HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-12, Page 6Cancer Society Has Films for Shaving And ProjectioniOs The executive of the Clinton and. District f3ranch of the Ilaron Unit of the Canadian Cancer ,Society met at the home of the president, Mrs,. F, Fingland on -March 4.. There were 11 members present, Mrs. D, J. Lane gave an ex- cellent report for the service com- mittee, They have dressings ready .and the committee is willing to do more if necessity presenta itself, Contributions to a gift cupboard would be gratefully ..received. Rev, 3, A. 1Vicicirn„ who recently attended an education. conference of the Canadian Cancer Society in Toronto, reported that he had a new supply of literature to be placed in the rack at the distrib- uting centres. There is a new list of films and Mr, McKiin hopes that more organizations to whom a list has been mailed will make requests for showings in the near future, to keep the operators busy and interested, • • Plans for the coming campaign. which is to' be held during the latter part of April, were discuss- ed. Letters are to be sent to 35 organizations asking for canvass- ers. Parents Attend Hensall Open House (By our Hensall Corefespondent) "Open House" was held at Hen- sall Public School on Friday after- noon from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. at which time parents could see their children at work in the class rooms. Any difficulties of the pupils were discussed by the parents and teachers. In grade one, Mrs. R. Elgie had pupils read, and each of the other grades had a special sub- ject being taught; ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, March 15 9.45 a.m.-Church School meets for study 10.45 a.m. Divine- Worship The members of the Seaforth Curling Club from Seaforth & Clinton and their wives will worship with us at this service. ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church REV. G. 3. HOYTEMA, Minister Sunday, March 15 . 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch Sunday School after Service 2.30 p.m.-Service in English Bible School-1.30 p.m., Sattirday Afternoon. Everyone Welcome ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's -- Clinton REV. C. S. EIDER, Rector Miss Christine Bridle, Organist Fifth Sunday In Lent Passion Sunday 8.30 ,a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 aan.-Parish Communion 7.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Wednesdays lit tent 10.30 a.m,-Holy Communion 7.30 p.m.-Lenten Service Tues., March 17-WA of St. Paul's Anglican Church meeting in Parish Hall at 2.45 p,m. Thurs., March 19-St, Paul's Chan-co Guildwill meet at the home of Mrs, Charles Wise at 8 p.m, Fight Fear and Ignorance Don't let fear and ig- norance prevent you from thinking and act- ing sensibly about can- cer, Learn the facts. For free literature Write Mrs. Frank Fingland, President, Canadian Cancer Society • Clinton Branch. HARRY WILLIAMS' r -itcd9-14- WELL, KNOCK US OVER WITH A FEATHER, WE'RE KNEE DEEP IN THE CHILLI 6 WEATHER ..•••••pk...• fit TIME FOR OUR FUEL OIL HARRY WILLIAMS NEL Olt. t) GASOLINE MOTOR OIL ,=.Z LUBRICANTS R.R.2, (LINION•Qiingt Phone HU 2-6633 100 PAIRS MEN'S OXFORDS (BROKEN SIZES FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK) INCLUDING A FEW BOYS' SIZES ENOASEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mir. ney, Mary Street, announce the .engagement of their dau- ghter Patricia Susan, to Spr, John. Edward Cummings. The marriage will take place on Friday evening, March 13, 1959, in Christ Church Cath- edral, Whitehorse, Yukon Ter. ritory,. 10-b Conservation Club Planning Projects Afternoon Tea Menu Jellied Chicken -- Salads -- Relishes Cake -- Bread and Butter -- Tea -- 50c St. Patrick's Tea SATURDAY, MARCH 14 3 to 6 p.m. Wesley-Willis United Church Lecture-Room BOOTHS Home Baking -- Novelty -- Candy 10-b ‘miremmimmememmemume, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, and the best Breads you've ever tasted, await you here. PAGE SIX CLANTON NEWS-HEMP TUURSDAY, PIARCH. 12, 1959 Bluebells Festival . Presents Awards, Promotes Several Faithful Members esslep-041100 • Cburib REV. J. A. MCKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R, RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director Sunday, March 15 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class HOLMESVILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND, Organist 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2.30 p.m.- Sunddy School 'Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith • J1J; The Bluebells of Clinton held their festival at the home of Mrs. C. Van/Pan-141e, on March 7. The hostess, who is the organizer of the club welcomed the guests and presented the annual report. The Rev, D. J, Lane conducted a dedi- cation service during which a hymn was sung and a poem of de- dication recited by Susan Cann, one of the members. The Bluebells were formed eight Years ago by Mrs, VanDanune, who has designed crests, pins, rings, and other awards to those successful in tests of sewing. bak- ing, confectionery, designing and art. Mrs. F. G. Thompson chaired the afternoon's program and re- ceived a spring bouquet presented on behalf of the 'girls by Maika Roorda. Mrs. Thompson presented awards, piinting out that the in- signia was a cross with a few Blue- hells clustered around the base, She spoke of various crosses and how fortunate Canadians are to be free to stand by the Cross of Christ.- Promoted to leaders were four girls, Susan Cann, • Berva. Switzer, Noreen Garrow and Janette Tyn- dall. Three received rings; Donal- da Freeman, Sally Roorda and Janette Tyndall. Those who received pins were Joanne Cudmore, Maika Roorda, Alice Treffers, Susan Roorda, Syl- via Cann,Sandra Switzer, Viola Collins ad Lynda Nice, The Rev. Lane prize, a beauti- ful book, for most progress in 1958, WAS presented to Miss Sally Roor- da, by the minister, who .spoke most encouragingly to the girls. -A sale of baking and other artic- les. followed, .and proceeds will be used to further the work of the Bluebells in helping others, Items effered for sale were jud- ged the night before the event, and Prize-winners were es follows; 134, kin-, Jeanne Cudmore, Viola Col- lins; sewing, Donalda Freeman, V. Collins; candy, Sylvia .Cann; knit- ting, Sally Roprda, Lynda Nice; decorations, j, Cudmore, D. Free- man; art, S ,Roorda and Alice Troffers.. First name in each case won first prize: • 0 Ontario Street WMS Regular Meeting The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario Street United Ch- urch met Tuesday, March 10 in the ladies parlour. Mrs, W, B. Olde presided. After the scripture reading by Mrs. M. Batisin, Mrs, M. Aiken gave a paper on Chirst- Ian stewardship followed by pray- er, • Mrs, M. Aiken and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes were aPpointed delegates to attend the Huron Presbyterial in Goderich on March 20. Mrs. E. Radford and Miss E. Wiltse gave two piano duets, namely, "Thee Palms" and "The Holy City". The WMS faithful supply secretary, Mrs. N. Sly was presented with a life membership certificate • from a WMS member, An interesting film was shown "No Longer Vani- shing" discribing statistics on Canada's Indians. -0- Wesley-Willis WA Supports CKNX The March meeting of the Wes- ley-Willis Woman's Association was held in the church parlour with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. M. Nediger opened the meeting with a poem entitled "So I shall give". The Easter theme was carried out in the Scripture lesson by Mrs. McLaren and prayer by Mrs. Sh- epherd. Among the cards of than- ks was one from Carl Krug, C.K. N.X. for donations received for Story Time. Several hospital and home, visits were reported: Plans were made for St. Pat- rick's Tea. A display of foam rub- ber craft work to be sold from the novelty booth was shown. It was reported work had star- ted on renovation of the base- ment. Mrs. McKim gave a St. Patrick's reading. A social hour was spent with Miss L. Walkin- shaw's group in charge: • St. Andrew's Girls Hear Bazaar Report Members of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church assembled School room on Tuesday evening. Mrs ript saver with The president, Miss Anne Rad- ley, won a successful Valentine bazaar, Miss n Anderson was the winner of vely place mat set made by one of the club members. A por- tion from the study book entitled, "Prayer" was read by Mrs. Allan Graham. Lunch was served by hostesses, Mrs. William Muth and Mrs. Clarence Neilans. The Ladies Conservation Club met on March 3 with the presi- dent, Mrs, L. Forrest in the chair. The club will hold a bingo on Fri- day, March 13 and a card party on March 17 with a baked bean pot luck lunch to follow, All mem- bers welcome. Last month a very Successful card party was held and 310 was donated to, the March of Dimes campaign. A new electric range and refrigerator were purchased for the kitchen, Mrs, J. Cruickshank was the lucky winner of the door prize. After the meeting was adjourned a ,social hour was spent playing bingo and lunch was served by Mrs, B. Harris and Mrs. C. Bran- don. 0 Personals Judge Frank Fingland, accomp- anied by Frank Fingland, Jr., Ot- tawa, is holidaying in Arizona. Mrs. Alma Baird and Mr. and Mrs. George Allen Klinkhamer Detroit, spent the weekend at the home of George T. Baird. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill had a birthday dinner on Sunday for the former's father, Mr. Ira Mer- rill. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill and Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. George Colclough and Sharon, Mr and Mrs. John Merrill and family, Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 18: 20) Meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread S.Q0 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gaspe 0 p.m.-Wednesday-Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading HAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, March 15 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Guest speaker: Eric Cleave, 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service Guest speaker: Dr. A. W. Klahsen, Zurich. Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, March 13- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, March 15- 10.00 am.-Sunday School 11.00 a,m.-Morning g Warship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, March 17- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, March 15 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Morning Wors14 7,30 p.m.---Gospel Service. Guest speaker, Mr. Bob Brandon, Forest, Tuest,lay, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible S tudy ALL WELCOME le() OVR SERVICE County Home Ladies Auxiliary Formed, Officers Appointed A new organization, the .Huron county Rome Auxiliary was form, ed on Monday, March 9, at a meet- ing there with Mrs. M. Smith, representative of the Ontario De- nertntent of Public Welfare, To- mote, -presiding: Mrs, Smith gave an interesting outline of what the group can do for the aged people at the home, to help keep active, Officers of the new Auxiliary are: president, Mrs, F. G. Thomp- son; secretary, Mrs, M. McAdam; treasurer, Mrs. Vi. Habgood; hand- icraft convener, Mrs. H, Johnston; visiting convener, Mrs. N. Thomp- son, Meetings. will be held the third Monday of each month, and Air- ther notice will be given of the hour and place at which they will be held, Mrs. Johnston, wife of the man- ager of the Home, supervised the ladies on a tour of the building, and then with Miss D. Parke and Mrs. Hanly, served lunch, Bingo At Station To Raise Funds For Children's Activities A giant St. Patrick's Day Bin- go is being held by the RCAF Wo- men's Auxiliary, All airforce per- sonnel, civilian employees and their families and honourary members of the officers and sergeants mess have been invited. The bingo is being held in the Recreation Centre at RCAF Sta- tion Clinton on Tuesday, March 17 at 8.30 p.m, Seventeen prizes include a hostess chair, electric frypan and mixer. There will be a door prize and a draw will be held on a hostess chair, tea wagon, and smoker which are displayed in the Beattie Furniture Store, Clinton. Entertainment is being provided at intermission by the No. 1 R & CS St. Patrick's Day Revue. There will be consolation prizes. Refresh- ments will -be available and home- made fudge is being sold by the Guides and Brownies. Proceeds of this bingo are go- ing toward recreation activities for the children on the Station. Holmesville 0. F. U. Plans for Variety Show In Future Edgar Rathwell presided-for the monthly meeting of the Farmers' Union in Holmesville school, on Monday evening. Minutes were , read by secretary Ray . Wise. Plans were discussed to contact local .talent for a "Variety Show" being sponsored by four of the locals, in the near future, depend- ing on the availability of a hall. A motion was 'passed to hold' a euchre and dance on Friday night, March 20, in the Varna hall, Hank Norris orchestra in attendance. Edgar Rathwell, director of the Holmesville Local Milk Producers, and Bob Taylor, director of the Mitchell Local Milk Producers, who as delegates attended the an- nual meeting of the Ontario Milk Producer's in Ottawa, March 3 and 4. They heard guest speaker, Ag- riculture Minister Harkness urge the Canadian dairy farmer to slow down and confine production to the needs of the Canadian market, stating that increased production would lead to a serious situation, unless subsidized to some degree by the government. Canada is finding it difficult now to compete on export markets. LADIES CONSERVATIVE CLUB MEETING ON FRIDAY The Clinton Ladies Progressive Conservative Association will meet on Friday evening, March 13, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Elliott Bartliff on Whitehead Street. Ev- eryone is welcome. Clinton 'Kinetic Club Holds St, Patrick's Court Whist Party The Clinton Rinette Club held its court whist party, at Iiotel Clin- ton Tuesday, March 10 with Mrs. Frank McEwan and Mrs. Barry McEwan welcoming guests at the door, The theme for the evening WAS St. Patrick's, arranged by Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. prank Mc- Ewan and Mrs. John Clegg. The high and low winners re- spectively for court whist were Mrs. William Rodgers, and Mrs, William Craig, The • door prize, a. hammered aluminum ice bucket was won by Mrs. • Wes Holland. Mrs, George • Campbell; was the winner of a pair of copper plot, urea (beautifully made .by Mrs,: Percy Brown) on . which tickets' had been sold. Lunch was-served' GAY, COLOURFUL HAT BOXES JUST RIGHT FOR THAT EASTER BONNET Make Ideal Gifts - $1.50 Each Contact Any KINETTE or Telephone Mrs. K. W. Colquhoun HU 2-7556 Mrs. Frank McEwan HU 2-9444 AIKEN'S FOOTWEAR and CLOTHING HU 2-9352 ' sirtow sztiv SAME -001111T SAVE at. your RED. and WHITE STORE Thurs. 12 Fri. 13 - Sat. 14 DAVID'S MATINEE and OPERA 1 LB. PKG. 39c STOKELY SHELLIE BEANS is oz. 2/23c LIBBY'S SLICED PINEAPPLE 20 OZ. 29c STAFFORD'S ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS 12 OZ. ... 2/35c RUBY RED GRAPE FRUIT 45's 5 For 29c SPY APPLES NO. 1 3 LB. FOR 25c OR PER BUS. $2.59 DELMONTE JUICES Pineapple & PC;raarn7e°r4Q81143Z,i , ........ . 2 for 89c FRESH PICNIC HAMS Boned and Dressed To Cook ....„ 39c a lb. BE SURE AND SAVE YOUR CASH VALUE COUPONS Stanley's Red and White Supermarket Queen Street Free Delivery (Behind Hanover Transport) Good Parking PHONE HU 2.3447 CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AG13LIAN, 11.00 a.m.-"HEIRS OF ETERNITY" 12.00 Aerre-Sunday School Thursday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's and Prayer Meeting. A Cordial Welcome to All Church Directory • ' Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FAIENDLY CHURCH" Paator-REV. GRANT MILLS,. 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 ain.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.in.-Service in Chapel TUANER't 11-114104 2.00 p.m.-Worship Service 3,00 p.M.-StmdaY Sohon1 ' 8:30 p.tit--Y.P.1./. 11111111111111111111Mallilk 1111111111111Millenallennel Pep-up Spring Appetites OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL FROM OUR STORE ONLY FRUITED OR BREAD Reg. 8c For 3k I See Our Wide Selection Of I CHOCOLATE EA NOVELTIES Barth% Bakery Ltd. CLINTON HU 2-972/ Bakery and Restaurant