HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-16, Page 4, .5rr 7r1r. AT THE LIBRARY SHARE IN CANADIAN LIBRARY WEEK April 12-18 (By Miss Evelyn Hall) Port EVF.R.YTHING IN • PErrItOLIaTIVI" HU.2.9W53 CON ON:. (CITIES SERS VICE' SMILE 9,14Illii,816 roims`..1 It PAYS TO GET NE. BEST —YOu (IN FOEL TI.115 SPELLS ) ECONOMY! leelawe )11 efISTRZ: Look no further for the finest Gasoline for your f=arm 5 qui pm ent Order to-day from us. Know what complete satisfaCtion is. .mookocootiA4eWs:.•$5.5,..,:., ,,, . SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich On No. 8 Highway OH WOE TO MY POOR HOME'S DISGRACE, BUT WHERE'S THE CASH TO FIX THE PLACE? CHEER UP, GOOD FRIEND AND HAPPY BE IT'S TIMETO VISIT Tote. WELLTHAT WAS QUICK AND PLEASANT TOO, THE HOUSE WILL SOON BE GOOD AS NEW ! THE MORAL'S PLAIN FOR AUTO SEE„, 'WHEN YOU NEED CASH SEE T.C.C: TRANS CANADA CREDIT k coRpotRATIoN Litvir're,b 148 THE SQUARE: PHONE 797 GOOERICH, ONT.. tn.* Do You Need Gash for Monte PepuireP Trans Canada Credit's all-Canadian loan service stands ready to help you Whenever a lost will relieve a prOblein, Borrow from .$150. to $2,500, Or even more. Up to, 0' inenths on some plans, up to 00 months on others, PAgA nun CLINTON NZNI/$43EXPAP THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1.959 Mrs. Nan McAllister, home eco- nomist for Huron ceuntY, conduc- ted a successful 4-H Home Gar- den Club Leadership. Training School for 35 leaders and assist- ant leaders from the south and the middle of Huron county on Friday, There were 17 clubs re- presented, The program, which commenc- ed in the Morning, featured a flower arrangement demonstra , tion, Pointers on garden culture and how to plant farm home sur- roundings. A luncheon was held at noon followed by the after- noon session, Each leader was given flower and vegetable seeds 'for each club girl, who will event- ually participate in Achievement Day next August or early Sep- tember. Clubs represented and leaders and assistant leaders included: Dashwood, Mrs. Syd Baker, Mrs, A. Kuntz; Grand Bend, Mrs, Don Hendrick, Mrs, Nola Taylor; Dungannon, Mrs. Hugh McWhin, CWL Elects President- Mrs. William Watkins Other Officers Named New officers elected by mem- bers of St. Joseph's Sub-division of the Catholic Women's League, Clinton, are: president, Mrs, Will- iam Watkins; first vice-president, Mrs. Arnold Dale; second vice- president, Mrs. Alvin Sharp; third vice-president, Mrs. David Kay; secretary, Mrs. Mac LeBeau, and treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Flynn. At the May meeting appoint- ments for spiritual membership, social and press conveners will be made, Members of the nominating committee included Mrs. D. Kay, Mrs. Frank Van Altena arid Mrs. Clement Reynolds. Special prayers to Our Lady of Good Counsel were led by the sub- division's spiritual director, Father L. E. Reed-Lewis, at a special shrine erected while the diocesan statue was at St. Joseph's Church. arden Club Leader reparing To Lead 1 M16 See us-we're GOOD` 7EAR We offer you Goodyear—dollar for dol- lar the finest tires money can buy, plus expert Goodyear Tire Service. If you need new tires stop in and see us. . We have a complete range of prices and sizes to suit you. Best trade-in prices for t your old tires. Bring your tire troubles to us—we can save you money! headquarters HAROLD'S :White Rose Goodyear Tire Dealer CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9023 This week, April 12 to 18, is be- ing observed as Canadian Library Week. Residents of Clinton and vicinity are cordially invited to visit Clinton Public Library and see for themselves the many ways In which the Library is able to help them. The large bright read- ing room, well stocked with cur- rent magazines and papers, the book rooms, where many new books are added each year, com- bine to offer you your choice of reading matter. Added to the re- ference department is the New Encylopedia Canadiana which is proving itself the source of mater- ial sought by student, teachers and by all of us. Did you know that Clinton has had a Library service since 1869? That was the year in which the Mechanics' Institute was organized and books were provided for those wishing to avail themselves of this special service. "Best value for the' Money" is almost a slogan at Clinton. Library, as it is said by so many members When they are buying fresh cards. The book collection in the Clinton Public Library is large and is con- stantly receiving new books on many' subjects, (maybe not as many as the readers would wish, Opening for the season on Thursday, April 16th. Thurs., Fri., Apr. 16-17 "ROCK ROUND . THE CLOCK" Bill Haley & Comets John Johnston and on the same program -"TEN WANTED MEN" Randolph Scott, Jocelyn Brand° Sat, Mon, Apr. 18-20 HUGE TRIPLE BILL Each feature shown only once "'JUNGLE MANHUNT" (Shown at- 7,30) Johnny Weismuller, Sheila Ryan "REX KING OF THE WILD HORSES" (Shown at 8.46) William Janney, Dorothy Appleby "SOUND OFF" (Shown at 10,05) Mickey Rooney, Anne James Tues., Wed., Apr. 21-22 "SWAMP WOMAN" Marie Windsor, Beverly Garland and on the same program "THE PAGANS" (Adult Entertainment) A II Star Cast Box Office Opens 7 p.m. ` First Show At 7.30 Playground Refreshments Children under 12 in cars Free tend 959 Courses neY; Port McKee, RR Rmars.3' 2, Seaforth, 2 l3rueefielcl; Institute, Mrs, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Art Attfield; Ruth Webster, Dougall, RR Mrs, Rachel Tsirnbull, RR Mrs, Jean Keys, IVIi's, Ruth Papple, Elinwille, Miss 3 Exeter, Mrs, RR 1. Centralia; Sinclair, Mrs. Cranbrools, Mrs. RR 2 Brussels, er, RR $ Brussels; A. Moir, RR Dougall, RR I Mrs, RMiresh.1; ACrettoSnt,r1rrsg.bLanorn' Albert, Clinton Elliott; Mrs, 1. Auburn; Walters, 2 Brussels; RR Ruth Kippers, Ross Allan Mrs. 3 Exeter, 3, Exeter. School WA,Lti.r4/47;tiSyetaef7Rthfi Mrs. 4. 13roadfoot, Ncirman RR Norman Hurondale, Mrs, Blyth, Thelma Mrs. Skinner, Glenn Goderich, Mcfallop, 1 Seaforth, 5 Seaforth; Mrs. Chapman; McTaggart, Bessie RR Women's Tyndall, M. Mc- Walton, Marie RR Jaques, John Hueth- Mrs. Mrs. H. Hospal Auxiliary hip it Mebers U, m Now 345 Belon p g The Women's Auxiliary of Clin- ton Public Hospital met in the AnulLsile's-7, WirettidthenecPeresiodnent,TilMerssd.aL4. . B Menzies in the chair, Four members volunteered their services in the cancer canvass in answer to a request from the Can- cer Society. The membership corns mittee reported 395 members to date, Mrs, F. Thompson reported on the organization of the Auxil- lacy to the County Home, and in., vited help from anyone interested in the work, The president announced the Regional Conference being held in Tillspnburg, Wednesday, April 15, Three delegates plus several mem- bars will attend. Mrs. Brock Olde's resignation as second vice- President was regretfully Keep- ted. Mrs, F. Fingland announced that arrangements have been made for the Annual Florence Nightingale AIR-CONDITIONED BUY LE SHOPPING Avail . MI it NOW Yourself COMFORT , Charge 1 FOR s YOUR and of Phone Our Accdunt Victoria Clinton PAY Revolving HU -- 2-9711 Street Ontario LATER We Welcome Your Credit • ) - * No Come REVOLVING Interest In 3 • • • And WAYS of the CASH * Get REVOLVING LAYAWAY TO No CREDIT Carrying Full BUY Details CREDIT PLAN Charges 24 tfb lilimmlimitundiltanwthifilibilitsuomil li E-- E--- Es .----: = -g.• . An 1 1-day, C.P.A.'s new Prop Britannia An 11-day, C.P.A. "Empress" . 0 A 25 h.p. remote together with with boat and .a Tee Enter the • sEAwAy all-expense Canadian all-expense a Larson -Nee airliners. airliner. control 08-50 trip for two to Japan "Empress” Service trip for two to Spain Scott outboard Pla-Boy 14-foot fiberglas trailer, RACE FOR DETAILS TELy. in , motor via Jet- via ..-_,..-- ..-__ „s-_-.- g.-- E...- ....= ,---.- = _ --A E-- ---a ,---_ E-. -..,..--,- E.-- ss al -r... 7-_--i_ --_-- --g- -&..--- -w. t.--- i E SEE THE TELEGRAM I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III111111IIIIllll11111I111lhillliillllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Tea to be held .Sunday, May 3. On this date the public is most Cordially invited tour the hospi- tal and have tea in the nurse's re- sidence, . Lunch was served After which" the ladies worked on preparing. tags and boxes for the Hospital Tag Day, Saturday, May 9, size Mother, as the family minister of health and welfare, knows the value of vitamins. She also knows that they cost money. So she has an eagle eye for the large economy size in vitamins, and many other things, when she shops. This way she keeps the family budget in line. The Minister of Health and Welfare at Ottawa has a budget too. He uses it to pay for various important services. Among these are Family Allowances and Old Age Benefits. Money for the Minister of Health and. Welfare's budget comes through the Minister of Finance. This is true of other departments also. It's no secret how the Minister of Finance obtains this money. He gets it largely in taxes from millions of Canadians like you. If he spends more than he gets from you, he must turn around and borrow from you the amount he has overspent . . . or else create new money. The creation of new money is one factor that leads to inflation — when the dollar buys less and less. So, as a thrifty Canadian, you are wise to ask government only for those services you are willing to pay for . . . with taxes. Personally, you try to pay as you go, to live within your income. It is important that government try to do the same thing. You want to live well now and to realize all your ambitions for the best possible future. That future isl tied up with a sound dollar — a dollar whose purchasing' power you can depend on. A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BETTER LIFE FOR YOU The Fight Against Inflation Needs Your Active Support L-259C A nubile service message from the Life Insurance Companies in Canada bit( as many as the budget allosys.) In addition to our own collection the local Library is a member of the Huron County Library and up- wards of 800 books are borrowed annually, This service is much ap- preciated by the members. , Here are the names of some of the new books recently arrived at the Library; The Greatest Raid of All, The New Face of China, The Coal Skuttle Brigade, Satellites. and Spaceflight, Radioastronomy and Radar, They Shall have Wings, Dear and Glorious Physician, The Man in Gray, The Watch that Endss the Night, The Trail of the Black Walnut, Flight into Danger, Women and Thomas Harrow, Schoolhouse in the Arctic, Klon- dike. For The Boys and Girls A Boy and Five Huskies, First Book of World War I, Silver Hill, Joel Gets a Dog, The Hare Tam, er, Whitey and the Wild Horse, Elf Owl, The Rover, Knights of the Air, We're Going Steady, Fli- cka, Ricka, Dicka and the New Skates Secret of Indian Mound, My Bunny Feels Soft, The Stone Cottage Mystery, Treasure of '[Jr. You Can Depend On 'When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal, duty. You feel better—sleep bet,-. ter, work better, You can depend- 58 on Dodd's. Get Dodd's at any drugstore. waS O1r sz A).TPREWS WO.44 Inggir ON APRA. St The Women's Missionary Society .of St, Andrew's Presbyterian 30p.m. church, will meet at the home of Mrs. B. Farquhar, on April 21, at