Clinton News-Record, 1959-03-19, Page 10AUTOMATIC HEATING yoto-o/tY 4frmee tioicemikei? Replace with 'AVMce , AUTKIT 3.94, 1.$3$ Clearance Sale COMPUTE LiNE OF ALL FIRESTONE TIRES Also a Fine Selection of Alt Automotive Parts and Accessories Prices Slashed As Owners, Are. Distketving Business CHOWER84 MERNER RELIANCE GARAGE ALBERT STREET CLINTON 10-11..b • HARDWARE Clinton Phone HU 2-7023 , Sutter-Perdue Ltd BUILDING and REFEREN • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's Ladies' Wear Draperies Curtains -- Blinds Curtain Rods Drapery Track — Estimates Free — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-6623 McEWAN'S CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS CLINTON Phone HU 2-9766 • PAINTING and DECORATING D. A. Kay and Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton — Phone HU 2-954P GRANT RATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street — Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton 10,11.101111111.1•1101111111. • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG . CONTRACTOR General Conceretec, Construction CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9496 • BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball-Macaulay Ltd. Phone HUnter 2-9514 Full Range Of Builders' Supplies COAL LIME -- CEMENT King Street Clinton J. W. Counter Builders" Supply "Everything for the Builder" CLINTON Phone HU 2-9612 • GENERAL CONTRACTING CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Clinton Phone HU 2-9562 * M. McADAM Clinton — PhOne HI) 24070 tIENO1Al. CONTRACTI NG Industrial -- Conitterdial Cement Work REMODELLING CE LIST • HEAT, LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS ' Clinton — Phone HU 2-9653 Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton — Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S Sales and Service SEAFORTH ZURICH Phone Zurich 34 Phone 644W1 Electric and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electric Installation and Reapirs Motor Rewinding A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton — Dial HU 2-9411 COAL -- IUEL OIL CEMENT See GAS RANGES at Hawkins Hardware Victoria St. — HU 2-9433 HARDWARE -- PLUMBING and .HEATING Huron Gas Equipment Dial HU 2-9600 CLINTON ' "If it burns;, Gas---We have it" A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domettic -- Commercial Industrial BAYFIELD Phone 16 w icr PLUMBING 1" and HEATING Barold Wise, Prop, CLINTON — Dial HU 2-1023 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical, ;Services • ROOFING EARL DOUCETTE BUILDING coNernAtTon Asphalt Roofing CLINTON Phonic HU 2-974l For. Top Quality GAS APPLIANCES — See Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products R.R. 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2.6633 cRtD11 Al/ON 4f1V AR ) I am a member of your ONTARIO CREDIT UNION LEAGUE. Through it, I am a member of the CREDIT UNION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. I have avoilabb to me the insurance cervices Of the CUNA MUTUAL INSURANCE SOCIETY, My officers and Staff are bonded for your protection, AM YOUR CREDIT UNION Clinton Community Credit Union Limited I am 'part of the CREDIT UNION MOVEMENT. I belong to your Local Chapter. Did You Know? DO IT YOURSELF! SEE THE ALL-NEW Forney Repair Unit for the Farm This repair unit was built for the Inexperienced, Besides being an efficient welder, It will cut, braze, solder and heat, it will hard-face all wearing equipment, and thaw water pipes in minutes (even underground), For those cold mornings, this repair unit has a battery charger, 6 or 12 volts, which can be used as a booster, These are only a few of the jobs this repair unit could do for youl — USED ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDERS — Pot. a free trial or information call EDWARD ODBERT 1524J or write to 278 Albert Straet, Stratford 11-b *,* The total floor area is 1,295 square feet and the exterior by 30 feet. Working drawings for this house, known as Design Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost. placing of furniture. dimensions are 41 feet 269, are available from For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look for this sign of quality FUEL VOUSEHOLD nil-I-s SALt.'S. BUSINESS, FINANCING, CAn REPAIRS WINTER: HOLIDAY4 WHEN PILED-UP BILLS SAY GET A. LOAN" CALL T.C.C. ON THE' TELEPHONE Loans from $150. to $2,500. or more. Take up to 30 Months to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Prompt, dignified service. 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 791 GODERICH, ONT. mEsvdrllrMmrV The proposed annexation of. land at the Setitheast edge of town -on the McKenzie farm, from Htil- lett 'Township, is expected to go. through. At last week's council meeting, it was decided that they would proceed with arranging for. MODEL D 112 No more guessing or uncertainty with your Westinghouse Dry- er, you can dry ALL fabrics saf- ely. Dries clothes faster uses less current with the exclusive advantages of DIRECT AIR- FLOW , . air and heat passes directly into ' the clothes, not through the basket. Four Models of Westinghouse Dryers to Choose From. Priced from $199.95 Clinton Electric Shop • "Your Westinghouse Dealer" D. W. Cornish, Prop. Albert Street — Clinton annexation, so that area would he available for more housing h' the pear future.. Original plans were that this .area would be the ,site for the 12 rental houses which the town is building in co-operation with the provincial and federal -govern- menls.. However, representatives of the Ontario DepartMent of Pi- arming and Development have do, tided that another site, (on the Frank Andrews farm) is better suited at the present time to this type of developraent. , Mayor Burton Stanley is confi- dent that there will be more than just the first 12 houses, built und- er this co-operative plan with the. senior governments, and annexa- tion will provide suitable lots for future projects. Delegates Named by Huron Liberals For Ontario Event Huron Liberals selected their delegates for the annual provinc- ial meeting of the party set for Toronto, April 3. Delegates, in addition to Harry Strang, Ilensall, candidate and the former candidate, Dr, J. A. Addison, Clinton, include George Diechert, Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zur- ich; W. White, Seaofrth; Beecher Menzies, Clinton; 'Jim Bissett, Goderich; Mrs, R. Rowcliffe, Sea- forth. Alternates are Mrs. Isabel Campbell, Exeter; Mrs, Elsie Cameron, Tuckersmith; George Rether Jr., Exeter; Joseph Gunn, Centralia; William McGuire, God- erich; William Leiper Jr., 1-lullett. AUBURN Correspondent: MRS. W. BRADNOCK Knox COC • The Ida White Group of the Children of the Church of Knox Presbyterian Church met last Sat- urday afternoon. Margaret Hain- es, president, was in charge. Joy- ce Leatherland and Margaret Yungblut were flagbearers. The devotional period was an illustra- ted story called "Not worth a Chicken," which was the story of a little African girl taken to a witch doctor and the coming of the White Missionary who told her about God's love. Minutes were read by Barbara MacKay. Roll call was answered by a word found in the Easter Story. The Study Book chapter was given by the leader, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son, who told about the experien- ces of a little boy in Labrador and the coming of the Mission Boat. A question period followed. Rec- reation and contest included hun- ting of Easter Eggs. Lunch was served by Mrs. Donald Haines and. Mrs. Frank Raithby, W1WIS Thankoffering The Easter Thankoffering ser- vice of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the Sabbath School room of the church, with a large attendance. Guests were present from Goderich and Knox United WMS, St. Mark's Anglican Guild and the Baptist church. Mrs. Donald Haines, president, gave the call to worship and the hymn "Jesus keep me Near the Cross," with Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay at the piano, followed by prayer. Mrs. Oliver Anderson chose the Scripture lesson from 2 Corinthians and the Gospel of Matthew. Mrs. John Durnin gave the meditation on the suffering that Christ bore for us, and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall led in prayer. Mrs. Frank Raithby gave a read- ing. "The Crucifixion." The pres- ident reminded the ladies of the Synodical in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on April 14, 15, and 16, The offering was received by Miss Minnie Wagner and Mrs. Roy Daer. Plans were made to make the quilt for the bale and Mrs. Her- bert Govier read the thank-you notes, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor sang a lovely solo, "How they grow", accompanied by Mrs. Rob- ert J. Phillips. Mrs. Wet Bradnock introduced the guest speaker, Miss Eva Som- erville, Goderich, yv,ho gave an in- spiring Easter messrage and illus- trated her address with pictures of the Holy Land, including the Gar- den of Gethsemane, Calvary Hill, the scene of the Last Supper and many more, making the Easter story very near to everyone. She concluded with a reading, "Simon of Cyrene". Miss Somerville tour- ed these eastern countries this past summer. Mrs. Duncan MacKay thanked Miss Somerville for her wonder- ful message and presented her with a gift. Lunch was served. Appreciation was expressed by yrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Chailes Straughan and Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Thomas Edward Good (By our Auburn correspondent) Thomas Edward Good passed away suddenly at his' home in South Bend, Indiang„,in his 59th year. He was. the —Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Good and was born in Hullett,Township. He at- tended school at -SS;9, Hullett and continued his education to become a telegraph operator, He went to South Bend 35 years ago and was employed in the tow- er of the Grand Trunk Railway as their telegraph operator. He was married 34 years to Audrey Smous of that city and was a member of St, James' Episcopal Church. Surviving besides his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Ar- Ilene) Barber; one son, Welling- ton; five grandchildren; also four brothers, Robert, Goderich; Wel lington, Blyth; William, West Wa- wanosh; Russel, 1--lullett, and three sisters, Mrs. Elmer (Elizabeth) McDougall, Branchton; Mrs. Doug- las (Gladys) Campbell, Westfield; Mrs. J. (Frances) Head, London. Funeral services were held at his church with burial in Mt. Pleas- ant cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good and Russel Good attended the funeral services. LDA Dealers in your town: J. W. Counter Builders' Supply Clinton, Ontario for dollar-saving fuel economy! Gar Wood's famous ,fuel economy can start- saving money for you, now. Just call us to replace. your present wasteful furnace with an efficient; Gar Wood unit. it's easy to finance through at Home Improvement Loan ond, in addition to the wonderful trouble-free comfort, you'll find it practically pays for itself in fuel savings. Let us show you actual records of how your neighbours have cut fuel bills with a Gar Wood, For all the facts. see kW' Annexation From HuNett Township Is Expected To Proceed As Planned Earlier %OWN .NEWS,BKORD l~l ppealing Bungalow Design Caters to Busy Housewife Architect M. G. Dixon, of Ottawa, gave sympathetic con. sidetation to the busy housewife when he designed this dim- bedroom bungalow, He has eon• centrated his efforts in providing a well-arranged kitchen and work area in the house, A bandy dining nook and ample cupboard and shelf space are features of the kitchen, The convenient side service entrance, with vestibule and coat closet, as well as a second access to the bathroom will save the house- wife many steps in looking after the needs of small children, Another highlight of the plan is the large combined living dining room with its long un. broken wall to facilitate the MERNER'S DRAINAGE CO. DRAINAGE -- -- EXCAVATING PIPE LINE WORK FOUNDATIONS -- LEVELLING JACK MERNER, Prop. Phone HU 24134 Clinton, Ont. 9-10- n., I John Sangster PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL WIRING Phone HU 2-7035 — Albert Street — Clinton