HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-03-05, Page 5MR p Y. MARCH' 1950 T.V.Merrill . Service REPAIRS YO ALL MAKES OF TV, RADIOS, AUTO 'RADIOS & APPLIANCES Phone HU 24021 LOW OVERHEAO LOW PRICES BALL & MOTU! FIRST - ANNIVERSARY SALE STILL CONTINUES EARN On $100. or inore,investe'd for 5rears in a safe British Mortgage.certificate. ; To invest — just send us your cheque. British Mortgage looks after all details. For 'full information send in coupon. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST ' Founded in 113774 Stratford British Mortgage & Trust Company Stratford. Please send me a folder, giving infoniation'about British Mortgage & Trust Guaranteed Certificates. • - • • .4:4: 4 r•-.:s=• • C0.3:0:. 01-• 0:4 :4:4443N: • • Senior 'Public School Winners Winner of the senior public school class of the Legion-sponsored public speaking contest last week, was William McKim (left), who spoke of the Yukon, "Canada's Eleventh Province," Bill owns a square inch of the territory he told about, and he was able to make his speech a lively interesting presentation. With him are Lorraine Wood, RCAF Station Clinton (third) and ,Borden McRae, Clinton, (second). Dciugicis Thorndike and his wife Etta pose with the young speakers. The Thorndikes have guid- ed the speaking contest through its infancy stages when only a half-dozen speakers took part, to this year when 28 speakers competed, (News-Record Photo) Letter :to he Ed 'tor .ree140" The Editor, Clinton News'Record. As you aaYt the ratepayers have been strangely apathetic. over the important issue ..of the Post Office problem. This is likely because. we think, "What'S the use. We . do anything anyway. The council has the say.-Why worry?' • Wrongl We the ratepayers 'have a perfect right to Voice an opinion, So We say, 1'UT a TO A VOTEI.: as was done in the case of the old town hall. Once again, had Judgement is threatening to do away with one of the very few good-looking buildings in Clinton. Why tear that .dawn and put up a Squat ugly structure on another lot somewhere? The Post Office is RIGHT where it is in the town. If neces- sary 'buy from :an owner or two. at the..4outh and enlarge the pre- sent building. If you must tear, something down, by all means at- tack the awful entrance we. have to use. at present, Make a fine sweeping north entrance, -open and dignified. The present entrance is a disgrace, and we have to jump a river to cross the street to get there. It's a disgrace .all right,. First give the -ratepayers a vote on the matter. Well, that is ,.the opinion of one of the taxpayers' anyway, for what it is worth. Thank you, • "MAC". Ij AMMUNITION — GUNS and BICYCLES 10% OFF . :0:11: • • 7•71,' 030 r•-IF, p •• 0" • 7447.1.117:01 0:0 4-0'6=4 :14:111:41•41 • • •F AFF•• • • • um•• • •• ssummillISMIIVILILUISLUIRO • This sale is to commemorate our 1st Year in the I.H.A. pPograni — We have taken our complete stock and .discounted it to offer you — a genuine bargain Shop today for the wid- est selection while our stock is at its best. Rememehr, I.H.A. is the Sign of Top aUality at Low, Low Prices — Come in and ,browse around under no obliagtiori. PLEASE .. NO PHONE ORDERS Hospital Auxiliary , Plans Year's Events Mrs. Beecher Menzies, president of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary, presided at the regular monthly meeting, held in the Nurses' Res- idence, Tuesday evening, March 3. Amongst the items of business discussed were Tag Day on May 9 and the Florence Nightingale Tea on Sunday afternoon, May 3. The matter of a travelling cart for the hospital was brought up for discussion. Further informa- tion is to be obtained and brought to the next meeting, . It was announced that a rep- resentative of the Ontario Depart- ment of Welfare, Toronto. would speak at the County Home on March 9. Mrs. Gordon Cuning- hame and Mrs. H. G. Manning consented to represent the organ- ization at this meeting. A cancer film was shown, "The Doctor Speaks His Mind." The president thanked Kenneth Currie and John McKim for operating the machine. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. • SPORTING GOODS Paints -- Brushes Mops Brooms Tools 20% OFF FLOOR COVERINGS • REMNANTS * 1/2 ,Price • DISCONTINUED LINES 20% off • FLOOR TILE and other lines I % off FURNITURE LAMPS and MIRRORS Discounts As High As One-Third Off SAVE on TOYS — 20% OFF AN Toys I. HOUSEWARES and GIFTS --- 26% OFF — HOBBY KITS -MOTORS and ACCESSORIES — 20O/0 OFF No Reasonable Offer Refused! FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES 25% Off Open Friday Evenings Christian Film of the Year. "REACHING FROM HEAVEN" A CHALLENGING AND HIGHLY DRAMATIC STORY THAT SHOWS WHAT CAN BE DONE WHEN AN ENTIRE CONGREGATION TAKES SERIOUSLY ITS OBLIGATION TO GOD. Don't,Miss -This Outstanding Film! Clinton Legion Hall SATURDAY, MARCH 1 at 8 p.m. TRI-COUNTY YOUTH FOR CHRIST SPECIAL for THIS WEEK! Address ; . .. ISILSIVOUtilotti••••••••••uuut• "IWO H. C. LAWSON, Representative Phone HU 2-9644 Clinton, Ontario S Here's Why . . Time Extended on P.U.C. Building Clinton Public Utilities Commission are receiving ,tenders to extended closing time to 5.00 p.m. EST, Monday, March 9th, 1959, (was March 2nd) for construction of a new 50' x 90' OFFICE and SERVICE BUILDING, containing offices, 3 truck garage, work shops and supply storage space. CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, Albert St., -Clinton, Ont. Jabez E. Rands, Superintendent. BARGAINS in FURNITURE .• CHESTERFIELD SUITES . • BEDROOM FURNITURE • MATTRESSES and SPRINGS • CHROME SUITES lboromminimtmom. Under the L.C.A. If Huron county were under the L.C.A., hotels, restaurants and clubs could apply for liquor licen- ses. Liquor stores and brewers' retail stores would be opened ar- bitrarily by the Liquor Control Board, in Huron towns where business promised profits. In due time beverage rooms, men's and women's, would also very probably be licensed. How much liquor flows in L.C.A. counties? As of March 31, 1957, there were the following legal li- quor outlets—all outside of Huron, Government stores 210, Brewers' retail stores 216, taverns 170, pub- ic houses 346, hotels 946, clubs 489, steamships, wine stores and rail- ways 56. In all more than 2,400. In addition Ontario has 19 brew- eries, Do we want any of these? The C.T.A. has kept them all out of our county, and will continue to do so. HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE FEDERATION 9-b 1953 CHRYSLER SEDAN Real clean, new Tires Special. Price only $995.00 1950 VAUXHALL SEDAN A good second car Only. $245.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ••••• _•_ 1* J & IMURPHY LIMITED . CLINTON Phone HU 2-9475 DON'T PAY A $5.00 PENALTY GET AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE BEFORE PURCHASING YOUR '59 LICENSE PLATES. FOR COMPLETE PROTECTION INSURE WITH "CO-OP" P. A. ROY Box 310, Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9357 REPRESENTATIVE Co-operators Insurance Association MINTON. NEWS.,RECOMO PAgN rriM •Iii=facoosolorg.