HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-05, Page 11171itiASPAY., MAUCH 0,104 `,47.• Gods Twp. South .correspondent; ,igniep K, soon Phone HO- .P-9531 Murray McDougall had a nor,. reW escape on Friday fle drove his. ear to Wettlauter's feed 4411 ,and while inside ordering feed, he heard a loud noise, Snow sliding off the roof, had taken the cement black chimney with it; and fell . on the back of the car. Luckily no one was in. the car, 'The glass _from the back Window was knocked out on the snow; but -was .not btoken: People in this part were sorry to bear of the sudden passing of Mrs, _loss TouChbOrne, GOderielt, on Friday morning, She was born pn the. sixth concession of Gode- rich TownShip an was the yo.ung- -est of a 'family of 13, children born' to - the late Mr. and Mrs, John McClelland. Only two survive: Chard, Gerlerith and Mrs. .Donald ST. PATRICK'S - DANCE IN Old ForgeT,Hiayfield " Tuesday, March 11 10.00 to 9.30 THE-FIRST 150 LADIES WILL EACH RECEIVE AN ORCHID CORSAGE FLOWN DIRECT FROM HAWAII ADMISSION: $100 MUSIC BY Grant Edighoffer AND HIS Melody Masters Featuring Vocals by Jo Ann 9-10-b asemems Perhaps You.. Know Personally One of the 13,500 (rippled Chikiren in Ontario Even if you don't, you will want to be of help to .the worried. parents and to these handicapped youngsters. By nowyou will have received the PINK Envelope containing Easter Seals. Use them on your correspondence during March. and DON'T FORGET to mail your CHEQUE to. Help Crippled Children The Appeal for Funds Locally is being made by. CLINTON LIONS CLUB Send your Cheque to Mel Crich, Box 242w Clinton HU.2-9653 CLINTON. Don't Let Your Fuel Oil Tank Get Too Low in Cold Weather. CALL US, TODAY, FOR FREE HOME DELIVERY PHONE HU 2- 9511 NEWCOMBE Pharmacy CLINTON GOLDEN VALUES SALE Another Kroehler RED TAG Value "Starlight" Sofa and Matching Chair Reg. $261.00 In your choice of beautiful fabrics and decorator colors. Both only Only $246.00 WEEKEND SPECIALS 9 Pc. Living Room Grouping (Shown in Our Window) 6 Piece Dinette, including 4 chairs, arborite table and buffet - Reg. $209.00 - Only $179.00 Sealy Button-Free Mattress Reg. $59.50 - .,. ,.. Only $39.95 Beattie Furniture Reg. $355.00 Only $215,00 no. Indar *ON aire Sae U.* mak 040, plems wadi All Pictures Reduced - - - 10% to 15% 01* *Lai. irmi 14,124TON $41A/4-8F.CORD nov its (Prances) MePonald, Petroit, Also surviving are her husband Rossi and one .daughter, Mrs. Mary McDonald-, London. Funeral was on Monday from the Stiles funetn1 home, ooderich, For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look for this sign of quality The Kinsmen Clubs of Clinton are selling LONDON -KINSMEN BINGO CARDS" Available, from; • • Your London Free Press Carrier Boy • Pinger's Restaurant, Main Corner, Clinton • Fina Lunch, Victoria Street South, Cards 50c each -Prize $1,000 NEW GAME STARTING NEXT WEEK Sign the card which your paper carrier boy will leave at your home this weekend, and he will deliver your bingo card on Monday or Tuesday. MODOMMONCOMMON Start 6 0 0 D Chicks FA-11-1.-Y Start Enough and Raise Them Right! 'The kind of chicks you start, the. time you start them The number you .start (and raise) and the way you raise 'them — these all have a powerful bearing on the final results you get from them. Be ready — clean brooder house with hoe, shovel and broom. Then scrub and disen- fect with solution of PURINA DISINFECTANT — 2 tablespoons per 11/2 gallons of water. Let House Dry • Regulate Heat Wash Up Regularly • Ventilate Good Feed, Clean Water See the Marvellous New Wily' to Clean Eggs, The Roth-Egg Egg Washer. Clinton Farm Supply and Mathine Shop C. Nelson, Prop. HU 2-9613 CLINTON' :OCKONINCEMMODOCONOMC Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club. met at the home of Mrs. John Snyders, The president, Mrs. George. Sch- neider, was in charge, The min- utes were read by Mrs. Ted Hunk- ing. The quilt that was won by Ch- arles Asquith brought the club $40. It was decided to donate $20 to Hope Chapel Cemetery, $20 to Ball's Cemetery, $5 to the Crip- pled Children's Fund, $5 to the March of Dimes, The dutch auction was won by Mrs. George Schneider and the draw was won by Mrs. Lorne Hunking. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Bert Hunking, IVIrs. William Hunking and Mrs. Henry Hunking. The next meeting will be held, at the home, of Mrs. Joe Vereway, with Mrs. Leonard Archambault as convener of the program and lunch committee, Mrs. Ted Hunk- ing, Mrs, Joe Hunking, Mrs, Jam- es Jackson and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- cannel!. WARBLE FLY CAMPAIGN Township of Goderich Tenders are hereby called for the Spraying of Cattle in the Township of Goderich, under the Warble Fly Cam- paign for 1959. Tenders to state a price per head for spraying. For further 'information contact: R. E.' THOMPSON, Clerk, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ont. 9-b DiplOnnis Presented Charles Seath, superintendent of Knox United, Church Sunday Sch- ool presided for the presentation of the Robert Raikies • diplomas and seals. Mrs. Kenneth McDoug- al-, secretary of this department, presented the following: diplomas, Shirley Ament, Gary Ament, Dan- ny Evans, John Koopmans, John Montgomery, Jean Montgomery, and Betty Youngblut; second year seals, Lois Hallam, Betty. Hallam, Robert Wilkin, Ross Wilson, Billy. Lapp, Allan Craig, Allen MeDoug- all, Briafl,, Craig Stephen Haggitt, Patsy Wilkin, Mary Wilkin, Marie' Plunkett; third year seals, Shelley Grange, Ricky Archarnbault, Way-. ne Arthur, Brenda Ball, Deryk Ball, Darya .B-all, -Linda- Wilson, Mariam :Hilts, Malcolm Hilts; fourth year. seal, Betty Moss; fifth year seals, JeAlf.er ,Grange, NancY *Andersen, Ronald Arthur; sixth year seals, Laura Daer, Brenda Archambault, KI'aska Koopmans, Allan Spiegelberg, Ronald Durnin, Glen Webster, Allan Webster, "Carol Armstrong; seventh year seals, Douglas Archambault, Mar- sha Koopmans, Martie Koopmans, Brian Spiegelberg, Jim Mills, June Mills, Joan Mills, Jackie Durnin, Betty Durnin, George Durnin, Wayne Durnin; Anne Spiegelberg, Sharon Ball, Lerne Daer, Kenneth Daer; eighth year. seals, John Ar- thur, Barrie Turner, Berkley Spie- gelberg; tenth year seals, John Wright, William Anderson, Mar- lene Easom, Bernice McDougall, Tom Cunningham; 13th year, Mar- go Grange.. WA Meets James Hembly, manager of the Auburn Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce was guest sp- eaker at the February meeting of the Woman's Association of Knox United •Church-held in the Sunday School auditorium. Group 2 of the association was in charge of the program. Mrs. Elliott Lapp called the meeting to order and the ode was sung with Mrs. William J. Craig at the piano. The first hymn "Blest be the Tie that Bends" was sung followed White scours can be deadly to calves and piglets -- yet your newborn animals pan be , proteated against scours for pen,- roes a clay. Here at -NEwoomows are the potent anti- biotics that have proved so effective in stamping- 'out this dread infection. Weigh. their small cost against the 'value. Of a calf or piglet and you'll see the wisdom in stocking up With scour-pt'eventing veterinary prodoets now, A potent treatment for large and Small animals. complex- deficiencies in loss of weight, poor con- dition and nervousness. anemia and Vitamin. B • STOCK- IRON • with Vitamin 8-12 30 c.c. \Multiple Dose For the 'prevention of INJECTABLE Vial ;tours, deficiency diseases Preventex Tablets are designed to prey ent pneuomnia and navel ill in new-born calves. Administration: 6 tablets life, then 1 a day for 9 during the first day of days. PREVENTEX Tablets For New-Born Calves. $6.00 GIVE YOUR SEED -DRILL kIREAT Ask Your Dealer For News of Atiburii. CorrespondenU MRS. W. BRADNOCK Phone Auburn 51 r 14 , Outdoor Rink Populai in Brucefield Perfect weather for outdoor skating'rinks this winter has probably come to an end, but thiswas,an especially good season. A rink with -lights at night was enjoyed greatly in Brucefield, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Leppington. From the left are Beverley and. Larry Hughes‘.Jo-Anne and Gerald Aldwincklen Hans and Bob Lepping-, ton and Ronnie Scott. (News-Record Photo), by Scripture read by Mrs. William Dodds. Mrs. B. Koopmans led in prayer, after. which Mrs. Fred Toll presented timely thoughts on Ch- ristian Stewardship. A quartette composed of Mn. George Millian, Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer and Mrs. Gor- don McClinchey accompanied by Mrs. William J. Craig presented a pleasing -musical number. Mr. Hembly was introduced by Mrs. Lapp. He explained some of the many services given by char- tered banks; and gave some sug- gestions on how customers can help the bank staff to give better service. Mrs. George Wilkin th- anked the speaker. The offering .was received by Mrs. James Jack- son and Mrs. Norman Wightman. Mrs. Arthur Grange presided for the business period, The min- utes were read by Mrs. William 1.e. Craig, and the financial state- ment by Mrs. Robert Arthur. It was decided to cater _to the Wo- men's Institute banquet in April, Lunch was served. WA Dealers in lour towns J. W. Counter Builders! Supply Clinton,;_ Ontario • * NIXON SCOUREX TABLETS For Infectious Scours 16' Tablets $1.75 Sold on a Money Back Guarantee For Scours in Swine PELLAGRIEX' PASTE' Vitamins •. Minerals c Antibiotics For prevention & treat4 ment of scours, anemia, - arid infectious enteritis in Suckling Pigs. 1.50 per tube ,(1% ass,) 15 tables $1.25 I. This Spring! Smooth Drilling, Non-Caking. Grand Valley Fertilizer at WORTHWHILE EARLY AND CASH. DISCOUNTS GRAND VALLEY FERTILIZERS LIMITED ORANGEVILLE, ONT. Box 720 Phone 964 9-10-b .1