HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-19, Page 7nAlts No charge. fox APPOIthcemonta of fitrt*, l‘farrOag.t1 and Deitho. Artigtes,..,for sale, rent„ eta., CAM. Pt "111 .440,tin Memoriam,. engagements 3c word, nonioluok 75 Box. loo, to this .office 45e additionat Repeat .in- sertions 20 a word, Minimum, -We.. CASH 'DISCOUNT;. '56it Paid by Saturday fol- lowing, last insertion,. -cliarge Of 10c. added each, tme -bill is .sent, Time for Insertions 12 noon Wednesday III 2-$443 • WANT S .FOR QUICK RESULTS Imported English Suitings MAY, MARCH 1$, Cr MON Nis WsrR CORD PAGE SEVEN' Counter Check Books on Sale at the News-Record phone Clinton s,enfoeth,"Grit,'Hunter 2,7584 tfb SS NO. 8 HULLEI la HURON County, requires a Protestant teacher for modern equipped school. Applications will be re- ceived until March 31. Please state salary expected and name of last inspector. Stanley Lyon, RR 1, Auburn, Ontario. 10.11-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of PERCY GLAZ- IER, late of the Township of Hal- lett in the County of Huron, Gent- leman, Deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 23rd day of March, AD. 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Da'ed at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of February, A,D. 1959. B. D. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Soli:it:or for the said Estate. 9-10-11-b NEWS*RECORO Accommodation For Rent :3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, lheated, private bath. Phone HU 2-9500. 3 noovi AvAlialvmN'T AND bath, furnished. groiind floor, WJ 2-9390. 11-b FURNISHED and heated apart- ment suitable for couple. Phone -141.1. 2,9742. 11-b APARTMENT, 1 BEDROOM, av- ailable by first of April. Phone Clinton HU 2-7291. 11-b FURNISHED AND HEATED, 3 room apartment, all conveniences fot couple. Available April I„ Dial HU 2-9483. 11-b / ROOM APARTMENT, furnished and heated. Available April 1, near RCAF Station. Phone HU 2-7574. 11-b .3 ROOM APARTMENT, unfurn- ished, with bathroom, heated, av- ailable April 1st. Phone Hal .2-7057, APARTMENT, three rooms and bath, Central location. Furnished. Rent reasonable. Available immed- .iately. Apply 'at News-Record of- 9-tfb Articles For Sale RIBBONS FOR TYPEWRITERS, and adding machines. $1.00 each. Clinton-News Record, 8-tfb 24" MOFFAT GAS RANGE, used 'three months. In excellent condi- tion, owner now using electricity. Phone HU 2-9220. llettb NEARLY NEW NATIONAL Cash -Register and adding machine, pric- •ed for quick sale. Phone HU :2-9540. 11-b BEES—about 40 colonies of bees, in standard 10 frame hives, with two supers to each hive. Apply to :Ed. Haberer, phone 1743, Zurich. 11-12-p SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment, HU 2-9525 or HU :2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb DRAIN TILE RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Eiginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p -.PIECEIVIASTER DOORS, 6 ft. high, 316 or 4 ft. wide for arch- 'way. Corner china cabinet, wal- nut finish, Phone 47 r 2 Bayfield. 11-b NOW IN STOCK! We now have for sale the McCulloch Chain Saw. Come in for a demonstration. Wells Auto Electric, Clinton, 4-tfb ,ELECTRIC WASHING Machine, Epco. Engineering Product Co., price $25, in good condition. Phone 'HU '2-3312. Apt. A4, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton. llb MAROON CHESTERFIELD, 2 -matching chairs and foot stool, sewing machine, good condition; ,also other household goods, HU 2-7584, 11-12-p GETTING MARRIED? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the News-Rethrel office. Invitations, thank-you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, Serviettes, match books, etc. 11-tfb 'WHY PAY MORE? Brand new • cu. ft. refrigerators, your choice • Philco or Firestone, price $159 :and your old sealed unit refrig- earator. T. A. DUTTON Ap- aelia.nces, Brumfield, Phone HU 2-3232: open evenings. 8-tfb USED TV's al" Westinghouse table model. $100; 21" Motorola table model $99; 17" Emmerson (picture tube war- ranty) $89; 17" Hallicrafter $40; 14" Admiral portable $99; new Ilallierafter, Dumont TV's, Radios, 111-Ficlebty, Dial IIU 2-9320. 10.11-b 'WAREHOPSE SALE OF HOME :freezers. Following prices will ap- 'ply on home freezers picked up at 'our Warehouse; Admiral 16 cu, ft. (chest type), $299; Admiral 21 eu. It. (chest type), $349. Quantity limited but a deposit will hold. 'T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce- field, Dial HU 2-3232, 11-2-b SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including 'lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our IOW prices for fine china. Counter's ,'Jewellery. 11-p , Articles Wanted USED HAMMER MILL WAN- ted, working order, Phone Stewart bale, Seaforth 847 r 21. Address, RR 4, Clinton, 11-p GOOD STANDING TIMBER WANTED Apply Box Si, Asa Craig 46-tfb BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER ReSeile Yout Sate bot6 Now RR No. 2 Hay For Sale GOOD QUALITY MI=D KAY in square bales, Phone KU 2,7474. 11,2-p 14 TONS of Timothy and Alfalfa loose hay 'for sale, Phone HU 9910. 11.-b QUANTITY OP BALED HAY for Sale. Contact Wilfred Penfound, Londesboro, phone HU 2-3216, 11-b QUANTITY of square bales of mixed hay, Apply Jan-ma Lands- borough, phone Seaforth 665r16. 940-112 Livestock For Sale EIGHT HOLSTEIN HEIFERS due to freshen shortly. Apply Ralph Cornish, Phone Bayfield. 57 r 11.' 11-P DISPERSAL. SALE We sincerely regret the incon- venience caused by incorrect date of sale announced in the last is- sue of this paper. The 'correct copy should have been as follows: PEEL COUNTY HOLSTEIN DIS- PERSAL AND FIRE SALE—FRI- DAY, MARCH 20th, at HAYS SALES ARENA, OAKVILLE, com- mencing at 1 p.m. Complete Diss persal of registered herd owned by John H. Pearson, Streetsville. Mostly Central Ontario Unit breeding bred to a high 'record son of "Treasu're Model". The barns, of DR. I. R. SPARLING, Brampton, recently burned neces- sitating sale of many milking cows and heifers due to September. A high class herd. Sale offering of 70 head all 100% Negative. We hope to have the pleasure of having you with us on Friday, March 20th. HAYS FARMS LIM- ITED, Sales Managers, Box 490, Oakville, Ontario. 11-p Livestock Wanted OW HORSES WANTED AT 316e lb., and dead cattle at value. 11 dead, phone at once. GtiaBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- Iect, Goderich, 1483 3 4 or 1,483 31, ATTENTION FARMERS:: ..Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and homes. Dead stock pick- ed up tree of charge; no can ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 39-petfb DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick and disabled horses and cattle, Old horses for slaught- er at 5c a pound. For prompt, sanitary disposal phone collect, Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12; if busy phone Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, William Morse, Brus- sels 1536. Trucks available at all times. 11-tfb Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses — 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron Connty's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store, 11-p TAX RETURNS—Avoid last min- ute rush, Telephone Seaforth 78 NOW for appointment. H. G, Counsellor, Dominion Bank Building, 11-2-3-b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones Safely secured---don't take than- cos. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing, W. N. Counter, 11-p IVIOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired, Brushes, 2apacitOrs, switches, bearings; mall appliances repaired. Used ar reconditioned motors for sale. Art tevett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone 1W 2-6640. 44tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply alit for Clinton =tab 9-5050 If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number Clinton IIEnter 2-3441 For service or more information, call between: 7:36 and 16:00 ital. week balls 6:00 mid 8.00 p.m. Sat, evenings For cows noticed in heat on Sun, day morning, do not call until Monday Morning, The quality is high and the Cost low. 53-tfb BIRTHS BRAND—In -Clinton Public 1044- tat on Sunday, March 15, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. -Cornelia Brand, RR 3, Clinton, a daughter, DENOMME — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday', March 16, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Donnie Denomme, RR 2, Zurich, a son. MATTMWs—In Victoria Kospi, tal, London, on Saturday, March 7, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Matthews (nee Barbara Bassettl a daughter, (Heather Wood) PROCTOR — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, March 17, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Proctor, RR 6, Clinton, a dau- ghter, DEATHS . _ _ . COOK — In Tucson, Arizona, on Tuesday, March 10, 1959, And,. rew Eiirton Cook, dear father of R. H. Cook, Toronto, in his 89th year. CHURCHILL — At his home in Clinton, on Monday, March 2, 1959, Thomas Churchill, in his 70th year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery on Saturday afters noon, March 7. ELLWOOD—At her home on Al- bert Street, Clinton, on Friday, March 13, 1959, Martha Evelyn Cook, beloved wife of Ernest Ellwood, in ber 52nd year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, March 16, by the Rev. C . S, Index, St. Paul's Anglican Church. McBRIDE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, following a brief illness, on Tuesday evening, March 17, 1959, James Albert McBride, be- loved husband of Ruth Holland, in his 71st year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hensall, on Friday afternoon, March 20, commencing at two o'clock, by the Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna, and interment in Bay- field Cemetery, NOTT—In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, Thursday, March 12, 1959, Agnes Yungblut, be- loved wife of John Nott, Lon- desboro, in her 81st year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Saturday, March 14, by the -Rev. J. T. White, Londesboro United Church. ROBINSON—In Clinton on Sun- day, March 15, 1959, Louisa Jane Turner, beloved wife of Archie Robinson, Albert Street, in her 54th year. Funeral from. the Beattie funeral home, Rat- tenbury Street east, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, March 18, with Rev. Harold Snell, Exeter and the Rev. J. A, McKim, Clinton, of- ficiating. VITTIE—In Howick Township, Ethyle Wessman (formerly of Clinton) beloved wife of Thomas Vittie, in her 57th year. Funeral from the Moir funeral home, Gorrie, on Thursday, March 12, to Gorrie Cemetery, 0 Auction Sales On Page 12 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH -JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer , K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Personal ,.., WHY FEEL OLD? Peel years younger, Qstrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 60c. At all druggists.. 9.10-11,h Poultry For Sale ArticleS .Foy Sale TED RYDER'S TV Sales and Service Introducing the Hallicrafter of c000do Television top line .riacidels only. Slim Line Design, $30 down Stereo Record Players, portables and consoles, $15 down High Fidelity Consoles, $15 down. Rattles, clock raidios, communica- tion receivers„ transistor ra- dios and combinations Record Players, with or without radios. cash, Trade or Terms (10% down) Location: Mill Street, the road to the Drive-In Theater 11-2-p Automobiles For Sale 1955 CHEV. BEL-AIRE SEDAN, 4-door, automatic V-8, radio, heat- er. In good working order. Con- tact South End Cities Service, af- ter 6 p.m. 11-p Clothing for Sale BOY'S WINTER JACKET, black fleck, fits 10 to 11 year-old child, price $5, Phone HU 2-9556. lib Boy's grey-blue sport jacket, size 16, like new; light-weight black and grey windbreaker, size 16; 2 sport shirts, one white, one blue, size 14; all articles in excellent condition. Phone Mrs. Frank Mc- Ewan, HU. 2-9444. llb Custom Work FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb TREES — NOW IS THE TIME to arrange for tree removal; fully insured. Contact J. McFarlane, HU 2-6654. 11 to 20-p FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED and rebuilt. Full line of. new samples to choose from, estimates given. Arthur E, Clark, RR 1, Auburn, phone Blyth 20r14. 11-12-13-14T Employment Wanted WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO DO spring housecleaning. Phone HU 2-7434. 10-1-b WOULD LIKE TO DO HOUSE- keeping by the hour. Phone HU 2-9502. 11-b QUALIFIED COOK, WITH hotel, restaurant and hosiptal experience, highly recommended. Phone HU 2-9502. 11-b Fruit For Sale SPY, GREENING, SNOW, DELI- CIOUS, etc. Free delivery in town, Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McClym- ent and Sons, Varna. 9-10-11-b Help Wanted Female WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 11-b WAITRESSES wanted at Ping- er's Restaurant. Apply in person. 10-b GIRLS WANTED. Apply at Clin- ton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 10-11b WOMAN required for restaurant work, days, 'nights and weekends. Call HU 2-7038 mornings. 11-2-b HOUSEKEEPER FOR 3 ADULTS in Auburn. 'Take full charge, Write to Mrs. Bert Marsh, RR 2, Peters- burg. 10-11-p A COMPANION FOR ELDERLY man, no nursing or heavy work, all modern conveniences. Phone HU 2-7510. 11 b ADVANTAGEOUS OFFER TO first-rate salesladies, Genuine ad- vancement opportunities. Lovely line of Cosmetics, gifts. Doraldina Cosmetics, P.O. Box 8, Station C., Montreal. Mrs. Heywood, Box 443 Wingbarn, Ontario, Phone 1044. 11-b Help Wanted—Male MAN WANTED for Rawleigh bus- iness. Sell to 1500 families. Write today Istawleigh's, Dept. C-169-SA, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, llsb CLEANING SERVICE MEN — $2,550.-$2,910.--Required by De- partment of National Defence (Air) at Clinton, Ontario, Details and application forMs at Post Of- fices and National Employment Service. Apply before March 31st, 1959, to the Civil Service Commis. sion, 25 St, Clair Ave. East, Tor- onto 7, Quote competition number 59-T-686, 11-b Everyone Reads The Classifieds DEKALB STARTED PULLETS. Several hundred Dekalb pullets hatched, November 3. 16 weeks old, Feb, 23rd; 18 weeks, March 9. Vaccinated for /Smile/lit.'s & New- castle, Should be seen to be ap- preciated. If you, keep records you will keep Delcalbs. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, Seaforth, Ont„ phone 647 r 3. 7-tfb Property Wanted FARM WITH 100 OR MORE acres, barn and house (hydro and bath preferred) on good open road or highway. Please state price and all particulars in first letter. Write to Box 114 Clinton News- Record. 11-2-3-p REAL ESTATE IN LONDESBORO, 7 ROOM frame house, hydro. 16 acre lot, for information, phone HU 2-9812, 10-tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes, Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan, Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 49tfb LARGE BRICK HOME Bayfield, Ontario Situated on the "Square" at Bayfield this large brick house would make an, excellent guest home, nursing home or could be divided into three apartments. Property is in good state of re- pairs and has oil forced-air heating. Very reasonable price. For ap- pointment to inspect, call: HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker Phone 766 — 38 Hamilton St. GODERICH 10tfb Real Estate 85 ACRES clay loam land, 7 room house, barn 35'x50', water, hy- dro, only $6.500StLow downpay- reent. ON HIGHWAY No. 8 close to Clin- ton, 200 acre clay loam farm, large brick home, good barn, implement shed, garage, here is a good buy and choice location. 100 ACRES clay loath land, no buildings, 10th Concession Me- Killop Township, priced reason- able ' JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE" 1108 Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth C. Buruma, Clinton. 11-12-b Teachers Wanted Wood For Sale BODY FOOT WOOD, or limb wood. Also custom wood cutting, by Lorne Tyndall, Phone HU 2- 9904. 11-2-3-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of THOMAS CH- URCHILL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the said Thomas Churchill, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1959, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April, 1959, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. bated at Clinton, this 17th day of March, 1959. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adnainisttators. 11-12-13-b ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly----First Show of 7 pm,---Wide Screen Satordoy Motinee 2.00 p.m. NOW PKAYING—Morch 19.20-21 "MAN WITHOUT A STAR" He bid his past like the scars on his heels and he carried fear in his holster Kirk Douglas ,Leanne Crain Claire Trevor „. . . MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY----Morch 2344.25, it UNDER THE ,ELMS" One of Eugene O'Neill's finest dramas becomes a distinguished motion picture (Adult Entertainment) Sophia Loren -- Anthony Perkins Burt Ives COMING- -Double Bill— "KETTLES AT WAIKIKI" Merjorie Main Percy Kilbride "SMOKE SIGNAL" Dana Andrews -- Piper Laurie PARK THEATRE GORERICH Now Playing: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MARCH 19-20-21 "TONKA" Sal' Mine() -- Phillip Carey This latest Walt Disney presentee tion is the story of a young Indian boy and his love for a spirited wild horse he had captured and tamed. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MARCH 23-24.26 "KATHY 0" Dan Duryea -- Patty McCormack This comedy - drama entertain- ment is a treat for the family type photopraphed in Cinema. scope and colour it is heart-warm- ing--suspenseful and delightfully comical Corning: "SMILEY GETS A GUN" Keith Calvert "Chips" Rafferty Check the Label Now to be Sure oYaledBUTtiftwue , Mercury--Wing Records V,,,X411F,<4,4 Xv,00,,,,cofttfiNfromrea GALBRAITH Radio & TV CALL HU 2,3841 • SHIRTS O SWEATERS • HATS • TIES • SPORT COATS • SLACKS CASUAL JACKETS CLINTON WORSTED FLANNELS VENETIANS WORSTEDS From $39.50 up (Open Friday Evenings) MARRIAGES TAYLOR—BROWN—In Egmond- vine United Church, on Satur- day, March 7, 1959, by the Rev. Dr. J. A. Semple, Egmondville, Ruth Christene, daughter of Mrs. Roy Brown, Seaforth, to Carlyle Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Carter, Clandeboye, TAYLOR---JOHNSTON In Ont- ario Street United Chapel, on Saturday, March 14, 1959, by the Rev. Grant Mills, Merilyn Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Johnston, RR 3, Clin- ton, to Kenneth George Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Taylor, Clinton. - CARDS 'OF THANKS To Ray Finch, Fire 'Chief Grant Rath and the firemen, a grateful and sincere thank you. Signed— JIM MAKINS. 11-b The family of the late Martha Ellwood, would like to thank all their friends and neighbours who assisted us in, any way during our recent bereavement. 11-p Mrs. Sam Hohner and family wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives a a d friends for the many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy, and beautiful floral tributes during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. C, E. Peacock, Mrs. Don Kingsbury, the pallbearers, West- lake funeral home, and all who helped in any way.