale Price $4,15 PLASTIC PAILS S ale Price 99c Reg $1:49 •-• CONCRETE n CONTRACTOR ; e„7 Wishes- to announce that he has pUrchased the Contracting and , faccavating Business of the, late Ken McKenzie, Cliinton, and will combine this with his concrete contracting business, We are carrying on the excavating business . . including; asphalt paving, driveways. etc,; septic tank installation; drains; landscaping; lawn rolling, . etc.. • • - REKRY,.. YOUNG Phone Ht1`2.9496 Clinton • nevi one discovery! a new wave reult - TT You'll feel something new—with Tours HIDDEN BODY in your hair. Yon caning-tip en-di styles--they stay up. Smooth down sleek styles--your „hair never drool*. Super, Regular or. Gentle — $2.00. , A rmouncement Mrs..'Jessie McKenzie .wishes to -announce that she has diSocled. of the Excavating. and. Contracting business of her late husband,. Icon McKenzie., ,to Henry Young, Cement Contractor, hope all of our former customers will contact Mr. Young,for their needs, in this type of work, Mrs Jessie McKenzie For the finest black and white and colour photo finishing SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED f• 0$0 o,4M7n -DEALER • NEWCOMBE Pharmacy PHONE HU 2.9511 CLINTON EALTHIER CALVES AND YOU SAVE THAT MILK SHIP THAT MILK PROFIT MORE . . „14,,.,;111„,it,„„i1+ • 11SPAY, APRIT4 16, TM cx.wroN =v -Ammo EVEN ' A Fencer Batteries Posture time willche here before you think! Be sure your electric fencer .4-ready to go with fresh.'new battery. For DRY LITTER in your Brooder Pen, use PEAT MOSS 2 BA" 41;ES $3.00 & $5 00 WHAT PRICE CONTRACT FARMING s r If you are interested in helping the family form hold Purina FeediOg Contract We can heipPyou farm more `Iirofitabili, instead of been, lust a hired mon: Call in at Tr, HU 2-9613 tnto n. its awn, you'll be, interested in a • and Machur Shop • iic i9 0,,,Noson, rop ,' :r.1;-re CLINTON rd rt. •Fl lyfrs.;Charles Scott is convalesc- ing at a friend's home in. Lucia-low, Mrs. Rolston, Wingham, visited last 'Saturday.AfternOon. with WirA, John Graham, Mrs, William T. Robison return- ed last weekend after enjoying.a vacation held in Virginia, Mrs: William Goddard has se- cured a positiOn. with - Seaforth Shoe and Co., of .Seaforth, Mrs. Gordon Clianmey returned home after being a patient in God- erich Hospital fair ten idays. William,Andrews is in' Clinton Public Hospital, for observation, following severe relapse of the flu. Miss • Sadie Carter and Miss Margaret R. Jackson; spent. last Wednesday with the former's sis- 'ter,, Mrs: Nelson Hill' and Sheriff Hill, 'Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock were guests of the Women's In- stitute at the opening of the new Kintail Community - Centre last Friday evening. The leaders. of the- Auburn 44,-1 garden, Club 1, Mrs. Keith Meehan and Mrs. Ed. Davies, attended in- struction classes at Clinton last Friday, and were guests of the De• Partment of Agriculture at a tur• hey banquet at noon, Congratulations are extended to Miss Jannett , Poi* in obtaining the first prize for writing among the grade d's of Colborne Town- ship. The competition was held reeently in connection with the How Fair sponsored, by the Tig- er PunloP Women's Institute. School Social "" Wilmer Erringtoh ancr the pup- Hs of SS 9, Hullett, held a prog- ressive euchre party in the school. Prize winners were,. high, lady, Mrs. Leonard ArchaMbatilt, low, lady (playing as) Stanley Ball; high man, Wilfred Sanclerseih low man, Jim Schneider, The highest total points during the season was won by Mrs, L. AVeliambault and the ,prize for the nearest birthday Was won by Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell. During F'the lunch hour the children sang,their music fes- tival selections which 'Will be sung at the Londesboro FeStival, Wallterburn Club The Walkerburri Club held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Geor- ge Schneider with 18 members present and 12 children, and the, hostess, was in charge of the pro- gram. Prayer was.bylMrs, Leon- ard Archambault. The minutes were read by the *secretary Mrs. Ted Hunking, and approved at read. . The draw was won by Mrs, James Jacksen;'and the next meet- ing will be held' at the home of Mrs. Joseph hVerewey. The pro- gram -was in' the' charge of Mrs. 'Nob/law —McDougall and Mrs. Leonard Archarnbault. . An interesting contest was the Making of Easter Bonnets out of paper and small gadgets, in ten minutes. ,TheSe proved very- at- tractive, . Lunch was served by Mrs. Ted Hunking, Mrs. Joseph Hunking, Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell The April meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Lorne Hunking and Mrs. Guy Cunningham, with the lunch committee being Mrs, Elliott Lapp, Mrs. James McDougall, Mrs. John Snyders and Mrs• " George Schneider. Minister Inducted Rev, Ronald M. Sweeney preach- ed his first sermon to a large con- gregation rlaat Sunday morning. The Induction Service was held at the Westfield United Church last Thiirsday evening. Rev. Keith McLagan, Blyth, led the devo- tions. The. male choir sang and fed in the congregational singing. William L. Craig, pastoral re- lations convener, tonclUcted' the Rev. SWeeney to the front for induction arid answered the quest- ions for the congregations. Rev. Eustace, Goderich, also took part in the service. Mr. L. Craig presided for a short program in the Sunday school room of the church. The Westfield quartette sang "Ken-. tucky Babe", words of welcome Marvin McDowell; mouth-organ selection, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor; trio by Donnybrook girls. Hilliard Jefferson and Maurice Bean also welcomed the new min- ister, his wife and children, David and Catherine, who came• last Week from Sainte Croix, New Brunswick, Bert Thompson than- ked the Westfield congregation for their lunch. Rev, Sweeney thanked all for their friendliness and closed with prayer. BRUCEFIELD . Several .of the Women of the village and distriet attended the thankoffering services in.. Wesley- Willis United Church last Week pannd,r(?inercil41A.,S4t.r;itt Church. Wig The Brucefield Woman's Mis- sionary Society met on April 14, and quiet runale '•vas played by Miss Margarpt"Me9tteen followed by the worship period led by Mrs, No ma Walker, Mrs. -Lorne SOP. • thetheine,Was "ester", Pres- ident Mrs, William Scott took the chair for the'_ ;business session. Mrs.. R. Scott gave the-Seeretary's_ rep0V and' roll callwas-' answered by an Eas'te'r Message, A treasurer's report, was given by' Mrs f R Wilson,-Thank you cards Were -,read .from Mrs. F. Btirdge,. Mrs. C. . -,-Mrs, S.1134).rd and the family ;of the late. , Broadfoot. Mrs. L.,- Eyre 'gavel Short item on Stewardship. Mrs. Jean Cairns and Mrs. Ross $Cott, gave excellent reports pu the presbyterial meeting at Code,. rich, Mrs. W. Moffatt offered, Prayer in -behalf of the '"mission- ary for prayer", Miss Greenhar- ches,T4 The study book was taken by Mrs, E, Thompson and Mrs. Geo- rge Clifton on the topic "Alaska". They gave interesting talks on life in Alaska with the church and the difficulties encountered in the work. beis presented their • lent, en pennies, and the meeting clos- ed with, the Myzpah benediction. Thatikoffering The Easter • Thankoffering of Brucefield WMS was held on Sun- day evening, April 12, with Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs. E. Allan con- ducting "the' worship service. A quartet composed' of Mrs. E. Wil- son, Mrs: B. Richardson, Mrs. P. MacBeath and Mrs. D. McGreg- or . sang. The speaker was Mrs. Britton, Northside United Church, Seaforth and her talk, "The after- glow of Easter" was very Inspir- ing and helpful. There Will Be DANCING Every Friday Night At The. Old Forge a Bayfteld 0"1 10.004.- 1.30 Music By Grant Edighoffer '-'And His Melody Masters With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION: 75 Cen'ts DINE and DANCE 501 Semi-Gloss QUART GALLON Reg. Price $2.60 $8.90 Sale Price $195 $6.68 PROMOTION SPECIALS No, 430 Special Semi-Glass'On I ikL a.70 gal. 'OLD TIME BAMBOO FISHING POLES ..... '„,. Only 49c- 20% OFF ON ALL ALUMINUM AND STAINLESS STEEL WARE 25% OFF .on all TOYS • — All Sales Cosh -and No Refunds See Our Extra Special Island for Other Sale Specials News a Auburn r:Oorsponcisin; anAkoseot Phone Auburn s1 4 HUGH R. HAWKINS Hawkins Hardware Vittoria street HAROLD WISE Wise Plumbing & Heating Bayfteld Road LARRY GEMUS Huron Gas Equipment Company Huron Street E. J. REYNOLDS Clinton Plumbing & Heating Maple Street 'Modern automatic gas water heaters give you a low cost constant and abundant supply of hot water." Installation after installation has proven that a Gas Water Heater gives you hot water 4 to 5 times faster than any other all-automatic system. Only gas is So fast that you can do a laundry, a whole day's dishes, bath the youngsters and stilt have a piping hot tankful of water, That's because a Gas Water Heater gives you more hot water in less time automatically! Best of all, a Gas Water Heater Costs you, less to buy . less to operate . less to maintain. See the Complete line of modern, automatic Gas Water Heaters now at your plumber dealer. He'll show you why a Gas Water Heater is the fastest, most economical way to maintain a constant supply of hot water in your home, COM PA CLIN Tt IN NY Or CANADA /LIMITED In other words, YOU CAN . . . "have your take and eat it too” , . . for you can feed that calf better and ship the milk. It adds to more profit out of your dairying operation . , and that's what matters! HOW DO YOU DO IT! . . . THAT'S EASY AND INEXPENSIVE . . SHUR-GAIN Milk . Replacer Thousands of Canadian dairymen have learned during the past few months that there is a better way to raise calves Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2 3815 Clinton SO CAN YOU