HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-26, Page 3T.Ockersotith Lades Club Honour Valentine's Day,. To Collect Quilt Patches The Tuekersmith Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Howard Johns pn February 11 with ten Members and one visitor-present, Roll call was answered by giving a valentine verse. Contests were given by Mrs. M. Dale and Mrs. Ernest ,Crich, with Mrs, George Fle.witt and Mrs, Wale ters winning the prizes,. A. read' lag was given by Mrs. Eldon O'Brien. The buying committee was Asit, ed to provide material for male, ing clothing to be sewn at Altura meetings. Lunch was served by group one. Members are asked to each br- ing a few quilt patches to the next meeting which will be held the second week of March, r. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH. Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones — Bus., HU 2-6606 Res., HU 2-3869 AMONG THE BOOKS Clinton $ Library In ' (By B. \MON HALL Librarian) * CiliMOLET E L i - rbR EXTRA VALUE! Intrasmy, .n.13KLARY 26, 1969 InonslNior''''r--M7'Swm--rr-"'-------vzatg=ggw .1 C140011 nEws-nccoto ps r77-717 PAGE TIRE. Representative: 1859 --ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance 1969 The Mutual Life of Canada can give you that protection with a low-cost life insurance programme tailored to your family's needs and budget. The Mutual Life of Canada is the company with the outstanding dividend record. Planning ahead is the mark, of a good chess player . . . and a good father. As the head of the household, a father plans the future: provides for his fancily whatever might happen to him personally in the years to come. This is why every father needs the protection of good life insurance. H. C. LAWSON„ Clinton, Ontario PHONE: Business HU 2-9644 /v/ 4 r ,y r, r e4 W/4 4 Wrdra , Residence HU 2-9787 "ROW NOW, VNGLANO 011310)) Philip Gibbs is still reporting news, He entered newspaper work as a yeUng man, We may be wrong but we always thought that his novels never lacked the repor- ter's touch, There is nothing wrong about that. It is merely an observation that his reporting in- stinets are still strong, The latest book from the pen of this indefatigable miter describes various aspects of the English scene. There are chapters deal- ing with such subjects as the type( of Englishmen whose courage and desire for adventure founded the, British Empire and fought for its ideals; the ambition of the coming generation to increase their know- ledge by extra-curricular studies. AND A RIGHT 000D CREW (Emily. Kimbrough) Travel books bring the world to our easy chairs. With planes, trains and boats increasing speeds and shortening travelling time, the joys of simple travel are almost forgotten. If the speed of modern life is making you a bit dizzy, this is the book for you to read. Emily and her friends, Sophie Jacobs, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Lin- dsay and Arthur Kober, plan a boat holiday and, being who they are, the type decided upon is no ordinary trip. They decide to take a pleasure boat through some of the English canals, The account of their trip on the canals is told in Emily Kimbrough's free and easy style. As usual, description, historical facts and humour are blended in acceptable proportions. Kimbrough fans will want to read this one and if you are introduced for the first time you will be happy to know that there are several of her books in the Clinton Library. THE RING. TREE (Gladys Taylor) Those who read .'"Dine Roots" by Gladys Taylor will be eager to read her new novel, "The King Tree." Those who missed the ear- lier book have some pleasurable reading in store, The locale is the Eastern town- ships of Quebec, and the time 1800-1840's. The story involves three generations of the King family, who came to the townships from Vermont and the Michauds of French ancestry. Forrest McLean enters the set- tlement one day and soon finds himself inextricably bound up in the activities and fortunes of the King family, The Papineau Re- bellion takes place before the book ends and we see how this unfor- tunate affair affects the destinies of the people, The characters seem real, move the plot forward th an acceptable climax. There is the constancy of Zino., the selfishness of Caroline, the stubbornness of Stephen, the indecision of Martin. Through all the trials and misfortunes, it is to Forrest that everyone turns for help and comfort. We have not told any facts of the story for one good reason. We want the readers to enjoy the book completely not as a half-told tale. enquires into the advantages and disadvantages of the "Welfare State," He found that.- more peo- ple now have the ..right" to choose type .of work and td possess lux- uries of life that formerly would have been nut of reach, In -Gibbs' estimation the motor car and Middleclass manners of a more decorous age have taken away much of the laughter from England. , The same change re- moved poVerty and squalor and hidden tragedy of the slum areas. He takes- a look at Parliament and observes that it is indeed as- tounding how much the elected members know abotit difficult and Obscure subjects,- a debatable point whether, Philip Gibbs wears Mile-coloured glasses but one is left feeling that hiS, observations. may be summed up in this quota- tion. from the book, "The men of tomorrow, the no` . of tomor- row—I find no cause for despair in them. They are the heirs of yesterday and it is not a bad heri- tage." LENTEN ,MEALS CAN BE .ADVENTURES -4;41110pr /TOZEN" ASSETS "TiS said that variety is the spice of life, and, nutritionally speak- ing, the coming of the Lenten sea- son gives us a chance to put this old adage to the test, Fish will be the dish to highlight many Len- ten meals, Fortunately, there is a type of fish to please every palate. And the manner in which fish can be served is almost limitless, ft's not necessary to have your own freezer to enjoy the taste or "fresh" fish the year round. It's a simple matter to buy fish 4 fillets or sticks and devise an uncomplicated yet distinctive sauce to dress up your fish dish. The recipe for Deviled Fish Sticks illustrates the point. Use the froz- en fish sticks of your choice and spread them with a mixture of tangy condiments, onion, butter and lemon juice, Broil or bake them and presto, you have a lunch- eon or dinner dish that is truly a taste treat, You can garnish the platter with vegetable slices, lemon wedges and parsley. DEVILED FISH STICKS IA cup very soft butter or margarine N. teaspoon dry mustard 1% teaspoons Worcestershire sauce % teaspoon lemon juice 2 packages fish sticks dash Tabasco 2 teaspoons grated onion 33ti cup finely chopped parsley (optional) Combine butter, mustard, Wor- cestershire sauce, lemon juice, Ta- basco, onion and parsley. (Mixture will not be completely blended), Place fish sticks close together in broiler pan; spread with butter mixture. Broil, 4 inches from heat, abbut 7 to 8 minutes or until gol- den and done. Or bake at 450 de- grees F. 12 to 15 minutes. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Note: This is a Consumer Tested recipe released through Fisheries Council of Canada. Devilled Fish Sticks Competive • v.::.43,, %-?.*.1,:: g'rt .• ' 1:. ... „ Prices Plus Personal RES Service /1, ., Special Values and Reminders This Week Money-Saving SPECIALS HINDS Honey and Almond CREAMTWO Reg. 65c . . 98c IDA BRAND IDA BRAND HALIBUT Liver Oil IDAMALT CAPSULES 15% oz. 31 oz. 62 oz. Reg. $1.15 89c Reg, 79c Reg, $1.29 Reg. $2.29 $2.29, $4.29 $1.89, $3.49 63c 98c $1.69 CUTEX Hand 2 Jars Cream Reg, $1.08 value 89c VICKS VAPORUB COLGATE DENTAL CREAM $1.09 63c Plus 15c Cough Drops Plus 2 Cakes Palmolive Soap $1.09 63c IDA BRAND COD Liver Oil CAPSULES 100,s Reg. 1.19 .. 89c 10c OFF Liquid WILDROOT SUAVE For Women CREAM-OIL Reg. $1.00 79c Reg. 73c 63c SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO TWO Reg. 75c 98c 69c Size FREE BRYLCREEM PLUS COMBS Both for 69c VITAMINS YOUR DRUGGIST KNOWS VITAMINS! His academic training, close association with the pharmaceutical manufacturers and his professional - relationship with your doctor means that your indep- endent druggist, knows vitamins and he is ready to supply the vitamin supplements and treatments rec- ommended by the doctor for each individual. BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP 8 ounce 85c COLD CAPSULES 30's $1.25 CHEST RUB 2 ounce 59c KLEENEX 400's ,.„ 35c Man's 33c, 2 r 65c SERVICE UNIQUE PHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER 2H-U66n2te6r DRUGGIST 411101.111111101.11M11. INIEW deep soft BIM AND PAYMENTS OVERDUE„,, WOE 2 ME,„, OH WHAT'S TO DO? WS CASH YOU NEER 11S PLAIN TO SEE ,,..S0 OFF YOU 00 70 T.C.C. A MOMENT'S ALL tHE TIME IT TOOK AND LIFE -FAKES ON A BRAND-NEW LOOK THE. MORAL'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO ,%E ...WHEN YOU NEED CASH SEE T.C.C. Chevrolet puts deep, easy- flexing coil springs to work • for your comfort. You're cradled in velvety, floating comfort over every road you travel. That's because Chev- rolet's coil springs ore iso- :kited from braking and ac- celeration stresses, they're freg to work full-tiine on smoothing your ride. find out for yourself, take a Revela- tion Ride, today! Ft TRANIS CANADA CREDIT ooRt;oRATioN Lt M l T 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT, Why put up with monry problems The solution to Llioso worrisome bills is as easy as this: call Trans Canada Credit! Loans from $160. to $2,5004 or even More, can be arranged for up to 20, or 80 months. So why not solvg you'. money problem? Onil us today!