HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-04-02, Page 6Watch Fire In Easter Best
Ali dressed up and on their way to church, these
folk paused in their Easter finery to view the $23,000
fire which occurred Sunday morning in Brucefield• Traf-
fic was held up, and vehicles from the south were
routed a block west by Provincial Police to avoid crossing
over fire hose laid on Highway 4. (News-Record Photo)
Ontario Street Church Had Capacity
Turnout at Easter Services and Baptisms
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) nieeting in the above hall
invite you to come and hear the
Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus
and His Love.
Order of Meetings on Lord's day
as fellows:
11.00 a.m,—Brealting Bread
3.00 p,rn,—Sunday School
1.00 p,m.—Preaching the Gospel
8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
Sunday, April 5
10.00 a.m.--Stmday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
"The Revelation of Pure Light"
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service
"Admission Free"
Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting
You are cordially invited to these
Maple Street
Sunday, April 5
10.00 ant —Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
7,30 p.m.—Gospel Service. Guest
Speaker: Reuben Brubacher,
Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible
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Cool, Lightweight English
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Match Up Your Sports
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Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats
Phone HU 24732 Main Corner- Ciinton
VileEdep= aniteb
REV. J. A. McKLM, B.A.
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. FL RENNI.E. Choir Director
Sunday, April 5
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
12.15 p.m.—Sunday School and
Bible .CIass
MRS. LLOYD' BOND, Organist
1.30 p.m.—Worship Service
2.30 p.m.—Sunday School
Lot us use the Lord's Day to
strengthen our Christian Faith
For Your Spring
Londesboro — Phone 37r19
Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Miss St-
elle Worrell and Mr. Chaplan, all
of Detroit, spent Easter Sunday
at the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Rob-
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Garrett
and daughter, Norma; Mr, and
Mrs. Jack VanEgmond, were the
supper guests Sunday, of the for-,
mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Collins, Seaforth.
Misses Elsie Nice and Cathy
Steep, from the Peterboro Pent-,
ecostal Bible College, spent the
Easter holiday weekend with Miss
Nice's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Les-
lie Nice, Huron Street,
Mrs. 0. L. Paisley and Mr. and
Mrs, William E. Tebbutt, Goder-
ich, were guests on Saturday at
the wedding of their great-niece
Miss Beth Boyd, Walton, and Jos-
eph Walton, Barrie, in Bethel Un-
ited Church, Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Glaz-
ier, Mrs. Mildred Glazier, RR 4,
Clinton; Miss Mabel Sanderson,
Victoria Square; Mrs, Fred Van
Egmond, London; Mr. and Mrs,
Jack VanEgmond, were the din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis
VanEgmond, on Easter Sunday.
Visitors for Easter holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron MacDonald
were Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Pratt and
son, Dennis, Merlin; Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace MacDonald, son, Scott
and daughter Sandra, Georgetown;
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacDonald
and son Bradley, London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Al McClelland and fam-
ily, Ottawa RCAF Roweliffe call-
ed on friends over the weekend.
36 Clinton Folk Belong
To Goderich Branch of
Community Concerts
Community Concert Associat-
ion's Clinton team was composed
of Miss E. Wiltse, Mrs. B. Men-
zies and Mrs. W. Beam with
Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame as cap-
This is the second year Mrs.
Cuninghame has-successfully con-
ducted the campaign in Clinton,
with a substantial increase in me-
mbership this year.
Thirty-six Clintonians are now
members of the Community Con-
cert Association, with headquart-
ers in Goderich, all of whom will,
during the concert season of 1959-
60, have the opportunity to hear
some of the greatest concert art-
ists in the music world of today.
CRU1VIVTON--in Clinton Public
Hospital, Clinton, on Wednes-
day, March 25, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campton, RCAF Station Clinton, a son.
CYR—In Clinton Public Hospital,
Clinton, on Wednesday, March 25, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Ulysses
Cyr, RCAF Station Clinton, a
AMONG—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital, Clinton, on Saturday, Mar-
ch, 28, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon DeJong, RR 1, Bruce- ,
field, a eon,
GIBES—In Clinton. Public Hospi-
tal, Clinton, on Thursday, Mar-
._ ch 26, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Gibbs, RCAF Station
Clinton, a son.
GRAVETT—In South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, on Thursday, Mar-
ch 24, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Gravett, Exeter (nee
Mary McKnight), a son (Rich-
ard Mark).
MOON—In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal, Clinton, on Saturday, Mar-
ch 28, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
Carman Moon, Londesboro, a'
RATHWELL --- At Ross Memorial
Hospital, Lindsay, on March 24,
1959, to Mr. and Mrs. John R,
Rathwell, a son (grandson for
Mr, and Mri. Fred Rathwell,
RR 1, Brucefield),
STURDY—In Bowmanviile Mem-
orial Hospital, on Thursday;
March 26, 1959, to Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Sturdy, Clinton, a son
(John Robert Ernest).
TODD—In Clinton Public Hospit-
al, Clinton, on Thursday, March
26, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Char-
les Todd, Clinton, a daughter.
er United Church on Saturday
afternoon, March 28, 1959, by the
Rev. Stanley Moote, Margaret
Gail, daughter of Mrs, Keith
Gardner, Colborne Township and
the late Mr. Gardner, to William
Donald Bowra, Stratford, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Bowra,
PROCTOR — Suddenly in London
Arena, on Wednesday, March
25, 1959, Charles Andrew Proc-
tor, 180 High Street, Strathroy,
dear father of Cameron Proctor,
Raglan Street, Clinton. Funeral
at Strathroy on Saturday after-
noon, March 28, and interment
in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave.
WALKER—In Seaforth, on Thurs-
day, March 26, 1959, Dora J.
Addison, widow of the late Wil-
liam Walker, in her 74th year.
Funeral from the Ball and
Mutch funeral home,, High St.,
Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on
Saturday afternoon, March 28.
We wish to thank all those who
assisted in any way at the disast-
rous fire on Sunday. — MR. and
MRS. LLOYD CRAIG and Family.
I would like to thank all my
friends and neighbours for lovely
gifts, birthday cards, sent to me
in honour of my 90th birthday.
—Mrs. Elizabeth Walker. 13-p
CORNISH—In loving memory of
Glen W, Cornish, who passed
away five years ago, March 30:
"Five years have passed since
that sad day
When one we loved was called
God took him home, it was His
will; •
Within our heart he liveth still."
—Sadly missed and lovingly re-
membered by his wife, family and
sister. 13-p
Our Saturday
Pumpkin Pie
Reg. 55c For
Bread gives them
Zip and Zest
Our bread wins high favour
With the kicItl It's enrithed to
keep them healthy and strong
.. gives them lots of energy,
tool They'll enjoy Our tasty
white and rye breads for Sand-
wiches, With meals and snacks
. . everybody does!
Barth& Bakery Ltd.
Bakery and Restaurant
HU 24727
The Grandmothers Club met at
the home of Mrs. Lily Webster last
Wednesday, with the president,
Mrs. W. Mannning presiding. The
program consisted of Easter read-
ings and a contest, A few games
of Lost Heir were played and lun-
ch was served 'by Group 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Radford,
Niagara Falls, were guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Radford and
Mrs. Alexander and Elaine are
spending a few days of the Easter
vacation in Toronto.
Mrs. Mabel Scott spent Sunday
with friends in St. Marys.
Easter visitors in the village in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Armstrong, Stratford; Mr, and
Mrs. Glen Carter and family on
Sunday with the John Arrnstrongs;
Miss Doris Lear, Hamilton, with
her parents; Miss Dorothy Little,
Toronto, Mrs. Milly Benthram,
Oshawa, with the Robert Town-
sends; Mrs George Beacom, Lis..
towel, with Mrs. Mary Beacom
and faniily.
Mrs. Mary Crawford visited'
with her daughter in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt
held a family gathering On Easter
There is a slight improvement in
the condition of Mrs. William
Govier, who is a patient in the
Alexandra Marine and General
Goderich, since last Fri-
day morning. Her many ,friends
hope for still further improvement,
Mrs. Beacom, Sr., Harold, Ed-
ith and Mrs. George Beacom, Were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Bert Beacom,
Percy Manning visited with Mrs,
Margaret Manning on Sunday.
Mrs. William Addison received
at her home About 35 friends and
relatives who attended the funeral
of the late Mrs. William Walker,
Clinton, last Saturday, Priends
from Orillia, Toronto, Sarnia and
Oshawa were present
Goderich Knox Church To Be Host For
Annual Meeting. of Synodical WMS
Susan Margaret Tyndall, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tyndall,
RR 1. Clinton,
Next Sunday evening the choir
will repeat its Easter Cantata,
"The King Eternal," by Ira B.
Wilson, at 7.30 p.m.
Mrs. Viola Lawman spent the
Easter weekend with relatives, in
Detroit, Mich,
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Bissett and
children, Guelph, visited in town
over the weekend,
Patsy and Wayne Bissett are
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Farquhar, town,
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Kendall,
Detroit, called on Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas Leppington last Sunday.
M. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, To-
ronto, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Ada Adams and Miss 0, Brig-
Mrs, Ron MacDonald aecoMp-
aniecl Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pratt to
spend the Easter week holidays in
Mr. and Mrs. C, M, Shearing
returned Sunday from a ten day
vacation in Myrtle Beach, South
Mrs, S. P. Munk, Brampton,
visited over the Easter weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. McGill.
Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Shob-
brook, Toronto, were the guests
of Mrs. Wesley Shobbrook, over
the weekend.
Marilyn Martin, London and
Bill Martin, Ottawa, spent Easter
with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
T. W. Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McManus,
Windsor, visited with the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. "Cap"
Cook, over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnston,
Toronto, spent the Easter week-
end with the lady's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. McCartney.
Mrs, Margaret Brown, Strat-
ford, and Miss Minnie Easom,
London visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs, David Easom,
Mr. and Mrs. William Lepping-
ton and family, Scarboro, called
on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lepping-
ton, Clinton, last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Penne-
baker spent several days at Osh-
awa where they also attended the
funeral of their nephew, Harvey
Scott, on Thursday last.
W. B. Biggart and family from
Exeter, and Sergeant R. C. Big-
gart and family from Ottawa,
spent Easter weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Big-
acknowledging a donation to
the Canadian Cancer Society,
in memory of the deceased,
will be sent to the bereaved
Ask the funeral director, or
contact the local branch. •
Canadian Cancer Society
Clinton, Ontario
The annual meeting of the Ha-
milton-London Synodical of the
Women's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian Church in Can-
ada i$ to be held Tuesday, Wed-
nesday and Thursday, April 14,
15, and 16 in Knox Chureh, Gode-
The Worship services will be
conducted by Rev, R. G, McMillan,
Goderich; Rev. D. J. Lane, Clin-
ton; ReNi, D. L, Elder, Seaforth;
and Rev, W. McClean, Lucknow,
on the chosen theme, "The Way—
The Truth and The Life".
Following a Board meeting
Tuesday afternoon, Huron Presby-
terial will serve a complimentary
dinner to the delegates. Tuesday
evening Presbyterial Presidents
will answer roll call with "Some-
thing Accomplished".
Special speakers for Wednesday
will be: Mrs. A. S. Curr, Toronto,
chairman of the National Com-
mittee of the Council Executive,
and a former president of Toron-
to-Kingston Synodical, Mrs. A.
Glenn Thompson, Stouffville, pre-
sident of the Western Division of
the WMS of the Presbyterial Ch-
urch in Canada. (This is compos-
ed of approximately 1,100 groups
and 30,000 members. It covers
the seven provinces, British Col-
umbia to Quebec); and Dr, Donald
Easter Thankoffering Of
Wesley-Willis WMS
To Be Held on Friday
The Easter Thankoffering meet-
ing of the Woman's Missionary
Society of Wesley-Willis United
Church will be held on Friday,
April 10 in the lecture room of the
church commencing at 8 p.m. The
program is being planned by Mrs.
J. McLaren and Mrs. W. Nott.
Mrs. W. 0. Struthers, Wingham
is the guest speaker. Hostesses
are Miss E, Jamieson, Mrs. D.
Dales, Mrs. A. Rodges, Miss lD.
Cantelon, Mrs. G. Saville, Mrs. L.
Jervis, Mrs. Innes, Mrs. J. Turn-
er and Mrs, E. Epps.
Victoria Street, Clinton
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Assistant Pastor:
Friday, April 3-
8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors:
Sunday, April 5--
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
1100 a.m.—Morning Worship
7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service
Tuesday, April 7-
8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and
Bible Study Service.
A Special Welcome Awaits You
St. Paul's — Clinton .
REV. C. S. INDER, Rector
Miss Christine Bridle, Organist
First Sunday After Easter
(The Octave of Easter)
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.—Parish Communion and
7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer
Tues., April 7—Ladies Guild, 6.34
p.m. Potluck supper and pen-
ny sale after business session.
Come and bring a friend.
REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister
MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, April 5
9.45 a.m.---Church School meets
for study
10.45 a.m.—Divine Service. Sermon
subject: "Following Easter"
Christian Reformed
REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister
SOnday, April 5
10.00 a.m.—Service in. Dutch
Sunday Scheel after Service
2,30 ,m: —Service in English
Bible School-1.30 pan., Saturday
Everyone 'Madame
V. Wade, Professor of History and
Philosophy of Religion and Christ-
ian Ethics, at Knox College, To-
ronto. Dr. Wade recently spent a
year in Formosa and other parts
of Asia.
The new officers will be install-
ed Thursday morning by Rev, G.
Douglas, Woodstock, Motlerat
or of Hamilton-London Synod.
Bayfield Obituary
Alfred A, Armstrong
(By our Bayfield Correspondent)
Funeral service was conducted
from Knox Presbyterian Church,
Bayfield, on Wednesday, March 25,
1959, for Alfred Archibald Armst-
rong, who passed away at his res-
idence on the Bronson Line on
March 23.
The Rev. D, J. Lane, Clinton
officiated, and pall-bearers were
Bert Dunn, Russell Heard, Thom-
as Westlake, William Talbot, Ha-
rold Penhale and Fred Watson,
Interment was in Bayfield Ceme-
Born in Bayfield in 1874, the
son of the late James Armstrong
and Janet Campbell, he married
Ruby Mary Whiddon, and farmed
on the Bronson Line all his life.
He was an elder in the Pres-
byterian Church for over 30 years
before Union with the United Ch-
urch, and was always a PreSby-
Surviving are two sons, William
D. and John A., both of Bayfield
and Mary, Mrs. Gordon Lea, Ch-
arlottetown P.E.I.; and 13 grand-
Persons attending the funeral
from a distance included Mr. and
Mrs. Peter MacPhedran, the Rev.
and Mrs. Kincaid, Belmont; E. S.
P. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Houghton, London; Miss Florence
Pollock, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Purdie, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
Armstrong, Tara; Mr .and Mrs.
Archie Scott, Exeter and Mr. and
Mrs, Laurie Scott, Blyth.
F. B.-Pennebaker Shows
Slides of Western
Canada to Lions Club
Featured ,at last week's meeting
of Clinton Lions Club were colour-
ed slides shown by Frank B. Pen-
nebaker, Some of these were
pictures taken by Mr. and Mrs.
Pennebaker on their trip to West-
ern Canada and the United Stat-
es last year, and some were slides
they had purchased en route.
The Canadian Red Cross Society
commemorates its 50th annivers-
ary in 1959, •
Rubber Stamps
of every description
Stamp Pads
Sold by
Clinton News-Record
A capacity crowd which requir-
ed the bringing in of chairs at-
tended the Easter Service of Bap-
tism and Communion, at Ontario
Street Church on Sunday. Six
children were received for Christ-
ian baptism and the minister the
Rev. Grant Mills challenged the
people to "Remember the things
that Jesus told the disciples about,
Christian Service ,Christian rela-
tionships, Christian stewardship
and death."
During the service the choir
sang the Easter anthem, "As It
began to be Dawn," by Charles
Vincent. Mrs. Willis VanEgmond
took the solo part.
Those received for baptism
were: Kenneth Michael Gibbings,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Gibbings, Linden; Clinton Gerald
Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ger-
ald Elliott, London; Patricia Ann
Crich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Crich, James Street. Clin-
ton; Randy Bruce Garrow, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Garrow, Lon-
don; Shirley Ann Cavell Stanley,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Stanley, Huron Street, Clinton;
The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary
will meet in the Nurses Residence
on Tuesday, April 7, commencing
at 8 p.m,
Church Directory
11.00 a.m.—"Private Worlds"
12.00 a.m.—Sunday School
Thursday, 7,30 p.m—Young People's and Prayer Meeting.
A Cordial Welcome to All
9,45 a.M.—Sunday Selifitil
11.00 runa,—Morning Worship
1.30 pxn,—Easter Cantata
.0() parr.—Worship Service
2..00 p.m,m4StInclaY Schaal