HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-19, Page 11News of Auburn pereesperksient; MRS, IN, IfiRAIMOCK Phone Mirth 43-r-14 miunsrAy; BRf7 R' 1,9,.4,959 - ews of Hohnewilli orreepontlent• /KIM, IVX0()M091j011: Phone 1W 2-'741$ We Cure ALL CAR ILLS Our Mechanics.have the Know-How to Right Your Auto Wrongs ' Fast. SUPER PLENAMINS One Tablet Daily For . For ADULTS CHILDREN 36's 2.79 36's 1.99 72's 4.95 72's 3.49 144's 7.95 144's 5.69 288's 13.95 16 oz. — $6.95 Super Plenamins, also available in 8 oz. — $3.95 Liquid Form for those who have trouble swallowing a tablet. ELECTRIC (TEAT r PADS 5.95 KAZ ELECTRIC VAPORIZER Model 556. 3.95 TUSSY WIND AND WEATHER HAND CREAM Reg. $2.50 r 1 For $1.'25 SPECIAL TEEN-AGE- MODESS Reg. 49c 2 for 79c .a-LAX- kihothocoloti tam:04 • For a** tk efilldran late 42c HOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 4 89c JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER 73c BAND-AID PATCHIPIT-STRIP 4 Shapes in one hex KODAKS DEVELOPING 1 and FILMS PRINTING NEWEOMBE Pharmacy WE ARE OVERLOADED 65 USED CARS MUST BE SOLD WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH Plymouths, Fords, Chevs, Pontiacs, Builds, Dodges We Nave Them All MAKE US ANY OFFER kk WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD Pearson Motors Limited "Huron County's Largest Car Dealer" Phone Zurich CL I NTON Wow ! What a Buy ! New 1959 Philips 21" TV V BRAND NEW 1959 MODEL. SLIM TRIM CABINET, V LIGHTED CHANNEL NUMBERS. V FRONT SPEAKER. 518900 (Plus Your 17" or 2I" Operating Se+) 11 A. D aTTON APPLIANCES EntuctRaz Phone HU 24232 (OPEN EVENINGS) vonosompso ommomr FOR FARM NEEDS SUCH AS: Dr.. Salisbury's Medic Aid Powder, Wazine, Ren-O-Sal Tablets, Avi Tab, Wormal and Stop-Picks. Howard's Sol-Worm and Dri-Worm Cooper's Dri-Kil, Farm Disinfectant, Reduced Iron, as wellies Injectable Iron. Warner Water Founts and Feeders, McKee Water BowlstIlitif.Bulbs,,Peat Moss, Raw Linseed Oil and' Cod Liver Oil.' WhiiinoYeris Mastitis Treatment. AND OTHER PRODUCTS , CALL AT Wettlaufer's Feed Mill Phone HU 2-9792 Mary St., Clinton CONTRACTS FOR MALTING BARLEY I NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH CLINTON ELEVATOR GRAIN and FEED — GRASS and CLOVER SEED FERTILIZER Grains Cleaned and Treated JOHN W. ELLIOTT, Prop. tfb ATTENTH1. FARMER Call us now for your Fertilizer recfUire- rnents. Early-discount prices still hi effect for one more week. CALL OUR. FEED MILL HUnter 21815 Doug. Freeman, Foreman Canada Packers Limited COMM toNgt.ncogp PAGE Ef,,EVER Albert Campbell is patient in "the Gederieh hespital. Visitors with Mrs, Arthe Gr- .11Age, Marge, Jennifer and Shelly "Were, Miss Elizabeth Grange, 1Stratford, and her brothers Mr, 'Frank Waiters and Mrs. Bensen -Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur, ),IIrs. George Wilkins and Mrs. Gary Byrd, Goderieb, attended :'the capping ceremony at. Brant- lord hospital last Friday evening -when Miss ,Margaret Wright re- ceived her cap. Clayton Robertson and son 'Douglas; Copper Cliff, visited last weekend with his parents, Mr. eand Mrs. J, J. -Robertson end Mrs. Straughan. Mrs. Thoinas [ jardin, Wingharre returned •home •wwith them for a visit, Presbyterian WMS The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of Knox Presbyterian Church *met at the home of Mrs. Duncan MacKay, The president, Mrs, Don- , aid Haines was in charge, Mrs. 'D. MacKay was at the piano?. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Wes -Bradnock and the devotional Per- iod was taken by Mrs. William Hensch, She gave some interest- ing facts 'on how the Day of Prayer is 'observed around the world, 'and how the offerings are else& A duet "Ivory Palaces" was "sung by Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Duncan MacKay accompan- : led by Mrs, Robert Phillip& Minutes were read by Mrs. Al- -yin Leatherland, and approved. :Roll call was answered by a verse of scripture containing the word Plans were made for the Easter -thankoffering meeting to be held "in the dearth with a guest speak- er. The societies of the Anglican, Baptist and United Churches will ejhe invited to attend this meeting. Miss Margaret R. Jackson gave ea reading "Love", Mrs. Wilfred :Sanderson gave a very interesting ':study On the Canadian Indian and how the missionaries work with these people who were the first residents in Canada. Many reserves east of the Great Lakes Day of Prayer As in past years, the first Fri- day-in the Lenten Season is set for •the World Day of Prayer service for Christian women. It was held in Knox United Church with the president of the Knox W.M.S., Mrs. Oliver Anderson pre- siding. The order of service prepared by women in Egypt with the theme, "He said, 'Lord I Believe,' and He Worshipped Him," was followed with the leaders of the other churches taking part, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, of the Anglican Guild; Mrs. Frank Raithby, of the Baptist Church, and Mrs. Donald Haines, of Knox Presbyterian Quiet music was played .-(while the WereP11, assembled} by Mrs. Wal*pi, J. Craig. Mrs. James Jackson..accompanted on the piano for the hymns. Scripture lesson's Were read by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs, Wes Eradnock And. Mrs, Stanley .Johnston. Prayers of intercession were by Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Herbert Gevier, Mrs, Robert J. Phillips, Mrs, Fred Toll and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, The guest speaker, Mrs. R. Meaily of St, Mark's Anglican Church chose'. her subject "Lord, Teach us. to- Pray". She.stressed the teaching of the Lord's .Pray, er early in life and to use it in family worship,, She ,urged every- one to try and grasp the truth and to • believe in ceod'e Care and Love, as He understands every- one's, struggles because He lived on earth himself. A quartette composed of Mrs. Duncan MacKay; Miss Sadie Car- ter, Mrs, Gordon Taylor and Mrs, 'Gordon McClinchey sang "Teach us to Pray" accompanied by Mrs, Robert J. Phillips. The offering was received by the ushers Mrs, Ernest Duncan and Mrs. William Dodd. - Knox United The Rev. Dr. R. S. Hiltz return- ed to Auburn to take charge of the congregational meeting._ He opened with prayer and the sing- ing of a hymn. Miss Margaret R. Jackson was appointed secretary and read the minutes of -the lest annual ineetibg. Reports of the. various organizations evidenced a successful year in the life of the 'congregation, both financially and spiritually. Those reporting were as follows:, flower fund by Dr. Hiltz; charge by Maurice Bean; missionary and maintenance by Everett Taylor; stewards, Miss Elma Muteh; jun- ior congregation, Miss M. R. Jack- son; Sunday School, Charles Scott; mission band, Miss M. R, Jackson, Mrs, Maurice Bean; baby band, Miss E, Mutch for Mrs, Leonard Archambault; Young People's Un- ion, Dr. R. S. Hiltz; Women's Mis, sionary Society,. Mrs, Fred Toll; Woman's ASsociation,, Mrs, Sidney Lansing; choir, Elliott Lapp, New officers for VMS will bee Session, Edward Mills to replace Earl Wightman. And John .Durnin and Harold Webster were re-elect- ed; committee of stewards, Ken- neth IVIeDeugal„ Elliott Lapp, Nor, man Wightinan, Ernest. Durnin and Edward East re-elected; elm- reh treasurer, Miss Elmo Mutch; missionary and maintenance, El- Brett Taylor; secretary, Miss Mar- garet R, Jackson;, ushers as of 3.908, truptees the same with the addition of Percy Youngblut; ditors, Mrs, Sidney Lansing and Mrs. Ralph Munro. A vote of appreciation was ex- tended to ,r)r. Hiltz for coming from Exeter to conduct the meet- ing, He closed with prayer after which lunch was served and A. happy social time spent together. Congratulations to Dr. E. C. Weir who last Saturday, Felons, ere, 1,4 .celebrated his Sist hirth;- day. His son John, Mrs. Weir, Joan and Bobby, London, spent the Weekend with him and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Barb- are and Johnny. We are happy to see the Doctor able to be out again and enjoy- ing better health, Mark Raithby, Guelph, visited with his grandfather, George Rai- thby; last Saturday, Mark is the son of Professore.-0. E. Raithby, Guelph and will graduate from the Ontario Veterinary College this spring and will commence prace tice at Lucknow. St. Mark's Guild The February meeting of the Anglican Guild of St. Marks Ang- lican Chttiech was held at the ho- me of Mrs, Clifford Brown. The hostess presided, Scripture was read by , Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Alfred ..Nesbett read two in-_ teresting articles from "The Liv- ing Message". on .the Indian Mis- sions in Saskatchewan. The topic oh prayer was given by Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor. She said "With Lent in view, the eh- ureh in her wisdom, calls us to penitence, discipline and -self-den- ial. Prayer is the Pulse of the Soul, not a mere habit, but an expression of life and is a living, personal relation to God. If we cease to pray, we cease to live. Mrs Frank Yea will be in Vineland this week attending the LONDESBORO Mrs, Sort Allane-09erespendent Several Young People from the Young People's Unlon spent a soc- ial evening on Saturday at the Higrmsyao school. During the ev- ening two films were enjoyed, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace who have resided in the vill- age for the past two years, moved to their house in Goderich last Saturday. Mrs. Alice ,Caldwell ac- companieg them, but villagers hope fort her return to her own home in the spring. Mrs, Robert Townsend left Sat- urday morning fora week with her daughter in Toronto. The Weman's Missionary Sop, iety held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. Nelson Lear last Friday. The World Day of Prayer was also observed in a joint service. The program was conducted by the leader of group two, .Mrs. Elsie Shaddick. Mrs. Eleanor Throop is spend- ing a few, days in Clinton Public Hospital and is showing improve- merit. Mrs. Alex Wells is spending a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson McCall in Stratford. Ontarlo Rural Leadership Forum, Sergeant and Mrs. L. 4, Mor,' ton And family have moved to . their new • posting Winnipeg, Man. Their new address will he 7$7 Goulding St., Winnipeg, Man, Pay of Prayer World. Day ,of Prayer was ob- served by the Holinesville United Church W.M,S. on Friday, Feb- Wan, 1,3, Mrs, L. Jervis was in charge and gave an introduction .and 'gall to worship, with all the members taking part. Scripture lessons, were read by Mrs, Farquhar, Mrs, 0, jilaice and Mrs, E. ,Grigg, Readings were given by Mrs. 13, Walter and Mrs. L. Jervis and prayers were given by Mrs. L, Jervis, Mrs; E, J. Tye Wartha and Mrs. S. 'Farquhar, The business period was conduc-. ted . by the president, Mrs, C. Teb- butt. In order to , assist the ex- pense fund, the March roll cull will be answered by paying $1,00, Mrs. E. Potter, Mrs, B. Walter, Mrs. William Norman and Mrs. W. Yee donated materials neces- sary for making two quilts for bales. Duets were sung by Mrs. R. Miller and Mrs. E. Grigg and Mrs., E, Potter and Mrs. L. Jer- vis, with Mrs, W. Yeo at the piano. Mrs. R. Miller gave a Tem- perance reading. The meeting ,close ed with a hymn and benediction. The W,A, meeting followed, with the president, Mrs. R. Miller in • the chair, Mrs. Miller read .Scrip- ture and gave the eomments. Mrs. F, McCullough .gave the treasur. • er's. report. A social evening is. being arrangm ad for Friday, March la to be held in the Holinesville school, Two films were shown from the Cancer Society, with Pouglos Norman and Robert ,Grigg in 'ch- arge of the projector. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. K. 'Harris, Mrs. W. Norman and Mrs. H. Wit, hams. There Will Be OANCING Every Friday Night At The Old forge Bayfield 10.00 -- 1.30 Music By WO Edighoffer And His , Melody Masters With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION: 75 Cents. DINE and DANCE .help these people where the Pres- byterian Church has been Active for over 100 years, She stressed the fact that more ..mission houses are needed, also medical and nurs- ing stations. Ida White The Ida White. of Knox Presbyterian Church met - last. Saturday afternoon in the :Sunday School room of the church with.a large attendance. The call to wore ship was given, by the .president, Margaret Haines, The pledge was repeated with Marian - .Yunghlut And Darlene Stewart holding 'the flags, followed by all repeating the LOrd's Prayer, The Bible study was on the first. church mentioned in the: $ible and qUestions were answered. fele lowed, by prayer by Linda And- rews, The offering was received by Marjorie Youngblut. Minutes .were read by Barbara MacKay. Roll Call was answered by naming a disciple. It was -deci- ded to .bring a friend to the East- er meeting. The story of the Study Book on the Japanese Doll prepared by Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson was read by Mrs. Frank Raithby, It told about a little Japanese girl called Kyoto who lived in Toronto, and her desire to be like other, girls and beys of her . community in Which she lived, A work period of crafts followed. Periodic Checkups here will give you the fop -auto performance that results in Big operating Savings. DON'S likA SERVICE Volkswagen Sales d4 Service Clinton, Ont..— HU 2-9088 All1111111111111111111111a, The president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt presided for the business session. Roll call 'was answered by a Bible verse containing "Pray- er". The secretary, Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies and the treasurer Mrs. Gordon Taylor gave their reports. It was de'ci'ded to send a don- ation to the Big White Fish Ind- ian Reserve in Saikatchewan to be used in helping to furnish their church. It was brought to the at- tention of the members of the un- fortunate loss by fire of their,ho- me and' personel belongings of the Mission House in the Northern West of Rev. Carson and his bride. The Rev. Carson is well known to the members of St. Mark's when he was rector of the Pinkerton and Cargill parishes and conducted several services at Auburn church. The meeting closed with prayer. An auction was held and lunch was served by the hostess, The News-Record Sells Counter Check Books