HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-16, Page 3Mrs. ,Elgin Dale was hostess April .9, in the afternoon for our : April meeting, The meeting op- ened by the opening ode followed by the Lord's Prayer- Ten mem-. bers answered the roll call by don- ating something for a baby's laY- ette. "When the Robins Nest Again,' was sung with Mrs. Albert Glaz- ier at the pianO. A thank you note from Mrs. McBride and fatn- ily was read. Mrs, Warren Gib- bings held the lucky ticket drawn by Johnny Gibson, President Mrs. Joseph Gibson in- trodueed Rev. J. A, McKim, Clin- ton Cancer Society,. who showed two films, "Outlaw, Within" and "Man -Alive." These films are very instructive and help people to understand cancer more and not Summerhill Club Has Lesson On Income Tax The Summerhill Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Blake on April 8 with 23 mem- bers and one visitor present, The president, Mrs, Neville For- bes gave suggestions on making out your income tax. This was followed by singing "April Show- ers", Mrs, Earl Blake read the treasurer's report and the group decided to buy siding for the Community Hall, Rev. T. A. Mc- Kim, Clinton, showed two films on Cancer. Mrs. Bill Lovett re- 'cited "Farm Kitchens at Night." Mrs. Jack Murch •had a name contest. This was won . by Mrs, William Jenkins, Mrs, Alan Neal had a contest. It was won by Mrs. William Murch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Norman Ball on May 13. Those on the pro- gram are: Mrs. Wilfred Penfound Mrs. Dennis Penfound, Mrs, James Snell, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. Those on the lunch are Mrs. Lloyd Stew- art, Mrs. Neville Forbes, Mrs. Clayton Ellis, Mrs. N. Wright, Agricultural Price Support Assures Ample Supply At Reasonable Prices! ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD sip/ESE/TINE 50,000 (REAM PRODUCERS Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON `WINTON EXETER SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones 'Bus., HU 2-6606 - Res., .H0 2-3869 ...1=1.11011111411111~1•11101111•11.01M1.1111MISIMMIIIINN • 1 1.UGH wilhloetapfteaw: APPEARING IN MN NEWSPAPER SOON Sts ft/wet/sift SEE It INTIM ADS EON Dry Cleaning by experts helps you "sparkle' Dazzle your audience in clothes cleaned here! We recapture that "just bought" allure . , help your wardrobe stay lovely longer. This Weelethe Lucky No. 3333 Check your Calendar. If the number Matches, take the• Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. WAMPOL PHOSPIIIIPIEX WAMPOLE PHOSPIIIIPLEX 1.111111=0•6 RELIEVES TIRED NERVES ,E.,7 41/4-9Z4!. WAMPoLg PROSPHO-PLEX tutgrli• 6 RELIEVES TIRED NERVES y,. 4.7 4W The "every pair" Way to REST TIRED NERVES Hectic pace getting you down? It's so easy to relax Just take PHOSPHO -PLEX R,,teilrieedveathliatht ejut;mnpeya feeling. Enjoy life annoyances aunt cpe:tty oy It's true PHOSPHO -PLEX is the every day way to relieve nervous tension SIZE! WAMPOLE TABLETS 100 PHOSPHOPEEX With B compound vitamins $4.25 50 TABLETS $2.50 16 OUNCES $2.50 A FULLTHREE WEEK TREATMENT - Orgy IL Mum le & company Limited • Path, °Marto NEW ft. • • ••••••••••••0.,.0 0 • She needs an EXTRA phone 0 in the kitchen! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e, • • • • • • • • • DO YOU? To order—call your telephone business office. 1.401:521cf-Illz a**1 AT- 4 A a 4. • ...Mai, THICK AND TIRED OF IT? change to Gossard's new er* girdle You'll look a size smaller and feel free and easy in the boneless, positive control of Gossard's new ANSWER girdle, Bands of elastic inside and nylon elastic all around, work 'wonders, White. Medium length and long. Side zipper. °Paten( appltod for Experienced corsetierts personally supervise the fitting of your Foundation Garments at F. E. HIBBERT &SON. GODEIRICH $15.00 THU PAY, APRIL 16, 19 9 maim Nwors,nzonp J. A, McKintShows Cancer To Huron Road Happy Workers Club PAO.V ITIRM Ladies PcItifi041..Me9fin9 AzobceiatiPornogIa'rees,SiilvaevinCgoiattrivr4t.aivne., nual meeting in the Council Chem- b7mresryoonneVrwritYco, welcome. 17, at 3 p.m, ML•94C, Representative: H. C. LAWSON, CLINTON * ONTARIO Brown-Taylor Brucefield United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding On Saturday, April 4, when Ina Mar- guerite Taylor, Brucefield, became the bride of Ross Dwight Brown, Newtonville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Brucefield, and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Clin- ton Brown, Newtonville, Rev, Sid-, ney Davidson officiated, The bride was charming iii a waltz length gown of chantilly lace over net with lily point sl- eeves, Her embroidered nylon net veil was held by a Coronet and she carried a shower bouquet of red roses, Bridesmaids were Misses Barb- ara and Mary Lou Taylor, both of Toronto, sisters of the bride. They wore matching dresses of flowered nylon in white with mauve and yellow, and carried bouquets of yellow and mauve 'mums. Mrs, J, R. Murdoch, Brucefield, was organist, and Mr. James Gil- mer, Port Hope, brother-in-law of the groom song "I Love You Truly" and "Because", Maurice Hallowell, Newtonville, was gro- omsman, and ushers were Philip Gilmer, Newtonville, and Douglas Taylor, Brucefield. The wedding dinner followed in the church, guests being present from Toronto, Newtonville, Brad- ford, Woodstock, Orono and Bru- cefield. The bride's travelling costume was a printed crepe dress with navy duster and powder blue ac cessories. Following a wedding trip to Michigan and Ohio, the couple will reside in Newtonville, on Highway No. 2, ten miles west of Bowmanville. The bride is a student at Toronto Teachers' Co-I lege.. / WANTED SAXAPHONE PLAYER If you can play a saxo- phone and would like to play _with Desjardine Or- chestra beginning May 1, at BlueWater Danceland, please contact: Elroy Desjardine, Phone 38, Zurich / ,A A , i • / 4 d , . 7. , :., . 4 , , , • At /. F4,C . 4 / , ,1 r : F / , 1 4 A 4 .,/r P%onest 8 is, 1-113 2.9644; Res. flU 2-9787 to delay in going to a doctor ear- ly. It was thought at a meeting sometime the club might be able to arrange in helping the Cancer Society in making dressings etc. Mrs, Gibson thanked the speaker. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Jack Smith, The May meeting will be held in the afternoon May 14, at Mrs. Jack Smith's home. Roll call will be answered by exchange of plants or flower .slips. On the lunch committee are Mrs. Wilfred Glaz- ier, Mrs, William Holland and Mrs. Erie VandenDool. 0 EBENEZER community Club The last meeting of SS No. 4, Goderich Township Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Tyndall. The .president, Mrs. J. Merrill was in charge of the meeting. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $56,76. A donation was given to the Eas- ter Seals Campaign. Plans were made for a social evening, which was held recently in the school. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benedic- tion. A quilt was quilted and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. R. Thompson and Mrs. D. Forbes. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J, Tebbutt. Heal-Aside Club Devotional services of the Hear- thside Club of Ontario Street Un- ited Church meeting last Thurs- day, April 9, were led by Lois Elliott and Mr. Holmes. The bus- iness session was conducted by Mrs. Ruth Knox. Mrs. Elliott introduced the guest speaker, Miss Campbell, Wingham, whose topic was "cancer" and she showed a film on that topic. Lunch was served by Group 1, Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES SPEPIAl. VALUES ANP fIRMINDER$ THIS WEEK. I.D.A. SPECIALS APRIL 13th 18th BRYLCREEM with free comb 69c HUDNUT EGG-CREME Shampoo Reg. 75c 59c BEEF IRON & WINE Reg, $1.00 79c LADY ESTHER CREAM Reg. 85c .......... 69c TOILET TISSUE 2 for 25c WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO Reg. 75c 2 for 99c NOXZEMA. Reg, 69c 2 for 99c PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC Tooth Brushes Reg, 69c 2/98c PEPSODENT Tooth Paste with hair brush 89c RUBBER GLOVES Reg, 98c 795 BUBBLE BATH 20 oz, 39c AQUAMARINE LOTION Reg. $2.00 $1.25 PAL. 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PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST HUnter 2-6626 'MY DANK 102WMIICAMM' NVI Speedy COoitj BANK-BY- MAIL Nothing could be simpler The B of M's mail deposit form — made of "no- carbomrequired" paper — eliminates the need for repetitive writing or messy carbons, You make out only 6ne deposit-slip. Presto, there's a second copy which comes back from the Bank as your re- ceipt...and a third copy which you keep for your records. We supply a pre-addressed envelope with our form which you can use for your next deposit. It comes back to you by return mail with your receipted deposit slip. It's easy to save when you bank by malt at "MY BANK" Ask for ono of our Bank. Ing-brutoll folders. It can &MVO you time, trouble and shoe-leather. BANIC OF MONTREAL e4444/44 9p4e- Veupi Clinton El ranciu WILLIAM MORLOK, Manager Londesborough (Sub-Agency): Open Mon .84- Thw:,. WORKING WITH CANAMANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 Some people say they just haven't time to go to the Bank. If you are one of these, you need the streamlined B of M banking-by-mail system. You can get full details, without obligation, at your nearest B of M branch. Why not call in or write today?