HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-16, Page 9O CARRY IT FARTHER, FASTER, FOR LESS COST! Sleek, passenger-car styling, plus a great 93 cubic feet of carrying space, put your Chevy Sedan Delivery right at the head of the profit-making class. Get the facts on this job now! • •.• • • •:444••:•:•:•:....• • :•:"Mif.5:,?42•WW: • • • • ........ • ' • • • e j1,:ra GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 5% interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARS! STERLING TRUSTS 37i Bay St., Toronto Moire 4-7495 (Mr. Lovatt) 35 Dunlop St.. Barrie PArkway 8-5181 (Mr. Aiwa) Ileleeellelelleeeeleetett ergeereee+10-0-4-.1-ereeteeleteefeerleeriee+e-eeee. FARMERS We Are _SNOOK Cattle Avery buddy tor iunikd 0o-operative Olatittio and aollelt your patronage. We will pick diem up at Put Porn. Plea*, PftWE .not later tinin Elaturday Hight*, Seafortit Farmers Co,operative H, S, Hunt, Shipper Phone '773 4301 BE READY BRING IN YOUR TRACTOR NOW • FOR A SPRING CHECKUP W. B. *ALPINE VICTORIA STREET PHONE HU 24331 Imperial Esse Service Norge Appliances Motorola TV oprommomowomor TEACHER REQUIRED FOR RURAL, SCHOOL U.S.S. No. 9, HAY and STANLEY, IN HURON COUNTY Duties to start September, 1959. Boarding accommodations close by. Salary according to qualifications and experience, Applicants to state qualifications, experience and religion. Will accept personal interviews. Apply to: LEROY ERB, * Secretary-Treasurer, R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont. 14-5-b em emit q • g Freel Marie Fraser's new milk recipes, /Write-todaY1 'ettitopotd. DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto CHEVROLET See your authorized Chevrolet Dealer CT4S9C *rite Brown Motors unite Phone MI i093021 CLINTON, ONT. Save Feed Dollars-- wNl IIR Buy In Bulk A CALL TO US CAN BRING YOU YOUR FEEDS IN A BULK TRUCK AND • LOWER FEED COSTS 40 FASTER SERVICE • CONVENIENT HANDLING • COMPLETE FRESHNESS SHUR-GAIN FEEDS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS 70 YOU --FOR BULK SERVICE OF SHUR-GAIN FEEDS -FOR ALL YOUR FEEDING NEEDS-- CALL Canada Packers Limited Clinton HU 2-3815 1II, C. LAWSON Local Representative Phone HU 2-9644 Clinton, Ontario I "IMMO" APRIL 1.6, 109 =Trot MWS,RVCORD The Spacious fieetside Pickup 50% Bigger is Load Space Than Conventional Models. Passenger-Car Styled Sods Delivery Powered By The Economical Thriftmaster 6. Chevrolet Step-Vans and Panel Bodies Feature Convenient Witiapening Rear boom yo,,m+4,00,,,,zoommx4.m.t.g.r.0 ION During the past week three Ineetinee were held in the county 111 order to provide information to the Poultry Producers on what :had happened Since last. year's an- nual meeting, and to try to find 'out what the Poultry Producers Wanted, if anything, from their or- xmaization. The 1956 census tells its that there were 3,363 poultry PrOelue- 'ere in the County at that time. 'he total attendance' at the three meetings was 32. Rather small, we think, It was suggested that these meetings were not properly ;advertised, Fair sized advertise- meets appeared in 11 weekly pap- -ere plus some announcements over radio, Along'with this, 1,500 hand- 'out notices were distributed to :about a dozen egg-grading state ions to be given out to their Pat- ' sons. True we ;might have tried the Ed. Sullivan show but finances wouldn't permit. Those attending the Wingham meeting seemed • to think that there was a real •danger of egg production following the same un- fortunate path of the broiler pro, auction, Something in the way of producer marketing must be de- veloped to guarantee a market ev- en though a profitable price might not be possible at all times, Av- erage number of. layers per pro- ducer attending, 1,225, At Exeter there was no fear of the egg production following verti, eel integration and even at that the broiler growers were doing reasonably well. A resolution at this meeting was approved: Resole ved that an organization of 'Huron County Poultry Producers financed by voluntary membership dues, be formed for the purpose of assisting the industry wherever possible, From the discussion I got the lin, pression that sale of •eggs could be Promoted but no action would be taken in actual marketing, Layers Per producer attending 3,260. At Clinton the meeting also aproved the above reeolution. Lay- ers per producer 1,880, Kippen Farmer Heads, Hen.saii Cooperative Alex McGregor, Kippen, has been named president of the board of directors of District Farmers .Co-operatiefe Inc., to She-. geed ReeSell Grainger, RR 2, :Zen', ich. This -441r; MeGregeee final year in the directorate, since six years is the maximum allowed. 0 Heinsall Community. SOP o.P - • rc es .0`r Hosali correspondent.) P 1 ,'Butcher steers up, to $25.20; but- cher heifers up to $22.90; butcher cows 183-light cows up to $20; springer cows, $230; Holstein cal- ves, $10 to $18; Durham calve% $25 to $54; weanling pigs, $9 to $11; chunks, $12 to $14; feeders, $15 to $22; sows. up to $$6, 700 pigs and nno- cattle and cal- yes were sold. The Fourth Annual Friendship Night, sponsored by Clinton Lod, ge LO.Q.F. No. 88, was held in the Christian Education Hall of Ontario Street United Church on Saturday evening, April 11, with about 300 in attendance, The sp- ecial planning committee, of which Benson Sutter is chairman, was in charge. Special guests included: Mrs, Gladys Chambers, Clinton, D.D.P. of Huron District, and her hus- band, and Mrs. Florence Kerpat- rick, Ripley, D.D.P. of Kincardine lay Qordon Hill) trade regulations which permit the "tail end" ,of United States crops to be "dumped". on our market just prior to harvests,' This had happened with alarming regular- ity, The United States population is ten times es large as Canada's therefore the trade edge should. be in-our favour rather than against us. " Mr. Hill said, Finance Minister Fleming is to be complimented for his courage in increasing Corpora. ti:onbleT:es by even a modest amount, this indicates that he is aware of the real nature of our p "The paradox, poverty in the midst of plenty, causes real con- cern," stated Mr. Hill.. "An estima- ted 7 percent increase will bring the total value of goods and ser- vices produced to an all time high of $34,500,000 At the same time we have the highest unemployment rate in the world. Grose farm in- come for 1958 is alinosi- as high as the all time record established in -1952 at the same time net re- turns to the farmer are so low that many are forced to take off- the-farm jobs in order to ta ke ing Mr. Hill stated, until such time as government policy provides a budget which will return proSper- ity to the farmers of Canada the whole economy is in danger of collapse. the "Building of Odd Fellowship" was presented by members of the St. Clair district, ending with C.G.M. Jay singing very effect- ively "Bless This House". Mr. Dawson brought the greet- ings of the Grand Lodge of Ont- ario and also introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Mc- Neil. In his remarks, Mr. McNeil mentioned several ideals that are being worked out in Oddfellow- ship. He mentioned the Odd Fel- lows Home in Barrie, the United Nations Youth Pilgrimage, and strongly challenged every mem- ber to make Odd Fellowship one of the leading forces in the world for Peace and Brotherly Love, Mrs. Patterson brought the greet- ings of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Solos were sung by Mrs. McKnight and Mr, Jay, with hammorid organ accompaniment by Glen Hathaway, Mooretown, whose playing throughout the ev ening was greatly enjoyed. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs from Waterloo, under the able direction of W. 0. Jeffery, rounded out the evening's programme with a splendid drill showing some of the floor work of both branches of the order, Appreciation was expressed to those taking part by E. a Gib- son and J. E. Cook. Rev. Mr. Mills opened the meeting with prayer, and closed with the Ben- ediction, Later the lunch committee, with Harold Tyndall as convener, ser- ved refreshments and an enjoy- able hour was spent, MIDDLETON (By Mrs. S. Middleton) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton returned home on Sunday after a month's vacation in Florida. They report ideal weather condi- tions there, especially during the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mid- dleton made their headquarters in Florida. They encountered various frien- ds down there including Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salkeld, Lucknow, and Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Hayfield. Mr, and Mrs. Middleton visited also with the Rev, and Mrs. War- ren Outerbridge and Peter, at South reach, Englewood, Mr. Outerbridge a former Hayfield rec- tor is very busy at present with arebbitious church building pro- jects and was very interested in hearing news from his former par- ish. St. James WA The Women's Association of St, James' Church, Middleton, met Wednesday afternoon, April 8,. at the home of Mrs. Keith Miller, with 12 ladies present, The president, Mrs. Milton Steepe, opened the meeting. Mrs. Ray Wise gave the prayer part- ner's special prayer. Mrs. Charles Cooper read the Scriptuure lesson from St, Luke 24: 1-10. The sec- retary Mrs. Keith lVfiller read the minutes and roll call was answer- ed by a behlual verse containing the word joyful, The afternoon was spent quilt- ing a crib quilt owned by Mrs, Donald Middleton, As the annual Diocesian meet- ings of the Women's Association will be held in St, Paul's Cathed. ral, London, from April 21-23 in- elusive, The president urged as many members to attend as pos- sible. Mrs, Prod Middleton was appointed the St James' delegate (hi absentia) to this convention. .Mrs, Cordon Rathwell gave a very splendid reading entitled "Spring". Mrs. John Grigg is plan. :ring otr having the May meeting in the form of an evening meeting with the sale of plants possibly at that time, - Mrs, pert, Rowden has kindly invited the t. James' WA to her now home for the ,11,1119 meeting, The rector the 11ev. Ft J. B. Harrison closed the meeting with p erve raye d r, a after lovely lunch . which The hostess s Only 30 Poultry Men at Meeting groups Endorse Idea of Organizing (By 4, Carl MullingWay) Hill Charges USA. wins Market, Praises &Wog's: Corporation, Taxes O TAKE A LOAD... A BIGGER LOAD... With 50% 'extra load space for extra PROFIT dollars, Chevrolet Pleetsides outperform'all other pickups. Find out how a Chevy Truck can profit your business. There has never been a truck so eager for extra work. O UNLOAD IT QUICKER.. SPEND LESS TIME AND MONEY ON MAINTENANCE! Chevrolet brings you the low-cost answer to your toughest deliveirproblems. Spacious Step-Vans and Panels feature wide-opening doors to save you time in loading and 'unload- ing. And like all Chevrolets, these handy delivery models are easy to service, cost you less to maintain. Look into Chevrolet today. t .'Fruit and vegetable tariffs as. announced in the Budget Speech, though long past due are a step in the right direction, said -Gordon 1111, president Ontario Farmers' Union, Mr. Hill charged that Canadian markets have been demoralized by United States dumping .for' yeers. In the past year berry, lettueee ap- plp ,celery, potato, carrot as as other markets have been smashed by imports, Ontario Farmers' Union has continually encouraged more realistic tariffs until such time as an effective de- ficiency payment program is ex- tended to all agrieultural products. Mr. Hill said, Canadian growers have become discouraged through Friendship Night Staged by Oddfellows Brings Many of Lodge Together-Here- The simple mechanics of trucking profits ! Gordon Bilodeau, Stratford, Grand Herald of the LO,O.F, of Ontario, and Mrs. Bilodeau, .of G. McNeil, Toronto, Deputy Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. of Ontario, and Mrs. McNeil intro- duced by Barrett. Taylor. J. Herbert Dawson, Windsor, Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. of Ontario, introduced by John A. Sutter. Rev. Grant Mills of Ontario St. United Church, and Mrs. John McKnight, guest soloist, were in- troduced by Harold Tyndall, and J. He Cook, Noble Grand of Clin- ton Lodge was introduced by Har- ry Weymouth. Grand Master Dawson also introduced his son, Walter, his Mughter, Anne, and his mother-in-law , Mrs. Walter Hera, Goderich. A very_fine tableau depicting District, introduced by Mrs. Don- na Tyndall, C.G.M. Jay, Corunna, le,D.G,M. of St Clair District, Ray Craw- ford, Brussels, D,D.G,111, of Wing- ham District, John Wilson, Gorier- ech, D.D.G,M. of Huron District, and Mrs, Wilson, and Chester Br- own, Corunna, D.D.GP. of St. Clair District, introduced by Geo- rge Jefire Mrs. Leve,a Guy, Sarnia, Past President of the Rebekah Assem- bly of Ontario, Mrs. Martha Pat- terson, W. 0. Jeffery, Kitchener, Past Grand, Master of the I.0.0,F. of Ontario, and Mrs. Jeffery, in- troduced by Mrs. Mary Nediger.