HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-02, Page 9BETWEEN YOU AND THE ROAD... Your best buy is tifesSaver tubeless When you drive on LIFE-SAVER SILVERTOWNS you get not only the extra long wear and top quality you expect from E3.F.Goodrich tires— you get a bonus of safety—and that's Ulf LEAGE. There's no danger frem punctures with Life-Saver Tubeless. Should an object puncture your tire, a patented gummy sealant closes around the object so no air escapes. Remove the object and the sealant instantly fills the hole, making a permanent repair. That's why driving on B.F.Goodrich Life- Saver gives you a fabulous feeling of safety. That's why between you and the road—Life,Savers are your best buy, Say "YES" to safety, Say "YES" to Worry free driving with Life.Saver; mileage/ B.F.Goodrich shire:town tires SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE GeiNEtIAL REPAIRS CLINTON, ONT. Phone HU 2-7056 CANTELON'S SERVICE STATION Cities Service 0— Automatic Car Wash Phone HU 2-9032 LLOYD BUTLER% White Rose Station Washing — Lubrication CLINTON, ONT.' Phone HU 2-9021 CLINTON, ON't, BIG WALK-I'N SIDE DOORS VOLKS ... and a rear loading door too. The desiened'VolkswagertiCan cat yoOdelivery costs$,,c It loads faster, delivers' more, in lesS.time! 10 „ cu. ft. of uncluttered payload space . only inches from the curb. Ideal for:heavy. goo4s, ;.! crates, machinery, electrical tipplionces. Efficient sei-vice _coast to coast with a cenitpt.. 5-million dollar Parts Depot: People who know are turning to Volkswagen, DON'S STATION VICTORIA STREET CLINTON HU 2-9088 •PRECISION GRANULATED FOR PRECISION,,PLANTING COMPLETELY GRANULAR—NO" OUST Soo your C I L or NATIONAL Fertilizer Deale r you get more for your money with SUPER FLOW AI; Al=' I4 tell CUM 1lgVit$41.EQQAP PACE D' Secend the Federal Minister has been reported to have announced that the hog price will be sup- ported on a deficiency payment basis to the farmer only, That is the price will find its own, level on the open market and the gov- ernment will then make Up the difference between that price and the support price, The mmertant point is that this will he paid. only to independent farmers and will not he paid to companies op- erating On a vertically integrated basis. This has been heartily ap- proved by western farmers where vertical integration is threatening to take over the hog industry just as it has the broiler industry in Ontario. Since we in Ontario are fortun- ate' in haying .a producer eontroll-• ed marketing method we are not so greatly concerned at this in- tegration problem. We should how- ever realize that greatly increased production in the west could un- der-mine our market especially if this western production were to come under the control of large corporations. Auburn correspendont.1, MRS, W. .gtfl'APN.C!cfc Pliant: Auburn 51 r14 Mrs. William T. Robison is on a ¶trip- to the .State of Virginia, Miea Mary Asquith, Sarnia, Was .* weekend. guest with her parents, and and WS, Charles Asquith. Mrs. George Beatty,. Varna, and son George, Chatham, visited !last Sunday • .With Mrs- Ezekiel -Phillips, and Miss Laura, Frank Walters, Woodstock „spent a few days last week with ;his sister, Mrs, Arthur Grange, -"Ntargny Jennifer and Shelly, Mrs, Gordon R, Taylor, visited her father, David g-ainliton, in Victoria Hospital, London, last VedneScla$: Tel and Zonis.. Youngbint„ 'Woodstock, spent last -Friday. With. Itheir brother, Zarl Younghltit at the Wagner -Home, Mr. and -Mrs. Ed. Davies- Spent as few days With -friends last Week kit BelMont and surrounding dis Viet • Mr. and -Mrs, -Bert Marsh, Pet, Atrsburg„ spent. last Friday with her parents, Mr, ,40a Mrs. Herbert 41ogridge, Miss Mary Houston, Hamilton, is spending t'tie -Easter. vacation "„with her parents, Mr. and Mrs‘ =John Mrs. Marguerite - Chopin, Wing- ritam, visited With leer parents, -Mr. -end Mrs, J. C. Steitz over last 'weekend. Mrs. Qortner-lly . Thompson, 1,Brampton, is visiting with her 4parentS, Mr, -and Mrs, :Ererbert .and • -Mrs-,' 4.Ohn Weir, and NEW DRILLING PRECISION The controlled particle size of SUPER FLOW —zio fines or oversize granules—gives yhanew accuracy and ease of application. SUPER FLOW runs evenly and freely—no drill clog. ging and skipping. This smooth consistent flow means uniform distribution of fertiliser —gives you more even crops.. higher yield. NO DUST SUPER FLOW fie. completely „dustless. Haste( to handle ... there's no loss of plant food on windy clays, eats, Mr, and Mrs. Major 'ULM^ biut and family. Mrs. Townsend Who has been as- sisting at the home .a Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Mogridge for the past six months, returned to her . home. in Seaforth, Master jam Arthur; son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arthur, was pre- sented with a trophy last Wearies- day .evening, for being the most valuable player on the Goderieh. Peewee team. Kenneth Paer; son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer is also a member of the team, Knox. W4 The Woinari's Association of Knox -United Church, met last Tuesday evening in the Sabbath school room of the - church with a good attendance and the Rose group in charge, Mrs. Jack Arm- strong was in the chair, and. ,op- ened theomeeting with the Ode, with Mrs:' Craig at the Plano, Mrs. Armstrong gave, me- ditation on the subject, "Greater Love" followed by the Seriptiire lesson read' by Mrs,. Henry ley, and .all joined. in the "Lord's Prayer." Mrs. George Wilkin sang a solo and the offering was received by Miss Viola' Thompson and Mrs.. William Envoy- "Is the Vederal ' Government's announced intention to reduce hog price support to the minimum al- lowed under Bill 237 an indication of the treatment farmers can ex- pect from the Conservative Gov- ernment?" asked Gordon L, Hill, President Ontario Farmers' Un- ion.. "With production costs increas- ing and market prices likely to rest on or about the floor, this type of government action will force the farmer out of business and pave the way for packing house, feed companies and chain stores to take over the hog in- dustry," Mr. Hill says. "Integrators have a profit on feed manufacturing, processing and selling the meat, if they only "break even" on the production and they are away ahead of the farmer," said:Mr. Hill, "Price sup- ports should be at realistic levels", claimed Mr: Hill, who has recently been nameirte; the provincial gov- ernment's committee to investig- ate agricultural industry. Prices below production costs do not ben- efit any segment of• Society in the long range view, "Ontario Farmers' Union fav- ours the Deficiency Payment me- thod of administering price sup- port funds," Mr. Hill continued, "this alleWs direction of supports to bona fide farmers and excludes large corporations. Mechanics of such a plan would be quite sim- ple," Mr. Hill states. "Hogs would continue- -to be marketed in the I V$E NEWSALCORD• CLASMEIE P$. T PAY MI , Bob EXETER - WINGHAM CI.INTON, Huron Do If The Tom Poultry 8.30 day, McKinley, So, Information Monday, You Robson, Town p.m. April What Industry? Producers, Want Pres, -County Town April Do Agricultural 140111 , 9th, at A Strong You Meetings Hall, 6th, Leamington, guest L 8.30 Want C, Poultry Tuesday, speaker, Board, Poultry Will Council at 8.30 President p.m. It To Hemingway, Rooms, Organization? Be p.m April Do To Producer of , Chambersf 7th, Secretory Held Tinarsr, Promote Ontario at td 0 GUARANTEED - TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 5% interest, payable half. yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES- ITSELF IN 14 YEARS I THE STERLING TRUSTS coRPoFtATION 372 Bay St., 35 Dunlop St., Toronto Barrio EMpire 4-7495 PArkway 8-5181 (Mr. Levert) (Mr. Alcorn) 9047 t H. C. LAWSON Local; aRepresentative i Phone HU- 44. Clinton, Ontario • USE CITIES SERVICE PREMIUM GASOLINES BUY IT FROM THE- ,, ' CITIES 0 ., aniaiiv. SERVICE Dealer , IL. In Your it . . Neighbourhood , d CARL CANTELON , ' i• ,,,.. ,.. .,,., • -Yes, use Cities Service Premium and Regular Gasolines—the Two Gasolines designed for modern driving! Economic- al in the long run and the short run. Best for your car. Drop in today! (antelon's Service Station Corner Mary' and King Streets Phone HU 2-90U Clinton normal manner and the farmer re- ceive the market price. At a later date a deficiency payment for the balance between the average mar- ket price and the parity price would be paid from the federal treasury. Deficiency payments would be paid only a specified volume of production, Farmers could produce as much as they wish and receive market price for their entire production, but would receive deficiency payment on their share of the domestic market requirements only." 0 LONDESBORO Mission Circle The Aimwell Mission Circle met in the 'church. Mrs, Harry Lear opened the meeting with an Eas- ter poem. Roll call was answered with an Easter verse. An invita- tion from the Friendship Club of Blyth to meet with them on April 14, was accepted. A bazaar is to be in the Clinton town hall on May 2. Dorothy Mc- Lean gave a temperance reading. Mrs. N. Forbes read and explain- ed the next chapter of the Study Book, "Concerns of a Continent." Helen Lee arid.Mrs. J. T. White had as their theme "Unselfish- ness:" Helen read the story "Ev- ening of the Passover" and the poem, "He Passed This Way." Mrs. Lear gave the Easter story as it is written in the Easter hymns. June ,Fothergill and Marie Josling served lunch. Sup on Hogs To Remain at 1;25 for Six Months, .Because of Coop (fiy IT, Cart Ileininpvay). OFU Holds. Out for Deficiency Pay To. Combat Integration Moves Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ropey and son, Mitchell, visited last Sunday with her sister, Mrs: Norman Mc- Clinchey, Mr. McClinchey and Catherine Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Goderich, visited with her, mother, Mrs. George Beadle and Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Brown and family, last Saturday. Miss Patricia —Youngblut of the Boll telephone, Wingham, spent the holiday weekend with her par- family, London, spent the. holiday with his. father, Dr. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rnthwell, Michael and Janice, St. Catharin- es, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon R. -Taylor, over the weekend, Miss Marie Andrews, Hamilton, and Miss Ruth Andrews, London, were holiday visitors with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Warren Andrews and family." Mr, and Mrs. Robert - Craig, Carolyn, Vera Jane and Jeff, II- dertop, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, William 3, Craig. Miss Ellen Daer, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs, Bob Seiler rand ,son. John, Mitchell, visited .op P.mtlay with Mr. and Mrs. John Paer and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ziler and son John, Detroit, were weekend visit- ors With her brother, Kenneth Scott, Ws. Scott, Keith, Wayne and Eric. . The guest, speaker of the even- ing was Mrs.- Wes Bradnock who gave the highlights of their re- cent trip to Mexico city, -She showed pictures of some of the country, the people ,and described their method of living in that country. Mrs. Empey thanked Mrs. Bradnock and Mrs. Arm- strong presented her with a gift. • The president, Mrs. Arthur Grange, took charge of. the. busi- ness session. Mrs, Robert Arthur gave the treasurer's - report and also called the roll. ThiS waS.an- swered with articles for thopantry shower- for the, coming new- minis- ter, his wife and family. A gift was presented to Mrs, Koopmans who is leaving soon to attend the 55th wedding anniver- sary of her, husband,s parents, and to take to the. celebrants 'the gift frorn the Woman's Association, Many more items of business, were discussed and it was degided, to place en Easter. Lily in the chur- ch on Easter Sunday. A delicious lunch was served. by the ladies of the Rose group and a sale of hOme baking was held. Hogs have hit the headlines a- gain, :Two interesting announce- ments by the Federal Minister of Agriculture recently are most in- teresting First Mr. Harkness - is reported to have announced that the Floor .price for hogs will -continue for six months at $25 in Ontario and then he .redueed to ..$23. I don't know how mod?, the producers are concerned with this support price but the thing that intrigues me is the fact that the hog pro- ducers have received six months notice of the price reduction, A year ago the support price on fowl. disappeared over night without any headlines and the poultry pro- ducer had no warning to, get -out from under, I have no objection to the Governments warning in case -of hogs, in fact I think it is only reasonable that producers should .receive some warning but I really think that the hog. Pro- ducers -.parr thank the, strength of their organization, for this eonsid- ere:tip/1. Also this should indicate to the poultry producers. the need for an equally strong Poultry Pro- ducers Organization, ALWAYS FLOWS FREELY Completely granular, Oven dried4o remove " ezeesi moisture, i3UPER FLOW contains no duet to harden into lumps. GREATER PLANT FOOD VALUE l'he range of SUPER. rum granular size permits more phosphorous to betoMe avail- able to the plant. Furthermore, each granule contains au the nutrients In the analysis ,—which means a more uniform distribution of plant food. There Will Be DANCING Every Friday Night At The Old Forge p Bayfield 10.00 -- 1.30 Music By Grant Edighoffer And His Melody Masters With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION: 75 Cents DINE'and DANCE 1.11111M11111•111_111.11.11.111F1=11111111,1111.11101111111S