HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-26, Page 7'1�R.a�D,A; X', 'F�rifRUX ''Z6, 1.959 NEWS -RECORD WANT11 Accommodation For Rent -MEE ROOM furnished apart- t ;7xtent, self - contained, Available -now, Phone HU 2.9928. 7-tfb THREE ROOM furnished apart- tnent,.. heated., self-contained on ground floor, :phone "HU 2-9$81.8-b FURNISHED and heated apart- ment suitable for couple. Phone WU, 2-9742. _ 8-b 7HREE ROOM, FURNISHED ;.apartment, heated, private bath. -Central location. Available now, 'hone HU 2-9005: 8p ,TURNISHED 2 ROOM APART- ment, hydro, 'water and heated, available now. Phone HU 2-9215, S -b 'SELF-CONTAINED, 2 BEDROOM apartment, furnished, heated. Available MArch 1, 'Phone HU 2-9390. 8-p 'UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, furn- ished, self-contained,. heated. One 'bedroom, Phone 'HU 2-3483. 7-8-p. SELF,-CONTA?IXED, 8 R,'O O M apartment, above store, Tor rent. 'Unfurnished. ' :Private entrance. T, hone .HU 2.9352'before ''61p:m. 8-b APARTMENT, three rooms and !bath, Central location, Furnished. 'Rent reasonable. Available immed, iately. Phone HU 2-6665 Satur- ildays• g P Accommodation Wanted :2 -BEDROOM :HOUSE -or apar'i- =ent, unfurnished, wanted for rent tiro Clinton or Ivicinity. Phone Mrs. e -O'Sullivan, Hensall 95, collect. 7 -8 - Articles For Sale !SINGLE 'STEEL 'BED and Mat- tress. Phone'HU'2-9576; 8p -2 CEDAR 'CHESTS, _one large, ,one small. HU 2-3808. 8-b :SPARTON TV, 17''' Table Model. very good 'condition. Thone, HU 2_«9693. 8p RIBBONS FOR TYPEWRITERS and adding, machine's. '$1.D0 each, 'Clinton -News Record. 8-tfb -Z=PIECE CHESTERFIELD Suite, wine and'green..Phone- .HU 2-7298 Saturday 9 �a;rn.. 4o 2 pan. 8p ; SILVER GREY 'BABY Carriage .acrd runners; baby ,playpen; both . ,articles in ; good condition, Phone .HU 2-9635. 8-b STOVE, MOFF:ATT DELUXE el- . ,ectric 4 -burner range, In good con- ,dition. Austin McCurdy, Bayfield. 8-p .AUTOMATIC pmrtable sewing ma- ' •chine, Brother make, priced: to sell. Apply to Box 80, Clinton• News- Iiecord. 8-p ¢ORDER YOUR "SWIFT'S RED ;Steer" Fertilizer now. Delivered , "to the farm prices. James Ed- wards, Clinton, local agent. 8p 24" MOFFAT GAS RANGE, used three months. In excellent condi- Uon, owner, now using electricity.. Phone HU 2-9220. 8-9-b :SIX -LID CLARE JEWEL COAL *r Wood Range. Good condition. 'Electric heavy duty rangette. Phone HU 2-9310: 815 SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care, Phone for an even- ting appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU .2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb DRAIN TILE !RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p :NOW IN STOCK! We now have gor sale the McCulloch Chain Saw. (Come in for a demonstration. "Wells Auto Electric, Clinton. 4-tfb SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and Others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's ,Tewellery. 8-p 4,1L�`TTING MARRIED? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the brews-Recotd office. Invitations, 'thank -you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, - match books, etc 11-tfb QUALITY PROVEN PIONEER chain saws give you the most - ;power at lowest prices anywhere. Complete parts and service, Rob- ert Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clinton, Phone 11 2-9909. 5.8-p WHY PAY MORE? Brand new 9 cit. ft. refrigerators, your choice of Philco or Firestone, price $159 and your .old seated unit refrig orator. T, A. DUTTON Ap- i pliances, Brucefield. Phone HU 2-3232; o0en evenings. $-tfb CSN' "FVVB-IrtPXJQIM RA `II$ Y No charge for anrraunawc,enta as IBh'trui, Marrlat�es no=r Articles for sale, rent, ete., Ertl +u4 'i�laxiiq" to Memoriam, engagements, 3c a word, mbd Mum M Box No, to this. office 15c odditlonal, Repeat to- sections 2c .a word, minimtup '15Ue. A. S CASH DISCOUNT: % If paid by Saturday fol - FOR QUICK RESULTS Articles Fpr $ale USED TV's FOR SALE 21'° P e "Dash" $100,0 21" gestinghouse "cash" . $120, 17" Coronet "cash" ......,. $ 70.0 14" Admiral Portable "cash" $90.00 New Dumont Chatham model, $65 down; Beverly model, $70 down, Dial HU 2-9320. 7.8-p WHITE SEWING MACHINE, electric. Queen Anne Console Re- verse Stitch and attachment, mat- ching bench. Singer Sewing Ma- chine treadle In good working or- der, Large size wooden baby's crib, solid ends, drop sides (mat- tress optional) ; baby's bathinette, new condition; pair composition lawn bowls, and carrying nets. Phone Hensall 677 r 11. 8-9-10-b TED RYDERS TV YOUR and SERVICE DUMONT USED TV SETS FOR SALE Dial HU 2-9320 Mill Street, Clinton rhe Road to the Drive -In Theatre Articles Wanted ' hild's large :size crib in good co- idition, Phone Phone HU 2-9291. 8b, GOOD STANDING .TIMBER WANTED Apply Box 57, Ailsa Craig 46-tfb Automobiles For Sale .954 MORRIS OXFORD Station Nagon. Phone HU 2-7581. 8b .948 Chev car with 1959 licence dates; reconditioned motor $150, kpply to Donald O'Connor., above laton's Mail Order office. 8p Board and Room WCOMMODATION FOR Board - !r or roomer. Phone HU- 2-9621. 8-p Custom Work i -OR YOUR PLUMBING AND seating needs, call irU 2.943$ iawkins Hardware. 2-tfb CREES — NOW IS THE TIME o arrange for tree removal; fully nsured. Contact J. McFarlane, iU 2-6654. 8-9-10-p 3RICK BLOCK LAYING—Hard- vood Floors laid, sanded, trim. Blazed the Ceramic wall tile. Tile loors. Free estimates. Phofie N r 2 Bayfield. 7,8,9,10,p Employment Wanted WOULD LIKE TO DO BOOK- :eeping or stenographer work in ;linton. 7 years experience: Phone iU 2-9498. 8-b FOR SALE OR RENT 35 FT. CABIN TRAILER, FURNr ;shed. For sale or rent, Apply at Becker's Trailer Park, Clinton" For Rent s -b .REN.T a Philips Portable For Home or Hospital Phone HU 2-7021 For Repairs to TV, Radios and Appliances Merrill TV Service Located on No. 4,Hig"hway 8-b Help 'Wanted --Male SALESMAN FOR AN ESTAn- lislied bread route. Appy in per- son to Bartliff's Bakery Ltd. 8-b WANTED: Man for steady travel among Consumers in Huron Coun- tY Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only relia )le hustler' considered. Write to- day Rawleigh's, Dept. B-169-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 8-b 1± ULLER BRUSH CO. LTD, has opening for agressivo young man with a car in Clinton and Blyth districts. Selling experience not essential, For interview write Ii;eith Walkom, 35 Avon St. Stratford or Phone 4171, 8-9-p 300XK.=PER FOR RETAIL Outlet, experienced, or commercial course, under 30 years of age, cap- able of keeping ,Accounts Receiv, able and General Ledger and tak, ng off balance sheets. Apply Boar 74, Clinton hews -Record, 1-8,b lowing, last insertion. Billing charge of Im added eaoh time bill is sent, Latest Time for Insertions ,-,- 12 noon Wednesday Bial 1W 2-349.$ Fruit For. Sale 0 REAL ESTATE SPY, GREENING;, SNOW, DELI- CIOUS, etc, -Free delivery in town. FRAME HOUSE, 7 YEARS OLD Phone %fU 2-3214. Fred McCly.n-o 4 rooms & bath, oil heated. Ph n e 'ent and Sons, Varna. 5-6.7-8p HU 2.9576. 8-1 Hel --- a e Wanted Feri IDEAL FAMILY HOME ON On. P tarso Street, near schools, Bargair. WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME for quick sale. If not sold, will be rented. HU 2.6650, &L employment, Apply in person to + Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 8=b BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms Livestock For Sale and homes. Build a home to suit Monday morning, your pocketbook on the Nu -Way $ PIGS 8 WEEKS OLD. Apply house plan. Leonard G. 'Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. to Ross Hoggart, RR 1, Clinton, 8-b phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, phone HU 2-9878. High Street, Clinton, 49tfb PUREBRED LANDRACE BOAR, REAL ESTATEIS OUR. BUSI- six and a half months old. Contact Malcolm Davidson, phone, Hensall, NESS. Farms, residential, Com - Several hundred Dekalb pullets hatched November 8, 16 weeks merdaill cottages. For de- old, Feb. 23rd; 18 weeks, March 9, pendafirle and Capable seavv;we list HOLSTEIN CALF, ONE WEEK your ;property with John Bosveld, old, suitable for vealing. Apply Wellesley Street; Goderieh. Phone to Russell Oesch, Varna, phone 1108, Salesmen: C. Byruma, 687r23 Hensall. 8-p Clinton; J. McConnell, Sea- _ s YOUNG HOLSTEIN COWS; forth. 2-tfb 1 part Jersey, Give us a call if you want cows at reasonable Salesman Wanted prices. E. A. Townshend, phone HU 2-9107: , 7b LACOMBE x YORKSHIRE SOWS $14,500 in a YEAR for sale, (bred Lacombe), farrow- for the RIGHT MAN ing in February and March. Con- tact Emmerson Penhale, 5 miles We don't want to mislead you into east of Exeter or phone 29r7 Dirk- thinking that making $20,000.00 in ton. 6-7-8p ayear as as easy as falling off a log .. But we do pay our men from 4 CHOICE HOLSTEIN heifer $14,500"00 to $50,000.00 in a year calves; large quantity of Land- and we .want the same kind of a race X Yorkshire pigs, 6 to 8 man in the Clinton area. weeks old. Contact John Greid- Here are -oitr requirements . , age anus and Sons, Londesboro, phone 45 to 60 .. willing to accept resp - Blyth 24r12 or 56r33. 7-8-9-p onsibility . , able to make auto trips to surrounding territory to call on Livestock WN/anted our customers. We don't expect you to get rich the ATTENTION FARMERS:: ..Cash first day, but we will make it worth paid for sick, down and disabled your while right from the start! cows And horses. Dead stack pick- This is a full-time job .. it pays ed up &ee of charge; no call ac- mighty well. It is stimulating and cepted under 300 ;lbs. Call collect filled with big rewards for honest Ed. Andrews, 851x111, Sea-fortil effort. Associated with Darling and : Ca. Sound worthwhile? .. Then tell us of Canada Ltd. 39-p4fb about yourself, your sales - back- ground and your earning require - OLD HORSES WANTED AT 33'ze ments, Let me hear from you im- lb., and dead cattle at value. If mediately" I have a mighty inter. dead, phone at once. GILBERT esting offer for you. president, B+ROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- Dept. FK, Panther Oil & Grease lect, Goderich, 1483J4 or 1483J'1. Mfg, Co., A.O. Box 70, Toronto 17, Ontario: F DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prises paid for dead, good, sack and dlsalbi6d horses Notice 4o" Creditors and cattle. Old horses for slaught" err a pound. prompt, In the Estate of ELSIE THOM- on s�ariinan disposal phone collect, it y PSON, late of the Village of Bay- buSy phone Leroy son, At- Noannan �'e'Bbqth �'se, field In the county of Huron, Spinster, Sinster, Deceased, o�ad 153, Wzl'liam MlanBrun- w Mar seils 1W6. Tnu*s anrailoblie at an persons having claims a- p gainst the estate of the above de- tvmes 36 to 10,p ceased are required to file the -- same, with the undersigned Solici- Dead Stacy Services for for the said Estate, on or be, fore the 16th day of March, A.D. 1959, after which date the assets HIGHEST CASH will be distributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto, having re - PRICES gard only to the claims of which PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR notice shall have been given. DISABLED COWS and DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of February, A.D. 1959. HORSES. , E. B. MENZIES,','Clinton, Ontario, /e1150 w Solicitor for the said Estate. 8-9-10-b Dead Cows and Homes At Cash Value Notice To Creditors Old Horses.---- 4c per pound In the Estate of SARAH DRA- Phone Collect PER, late of the Town of Clinton, In the County of Huron, Widow, 133 --- BRUSSELS Deceased. All persons having claims a. gainer the Estate the above de- BRUCE MARLATT ceased, are required to file re the the same with the undersigned Solicit - 24 Hour Service of for the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of March, A.D. 1959, after which date the assets will Miscellaneous be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard on - WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR ly to the claims of which notice shall have been given. experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this Huron County's Oldest Esfablish- 20th day of February, A.D. 1959. ed Jewellery Store, 8-p E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario LET US REPAIR AND MAKE SoIieitor for the said Estate, 8-9-10-b your rinds and jewellery like' new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work done reasonubly to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, 8-p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. • 44tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEIIIN6 ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used'" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle, If phoning lam A;-1 &, 1 P__ ce onspm Clinton` ZEnith 9-5650 .. If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number I Clinton TWntor 2.3441 ., For service or more information, call between :. ir.•, 7:30 and 10.00 a.m: week clays 8:00 and 8,00 p.m. &A. evenings + For cows noticed in heat on Sun- k fr day .morning, do not call until , Monday morning, ,y,► The quality is high and the Cost low. 53-tfb Clinton Goll�mulnill'Y Poultry For Sale__ Auction $ale$ EVERY FRIDAY DEKALI3 STARTED PULLETS. Several hundred Dekalb pullets hatched November 8, 16 weeks 1.30 P.M, old, Feb. 23rd; 18 weeks, March 9, Government Impeated Scales Vaccinated for Bronchitis & New- Cattle Sold QY Weight castle. Should be seen to be ap- TEAM$: CASH preciated. If.. you keep records you will keep Dekalbs, MOORE S ,1'OE COREY Sales Manager BOB McNAIfi, Auctioneer PWLTRY FARM, Seaforth, Ont., H, W, COLQUI10tIN, Clerlr phone 647 r 3. 74fb . _ . BIRTHS COOPER,In Lapeer County Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, Jan- nary 30, 1959, tQ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper (nee Jean Hat- tin), Lapeer, Mich„ (formerly of Clinton) a daughter (Laurie Jean, sister for Nancy and Bob- by). HAAX---In Clinton Public Hospit, al, on Friday, February 20, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haalt,. Clinton, a son, HATHAWAY --In Clinton Public Hospital,, on Monday, February 23, 1959, to Sergeant and Mrs. P. D, Hathaway, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. HEARN _- In Women's College Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, February 23, 1959; to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hearn, Scarboro, a daughter (Barbara Isabelle, sis- ter for Lorna and Richard). HOWATT— In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Febru- ary 19, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. James, Howatt, RR 1, Londes- boro, a son. KELLY In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, February 20, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Kel- ly, Clinton, a son, RYSKAMP --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Febru- ary 21, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Ryskamp, RR 2, Clinton, a daughter, DEATHS BARRET—Suddenly in Toronto East General Hospital on Feb- ruary 16, 1959, Lula Mary Crich wife of Percy Barret, 479 Joans Ave, Toronto. Funeral from the Joseph R. Thompson funeral home, 132 Carleton Street, To- ronto, on Thursday, February 19, to Pine Hill Cemetery. ELLIOTT—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, February 17, 1959, William James Elliott, in his 87th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home,, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton' Cemetery, by the Rev, C. S, Inder, on Friday afternoon, Feb- ruary 20. MANNING—In Goderich Town- ship, on Friday, February 20, 1959, Gordon Manning, beloved husband of Mary Catherine Torrance, Porter's Hill, in his 47th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, high Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery,. by the Rev. C. E. Peacock, Bayfield, on Monday afternoon, February 23. SHEPHERD — In Clinton Public', Hospital, on Friday, February i 20, 1.959, Catherine McClure,'i widow of the late Andrew Shep- herd, in her 92nd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home,. High Street, Clinton; to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, February 23, VODD1WIn Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, February 17, 1959, William John Vodden, be- loved husband of Frances Mary Jenkins, in his 78th year. Fun- eral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thurs- day afternoon, February 19. CARDS OF THANKS Sincere thanks to one and all of my dear and kind friends who cheered so many hours, also the nurses and Dr. W. A. Oakes. —JOSIE FOX. 8-p We would like to thank the nurses and Dr. W. A. Oakes for the excellent care they gave -Dad, when he was a patient in the Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to the Rev. C. S. Inder and Rev. D. J. Lane for their numerous calls and prayers. — THE ELLIOTT FAMILY. 8-p I wish to extend my grateful thanks to Dr. J. A. Addison and Dr. W. Munn and the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital for their very kind attention to me during my brief stay in the hospifal, also for the gifts and flowers and good wishes received from many friends. ---MRS. KAROL MANXO. 8-b I would like to thank "my many friends and neighbours, also the Willing Workers of the St. An- drew's United Church, Bayfield, who sent cards, gifts and flowers, and visited me while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W, A. Oakes and nurses of the Clinton Public HospitaI,—MRS. LAURA WARN ER, 8-p The family of the late Cather- ine Shepherd wish to express sin- cere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and floral trib- utes in their recent_ bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. G, Mills, Dr, F. M. Newland and the nurs- ing staff of Clinton Public Hospi- tal, 8-b The family of the late William John Vodden wish to extend their thanks and deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from friends, neighbours, and relatives in their recent sad bereavement Also thanks to Rev, J, A, McKim. 8-p IN MEMORIAM PROCTOR—In loving niemory of a dear brother, William, who passed away February 26, .1957. "Two years has passed since that sad. day When one we loved was called away, God took him home—it was his Will Within our hearts he liveth still." done but; not;. forgotten by .his sister, Mile Vanderburgh, 9-b PAGE BOXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly—First $how pt 7 .pm, ---Wide $green NOW,- "Francis OW;"Francis Covers the Big Town" "Abbott A Costello Meet the Keystone Kops" ",Ain't Misbehavin' „ Continuous, starting at 7.00. Saturday Matinee at 2.00 Shows at 7,00, 8.25 and 9.45 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY -�- DOUBLE BALL„ "THE SPACE CHILDREN"' Michel Rae -- Peggy Webber -- Jackie Coogan and • "COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK" John Saragrey -- Mala Powers -- Otto Kruger 1 st Show 7.00 -- Last Complete Show at 8.15 Conning; "ROCK -A -BYE BABY" Jerry is a riot as a bachelor daddy and nursemaid to triplets. Jerry Lewis - Marilyn Maxwell -- Baccaloni Children are a great deal more apt to follow your lead than the way you point. 2HARRY WOC4.1AW ��c.EQ THIS TIME OF YEAR, WE'VE OFTEN'STATEO. IS WHEN GOOD HEATS,' J t: FUELWITi rnone Ij HU 2-6638 dowers 4eSRe�o "ar 4 P Telegraphed Anywhere ��r....�•• K. G COKE., F L O R I S T Dial HU 2 -7012. --Clinton PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now, Playing: JERRY LEWIS in "ROCK -A -BYE BABY" In Color with Marilyn Maxwell MONDAY -- TUESDAY— and WEDNESDAY MARCH 2-3-4 James Stewart -- Audle Murphy Dianne Foster & Dan Duryea A Series of railroad payroll rob beries becomes the focal point of stirring conflict between two brothers. ' "NIGHT .PASSAGE" in Cinemascope & Technicolor THURSDAY -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 5-6-7 -- DOUBLE BILL -- Marjorie Main -- Percy Kilbride and all the Kettle Kids Journey to the South Seas for an- other riotous episode in their untranquil lives. "Ma and Pa Kettle At Waikiki" And as the second half of an entertaining Double Bill "SMOKE SIGNAL" A swift moving Indian adventure starring Dana Andrews and Piper Laurie Coming: "VERTIGO" with Kim Novak and James Stewart Everyone Reads The Classifieds the light touch is the right touch in for Spri�.g' • SHETLANDS • FLANNELS • HOPSACKINGS You'll look smarter and feet better in one of these new lighter weight materials in new light shades. Choose from our array of styles, patterns and colours. Priced from $19.95 up A Your New* S ott Coot * itis a - air of M TCH p p SMART SLACKS All Sites All Shades All Prices Pickett & Campbell MEN'S WEAR CLINTON Limited HU 2-9732