HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-19, Page 5You • Willie Amazed at This Low Cost KROEHLER "RED TAG VALUE" AIRFOAM TUFTED BACK — NYLON COVER SPECIALLY PRICED FOR EASTER DELIVERY 20-42 Piece Suites far your Selection at Beattie Furniture KROEHLER SUITES FRIEZE COVERS START AT $169.00 CONVERTIBLE STROLLERS AS LOW AS • $34.88 ALWAYS BEST BUYS AT BEATTIES 1I-11111,SDAY, XatC14. 1.94 1959 DELAY IS i PANGEROUS y diagnosisEarl and treatment gives the greatest..., opportunity for Cure. Delay les- sens the chance of cure. SEE YOUR DOCTOR .40 Mrs. Frank Finqlancl i ,. President, Canadian Cancer Society Clinton Branch 4. Letter to the Editor The Editor,. Clinton News-Record. Pear Editor; Good for you! We deserve to be reprimanded for not attending our Council meetings, we're too lazy, How we wish we had been at the last meeting to bear the fun, and find out just what our council is doing, Concerning those twelve $10,000 houses to be built away up there on the Andrew farm, well, "Truth will .out." If that storekeeper wishes to disprove the accusation fiat he had his eye -on his own increased business by, having ten.. ants who could afford to live in, these $10,000 houses, let him ad- vocate, instead, not $10,000 houses, but snug units for elder citizens. Heaven knows they are badly needed in this town. Many towns have these units, why not Clinton? Are there no "welfare" minded people here? This is a challenge, Will some- one take it up? Any chance. Thank you, "Mac" Clinton, Ont, March, 19, 1959. WE SELL ALL KINDS OF Hardwood and Soft Wood Lumber, Rough or Dress- ed. Plywoods finished or rough. Asphalt Roofing, Steel Roofing, Aluminum Roofing, Concrete Blocks, Chimney Blocks, Roman Brick, Hardwood Flooring, Doors, Sashes and Frames, Insulation, Nails, Cement. Everything for any building from ground to ridge. Estima- tes given freely. Highest price paid for good Hardwood Logs. FRED J. HUDIE SAWMILL BUILDERS' SUPPLY CLINTON HU 2-6655 11-p Congratulations to CLINTON'S NEW RESTAURANT The installation of Natural Gas in the MEAY MEE RESTAURANT Was done by our firm GINGERicll SALES & SERVICE Zurich—Ph. 34 Seaforth—Ph. 644W1 SPECIAL SALE BRAND NEW ACOUSTICON HEARING AIDS Act 9uickly — Supply Limited made. Regular price $249.50. Sale price 169.50 • EAR-LEVEL. Behind the Ear, Model A-230: Anyone for- tunate enough to be in time for this one will receive REAL VALUE. Was $279.50 Sale • MODEL A-215 — Conventional Type Aid: Was $249.50 ON SALE FOR ONLY. • MODEL A-340 — Conventional Type Aid: Was $129.50, ON SALE FOR ONLY • A-135 69.50 • A-130 SALE SALE • SCREEN TESTING AUDIOMETER: For THE PRO- FESSIONAL TRADE, FOR SALE OR RENT, COME IN TODAY OR PHONE FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION We Use The Latest Hearing Evaluation Equipment Available Sarnia's Largest Exclusive Hearing Service Batteries — Accessories — Repairs To All Makes Remember, only at an authorized Acousticon office like the above can you get the hearing aid performance, quality and service you expect and deserve from precision-perfect units that carry the "Made by Acousticon guarantee." Write or Phone Will Demonstrat at Your Home ACOUST1CON of Lainbton • 225 N. FRONT — SARNIA — DI 4-8708 "This is what I believe to be the greatest value ever offered to the hard of hearing." The following Acousticon models are priced so low to give the many hard of hearing who always wanted to own an Acousticon an opportunity to do So now. EYEGLASS, MODEL A-240: Black Blue or Brown rated as the finest low Distortion Eyeglass Aid 99.50 179.50 99.50 109.50 STANLEYT MODERN MEAT MARKET 4 Will have for the Weekend — A Shipment of BLUE POINT OYSTERS (Selects) "They Satisfy" Strictly Fresh RUTS OF FISH Arriving Every Day The Finest Selection of . EASTER HAMS . . . Will Be On Display Also: CAPONS, DUCKS, TURKEYS For An Easter Treat . . . We Will Again Feature Our Own Processe Oven Baked . . . Fully Cooked The Finest Flavour PINEAPPLE HAMS Any Size ORDER EARLY FOR THE FINEST SELECTION MODERN MEAT MARKET Sells the FINEST No. 1 GRADE RED BRAND STEER BEEF May we suggest that you try a Steak or Roast from the Modern Meat Market and you'll be convinced that we specialize ONLY in the Best of Meats, 0 STANLEY, Proprietor Phone HU 2-3834 King St., Clinto Sign of Cleanliness and Quality MA TON NEWS-RE.CORD Nip Honfonged, Proprietor of the Meay Mee The Meay Mee Restaurant opened its doors to the eating public last Tuesday morning, with the owner Nip Honfonged in charge, Clinton's newest eating place is on Albert Street, between the Clinton News- Record and the Ball and .Match Hardware. Mr. and Mrs. Nip Honfonged purchased the property from Charles Johnson, last summer, It is the location of the former W. L. Johnson and Son grocery store which ceased operation in the summer of 1957. The new owners come from Norwich. Elston Cardiff Back At Ottawa Post Elston Cardiff, Brussels, MP for •Huron was welcomed back to the House of Commons at Ottawa on March 17, He was injured just before the opening of the present session when he fell from a shed roof at his farm home where he was clearing snow. He is still on crutches. Both H. W. Herridge, West Coast CCF member and William Houck, Niagara Falls Liberal ex- pressed their pleasure at Mr. Car- diff's return. Prime Minister Dief- enbaker extended a personal wel- come noting that notice of Mr. Cardiff's presence by all parts of the House made it a memorable occasion' for the Huron member. PHOTOGRAPHS Of your children or family and weddings PICTURES LIVE FOREVER SPECIAL PRICES FOR EASTER GIFTS WENTWORTH STUDIO 91 SOUTH STREET, GODERICH Phone 1372 for appointment — Open Evenings BEATTIE, FURNITURE Friendship Club• Holds Meeting; To 'Work With County Home Auxiliary The Friendship Club met on Wednesday, March 11 with 27 me- mbers present, Scripture was read by Mrs.E. Bartliff. Reports were given by the various committees, Mrs, M. McAdam offered her borne for quilting a quilt, Plans were made for the card party on April 8, Mrs. G. Herman reported on a meeting, .at the County Home, and asked any members who were 10.; crested in the work of the Auxilf, iary to attend the next meeting oh Monday, April 20. Lunch. was .sere-. ed by hostesses Mrs, T. Twyford, Mrs. Robin Thompson and Mrs.. H. Thompson, . Carter-Brown Egmondville United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday., March 7, at 3 o'clock, when Ruth Christene Brown, dau- ghter of Mrs. Roy Brown, Sea- forth, and the late Roy Brown; became the bride of Carlyle Cart- er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter, Clandeboye. Rev. Dr. J. A. Semple officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Angus Brown, Sea- forth, was lovely in a cocktail length dress of lace and net over white satin, trimmed with sequins, and matching hat with finger tip veil. She carried a white Bible, with red roses, 'rose buds and white streamers. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Glenn Bridge, Brussels, as matron of honour, wearing a gown of rose crystalette, a white feather hat, and accessories. Mrs. Doug- las Carter, London, and. Mrs. Wil- liam Waldron, Chatham, as brides- maids were. dressed identically, in sky blue crystalette with white ac- cessories. The groom was attended by his brother, Douglas Carter, London, as groomsman. The ushers were Glenn Bridge, Brussels and Wil- liam Waldron, Chatham, George Turner, Tuckersinith Township, was soloist. A dinner and reception was held in the Orange Hall, Seaforth, with Miss Marion Turner, Varna, and Miss Lorraine Roe, Seaforth, serv- ing. Guests were present from Lucan, London, Ithaca, N.Y., Chat- ham, Clandeboye, Hensall and Clinton. For travelling, the bride wore a navy polka dot dress with white and black accessories and a cor- sage of red roses. Mr. and. Mrs, Carter will reside in London. On Wednesday, March 4, Mrs. Roy Brown, Seaforth, entertained at a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Prior to her marriage, Ruth was presented with a steam iron from the Rural Hydro, at a card party held in her honour. On Saturday evening, February 21, a shower was held in Turner's Church basement, when she receiv- ed gifts from the Ladies' Club, Turner's WA and the community. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Bert Garrett entertained friends at a linen shower at her home in Clinton. And on Monday evening she received many lovely gifts at a kitchen shower in Seaforth. Local Women's. Institute To Elect Officers At March 26 Meeting, The Clinton Women's Institute will meet in the agricultural office board room. on Thursday,, March. 23 at 2.30 p.m. Roll call will be the .exchange of seeds And bulbs. Election of officers will, take place at this meeting, The program will be in charge of, Mrs. Clarence Sturdy and Mrs, Ernest Adams.. The hostesses are Mrs, T. O'Con- nell, Mrs. Frank Layton; Mrs. Fred "Tyndall,. Mrs, Doug. Free- man, Mrs. Ernest Adams, 'Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, Mrs, William Wil- liams, . The Flavour and Colour Hof Butter is Nature's Secret! ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD • REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS They have one daughter Linda, who is a pupil in Grade 3 at Clinton Public School. Included on the staff of the Meay Mee are Mrs, Irene Besso, Mrs. Paul Charlebois, Miss Bev- erley Beattie and. Miss Mary' Macaulay, all of town and John Nip from Welland. Chinese food to eat on the Premises, or to take out, is a specialty of the restaurant, Home-made pies are featured. For the use of patrons, there is an enclosed telephone booth, a "juke" box, and a pin ball machine. God. Twp. South Correspondent: James R. Stirling Phone HU 2-9537 The farmers this week are quite worried about the fox situation. 'On Friday last, Mrs. Alf War- ner saw a fox coming through the field acting strangely. Alf was in the barn just finishing crating their chickens when she called to him. The fox made for their Ger- man Shepherd dog, but Alf man- aged to get the dog into the barn away from the fox, Jerry Wallace, who was help- ing Mr. Warner at the time, ran to the house and got the gun. The fox didn't offer to run away, Mr. Warner shot the animal and the head has been sent off for inspec- tion. ' P4C4E. ylvg. Welcome To The Meay Mee Restaurant FULL COURSE MEALS CHINESE FOODS OUR SPECIALTY Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. • Friday and Saturday to 2 a.m. Nip Honfonged, Prop. • Congratulations To Clinton's newest eating place the MEAY MEE RESTAURANT We were pleased to remodel the interior, plan and install the lighting, and the new entranceway. RUSSELL JERVIS BUILDING CONTRACTOR Princess Street Dial HU 2-9390 MEAY MEE RESTAURANT May Your New Venture in' Clinton meet with Success •••••••••••••••••••••••••4 Ball-Macaulay Ltd. COAL ---- LIME * CEMENT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES SASH Clinton Seaforth Phone HU 2-9514 / 8 7