Clinton News-Record, 1959-03-05, Page 8W 11 111E PLUMBING HEATING' ee ELECTRICAL CLINTON Rzeffe,PLIJMBER IVAROW bllata WilY WEAR AN OVERCOAT WHEN EXPERT HEATING IS OUR PRIDE i? • Be An Early Birdli TAKE ,ADVANTAGE OF WINTER PRICES Have Power Mower Serviced Don't Wait Till The Summer Rush DO It NOW! Bring In Your Mower Today! FREE. STORAGE until Grass Time Wells Auto Electric ORIGINAL Phone' HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON AMITE 1958 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDAN, with automatic, fully equipped $2,650 1958 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDAN, with automatic trans.,fully equipped $2,650 1958 CHEVROLET BISAYNE SEDAN, auto- matic, Special V-8 motor $2.750 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN, fully equipped with automatic trans.., ..... $2,650 2-1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDANS, stan- dard transmission, fully equipped $2,495 2-1957.PONTIAC DELUXE SEDANS, automatic transmissions, fully equipped $2;095 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON $2,195 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1,650 1956 CHEVROLET COACH, fully equipped • $1,695 1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN $1,695 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic trans.; fully equipped $1,595 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1,450 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 SEDAN; fully equip- 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, deluxe, fully equipped $1,495 ped $1,695 1954 FORD COACH, overhead motor $10095 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN $1,095 1954 FORD CUSTOMLINE, with radio ,..„„.„ $1,095 1954 DODGE SEDAN • $1#095 1954 METEOR 2-Door HARDTOP, automatic transmission, fully equipped $1,195 1954 CHEVROLET BEL AIRE 2-Door HARD- TOP, automatic $1,195 1953 DODGE SEDAN $ 895 1951 DODGE STATION WAGON $ 695 1951 DODGE SEDAN, fluid drive $ 495 TRUCKS . . 1956 DODGE 1/2 TON PICKUP $ 1,195 1956 FORD '/2 TON PICKUP .„ ,,,,,,,, ...„, ,,,, $ 1,195 Cars Can Be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in This Advertisement Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Brussels, Ont. Phone 173 TENDON ARME Call us now for your Fertilizer require- ments. Early discount prices still in effect for one more week. CALL OUR FEED MILL HUnter 21115 Doug. Freeman, Foreman Canada Packers Limited MERNER'S DRAINAGE CO. DRAINAGE — EXCAVATING PIPE LINE WORK FOUNDATIONS -- -- LEVELLING JACK MERNER, Prop. 16. Phon 24134 Clinton, Ont 9-10- ;,..., IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Effective Monday, March 9' Ray Hoggarth Will ()perm. the SUNOCO SERVICE STATION Formerly Owned by Harry Watkins, Huron Street West, Clinton. YOU. ARE INVITED ,T0'.VISIT-.RAY.iFOR,"YOUR FAVORITE BLEND OF BLUE SUNOCO. Ross Scott. Ltd., Distributors Brucefield, Ontario Hog (ohtricts Contracts -are available'to reliable feeders. Weaners are cheap; now is the time to pur- chase pigs. The price of pork can only go up. Broiler Contracts •_ We have contracts available, get on a fee now. Also 20c contracts; also avail- able: Call us at once. 1 Canada Packers Limited Phones: HUnter 2-381S or HU 2-9301 I • FARMERS Fora Ping 4Feeding Requirements Our:Mill Handles Pioneer' -,•• Cafeteria Sweetened Suckling Pig Krums Startyour baby pigs• on this rdtion at 2 weeks of age. Continue' feeding Until 100 lbs. per pig is consumed. This ration will get yciur baby pigs off to A• good start, 4114 4411.444.4- 114 Wettlaufer's. feed. Mill Phone HU 2-9792 Mary St, Clinton • • ,, . . • .... 41. 044 ... ........ ........................ ............ • .• ook. •111., . .. We're Buzzing with Terrific Buys for the Budget Wise " .... . . ..................... , 020% Reducti:n Melmac Dinnerware .......... e .......... .4. 4, I. 4. f. Carnival, Deluxe, and all plain pattern wear. Do not delay in completing your set as this dinnerware is being discontinued. Come in and browse ar- ound our odds and ends table. Terrific values and new items being added daily. Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Phone HU 2-7023 Clinton 41•1111111111111.0ft, Carnival Design Illustratad .(141.T011. RsMWS,AVCCORP.. gab Miss Joyce Bell, London, was home over the weekend, Mrs. Fred Ford, Clinton, was the guest of Mrs. J. H, Cobb last week, Mrs. A. Houck, Zurich, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. Geiger at "the Hut" this week. Mr, and Mrs, F. P. Arkell visited • their daughter, Mrs, Donald Sager and family in Goderich on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. William. E. Parker were in Mitchell on Saturday for the funeral of . her uncle, William Y. Urquhart. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid and family, Port Elgin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls en Sunday. Mrs. D. Murray, Toronto, ar- rived on Friday to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. J, McLeod. _Miss Hel- en McLeod, London, was also home • over 'the weekend, The Rev. E. J: B. Harrison attended a meeting of the Dean- ery. Chapter of Huron in St. Geo- rge's Church, Goderich, on Tues- day morning Corporal W. • Winsor, wife and ,three children who have, been oc- 4, cupying Mrs. Russell Grainger's cottage on )Howard Street •moved On:Thursday to Adastra.1, Park, Clinton. Mrs. L. H, D, MacLeod and. two daughters, Miss. Dorothy Ann go Lead and Mrs. Carson Fawcett were in London on Sunday to visit her husband at Westminster Hos- pital. Miss Jacqueline Cluff, London, and Miss Weld Cluff, Londesboro, were with their mother, Mrs. J. Cluff over the weekend, Frank Armstrong, Picton, was also' the guest of Bob Cluff. Fred Watson, clerk of 'Stanley Township attended the Good Roads - Convention in Toronto from day to Thursday last week. Dur- ing his absence Mrs. Watson visit- ed their son and daughter-in-law; Mr, and Mrs. John Watson, Bron- son Line, 0 Hensall 'Community Sale Prices (By our 'Hensall Correspondent) Weanling pigs, $7 to • $11.50; chunks,' $12.50 to $15.20; feeders, $17 to .$20; sows, $47 to $69.50. Holstein calves, $9.50 to $21; Durham calves, $36 to $62; butch- er cows, sold up to $18.70; hutch- er heifers. up to $22.50; butcher steers, up to $25. EBENEZER • (By Ws. I. Merrill) This week'S meeting of S.$. No, 4, Goderich Township Farm For-,'. urn was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lobb • with ten members in attendance, The dis- cussion topic .on TV was "What Can We Learn FrOM. Labour". The members agreed that agri- culture would not increase per- .sonai. income by borrowing from labour in . the line of strikes or closed shop as these are not feaS, ible but the dues Aystem and ed- ucational prograni can be stresstd more than is being done at pres- ent. Our members . are not in favour of strikes because they would be risking theircapital and moreover against whom would they.-strike? ' There was a short recreation period and lunch was served, The next week's . meeting will --be on Tuesday • night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb, Mrs. M. Vaire spent a few days in Hensall and London. Miss Mary E. Swan spent a few days last week visiting friends in London. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Thomson entertained a few friends on Sat- urday night. Mrs: C. Ham returned home on Tuesday from a few weeks visit in Toronto. A. number of -Brumfield citizens attended the funeral of Miss Laura MacMillan, Egmondville, on. Satur- day. Interment was in Baird's Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie and family, St. Thomas, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, McKenzie. Mrs. McKenzie has been suffering from an attack of bronchitis. • Lovely flowers were placed, on the altar of the Brucefield United Church on Sunday morning in memory of the late Miss Laura McMillan. The family lived on the farm now owned by Robert P. Al- lan, Jr'. Miss MacMillan was a niece of Fred Burdge and Mrs. R. Watson. (By •3. Carl From recent news articles I luive learned that the Post Office Department needs to enlarge its office in Clinton. Apparently this could be most economically and conveniently done by adding an addition to the back. This property is owned and occ- upied by a service station belong- ing to a large oil company. It- has been stated that this land is not for sale and that seems to end the discussion. Has the Post Office Department not heard of the right of "eminent domain"? If they haven't they are 'a long way behind Hydro and high- way departments or gas or tele- Ohone compainies. When our forefathers wrested this land from bush at the rate of a few acres per year they had visions of owning a property they would be proud to hand over to a long line of descendants for time to come. Finally they received their deed from the Crown,'giving them all rights to the land subject to the right of "eminent domain". That is the Crown very gener- ously, with one hand, gave a chunk of ground covered with bush and with the other retained the right to take it back, at any future date, Recently a story of feline love and devotion touched a' sympath- etic chord in the writer. All winter, two cats, a large tiger and a smaller tortoise shell, have been coming to the back door at "The Hut", The mistress wasn't too kindb, disposed towards them as they'd try to sneak up on the birds at the feeding station, But her uncle saw that the table scraps Were put out each night. One cold morning a saucer of bread and milk was offered the pair: They lapped up the milk, but refused the bread, so it was considered that they weren't too hungry, Several times on a very cold night, the pair looked in the win- dow while, dinner -was in Trogress. One felt sorry for •them but hesi- tated about, taking in stray cats. Always, they came together, The WA Meeting Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot presided for the March meeting of the Wo- man's Association held in the ,•ch- urch on Tuesday. Mrs, J, Caira and Mrs. L. Eyre had charge of the devotional' period. Mrs. Eyre read from John 13 and Mrs. Cairns spoke on the "Triumph of Love". Mrs. D. Triebner gave the sec- retary's report and Mrs. Eyre re- ceived the offering, Roll call was answered by naming "something I gave up for Lent". Tuning of the piano was left in the hands of the church commit- tee. A thank you letter will be sent to Mrs. J. K. Cornish for her donation of a vacuum cleaner. A thank you note from William SCott was read by Mrs. Berry. $10 will be sent to, the March of Dimes. Miss Margaret McQueen play- ed a piano solo. Mrs. George Clif- ton conducted an ' Irish contest. Lunch was served by group 3. Next meeting will be in the charge of Group. 4. Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mrs. George Clifton Will be in charge of the devotional period. Roll call will be "an East- er Verse". Hemingway) regardless of the transformation you have worked over many years. By right of "eminent domain" your property, which you say you own, could "for convenience and necessity" be expropriated by the government and be handed over to any public utility or private com- pany or, perish the thought, to any party "heeler" without any obli- gation to compensate. Hydro and highways apparently haVe a blanket right to exprop- riate. Notice need not be given to the land owner. Telephone and -pipelines are required to give two weeks notice. This is done by Hydro and high- ways when they wish to cross farm land. Why then is the Post Office Department unable to proceed in the same manner in the case of the service station? Could it be that expropriation isn't popular when the victim is a large oil company rather than an individual farmer? Counter Check Books on Sale at the News-Record large -tiger walking with .dignity while the .smaller tortoise shell skipped back and forth and around him in a decidedly' "kittenish" manner., This whetted the curiosity of the residents at "The Hqt". The same enquiry was made of all the neigh- 'pours:. "Do you knowwhose cats they are?" Finally, the riddle of why two cats which looked well fed came begging at the kitchen door, was. solved,. Tortoise shell is a young fe- male not a year old. She belongs to a citizen„ who does. not permit her to enter the house. Tortoise shell took up with Tig- LONDESBORO Mrs. Bert Allan-,4orresporuient Mrs. Cora McGill, Belgrave, sp- ent Tuesday with 1VIr, and Mrs. Walter McGill.' Mrs. Gordon McPhee of near Auburn visited with her sister, Mrs. McGill on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward White, Ingersoll, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs, J. T: Mrs. Nelson Lear is feeling a little better after a severe attack of the 'flu. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen on Friday evening. Mrs. Edwin Woods sOeht a-week recently with her daghter and family, Mrs. Bill Andrews, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell, Clinton, spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen are enjoying a ,ten day vacation in Florida. They left last Thursday and expect to return- Sunday. Henry Youngblut and his son James, Niagara. Falls, spent the weekend of •February 15 at his home in Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs: Ab. Shaddick and Mrs. Thomas.; Fairservice spent Sunday afternoon' with Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs: John 'Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong in Strat- ford, the occasion being Mrs, Arm- strong's and Kenneth's birthday. • Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family also Mr. and Mrs Leonard Harris, and .Ernie,' Farquhar, and Mr. and Mrs.- James Kowatt and family were Sunday visitors with Wilmer Howatts. 0 It's possible that a college edu- cation doesn't always pay, but that doesn't release Pop from his financial obligation, Touching Story of Feline Devotion Noted by Residents of Bayfiekl "Hut" (By our Bayfield Correspondent) News of Bayfield By MISS LUCY R. WOQD0 PHONE: HAYFIELD .45 r" 3 Expropriation Seems More Popular . In Rural Areas Than In Town Situations News - of .,Brucefield pr, a stray tomcat. When her tress calls her for food she will .not eat until Tiger joins her, She will sit by the plate and "me-ow" in a most urgent tone until he arrives.. Together they'.feastt anit then go off to the barn at "The. Hut" •or one of the neighbour's sheds where they have .found elter from the wintry blest. PAM =ow THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1.959