HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-19, Page 9TOWNSHIP OF GODER10,4 TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tondo" will tae received by the _undersigned until the 4th Of April, 1959, for .crushing and hatiling, t4 Township roads, under the supervision .0 Township read sUperintenelent, approx- imetely 19,000 yard* of gravel taken from two township pits. %' screen to be used, and eentracter to strip pits— A eertified. cheque for Sou to accompany tender, State prioe per yard. 4.0Weit or any tender= not neeeSSarily accepted, R, E. THOMPSON, Clerk ROY TYNDALL., Road :Superintendent r 1.142-h • TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders, -clearly marked as to contents, will he re- eeived by the vhdersigned until COD p.m, Saturday, April 4,. 1959, for the trashing and hauling of approximately 5009 cubic yards of screened gravel from the township pit, to be *livered and spread to the satisfaction of the township road superintendent, contract to be executed during the month pf liune, 1959, A marked cheque In the sum of $300.00 payable to the TeeMehiP of Colborne must accompany all tenders which will be returned to the unatIcOessful bidders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 11-32-b R. C. STRAUGHAN, Clerk, Township of Colborne, RR 4, Goderich, Ontorpo Ak. A MANTON NEWS-n=01W 1959 .At the .DEW •1404 Bayfield Resident Tells of Life In Canada's North with the RCAF (By our )30.)1314 COrresP011014) STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE.TIAR AND TWO.YRAR COURSES are offered • leading to en Interim Elementary-School Teacher's Cot-Woe, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. eteei OPENS etereMBER 8, 1939. Descriptive booklet "Teething be the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request, 4141111392/411C REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSIONS ONEaTEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Composition or Englith Literature, TWO-YEAR COURSEk Secondary School Graduation Diploitia of the General Course. ' INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee Of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal' of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET Come and Hear Rev, Henry G. Adams Ex-Monk Douglas Catswell was the guest speaker at Trinity Club on 'rues, day evening, March $. Ilia subject was the DEW Line. MW, he eXplained stands for Distant Early 'Warning, In a most' interesting manner ,the sPeaker traced his movements frotn Sept- ember 1957, when he left Bayfield for training in Chicago, through his arrival at an Arctic Station on December 31 and Subsecluent service. There is not as much snow hi the Arctic as one would suppose, no more than we have here. It falls in the summer and remains for the winter, And there is very little wind.• The lakes freeze from both the top and the bottom. The country is barren, flat and white. This is particularly appar- ent to the photographer, the sp- eaker explained, Here one can get many different views inst by turn- ing the cameral There, the back- ground is all the same, Mr. Carswell touched on the as- pects of the work on the DEW Line. There were 100 men in the camp at which they were station- ed. Excellent food and recreational facilities are provided in these lonely spots. "Imagine'„ he .said, "refusing a good steak, But I re- fused one the day I came out. I Who spent 12 years in a' Mdnagery (Former Fr, Hilarian of 'Basilian Order Di rector of tfieEvazge it ;M ISiot ofccnertelmons prets toufviiioion a Editor, Canverted Priests' EVangel. March 17 to 22 at 8 pm. MembersHoefa'r, Learnt aIlFaith game, Faiths, eaer Roman Catholic. Students, Priests, Nuns are Especially Invited TOPICS — Tuesday, March 17—Who are these Heretics—the Protestants Wednesday, March 18---"Mirror! Mirror!" hursday, Mara 19—The Living Rock Friday, March 20-1'11 Dante at Your Wedding" (Mixed Marriages) Saurday, March 21—"The Living Dead, Roman Catholic Ghosts" unday, March 22-11.00 a.m.—The Need of the' Hour 7.30 p.m.,--From Monastery and Priest-. hood to Christ. In Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle- Elgin Avenae at Waterlia Street, reel Valle eraser's exciting "'Omar nest Sellers" recipes. Write today! GOD[RICH DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 406 Huron $troot. Toronto. Was sick of such good food," ., The water, he said, was pipe from the lake in summer, but i other SeaSon$,all the water is 0 tanned frorn crushed an melted. The greatest peril in the nor is fire, as there is no Water, The fight fires With bulidozerS. Mr. Carswell told of -,:he super communication SYstein: b.1 Line. For instance, it" the 'statio in Which he WOrk6t1 bed bee knocked out, it Would immediate' be covered by another. A niesSag eould be sent to a point in Easter Canada, relayed through other st thins in that direction, throug the United States and points i Western Canada and be back a the station which. seat in it to minutes, It is a good place to save mane especially for a Yeting' unmarrie Man. The high rate of pay wit no place to spend it, enables sam to accumulate, 4titte a large ban account. The .: ;Teeter at the cam was sawing for post graduate won and to set bizilielf up in practic Another young man was savin far a .university` *etbicatidn an wotild' still , have .quite a nice nes egg when he, graduated. The speaker told of barterin with the Eskimo for hides. He sh owed a White fox pelt which he ha obtained, To bring it out he ha pnrchased a trapper's license, Onl the Eskimos are allowed to be ar med because of their need for food Incidentally, they are not too im pressed with...the white man an his wayS..They are very clever a handling machinery. As an example of the vastnes of the country, Mr. Carswell sal that for six flying hours on th trip out, there was no 'sign of life It appeared two hours before the landed at Val'Dor Station, Qu'ebec There was a question period wh ich all enjoyed. In expressing thank* to Mr Carswell for his enlightening tat on this defenSe project which i so much in the news now, Mrs William E. Parker said that years gone by the slogan was: "G west, young' man, go west", bu that after hearing the speaker to W y -174 AND DISTINCTION ... CheVy brings .you the most ex- citing lines . . style that will stay new over the years, lerfil&des. FINISH Magic-Mirror finish needs only washing -to retain new-car sheen for up to three Stars. • . Sponsored by Pentecostal Tabernacle and Victoria Loyal Orange Order No. 182, Goderich. Interview Ex-priest Adams each afternoon in the Pastor's Study. 1041-b HERE TODAY! CONFUCIUS SAY" "ONE' DEKALB 'BIRD IN HAND-WORTH TWO Ot MANY 0114EAS" Yes, performance of DeKalb Chile is something to behold. High rate of if-- lay efficient feed con- version and, eggs of high- est quality. 13 CFMC ..... "••••••• ...... ••••• - ........ •• • • • ••••••••••• • • M:..15..!MRF;CtS:trtODOgasszqg,,,,,,,,N,,...w„,,,„„.....,.„.„,„..,.„-•.v.v-w • • • • • ,A•7••.: HIGH QUALITY EGGS. MAKE BIG QUANTITY .PROFITS Strong shells . • . chalk- .thick White color . firm, albumen and golden, up- standing yolks . . mean EXTRA Premium Prices for De$elb ................... "N '\y440 •xr:, geel:leiemee A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI .ANEW CHEVROLET MODEL, MI6 'ELEGANT AND GLAMOROUS OA YFIELD Untended for last week) Mr, and Mrs, E. It Weston, Goderich, came on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms. Mrs. A. F. Flirter returned to d London on monaoy after having e spent the weekend with her -bra- e then, IT, A. Stinson. di Scoutmaster Merton Moiler and , assistant Douglas Carswell; held 4 an invetiture on Monday night Y.` for Michael tootcluner and Terry b FitSbnoUs. COnstable William, Johnston, OPP, Wife and two children, St. a Catharines were visiting in Gide- I - , rich, stayed over .Monday night 4 with his aunt, Mrs. George Little. .1 Mrs, Harry Lowry, 'Misses Bar- ,. berg Leonard and Beth Mary .1 Shapland and William Lowry, 1 .Windsor, were the guests, of Mr. t 'and Mrs. Spencer Ervine from .1 Friday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs'. R'obert Matthews ,, returned to the village on Salm- i, day after having visited in Port h Dover for a Week. Vi r. and Mrs, e John Sturgeon Sr. accompanied k them to St. Thomas wher'e they p spent the weekend. .t Gad Ateetliik • ;. . Trinity Church Guild Mei at the . 1hoine of Mrs. R. J. Larson.on Tees- t day evening. Mrs. Percy Weston, president, conducted the opening exercises. Mrs. 'Merton Merner gave the secretary's report and 1 Mrs. R. H. F. gairchier the fin- 1 andel sta.teient. Fluid •raising act- 7 ivities were discussed. It was de- , cidecl to hold a euchre and bridge in the Parish Hall on April 9 for which arrangements were made. ( The Rev. E, J, B. Harrison offer- , ed the closing prayer, after which the hostess served refreshments. ; ,I night, she felt that it should be•. • . "Go north, young man, go north". The meeting was held at the hoine of Mrs. J. E. Hovey who . presided. The theme was repent- ance, Mrs. Maynard Corrie was at the piano for the singing of a : hymn. Mrs. Spencer Ervine read ; the Scripture and Mrs. F. P. Ark- ell offered prayer. . Roll call was answered by giv- , big the, month of birth. Mrs. Alf. : Scotchmer, Jr., read the minutes 'Mrs. • and F. P. Arkell the treas- urer's report. Further plans were made for the cbloured slides in the parish hall on April 18. It was'decided to have a collection of clothing for crippled civilians, Donations may be left at Mrs. Gairdner's home until March 14. A donation of $5 was made to the Canadian Cancer Fund, and a sum was also voted to the Chan- cel Guild for Easter lilies for the church. Next meeting will be at Mrs. Alf. Scotchther's on April 7. VARNA Mission Band Miss Carol Hill gave the sec- retary's report at the Mission Band meeting on March 8,. and Joyce Hayter the treasurer's re- port, joan Rathwell and Donald Taylor received the collection. President Nancy Mustard plac- ed the seal on the certificate which isawarded by the W.M.S. for acheiving "The Standard of Recognition". This is the seventh time the band has received this seal. Joan read the Scripture. Mrs. Taylor told of a letter she had received from a lady near White River thanking us for the diapers and baby's clothing the Band had sent. The Band will have a candy booth at the church bazaar on March 21, with Edith Dowson and Joyce Hayter in charge. 31 mem- bers answered roll call by stat- Only Chevrolet could fashion this 2.door hardtop beauty. and price, it so low! IF YOU KEEP RECORDS YOU'LL KEEP DEKALB CHO( on DEBENTURES an d GUARANTEED TRUST ERTIFICATES Its here today — Chevrolet's spanking new Bel Air Sport Coupe, wearing the Most attractive price tag you'll find on a hardtop anywhere. And that there's even more to this beauty than meets the eye. You'll find that every Chev- rolet brings you standard equipment extra-value features that you just can't buy in other cars, even at extra cost, Come in today and look over Chevrolet's glamorous new hardtop, It's at your Chevrolet dealer's, now. INTERIO S .. • ,A9 &WV `You% wonder how any car priced so low can rafter you so much tun* and comfort. alit a/die. DOORS Chevrolet's wide dears make getting in and out st easy. 4 Huron & Erie•• Canada Trust INSTRUMENT PANEL... Chevrolet's wide, easy-to-read Instrument ,mil le a mervel of functional design. WOO try it. but/ art Watiti I CHEVROLET 39 • See ,roar authorized Chevrolet Dealer 04598 Lorne Brown Motors Limited PholteUV 2io-9321 CLINTON, ONT.., Head Office — London, Ontario 1Disfoici. 'Representative- H. C. LAWSON, Clinton, Ori% Phone HO 2.9644 McKINLEY'S FARM and HATCHERY RR I , Zurich — Phene Hansa 697r3