HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-19, Page 109
NOW is the Time to CHECK your FARM
Spring Work.
We Carry a Full Line of Repairs for this
Do Not Wait 'Till Spring Work Commences.
We are at your disposal for Quick and Efficient
Repair Services.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Tire
Service Is Our Specialty
Gordon Radford's Garage
Oliver and Minneapolis Moline Farm Equipment
Clinton Minter 2-921 TEL,EPHONES Myth 44 R 5
VA.G.B Tgiq
„. .
Goshen United. Church Elects Officers
At Annual .Meeting; Reports Received
(Intended for last week)
The .annual congregational meet-
ing of Goshen United Church was
held in the ehureh basement last
Friday evening, following a deli-
eious pot-luck supper served by
the ladies, Rev, T. J. Pitt acted
as chairman and opened by Scrip,
tire and prayer; Mrs. Bruce Keys
was appointed secretary for the
A minute's silence was observed
in memory of those who had gone
to higher service daring the year,
namely; Mr. John McBride, Mrs.
John Armstrong and Mrs. Henry
Erratt Mrs, Elmer Hayter gave
excellent reports of the work • of
the W.M.S., Mission Band and
Baby Band,
Mrs, Frank McClinchey gave the
treasurer's report. It was very
gratifying to know that sufficient
funds had been raised during the
year to pay off the Building Fund
completely. and to install a new
oil heating system. It was decided
to have a "mortgage burning"
ceremony on Easter Sunday.
Pearson Auto Leasing Ltd. firm-
New Business Begun in Zurich
The Beef .Producers have been
rather quiet lately so perhaps I
should say a little about their
During the past months the
County President Robert McGreg-
or, Kippen, has been getting a few
queries about another bus trip.
The one two years ago seemed to
be greatly enjoyed so Mr. McGreg-
or has been gathering a bit of in-
formation on a little bigger tour.
One that is being thought of, is
a three day tour into Michigan to
a beef cattle show and sale to be
followed by a visit to a packing
plant that is processing this very
choice grade of cattle. We would
then call in at some of the large
commerical feed lots and other
points of interest on the way.
Already 15 have reserved seats
on the bus so it looks as if we will
be able to arrange it. A meeting
of the directors will be held short-
ly to plan details and to make the
final decision. fir the meantime
if you are interested contact Mr.
McGregor or leave word at the
Federation office.
COnlricils'May Join.
Mid.4111.01)A 'Group
consideration, The county town
has contributed $360 per year.
In Goderich the matter is under
Some of _the councillors felt, the. With the beginning of
another money could be better used by the
year, councils in towns in this town's own industrial commission, area are deciding whether or not peter NIcEwan a past president
to, continue membership. in the of the ailid-IATODA, said the assoc-.
Mid-Western Ontario Industrial lotion "is pretty, far-reaching, and .
you cannot always see tangible Development Association, Clinton.
has not belonged for a year now. 1 results. immediately., •
swizamm. ?a,..;:,.,..aaa••:. • as4 .a.:••••
Big North American
Luxurious 6-passenger roominess inside ...
3 feet shorter outside
the by Studebaker.
• vv st
1959 •
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altar.VM 4:Z•U:rraMi.
See The Alert New Larks at the
Garage in Brucefield
1954 STUDEBAKER, 4-door with overdrive
W. H. Dalrymple & Son
Election of officers was as fol-
lows; Elmer Hayter, was elected
to succeed Fronk McClinchey, who,
had done a fine job for some
years, as treasurer, Stewards, Les-
lie Armstrong, Bruce Keys, Doug-
las llobinsen, Russell-Erratt, Ar-
rola. Keys; Clarence Park; Frank
Mcclinchey and John Armstrong,
Ushers, Anson McKinley, Bruce
Keys, John Robinson, Kenneth
Parke and Arnold Keys, Trustees,
Allan Armstrong, Anson McKin-
ley, Melvin Elliott and Russell Er-
ratt. Manse trustees, William
Clarke, Roy .Lamont, A, vote of
appreciation was extended to the
choir, organist, the caretakers, Mr.
and Mrs, Richard Robinson and to
Rev, and Mrs, Pitt, for their will-
ing and faithful work during the
Allan Armstrong will represent
Goshen on Men's Council thiayear.
The annual Sunday School meet-
ing followed. Anson McKinley was
elected as superintendent. Teach-
era are as follows:.
Bible class, Richard .Robinson,
It has been brought to my at-
tention that hydro is building a
new twin pole line from Seaforth
to Clinton very shortly. It may
be that other lines,will be built
this year. The Federation has
been able to increase the rate of
compensation greatly over the pre-
vious payments but still feel there
is something to be desired. If you
are faced with this kind of pro-
blein we would be very glad to
learn what you land owners think
is a just settlement for these lines
Another project that has come to
my attention is the straightening
of some of our highways by cut-
ting off corners arid going across
farms. We would like to know
how you feel about the offers that
are being made. Also we would
like to know whether or not you
feel the improvement justifies the
expense. On one bend that is to
be straightened truckers are repor-
ter to be able to drive at 60 miles
per hour with a full load. This
would seem to be good enough
since our speed limit is still 50
What do you think about it?
William Clarke, John Armstrong;
Young People's Class, Elgin Mc-
Kinley; Girls' Class, Mrs, Russell
Erratt, Mrs: Roy McBride; Boys'
Class, Anson McKinley, Mrs. Bob
Peck; Primary Class, 'Mr's, Mel-
vin Elliott and Mrs. Bruce Keys;
Kindergarten Class, Mrs. Anson
McKinley, June and Marlene Mc-
Clinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Robinson were appointed secret-
ary-treasurers. Organists are Don-
na Hayter and Joan Elliott. Mrs.
Elmer Hayter was also appointed
as an assistant teacher.
The suerintendent requested
that a Sunday School Board of
Management be formed in the near
The Doxology was sung and
Rev. Pitt closed the meeting with
the benediction.
Huron 'Teen-Agers
Fined in Court at
Walkerton Recently
Jack J. Pearson, prominent' car
dealer in Zurich for a number of
years, has announced the forma-
tion of a new company, to be
known as Pearson Auto Leasing.
This 'business is the newest line:
of customer service related to the
automobile industry in Canada.
While car leasing has been prem.-
inent in United States for 15
years, it is still in its infant stages
in Canada.
However the idea is catching
on quickly, as there are now a
total of 10,000 cars being leased
by Canadians: The• most nromin,
ent users of this:: ervice are larg.
er chains, commercial organi4
tions and professional men, wh
drive, 35,00Q miles or more in on
Under the leasing system th
customer is relieved. of all .res
ponsibility, such. insurance
licences, etc'. At the Some OM
he has .no, large. amount of mane
investedi and_he con put it to qth.
er uses; A. new -car is supplied a
regular intervals, 'without any ca,s.
outlay, and them is a tremendo
•income tax saving.
Many different plans for leas
are Available,. some of which in
elude ne.cost to- the customer ex
eept gasoline;.. Experts elairn tfaa
by 1970 40 percent of all cars
Canada will be ieaseck
The manager of Pearson Aut.
Leasing" is Jack Tut-10101m, Zuric
He has been busy completing sev
eral' courses on car leasing syst
erns, and should be well qualifle
'for the position.
As somas posaibie the new fir
intends appointing a local garag
'in each community' as a servic
depot for customers, in that part
(Mrs, Clare McBride
Mr. and Mrs, Clare McBride,.
Gwen and Bob, spent Sunday In
I.Iensall with Mr. and Mrs, OrVai
Mrs. Marie Beatty resumed her
teaching at the Front Road this
week after being away since Ch-
ristmas with illness,
The WA of Goshen are plann-
ing a oroltinole party in Varna
next week. PlanS are to be made
on Thursday night at the - WMS
meeting, -
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Keys on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. George Cantelon, and
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Reid, Clinton,
Master Wayne Cantelon is spend-
ing a few days with the KeyS
Small European The LARK Cars
F of A Fieldman Comments on Beef
Producers Bus Trip; Hydro Easements
(By J. Carl Hemingway)
Buy It From The
Cities Service
Dealer In Your Neighbourhood
YES! use Cities Service PREMIUM and REGULAR
Gasolines -- the two gasolines designed for modern
driving! Economical in the long run — and the
short run. Best for your car! Drop in to-day.
South End Cities Service
"Wes" Holland( "Dory" Rutledge
Phone 1-1U 2-7055
Nine Huron County teen-agers,
and three young men in their
twenties, were fined in magist-
rate's court at Walkerton last
week on Liquor Act charges laid
in connection with offences which
occurred on January 31 in Luck-
An Auburn young man was
fined $20 and costs for supplying
liquor to a person under 21 years.
Seven 'teen-agers from Goderich,
Auburn and Belgrave were fined
$20 and costs for obtaining liquor
while under 21 years. Two Clinton
'teen-agers were fined $20 arid
costs for having liquor in a place
other than a dwelling. A Bayfield
young man and another from Lis-
towel were fined $15 and costs
for having beer in a place other
than a dwelling.
Cap Local Nurses:
Some girls from this area were
among the two dozen receiving
their caps at the Stratford Gen-
eral Hospital on Saturday, The
capping ceremony is emblematic
of their acceptance into nursing,
Included were Jacqueline M.
Brown, Goderich; Martha M. L.
Pollock, Turner's; Georgene E.
McCartney, RR 3, Seaforth and'
Eva Marie Jarrott, RR 2, Hensel]. icular area'.
Announces the Formation' of
Pearson Auto Leasing Ltd.
And The Appointment Of
Jack Turkheim
As Manager
+41 WO • A.
The objects of the company are to provide
complete automobile leasing facilities for
professional, commercial and executive
personnel throughout Western Ontario.
For Further Further Information, Write or Phone to.:
Pearson Auto Leasing Ltd.
Zurich, Ontario
PHONES: Days 182; Nights 174W
Read The Classifieds
— This is what you most look for when you make a purchase — whether it be two
hundred acres or two hundred chicks. And what is "VALUE" — It's the linking of
two things — "QUALITY" plus "ECONOMY" and it takes both,
Thousands 'of Canadian Poultry men know that the best VALUE IN CHICK STAR-
TERS is found in SHUR-GAIN — the CHICK STARTERS that link —
insuring that you get the BEST OF VALUE . .
Canada Packers Limited
Phone HU2=3815