HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-26, Page 7roun$DA'Y', MARCH 26, 1'9'59 CWNTON NEWS*R9C0" SIE' —RUORD- .R A T IE S No charge. for anno�mU of iStst A Marr'It, res and' Qesttw . Articles for sale, rent, etc., hard of I%Anka, lg Memoriam, .engagements, 3e i word; mum 7Sc; WANT ADSBox No, to this cjffice 1Sc udditlon$1 A.4 04t to, sertions 2c a word, minirnunll 30c, CASH DISCOUNT, '/a ii bald by Saturday fol. lowing last insertion, Billing charge of 10c added each tune 'bill is sent. 12 n"A Wednesday FOR QUiCK RESULTS - Latest Time for Insertion*.,-- • , 1piai HU 2.5443; Articles For Sale GOOD BALED .HAY, no rain it it; also good cooking ;potatoes Contact L, Idsinga, phone 815M3 Goderich, 12-13.141 1949 DODGE ton. truck, 4 speed transmission, stake rack, good rubber and licence. New 32 plate tandem disc with 18 inch disc (will take cattle on trade), Ph. one HU 2-3246. 124 WHY PAY MORE? Brand new 9 cu. ft. refrigerators, your choice of Philco or Firestone, price $159 and your old sealed unit refrig- erator. T, A, D U T T O N Ap. pliances, Brucefield. Phone HU 2-3232: open evenings, 8-tfb WAREHOUSE SALE OF, HOME freezers. Following prices will ap. ply on home freezers picked up at our warehouse: Ensign 16 eu, ft. (chest type), $299; Ensign 21 cu. ft. (chest type), $349. Quantity limited but a deposit will hold. T. A, Dutton Appliances, Bruce. field, Dial HU 2.3232., 11-2-b SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it, and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery, 12p TED RYDER'S TV Sales and Service Introducing the Hallicrafter of Canada Television — top line models only. Slim Line Design, $30 down Stereo Record Players, portables and consoles, $15 down High Fidelity Consoles, $15 down. Radios, clock raidios, communica- tion receivers transistor ra- dios and combinations Record Players, with or without radios. Gash, Trade or Terms (104D/o down) Location: Mill Street, the road to the Drive -In Theater 11-2-p Articles Wanted GOOD STANDING TIMBER WANTED Apply Box 57, Ailsa Craig 46-tfb Automobiles For Sale 1950 DE SOTO sedan car, black n colour, in very good condition, )rice $350. Phone HU 2-7563. 12-13-b. .957 PONTIAC Sedan, radio, aut- omatic transmission, perfect condi- ,ion, must sell, terms can be ar- ,anged. Phone HU 2-6627. 12b )ROP DOWN TO GODERICH and see the complete line for 159, ,Werything in stock including con- lertibles, station wagons, 2 -dr. and :-dr, sedans in all Dodge, DeSoto tnd Rambler lines.' USED CARS NEEDED! HIGHEST ALLOWANCES 57 CHEVROLET, Delray, 2 -door, automatic, radio 57 PLYMOUTH V8, 4 -dr., radio, whitewalls 56 PLYMOUTH V8, Savoy, auto- matic, radio, sportone 55 DeSoto, all available power options, a fine luxury car. 55 Dodge Sedan, the only ex -taxi on the lot, fully reconditioned, priced to sell 53 DODGE, top car for the year t fine selection of older model :ars. REG. McGEE & SONS Hamilton Street GODERiCH Open Evenings. Board and Room WCOMMODATION FOR ONE Berson, either room or board. Ph- one HU 2-9621. 12-p Clothing for Sale xIRL'S light blue spring coat, size 12, practically new, price $10. 'hone HU 2-9538, 12-b =REEN WOOL CLOTH COAT, ize 12, price $5. Phone Clinton iU 2-9529. 12-p Custom Worse OR YOUR PLUMBING AND seating needs, call! i3U 2-94.33 iawkins Hardware, 2-tfb CREES — NOW IS THE TIME a arrange for tree removal; fully nsured. Contact J. McFarlane, iU 2-6654, 11 to 20-p P URNITURE UPHOLSTERED mol rebuilt, Full Iine of new ttmples to choose from, estimates riven. Arthur E. Clark, RR 1, ,riven. phone Blyth 20r14. 11 12 13-14-p Employmenf Wanted +VOLD LIFE TO DO ROUSE- leaning by the hour, Phone I4U -9502, 12-x JADY WOULD LIKE to do sp- Ing housecleaning or one day per ✓eek in home, Phone HU 24434, 12yb ,Accarnmodatioin <�. For Rent FURNISHED and heated apart- ment suitable for couple. Phone HU 2.9T4Z 11-12-b 2 LARGE UPSTAIRS Furnished Rooms; 1 heated. Phone HU 2- 9773, Clinton, 12p SELF-CONTAINED apartment 3- roo 2 -and, bath, .furnished. Poe J FURNISHED 3 -ROOM apartment, private entrance,. share bath, Ph ,one Seaforth 42, 12-tfb FURNISHED AND HEATED,' 3 room apartment, all conveniences for couple. Available April 1. Dial HU 2-9483. 11tfb 2 ROOM APARTMENT, furnished and heated. Available April 1, near RCAF Station. Phone HU FiiJ 2-7574. 11-12-b 3 ROOM APARTMENT, unfurn- fished, with bathroom, heated, , av- ailable April 1st, Phone HU :2-7057. 11-12-13b 16 -ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished, 3 %edroom, kitchen, diningroom and livingroom.. Located 5 miles west ,of Clinton on Bayfield Road. Ph - ,one HU 2-7447. 12-3-4b .7 ROOM FARM HOUSE for rent, partly furnished, available now, hot and cold water. Located first "farm next to Radar School. Phone HU 2-3240 12b APARTMENT, three rooms and 'bath. Central location. Furnished. Ment reasonable, Available immed- dately. Apply at News -Record of- ffce, 9-tfb Articles For Sale SINGER SEWING MACHINE, ,portable, Excellent working order. Priced to sell. HU 2-7062. 12b RIBBONS FOR TYPEWRITERS and adding machines. $1.00 each. Clinton -News Record. 8-tfb "TENT 9'x9' with 5 ft. wall, S ft, centre; good condition. Phone HU .2-9134 after 6_p.m. 12-b :2 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, .grey wool frieze, excellent con edition. Phone 191 BIytX 12-b 10 CU, 'FT. DEEP FREEZE, Con- tinental 10. Phone HU 2-7262. 12-b FEEDING TURNIPS for sale, a- bout 2,000 bushels at 10c per bu- shel. Phone Howard Cartwright, Londesboro, phone 28r7, Blyth 12p . '24" MOFFAT GAS RANGE, used three months. In excellent condi- tion, owner now using electricity. Phone HU 2-9220. 11-tfb ; COLEMAN OIL BURNER, 51,000 .T.U, Practically new. 2-45 gal. + storage tanks with taps. Dial HU 2-7135. 12-b McCLARY COAL AND WOOD Range, in excellent condition; also ' -beavy duty rangette. Maurice Frame, Queen St., Clinton. 12p SIMPLICITY WASHING mach- ine, good shape. Phone Ray Mady, ,RCAF Station Clinton, Local 326 ,or 224 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 12b BEES—about 40 colonies of bees, in standard 10 frame hives, with two supers to each hive. Apply to Ed. Haberer, phone 174J, Zurich, 11-12-p -SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with :special care. Phone for an even- . ting appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU :2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb DRAIN TILE MYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p SPACEMASTER DOORS, 6 ft. high, 3% or 4 ft. wide for arch- way, Corner china cabinet, wal- mut finish. Phone 47 r 2 Bayfield, 11-12-13b .NOW IN STOCK! We now have J'or sale the McCulloch Chain Saw. Come in for a demonstration. `Wells Auto Electric, Clinton. 4-tfb `WE HAVE a selection of good ,used Pioneer Saws, $75 up; also .new, low priced Pioneer Saws. , Robert Glen, Pioneer Chain Saws, phone HU 2-9909, Clinton. 12-13p ;MAROON CHESTERFIELD, 2 :matching chairs and foot stool, sewing machine, good condition; also other household goods. HU :2-7584:. 11-12-p 0ETTI!NG MARRIED? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the News -Record office, Invitations thank -you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serViettes, match books, etc. 11-tfb YELLOW and WRITE `i'HISTL Baby Carriage, in good condition, $25. Converts to Stroller, car bed, car seat, has mattress and under- i carnage basket. Phone HU 2�8419. BERT PEPPER" AUCTIONEER Reserve Your Side Date Now RR N6. 3 Phone Clinton "` s Seaforth, Ont, Hunter 24584 tfb� Help Wonted Pasture Wanted WAITRESS FOR FULL ' TIME PASTURE WANTED to rent for employment. Apply in person to a credited herd of cattle. Phone Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 12-b HU 2.9241. 12-b WAITRESSES wanted .at Ping- Poultry For Sale gr's Restaurant, Apply in person. ton, 200 acre clay loam farm, large brick home, good barn, 12b DEKA,LB STARTED PULLETS, WOMAN required for restaurant Several hundred Dekalb pullets hatched November 3, 16 weeks work, days, nights and weekends. Call HU 2.7038 mornings. 1,12-b old, Feb. 23rd; 18 weeks, March 9, Lost and Found Vaccinated for Bronchitis & New, BOYS, WOMEN and GIRLS, Per, castle, Should be seen to be app manent employment, in new mor preciated. If you keep records dern plant. Apply Highland Shoes, You will keep Dekalbs. MOORE'S Seaforth, 12-13-b POULTRY FARM, Seaforth, Ont„ Finder please leave at News -Ree- phone 6' 47 r 3• 7-tfb MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth business. Sell. to 1,500 families. Property For Sale Good profits for hustlers, Write Seed For Sale. today Rawleigh's, Dept. C -169-S, 50 ACRES, all choice land, on 4¢05 Richelieu, Montreal. 12-b Main Road. Hydra, Good build- Hay For Sale ings. Never failing water supply. Easy terms. Box 122, Clinton 500 BALES of mixed hay for Sale, News -Record. 12P Phone 6$1r22, Hensall. 12-p Propel ty Wanted GOOD QUALITY MIXED HAY fo lien Carnochan, Seaforth, phone in square bales, Phone HU 2-7474. FARM WITH, 100 OR MORE 11-2-p acres, barn and house (hydro and Building, 11-2-3-b bath preferred) on good open road Livestock Wanted or highway. Please state price OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3'/a and all particulars in first letter. Write to Sox 114 Clinton News - 1b„ and dead cattle at value. If Record, 11-2-3-p dead, phone at once. GYLBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- ' lect, Goderich, 1483 14 or 1453 J 1. suitable for seed. $1 per bushel, ATTENTION FARMEl[i S: l ..Cash FRAME HOUSE, 7 YEARS OLD. paid for .sick-, down and disabled 4 rooms and bath; `oil heated. cows 'and horses.. Dead stock pick-- Phone HU 2-9576. 12-p ed up flee of charge; no eaR Ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Caul collect QUANTITY OF RODNEY OATS, Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, e ac ot frame house, hydro. %r l frame, information, phone HU re lot fi Associated w1th Darling and Co. 19812.. of Canada Ltd. 39-p-+tfb om registered, seed, and suitable DEAD STOCK SERVICE BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit Highest cash prices paid for dead, 61d, sick and disabled horses your pocketbook on the Nu -Way and cattle. Old horses for slaught- house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent. for Kernohan. er at 5c a pound, For prompt, sanitary disposal phone collect, Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12; If High Street, Clinton. 49tfb busy phone Leroy Acheson, At- LARGE BRICK HOME wood 153, • William Morse, Brus- Ba field, y Ontario sels 15J6. Trucks available at all pected to Mrs. Gordon Manning, RR 2, Bayfield, Ontario, 12-b times. 11,tfb Situated on the "Square" at Clinton lUnter 2-3441 Bayfield this large brick house Dead Stock SeMces wouldmake an. excellent guest home, nursing home or could be call • between. divided into three apartments. HIGHEST CASH Property is in good state of re- PRICES pairs and has oil forced -air heating. Very reasonable For. PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR price. ap- pointment to inspect, call: DISABLED COWS and - HAROLD, W.: SHORE ealHORSES, Monday morning. PhoneR766 Est 38 Hamilton St, j AISO GODERiCH Iow, 53-tfb 30tfb Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Real Estate Old Horses --4c per pound 85 ACRES clay loam land, 7 room house, barn 35'x50', water, hy- Phone Collect dro, only $6.500. Low downpay- 133 -- BRUSSELS ON HIGHWAY No. 8 close to Clin- BRUE MARLATT ton, 200 acre clay loam farm, large brick home, good barn, implement shed, garage, here is 24 Hour Service a good buy and choice location. 100 ACRES clay loam land, no Lost and Found buildings, 10th Concession Mc - eason- Killop Township, Epriced reason- LOST—Brown LOST Brown wallet near Bart- able JOHN BOSVELD Tiffs on Saturday. Contains some money, driver's permit and ident- REALTOR ification, card, birth certificate, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich Finder please leave at News -Ree- PHONE 1108 ord office. 12-b Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth Miscellaneous C. 13uruma, Clinton. 11-12-b WAT( i REPAIR IS A JOB FOR Seed For Sale. experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jgwellery. QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY seed. Huron County's Oldest Establish- Phone HU 2-9130. 12-p ed Jewellery Store, 12-p TAX RETURNS -Avoid last min- No A COMMERCIAL .Herta Bar - ley, germination 9a Contact ute rush. Telephone hone Seaforth 78 fo lien Carnochan, Seaforth, phone NOW for appointment. H. G. 665r32. 12&14-15-p MSIR, Counsellor, Dominion Bank -- Building, 11-2-3-b No. 1 COMMERCIAL Clintland LET US REPAIR AND MAKE Seed Oats, 99% germination; •also quantity of good baled hay. James your rings and jewellery like new. Carnochan, S e a f o r t h, phone Diamond rings renewed and stones 66562. 12p safely secured—don't take chan- ces, .. Expert work done reasonably BEAVER OATS, good quality, to your satisfaction. Watch re- suitable for seed. $1 per bushel, pairs and Pearl rbsstringing. W. cleaned at barn, Apply to Milton N. Counter, 12-p Pollock, RR 1, Varna, phone Hen - MOTORS AND GENERATORS still 687x31. 12-13-14-b ra wound and repaired. Brushes, QUANTITY OF RODNEY OATS, capacitors, switches, bearings; grown from registered seed. Also small appliances repaired, Used quantity of Garry oats, grown fr- br reconditioned motors for sale. om registered, seed, and suitable Art Lovett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. for seed, Robert Welsh, RR t !'hone RV2-6640. 44tfb Bayfield. Phone EIU 2.3344, 12-b u' WATERLOO CATTLE Teachers Wanted BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service PROTESTANT TEACHER for SS for all bmeds of cattle. If phoning 5; Goderich Township, Duties com lienee September 1959, Apply sta- long distance, simply ask for Cllancenton 2 simply 9. k f ting qualifications and salary ex- If it is a local call, use our reg- pected to Mrs. Gordon Manning, RR 2, Bayfield, Ontario, 12-b ular number Clinton lUnter 2-3441 SS No. 9, GODERICH TWP. For service or more information, requires an experienced Prgtest- call • between. ant teacher, for a modern one 7130 and 1 : e b 00 a ,in, we lc days room school. Please state qualifi- 6:00 and $.00 p.m. Sat, evenings cations, experience, salary expect - For cows noticed In heat on Sun- ed and name of last inspector. day morning, do not cull until Applications will be received until Monday morning. April 4, Apply to :Cdward Wise, The quality is high and the cost Secretary -Treasurer, RR 3, Clin- Iow, 53-tfb ton, 12-13-b TOP PRICES FOR GO'1'),IMICH TOWNSHIP School Area Board requires two experien- !�. 1 LIVE 1 POULTRY L.1 cod, qualified Protestant teachers, Scions are No. Ple 6 Union, 'No, 3, I-loimosville. Please state qualifi= cations and former inspector. For further particulars contact Frank Phone 66 Yeo, secretary -treasurer, Rel. 3, fast Huron Produce Clfntan. 12.13-b Wand Fo' t Sale $russets, bntario 'BODY FOOT W'OcSD, or limb wood, Also custorrl wood cutting, 18 to 21-b by Lorene Tyndall, Phone IIU 2- - _ 4904. 11-2w3�b CARDS Of THANKS Mrs, Ezekiel Phillips :and fam- ily tale this oppartumt to thank their wonderful neighbpurs and friends for the many expressions of sympathy and kindness shown them during their bereavement. 12-1) I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in Clinton .Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Newland and the nursing staff, -- MRS.. LUCY BEZZO. 12b Mrs, John Turner and family wish to thank theft- friends .and relatives *for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during their re. cent bereavement, Special thanks to the Nurses of Clinton Hospital,, Dr. Addison and the Rebekah Lodge. 12•p The family of the late James McBride wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation for all acts of kindness, messages .of .sympathy and beautiful. floral tributes, during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. T. J, Pitt; Mr. Richard Rob- inson and Mrs. Elmer Hayter, the pall -bearers and flower bearers, Bonthron funeral home and those who assisted at the house, 12-b Archie Robinson d family, and the Turner. family wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to friends, neighbours, and Auburnites for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during their re" cent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. J. A. Addison, the nurses at Clinton Hospital, Rev. A. McKim, Mrs. Mary Nediger, Wes- ley -Willis Church board and the Rebekah Lodge, 12-p Notice To Creditors L: the E s t a t e of GORDON MANNING, late of 'the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, deceased, Rural Hydro Employee. All persons claiming against the . above estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed by the 23rd day of April, A.D.; 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed.. DONNELLY & DONNELLY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, 'Solicitors for the Estate. 12-3-4-b " Notice to Creditors In the Estate of THOMAS CH- URCHILL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the said Thomas Churchill, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1959, ,are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April, 1959, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall .have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of March, 1959. E. B. MENZIES, Clhiton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrators. 11-12-13-b Tender DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION' (19 51) LIMITED PROJECT: Interior Painting of Various Buildings, Clinton, Ontario. File 122-20-C2-7. SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to content and addres- sed to the undersigned, for the above project, will be received un- til 3.00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) WEDNESDAY, April 8, 1959. Specifications and tender forms required may be obtained by Prime Contractors only from DCL Plans Section, Room 3.58, at the address below. A deposit of $25.04 payable to defence Construction (1951) Limited is required for each set of documents, This de- posit is forfeited if the complete specifications are not returned in good order on or before the 14tli day following contract award, Specifications will be on view at Builders'. Exchanges in Toronto, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, Brantford, Guelph, Sarnia, DCL Toronto Branch Office and at the address below. Each tender must be submitted on the forms prescribed and be accompanied by a security deposit in the amount of $1,500.00 or a bid bond in the amount of 10% of the bid price, as Called for in the tender documents, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. Jennison, Secretary, No. 4 Temp. Bldg., 56 Lyon St., Ottawa, Ontarlo: 12b Auction Sale Auction Sale of Cattle at lot 30, con, 10, Huliett Twp., 1 mile west of Londesboeo on Tuesday, March 31st at 1 pan. Horses: I Percheron horse 1,600 lbs., 10 yrs, old; 1 Brown mare, 1,600 lbs., )riddle age, Cattle: 12 good Durham cows with calves at foot•, 5 Hereford cows with calves at foot; 1 good Durham bull, 3 yrs, old; 18 Dur- ham steers and heifers, rising 1 year old; 8 Durham steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 Durham heifers, ris- ing 2 yrs, old, All above cattle are in condition for market. Electric De Laval cream sep� arator (like new), Terms: Cash Prop„ John Snell, Auctioneer, Hallold Jackson Clerk, I_. P, Gheshoy 12-b The principal body supporting cancer research in Canada. is the National Cancer; Institute of Cali - Ada, 20% of its funds conte from federal-��ssrovincial .grants, while the oilier A16 is provided by the CA- nadian Cancer Society, PACK' ,SEV.Ei ROXY HEATRE �IInton Shows ows Nightly—First Show of 7 prn,---Wide Screen Saturday Matinee 2,40 p,m. NOW PLAYING..-'- . March 20 - 27 - 28 Double Bit! startling at 7 p,nil,----Lastcomplete show, $.31 "Fettles At ftikikilf Marjorie Main + peroy .Kilbride and A "Smoke Signal" Dana Andrews Piper Laurie ,MONDAY A 'L L WEEK SATURDAY "10NKArr Wait ;Disney scores again with another fine live- action picture, filmed against rugged Oregon back- grounds. -- Technicolor -- Sal Mine* -- . Philip Carey -- Jerome .Courtland Clinton, Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales 'Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Flower's 3 Telegraphed Anywhere K.C.000vul FLORIST Dial HU 2 -7012 ---Clinton PARK THEATRE G 0 D E R I C H Now Playing: MARCH 26-27.28 "SMILEY GETS A GUN" In Technicolor & Cinemascope with Chips Rafferty MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MARCH 30-31 April 1 "The Barbarian and The Geishait Cinemascope & De Luxe Color Filmed in Japan this colorful and exciting drama depicts the adven. tures of the first U.S. consul to Nippon_ John Wayne -- Elko Ando Sam Jaffe THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 2-3-4 "HOUSEBOAT" In Vista -Color Cary Grant -- Sophia Loren Martha Hyer You'll chuckle, you'll guffaw, as a widower and his three children 'take over a houseboat and a glam. orous housekeeper. C------- Coming: "MARDI GRAS" Color Pat Boone -- Tommy Sands Galbraith Radio & TV WILL BE CLOSED Until April 2 FOR REDECORATING FASHIONS TO DO YOU PROUD ON EASTER AND THROUGH. SPRING From head to foot, we have everything here to complete the picture of your EASTER SUN- DAY BEST" . , . and give you The Look You'll Like throughout the Spring months ahead, Ch- oose from a fashion -fresh sel- ection in Every Department .. , • SUITS • SWEATERS • SPORTSCOATS • SLACKS • SPORT SHIRTS OPEN FRIDAY 9VENIN6 Pickett & Campbell Limited Arrow Shirts $tet§cin WAS Phone HU 2.973X,—MaIh Corner—Clinton