HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-12, Page 4BORROW FROM.
00044 by over 00 years' .experience.
When a loan will help -large or small.—borrow
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35A West time, 'Telephone 1$01
Spring is Time oor r, herge
(By MARIE FRASIER, Food Editor of Dairy Foods Be'rylce Bureau,
a Division. of Dairy Farmers of Canada)
Canary birds feed on sugar Ana seed,
Parrots have crackers to crunch
And as for the poodles, they tell me the noomes,.
Have chicken and cream for their luneb,,'
The Women's Missionary Soc-
iety of St. Andrew's. Presbyterian
Church will meet March 17 at the
home of WS. M. J:k 1VIcTaggart
at 2.30 p.m.
Mrs F. McCullough
rhone PM, 24418
Mr. and Mrs. *Wilkinson, Pick-
ering, were weekend guests of Mr.
and Mrs. 11, Cameron.
Mrs, Nelson Brown, Warren,
Mich,, • is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 1), E. Gliddon.
A social evening and auction
Sale is th be held in the school on
Friday, March 13, sponsored by
the-.1thirnesville W.A,
1$11isSion Band Meets
The March Meeting 'of the Vil-
heliiiine Mission Band was 'held
iii the school with. Jame$ Mc-
Cullough in charge of the program.
Donald Yeo read the Scripture•
lesson and Fred Tyndall gave 'the
prayer, Easter poems were read
by Marilyn Yeo and 'Shirley Norr
man.• The business, was conducted
by the president Marilyn Yeo, A
march of "clean up Soldiers" was
held, when the pupils gave their
gifts 'of 'soap, towels, tooth paste,
etc., to be sent for overseas relief,
Peter Gahweiler read a temper-
ance poem and Wayne Potter gave
a peace reading. A game was 'en-
joyed, The study book chapters
were revieeed by the leaders Mrs.
Lloyd Bond and Mrs. William Nor-
man. The meeting closed with the
benediction. ,
The music's outlandish — the
lyrics don't fit — it's crazy and
tuneless—but boy what a hit?
MODEL 0 112
No more guessing or uncertainty
. . . with your Westinghouse Dry-
er, you can .dry ALL fabrics saf-
ely. Dries clothes faster . . uses
less current with the exclusive
advantages of DIRECT AIR-
FLOW . . air and heat passes
directly into the clothes, not
through the basket.
Four Models of Westinghouse
Dryers to Choose From.
Priced from $199.95
Clinton Electric Shop
"Your Westinghouse' Dealer"
D. W. Cornish, Prop.
Albert Street — Clinton
Local Chairman, A. J. McMurray
Clinton Memorial Shop
T. PR OE and SON
Thomas Steep, elbow)
— Phones
8u*„ 2-6606
r• r
Res., HU 2-3869.
And we're Just as expert at
giving your htisband's shirts
"that executive look" . crisp
starched +. looking and whiter
than white. A many-hours job
for you. Easy for us—try our
laundry today.
This Week the Lucky
No. is 2063
Check your Calendar. If the
number matches, take the
Calendar to our office and
claim your $3.00 credit.
411. WEEKEND Magazine, with articles by
Gregory Clark, Andy O'Brien and others.
TV Weekly, with Ron Poultott's Pre-
views and program 1i-slings for a week.
16 Pages of Color Comics.
Regular Saturday Tely with extra pages '
on travel, hobbies, books, religion.
He needed
cash to modernize
his kitchen
• • • so both are borrowing from a bank
raced With unforeseen household expenses?
Want to make some special major pur-
chase? Need motley for taxes—or to meet a
family emergency? Personal loans to help
people meat just such situations ate being
made by the 'chartered banks every day.
You're not asking a favour when you visit
a• chartered bank td arrange a personal
loan. The manager welcomes opportunities
to make loans, repayable out of earnings
in convenient instalments.
And at a chartered batik, you can always
count on privacy and courteous considetit.
tion, whether you are arranging a loan or
using. other valuable services the bank
So wrote Charles Edward Carry].
in "The Camel's Complaint". The
camel would .have had even more
to complain about had he known
the time would come when Chicken
Would be as widefy available as it
is today. It used to be that fryers
and broilers were available at one
time of year, roasters and .stewing'
hens at another. Now the small
types sit alongside cut-up and
roasting chickens all year, round.
Chicken has become mere, than a
Sunday specialty as a result. Bet-
ter marketing methods mean
w ellLdressed, plump birds for
roasting, handy wings for brais-
ing, legs and breasts for frying
and barbecuing. And casseroles
using left over chicken slices or
frozen chicken livers are ideal
middle-of-the-week dishes
they're quick and easy to prepare.
One thing to remember, whether
you're featuring small iype chick-
ens, or large birds, or leftovers,
you'll find that butter, the flavor-
giving dairy food so Suited to
chicken cookery, is a must.
Baked Hungarian Chicken feat-
ures a fryer , . . about three
pounds . • . cut up into serving
pieces and browned to a golden
buttery crispness. The monoso-
dium glutamate . sprinkled over
brings out I. h e chicken a n d
butter flavor , . enhancing it
without adding any flavor, of its
own . . . for that's the way it be-
haves. The minced onion is brown-
ed in the melted butter and drip-
pings, then the flour is added to
form the basis for the sauce of
dairy sour cream and -spices. The
paprika predominates and gives
the recipe its name . . . for pap-
rika 'is characteristic of Hungar-
ian food , and wonderful it is,
The mild flavor of the chicken
livers in our casserole is nicely
distributed throughout the creamy
sauce of chicken soup . . . it's the
frying of the livers in 'the butter
that does the job for you. The rice
adds substance to the mixture and
the sweet basil that extra touch
needed sometimes to tempt the
family with specialty meats such
as liver.
- The recipe for Creamy Chicken
and beans ,uses up leftover roast-
ed slices . . . layered atop. cooked
Frenched green beans en casserole.
A butter-flour-milk-and-chicken-
soup sauce, seasoned with curry
powder, celery salt and Canadian
cheddar cheese, blends with the
vegetable and chicken in a hot ov-
en in 15 minutes cooking time.
Looks wonderful browned anebub-
bling . . . and tastes better.
Let the camel complain . . .
we'll never cease to be interested
in chicken lore, for chicken in any
dress is, a favorite story with us.
(Kakes 4 Servings)
1 (3 pound) fryer, cut up
1 teaspoon monosodium glut-
N. cup butter
1/2 cup minced onion •
cup flour
% cup water
1 cup thick dairy sour cream
0 teaspoons lenatin juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon paprika
% teaspoon nutmeg
.% teaspociri, monsodiuth glut-
• salt and pepper
chopped parsley
Sprinkle chicken pieces with '1
teaspoon monosodium glutamate.
Melt butter in , large frying pan;
brown chicken. Transfer chicken
to large shallow casserole, Add
onion to drippings; saute 5 min-
utes. Blend in flour; slowly add
water and dairy sour cream. Cook
stirring constantly, until mixture
thickens. Add remaining ingred-
ients, except parSley. Pour gravy
over chicken. Cover. Bake in a
moderate oven (350°F.) for about
1 hour. Place chicken en hot piat9
ter, pour gravy over. Sprinkle
with parsley,
(Makes 5 to 6 Servings)
1 (5 ounce) package precook-
ed rice or 3 'cup cooked
.1/2 cup butter
31 cup minced onion
% pound chicken livers
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
% teaspoon salt
% teaspoon monosodium glut-
amate (optional)
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 (10 ounce) can cream of
chicken soup
% cup milk
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon sweet basil
Cook rice as .package directs.
Melt 1 tablespoon butter; add on-
ion; cook until tender. Dredge
chicken livers with combined-.flour
and seasoning. Saute livers in re-
maining 3 tablespoons butter.
Combine all ingredients except
pimiento. Place in 11/2 quart size casserole. Top with pimiento
strips. Bake in a moderate oven
(350° F.) about 30 minutes.
(Makes 4 Servings)
1 package frozen Frenched
green beans, cooked
11/2 cups sliced cooked chicken
3 tablespoons butter
2-14 tablespoons flour
14 cup milk
1 (10 ounce) can cream of
chicken soup
teaspon salt
teaspoon celery salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
14 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 cup grated Canadian ched-
dar cheese
Arrange cooked beans in bot-
tom of buttered. 1 quart size cass-
erole. Cover with sliced, chicken,
In saucepan melt butter; "blend in
flour and cook 1 minute, Slowly
stir in milk and soup. Cook over
low heat, stirring, constantly, about
10 minutes, Add seasoning and
cheese; stir until cheese has mel-
ted. Pour sauce over chicken and
beans, Bake in a hot oven (450°
F.) for about 15 minutes. Garn-
ish with pimiento strips or thin
slices of green pepper.
— TOPICS — •
tuesday, March 17: Who are those-Heretics—the' Protestants
Wednesday, March 18—"Mirror! Mirror!"
thursday, March 119--Th9 Living Rock
Friday, March 20—"I'll Dance at Your Wedding4'
'(Mixed Marriages)
Saturday, Mardi 21---"The Living Dead, Roman Catholic
Slindciy, March 22-11.00 a.m.—The Need of the Hour
7.30 p.m.--,-From Monastery and Priest- " -hood to Christ.
In Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle
Elgin Avenue at Waterloo Street,
Sponsored by Pentecostal Tabernacle and Victoria Loyal Orange Order
No. 182, Goderich.
Interview Ex-priest Adams each, afternoon in the Pastor's Study.
Come and Hear
Rev. Henry G. Adams
Ex:MOn k
Who spent 12 years in a Monastery
(Former Fr, Hilarian of Basilian
• . Order)
Director of the Evangelical Mission
- of Converted Monks and Priests
Stouffvilie, Ontario
Editor, Converted Priests' Evangel.
March 17 to 22 at 8 p.m.
Members of all Faiths, Come,
Hear, Learnt
Roman Catholic Students, Priests,
Nuns are Especially/Invited