HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-19, Page 6Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere IC C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012-Clinton mr. 'IOBA Card Party Held March. 17 A successful card party was held .611 St. Patrick's night in the 1.0BA lodge room with a large at- tendance. A draw was made for a door prize WhiCh was a folding TV tray, was won by Mrs. T. V. Elliott. Ladies; high, Mrs, Frank Ctttnrn-ings; lone hands, Mrs, 'Tom reeves; low, Miss Larene Cox; 'He'n's high, Wilfred Glazier; lone hands, Harry Crich; low, Jack Patkins. Plans are being made to hold another card party, on Tues- day, March 31. Draperies and Curtains NOW is the time to plan for Spring Housecleaning. See our Drapery Samples now. Take hem out-SEE,THEM IN YOUR HOME-This 'ay you are sure you like them before you uy. kinranssirne44.44~4pomoikin OR RENT: SWHeAmhapv0e0 onimhasnTdERa_ ANPepwL BISSELL ATOR. lean your rugs the new easy method - you don't have Send them away. Applicator and Only $3.95 Can of Cleaner ,„„ .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.44+;444,mp4444,•••,,m•Nr. Easter Coats and Suits ,tip may be warm by Easter - Get Prepared low- If your Credit is good, it's good here. ou Can Have . . $10.00 down fraek D bladiesWear y Goods ny SUIT or COAT r ONLY HOLY WEEK SERVICES CLINTON MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION announces a series of SPECIAL SERVICES for HOLY WEEK Monday, March 23-Clinton Baptist Church - Preacher: Rev. G. L. Mills 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24-Christian Reformed Church Preacher: Rev. D. J. Lane 7.30 p.m. ed., March 25-St. Andrew's Presby Church Preacher: Mr, John Agulian , 7.30 p.m. hurs., March 26-Wesley-Willis United Church Preacher: Rev. C. S. lnder 7.30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY St. Paul's Anglican Church-10.30 a.m. Preacher: Rev. J. A. McKim "Thy Life was given for me; what have I given for thee?" 1111i ettlep. into 7attiteb Cburcb REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director ' Sunday, March 22 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class , HOLMESVILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND, Organist 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV: D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, March 22 9.45 a.m.-Church School meets for study 10.45 a.m.-Pre Easter Sermon ALL WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, March 22 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service. Guest Speaker, Mr. Samuel Martin, Wingham Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study ALL WELCOME TO OUR SERVICE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Miss Christine Bridle, Organist Sixth Sunday in Lent Palm Sunday 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion B.A.C, Corporate Communion Breakfast, Speaker: Rev. J, James, Sea- forth. 11.00 am.-Morning Prayer Blessing and distribution of the Palms. 7.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Wednesday, March 25th 10.30 a.m.-Holy Communion Evening Service cancelled. Monday, March 23 to Thursday- Holy Week Services - see announcement GOOD FRIDAY United service - 10.30 a.m. Wed. Mar, 25-Friendship Club meet in the Parish Hall, 8,15 p.m. I JUST ARRIVED NEW SPRING DRESSES Just in Time for EASTER Special Rack HALF SIZES 16 1/2 - 24 1/2 PRICED AT $4.95 - $5.95 also JUNIOR and MISSES SIZES $8.95 - $12.95 MARTINS DEPT. STORE A quiet atmosphere in pleasant surroundings And a trained competent staff. BALL & MUCH FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9441 NE SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF Chocolate Easter NOVELTIES Made in Our own Shop of the finest Neilson Chocolate: Decorated to please the child- ren, Our Sat. Special From Our Store Only Chop Suey Loaf Reg 35c For 29c CLINTON ligvits-.RconD PAGE .SIX TITURSIDAY, MARCH 19, 1959 1===minetil=c-11,1•1•14.111011.1k Clinton lOOF Team Officiates When 50 Year Jewel Given SeVeral members from Clinton Lodge ,I0OF No. 83 were in Gode- rich on Monday night when they. presented the Huron District travelling gavel to the host lodge, Those participating from Clinton were Harry Weymouth, Bert Row- den, J, E. (Cap) Cook and Benson Sutter who gave the presentation address. Another pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation of a 50-year Veterans' Jewel to John Newcombe. Mr. Newcombe has been a valued member of the God- erich lodge during his entire mem- bership in the order, and DDGM John Wilson spoke very highly of his services to his lodge. Mr. New- combe's son, Walter, Clinton, was present, and was given the privi- lege of pinning, the jewel on his father. The Woman's Missionary Society of Wesley-Willis United Church met in the church parlour on Fri- day, March 13 with Mrs. Charles Nelson presiding. Delegates ap- pointed to the meeting in Gode- rich are Mrs. N, Holland and Mrs. B. C, Hearn. The friendship secretary report- ed 24 home and four hospital calls, The association is packing an over- seas bale this spring, and requests are for old sheets and pillow cases for bandages to be used for leprosy patients •in Korea. Plans are underway for the Easter thankoffering. Mrs. N. Holland was in charge of the program. Billie McColl played two instrumentals. Mrs. McColl read from 2 Samuel, 18 and Mrs. Shipley lead in prayer. Mrs. Holland read an interesting letter from Miss Clare Vaylor who is working at Frobisher Bay. Miss M. A. Stone spoke inspir- ingly of Christian Stewardship, saying that stewards must be trustworthy. Everyday is a gift from God, and the Kingdom of God is within us. Lunch was served by the host- esses committee. Mrs, E. Ellwood Funeral service was conducted at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, on Monday afternoon, "by the Rev. C.. .S. Inder for Martha Evelyn Cook. wife of Ernest Ellwood, Albert Street, Clinton. Mrs. Ellwood died on Friday, March 13 at her home. Pall-bearers were Harry Wil- liams, Charles Wise, Arthur Grov- es, Gladstone Grigg, Frank Lobb and Herb. Bridle, Flower-bearers were Robert Woods, Douglas Riley, Donald Ellwood and Robert J, Schoenhals. Born on September 7, 1907, in Goderich Township, Mrs. Ellwood was the daughter of George and Lucy Cook. She married Ernest Ellwood on May 14, 1926 and af- ter living in the township for some time they moved to Clinton 27 years ago. Mrs. Ellwood was a member of St. Paul's Friendship Club, the choir and St. Paul's Anglican Church, T. Churchill Thomas Churchill, 69, a life-long resident of Clinton, was found dead in his home Thursday, March 5. He was a retired mill worker. Mr. Churchill was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church, and is survived by one son, Roy, Otta- wa; two daughters, Mrs. A. Shan- ahan, Hullett Township, and Mrs. Allan McLeod, Port Huron; two brothers, Randolph and John Ch- urchill, both of Detroit; three sist- ers, Mrs. Clifford Watson, Cent- ralia; Mrs. George Bailey and Mrs. Joseph Hillen, both of De- troit. Service was from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery on Saturday aft- ernoon, March 7. Joseph Street GOSPEL;; HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday-- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, March 22 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Moaning Worship "Life Eternal Revealed In Christ" 7.30" p.m.-Evening Service "Spiritual Resurrection" Baptismal Service Wed., 8 p.rn.-Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. A. DAVIDSON Friday, March 20- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, March 22- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship The Radio Pastor-of Echoes -of Truth Rev. M. Cornelius (Heard every afernoon on Chatham radio-2.30 p.m. We invite you to come and meet this godly man in person and hear him preach. 7.30 p.m.-Gospel , Service Tuesday, March 24.- 8.00 p.m:-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister Sunday, March 22 10,00 a.m.-Service in English Sunday School after Service 2.30 p.m.-Service in Dutch Bible School-1.30 p.m., Saturday Afternoon. Everyone Welcome Surviving is One son, Frank., Hensall; one daughter, Mrs, Wil- liam B, (Lucy) Johnston, Gode- rich, and -three sisters, Mrs, Thom- as (Jean) Riley, Clinton; Mrs. Frank (Mary) Riley and Mrs. Jo- seph (Sadie) Riley. Mrs. A. Robinson Mrs, Archie Robinson, 54, 'form- erly Louisa Turner, died Sunday, March 15, in the Clinton ' Public Hospital, She was a daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Clinton, and was a registered nurse. She was married in 1929, and was a mem- ber of the Wesley-Willis United Church, Surviving besides her husband and her parents, are two children, Betty Lou and Robert, both at home; four sisters, Mrs. Edgar (Annie) Allan, Brucefield; Mrs. J. (Shirley) Duckworth, Sarnia; Mrs. Drew (Catherine) Fowler, London; 'Mrs. Norman (Mary) Griffiths, Niagara Falls; four bro- thers, Robert Turner, Auburn; James, Thomas and Ivan Turner, all of Clinton. The funeral service was held at the Beattie funeral home, Clin- ton. Wednesday afternoon. Rev, Harold Snell, Exeter, officiated, assisted by Rev. J. A. McKim, Clin- ton. A. B. Cook (Received from Marsh Morrish, Saskatoon, Sask., in a copy of the Leader Post, Regina, Sask.) Andrew Burton Cook, 88, former president of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League and head of the Canadian Tuberculosis Lea- gue, died Tuesday, March 10, at Tucson, Ariz. He was also founder of the Re- gina Motor Club and a sheriff in Regina from 1908 to. 1922. He was one of the supporters of the founding of tuberculosis sanatoria in Saskatchewan, includ- ing the one at Fort Qu'Appelle. Born in Clinton, Ontario, Mr. Cook was the son of a miller and one of a family of seven. He went west in 1889, homesteading and operating a mill at Souris, Man. In 1900, he moved to Arcola where he was an implement dealer and agent for Dominion lands.• Mr. Cook moved to Vancouver five years later but returned to Saskatchewan the next year to live in Regina where he was a real estate dealer:, In 1917, there were 60 beds in Saskatchewan* for the treatment of tuberculosis patients. When Mr. Cook retired from the league in 1930, there were close to 700. Free treatment of tuberculosis victims began in SaskatcheWan in 1929. Later Mr. Cook returned to Vancouver where he became Mao- ager of the now defunct Anglo- American Underwriters, agents for Lloyds of London. He retired from the firm in 1943. While in Regina, Mr. Cook was a member of the Regina Exhibi- tion Association, was on the board of directors of several corpora- tions, and was a member of the Rotary Club. Mr. Cook was predeceased by his wife, Survivors include a bro- ther in Toronto, R. H. Cook; a sister, Mrs. Ida. Hunter, in Van- cotwer;, two daughters, Mary and Claire, both of -Tuscon, and a no- phew,. Thomas, manager of Cook's. Insurance Company, Regina, • 0 IN MEMORIAM PICKARD-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Glen R. Pickard, who passed away one year ago, March 22: "In tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping So peacefully from pain We could not wish you back To suffer that again." -Sadly missed but lovingly remem- bered by his wife, Isabel and daughter, Maxine. 11-b ENGAGEMENTS • ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Brucefield, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ina Marguerite, to Mr. Ross Dwight Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown, Newtonville, Ontario. T h.e wedding to take place in Brucefield United Church ear- ly in April. 11-b Personals Mrs. Percy Town spent the past two weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Russell Coiclough has been away for ten days visiting in St, Thomas, Comber, Windsor and De- troit. Miss Hilda Smith, superinten- dent of the Clinton Public Hospit- al, returned last week from a holi- day in Florida. issionary Group At Wesley-Willis Plan Thankoffering Clinton and District Obituaries ----_____. Easter Cantata 'THE KING ETERNAL' by Ira B. Wilson 3) )4 it . H . Palm Sunday, Mar. 22 1 11 a.m. iv)( , Ontario Street United Church ' Presented by the choir, directed by Miss Elva Wiltse ' • Organist, Miss Lois Grasby Church Directory CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN. B.Th. 11.00 a.m.-"TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School Thursday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's and Prayer Meeting. A Cordial Welcome to All ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor-REV, GRANT MILLS, DA, 9.45 a.m.-Suriday School 11,00 a.rn,-"Easter Cantata" 7.30 p.m.-Service in Chapel TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 pat.-Worship Service 3.00 p.m.--&tuday $tilloo1 8,30 p.m.-Y.P.U, CLINTON Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. HU 2-9727 Bakery and Restaurant