HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-16, Page 8,WE WILL BE SELLING THE FOLLOWING No. 1 SEEDS ALFALFA, Einar Brand, Ranger and Vernal ALSIKE . RED CLOVER YELLOW Blossom Sweet Clover WHITE Blossom Sweet Clover TIMOTHY, Common and Climax WHITE DUTCH CLOVER LADINO BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL RROME GRASS WE TAKE ORCHARD GRASS ORDERS FOR MEADOW FESCUE SUDAN GRASS SEED GRAINS Commercial, Certified and Registered No, 1 4C- •ff-0 ere It is WANT 'A .REAL DEAL ON 4POWER LAWN SOVal 22 Inch' ROTARY IVIOWER, with-t h.p. Briggs & Stratton. Recoil Start' Engine LIST9779 ,C1 OUR DEAL: $69.95 antfiour old' power inower. OTHER. MODELS," 18" 2' Cycle Rope Start ' 18" .2 CyCle Recoil Start, r 47,50 '18" 4 'Cycle _Roe •Stort r .54.9$ '18"- 4- Cycle Recoil Start. 57.50 AUTO SU PPLY , WANT,ED YOUNG MAN TO WASH AND. CLEAN USED. CARS This is a permanent position_ for a man with an eye to • future mechanical ,nessihilltiea. Apply te4ecic Pearson; PEARSON. MOTORS LTD. ZURICH PHONE. 78, .4pR101-1 Hews of Bayfield By MISS I.4.10V R. WOODS PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Correspondent; MRS. F. Mc.Qt/1,I.4V011 Phone HO'2-7418 Mrs. Harry -Williams has been in Hamilton far " the past week, the guest of relatives there. The sympathy 1.3f the community goes to Mrs. W. Yea, in the pas- sing of her brother, the late Milton Woods. Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman, Rob-ert and Shirley called on Rev, and Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Thames Road Manse, near Exeter, recently Mrs. Frank Yea, 3/frs, Jack Yeo, Mrs Edward Grigg and Mrs. Lloyd Bond attended the Ontario Farm Forum annual convention held last Wednesday at the Seaway Hotel, Toronto. This district's Grade 12 and 13 pupils attending the London Lit- tle Theatres' perforinance of Mc- Beth on Tuesday night were the Misses Mary' Helen Yea, Eleanor Yeo, and Frances McCullough and Douglas Norman, V,MITON, NIEWs4WcoRD NEWS OF HOLMESVILLE The Will7inissiin"e Mission Band of Holmesville United Church, met hi the school on April 10, with Don. ald Yeo in charge of the program, The meeting opened with the hymn "Jesus. Bids Us Shine," fol- lowed by ,the Mission Band Pur-pose. Bill Tyndall read a peace poem, and Bob Norman read the story of the Good Samaritan, Prayer. Was offered by Fred Tyndall. The president, Marilyn Yeo took charge of the htiainess ,pericel. The children agreed to collect used Christmas cards for the Leprosaie Turn, in the Sudan Interior Mission, Jim McCullough read the Scrip- ture lesson. Berthena Crnickshan. Its read a temperance article. John Ross read a story, A game was enjoyed. The chapters in the study books were reviewed by Mrs. NV, Norman and Mrs, L. Band. The meeting closed with the hymn "When Mother's of Salem" and the lVliz- pah benediction. & Trucks '55 PLYMOUTH 2-door hardtop, automatic, rad- io, whitewalls; 2-tone $1,495 '55 OLDS 88 Sedan, radio, power steering, pow- er brakes, what are we offered? '55 FOR STATION WAGON, Customline model with whitewalls' • ' • $1,695 '55 BUICK SPECIAL hardtop, Dynafiow, radio, custom trim, whitewalls $1,495 '54 METEOR RIDEAU Hardtop, automatic, rad-• ' lo, rear speaker, very sharp '54 PONTIAC Chieftan Sedan, custom built radio $795 '54 CADILLAC 62 Sedan, finished in gleaming black, power steering, power brakes, and driven by a prominent businessman ,,.. Only $2,195 '53 METEOR CUSTOMLINE Sedan, metallic maroon with whitewalls, and owned by an old man '53 MONARCH Hardtop, radio, whitewalls, a sharp car $995 '53 CHEVROLET 2-door hardtop equipped with new motor Only $895 '53 DODGE Station Wagon,' in exaellent con- dition, only 50,000 miles $1,095 '53 BUICK Sedan, radio, automatic, very sharp $995 '53 FORD Coach, new paint, excellent shape $795 '53 CHEV. BEL AIR Sedan, with powerglide, radio, 2-tone etc. '53 CHEV. 150 Sedan, an economy car Only $595 '52 CADILLAC Convertible, the pride of the fleet, make us an offer '52 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery $495 '52 PORE) Customline 2-door, automatic, radio_ $495 '52 FORD Customline 2-door, radio and new motor '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan $49$ ° '52 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, radio, auto- matic drive, name your own price '52 DODGE Deluxe Sedan, refinished in black, like hew $695 Six other '52 Chevrolets and Pentiacs. No reasonable offer refused. Jack the .Giant Killer Slashes Spring Car. :Pekes. To Choose From Buy Where You Get A Selection! '58 CHEVROLET YEOMAN, 4-door Station Wagon Only $2395 '57 PLYMOUTH 2-door, whitewalls, wheel discs, two-tone $1,895 '57 PONTIAC PATHFINDER DELUXE, 2- door, 2-tone, whitewalls, only 21,000 miles '57 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN HARDTOP, V-8 automatic drive, radio, whitewalls '57 PLYMOUTH 2-door, 8-0)/1., window wash- ers, a sharp car Only $1,895 '57 BUICK 2-door hardtop, equipped with auto- matic drive, whitewalls, wheel discs „„ Only $2,395 '57 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-door, whitwalls, windshield washers $1,895 '57 DODGE 2-door Hardtop, automatic drive, 8-cyl., whitewalls, a sharp car $2,195 '56 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF Hardtop, hydra- matte, radio, chrome fender skirts, full lea- ther interior $2,295 '56 FORD CROWN VICTORIA, automatic, radio, whitewalls, sharp ****** ............. $2,295 '56 BUICK SUPER 4-door hardtop, automatic, power steering & brakes, executive drive — $2,295 '56 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 4-door hardtop, radio, ,hydramatic drive, whitewalls $2,295 '56 -FORD CUSTOMLINE 2-door, smart 2-tone $1,895" '56 PONTIAC Station Wagon, Pathfinder De- Luxe model $1,795 '56 BUICK CENTURY Convertible, power steer, ing, power brakes, radio, Dynaflow $2,295 '56 METEOR RIDEAU Sedan, automatic, cus- tom radio, Just like new, '56 CHEVROLET 2-door, 150 series, sharp car $1,695 '55 CHEVROLET 210 Sedan, 29,000 original miles $1,495 '55 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2-door, 23,000 miles, just like new OLDS. 88, 4-door sedan, radio, whitewalls, very sharp $1,795 Mrs. Ed. Florian, Clinton, visit- ed her sister, Miss Berthena Stur- geon on Sunday. Walter Green spent the past week in Bayfield, Warning on Sunday to Collingvvend, Mr, and Mrs, A. Brisson, Det- roit, arrivedon Sunday to spend come days at their home here. Mrs.' Fred McEwan who spent the winter in London has return- ed and opened her Bayfield home. Cary Morton, Kincardine, was the student in charge of the Pres- byterian Church service on Sun- day. Misi Jessie Metcalfe, Detroit, who spent the Easter holidays in Florida, was at her home this weekend. Robert Douglas,- London, who was a guest last week at the Al bion Hotel, has returned to his home in London: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, Ow- en Sound, visited Mrs, John Mc- Leod and daughter for several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell are the proud parents of a baby son, born in the Goderich hospit- al, last Thursday. Miss Ruth Haymanand her nephew David Archer, Hayman. and and Sunday in London, with Mr, and Mrs. A. W, Hayman. Mrs, C. W. Brown returned on Sunday to her home in the village having spent the past week with ,Ifer sister, Mrs; 'A. A. Armstrong. Mrs, Malvena Erwin, with San- dra' and Robert, Kincardine, sp- ent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Willard Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston returned home on Friday fr. 4orn.a 'visit; tip Toronto, ,with their daughter, Mrs. K. A, Leonard and family, Mrs. Chris Parker left last Wednesday morning for the West, to attend the wedding of a neph- ew, and will spend the surniner visiting her two daughters there. Casey Atkinson, who for the past months has been a :patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforfh, and nursing helm there, returned to his own home in the village this week. The Rev. and Mrs, E. 0. Lan- caster, of. All Saints Church, Woodstock, and their son Robert, London, were guests of the Rev. E. 3. B. Harrison, at the rectory, last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. RoY 0, Smith daughters Carelyne and Kati*, and young son David from Petrol- le, and Mrs. Victor Sopel, Flor- ence, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Russell. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. George McIntyre, and children Jacqueline and Doug- las, formerly of Petrone, who have been residing in Goderich, have taken up residence on the Greer farm on the Bluewater highway. Mrs. Charles Marks, was taken to the home of her daughter Mrs, John Wain, on Monday, where she will stay until she is well enough to return to her home, and her many friends hope she will soon be better, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merner, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsim- mons, attended the 22nd anniv- ersary banquet and ladies night, of the Past Masters Association of South Huron Masonic District, in ,St, Marys on Friday evening. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, was in Sarnia on Saturday, where he pendneted the funeral service in St. George's Church, on behalf of the rector, Archdeacon Bolton, for Robert Logan, Sarnia. Mr. Harris-. onGodfather of the late Mr.. Logan's grandson. Mr. and Mrs. 3. F, Stewart Who spent the past two months in St. Petersburg, Florida, reports a safe return, beautiful weather. They called on the Rev, and Mrs, War.' rep Outerbridge and Peter at En- glewood, Florida (former rector of the Trinity Church, Bayfield). Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. R. Simons, •of oshangri.ia", had' as their guests on Sunday, Mrs. Sinion's brother, A. D, Eeaudoin, and Mrs. Beaudoin, Windsor, who came to take wedding pictures for Flying Officer A. Mayhew, who was married last Saturday at RCAF Station Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Yon Shimizu, Kitchener, were also Sunday guests. Baptism On Sunday morning, William John Charles Parker, eight month old son of Mr, and Mrs., William Parker, Jr., of London, was bapt- ized in Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, by the rector, the Rev. B. J, B. Harrison. "Charlie" is the fourth generation of his family to be baptized into the member- ship of the church in Bayfield. His paternal grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. William Parker, and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Nes. John Fraser, were all present for the happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, London, were the godparents.' Ladies Guild Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer was host- ess to the members of the Trinity' Church Ladies Guild ter their Ap- ril meeting. Ten members were present, and two guests, Mrs. J. Fraser and Mrs. Stanley Bryan. The president, Mrs. Percy West- on presided. The secretary, Mrs. Merton Merner and the treasurer, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner presented their reports, Discussed was the coming tea and bazaar to be held on July 18, A letter was' read by Mrs. R. J. Larson from Mrs. Fred Ritchie, Elmvale thanking the ladies for their hospitality, serving luncheon in the Parish Hall to their family, and friends, the' day of the fun- eral of the late Mrs. George King. She also reported that her sister, Mrs. W. H. Hart, Toronto, who was so seriously injured in an accident during the storm and wrunspxy; '51 BUICK ROADMASTER Sedan, equipped with new motor and radio $695 '51 BUICK 2-door, in excellent condition, white- walls and radio $695 Nine '51 Plymouths, Chevrolets, Pontiacs and Dodges from $295. '50 PONTIAC Sedan, refinished in gold metallic with only 38,000 miles '50 FORD 2-door, with all-new tires $395 '50 MERCURY Sedan, radio, excellent trans- portation $195 '50 FORD COACHES (3) at $295 each '49 AUSTIN Sedan, in nice shape mechanically $175 '49 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, just refinished beautiful '49 PONTIAC 2-door, with custom radio, 56,- ' 000 miles $195 TRUCKS '58 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, just like new $1,595 '57 DODGE 3-ton, 14-foot racks, V-8 motor, 27,000 original mites, lists new over $5,000 our price $2,495 '56 DODGE 2-ton with 12-foot van, like new, Only $1895 '56 DODGE Yeton piekup, 28,000 miles '55 CHEVROLET Ih-ton pickup, a sharp truck '53 GMC Y2-ton pickup, with stock rack $750 '53 CHEV. 3/-ton pickup, with racks $895 '49 DODGE 4.ton dump, 5-speed transmission, big motor, excellent shape $695 '47 STUDEBAKER 1-ton, in good shape $250 '45 DODGE 3-ton, 16-foot hoists, rank etc. ...... $395 '36 CHEVROLET 11/2 -ton truck, positively like new blizzard on 'the return trip to To- ronto on the day of the funeral, she is still suffering greatly from a eoncussion. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. William Parker and a social hour followed, with the hostess serving dainty refresh- ments, ' Everyone leads The Classifieds COME AND HEAR PHILIP GIVENS * Well"Known Toronto Alderman Discuss Some of the Issues Before the Ontario • Electorate, Tuesday, April 21 at 8.30 p.m. LEGION HALL — CLINTON - 4A* An, Opportunity To Meet. and Hear HARRY STRANG - Liberal Candidate HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION E. B. MENZIES GEO. DEICHERT JAMES EISSETT President Treasurer Secretary Phone HU 2-9792 FOR YOUR Grass Seed Requirements We also have mixtures made up by /ones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd., packed in 24 lb. bags, (1 acre size), We have 5 different formulas in these, to suit your own land requirements. Other grass seeds not included in above list, can be obtained within 24 hours. PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW Wettlaufer's Feed Mill Mary St, Clinton :. ****** ... ************ Your old tires ore 1 . 1 worth up to $10" 'ii.,'": IGOODAIEAlli opoilfi•eipoieia.....sor ** 4b, * s * 'Iwo* MI ES .,r:147tr1 • We'll give you the best allowance ,/,-,:—/ in town for your worn tires when 11-rj-1 -,./ 0 ye r 0 We've got a complete line of Goodyear tires in every price range. So, when you're in the ( %. s,.. you trade them in on new i fhif Goodyear& market for a real tire bargain, see us for new Goodyear tires. See us for your best 85 Absolutely No Offer Refused We Won't Be Undersold Drive to Zurich and See for Yourself! r. .11* 411. 4110 1,1116 •••••-- -0--40,00-100,,Tqw.wipomfer4tor.Avi,w0.4.0. ver...00..10e-100 GOODAE R M 12 ales Pearson, Motor Zurich JACK PEARSON, PROP. Ontario ziHuron County's Largest Used Car Dealer" HAROLD'S White Rose. Goodyear ilte Dealer CLINTON PHONE HU 2-902 ZURICH LOT Mairi St. EXETER LOT Career Highway 4 8t 3