Clinton News-Record, 1959-02-12, Page 7r••••••••••••• Inspector G. J. Gtornan, Exeter, met with the school boards of Bay- field (USS No, S Stanley) .gui.d. SS No. • 8, Goderich Townahlp, on Thursday evening last, He outlin- ed the advantages of forming a Union School Section. - Bayfield Public School, built in 1955, was deemed large enough by the trustee board at that time to serve the needs of this section for a number ,of years. Chairman .Merton Kerner points' out that the school is already crowded. Following a.' recent stir, "vey of the child population here, overcrovyding appeared to be im- minent. The school hoard is faced with the problem of providing for the education of, the overflow. At Present. the solution to the problem appears to. be in one of three courses: forming a union school section which would enable extra rooms to be added to the present building; providing extra housing and a teacher for the over- VARNA OfointMeeting • A joint meeting of the Woman's Association and the Woman's Missionary Society of Varna Un- ited Church was held in the par- sonage on Wednesday, February 5. Mrs. Harold Dowson, the newly elected president of the WA, op- ened the meeting and Mrs. Lee ,McConnell conducted the devot- ions. Several items of business were discussed, the treasurer gave a very satisfactory report and some plans were made to hold a baking sale in March. Mrs. McConnell, the retiring president, was presented with a gift as a token of appreciation' of her two year's work as pres- ident of the association. Mrs. Rob- ert 'Taylor made the presentation and Mrs. Gordon Hill read the ad- dress ,which in humourous vein gave the highlights of the work accoMplished during Mrs. McCen- nell's term of office. Mr's. McCon- nell in her usual easy style, made a very gracious response. The WMS took over the meet- ing during which Mrs. Robert Tay- lor was' presented with a Life Membership certificate and,pin by Mrs. George. Reid. Mrs. Taylor, though completely taken by sur- priSe, made suitable reply express- ing her thanks and appreciation of the gift. The members were reminded of the World Day of Prayer to be held on Friday afternoon. The study of the chapter onMexico from the "Concerns of a 'Contin- ent" brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was served. Clinton Farm Supply C. Nelson, Prop. HU 2-9613 ,CLINTON FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will ' pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT pot later than Saturday nights. Seaforth. Farmers Co-operati$e H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 7/3 43-tfb Give your Chicks a "Flying Staffs FEED CHICK STARTENA Purina Chick Startena is a COMPLETE feed, fed dry, without additions: It comes in two forms — mash and Checker-Etts. (We especially recom- mend 'Checker - Etts, varying . from mash to cracked grain size. They have given exception- ally good results). Keep Startena i n front of chicks all the time. At first fill feed- ers full. After chicks get used to finding feeders, fill only two- thi rds. Amount needed: 2 lbs. per chick . . . then they're ready for a Purina growing ration. Disinfect their Drinking Water Even the purest water quick- ly becomes contaminated; and all chicks, sick or well, drink from the same founts. Protect your chicks! Drop 5 Check-R-Tabs into each gallon you give them dur- ing their first 4 or 5 weeks. it's cheap, handy and effec- tive "life insurance." LOOK' AHEAD! NOW is -the Time to CHECK your FARM TRACTOR and MACHINERY for Spring Work. ,Nf.:4441,41.00,141.#######,444PO 4,11,11 OUR LINE OF OLIVER and MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE FARM EQUIPMENT IS WAITING FOR YOUR INSPECTION. We Carry a Full Line of Repairs for this Machinery. Living Message, then closed the meeting with prayer, 'During the afternoon the ladies made considerable progress quilt- ing a comforter. A bountiful lunch and social half hour concluded a very pleasant afternoon. SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME S CR1/ TON FOR EVERYTHING IN 111 PETROLEUM e • H,1)..2-9(53:c-LJNIQN., (=MK NEWS-RECORD PAGE SEND THURSDAY, EEBRt1ARY 12 1959 Public School Inspector Meets With Bayfield District School Boards 04104.0.••••••frm•morel00•44...44 AUTO NUT (lb' our Bayfield Correspondent). A MOMENT'S ALL THE TIME IT TOOK' AND UFE TAKES ON A BRAND-NEW LOOK. THE MORAL'S PLAIN FOR ALLTO SEE „,WHEN YOU NEED CAN SEE T.C.C. Plans are rapidly being complet- ed for the 21st annual Middlesex Seed Fair, Food Show, and Farm Equipment display being held at the Western Fair Grounds, Lon- don, on February 24, 25, 26, 27. This event which includes 11 Western Ontario counties has wide range of exhibits in grain, seeds, corn, potatoes, turnips, hay, corn silage, eggs, bacon and to- bacco. Township, -colinty and dist- rict sections are featured with special classes for Junior Farmers and'4-11 Club members. There are baking, cooking and preserved fruit awards for the ladies. Displays by 85 commercial firms will portray the latest develop- ments, in, farm machinery and equipment and there will also be 20 educational exhibits. Addresses and panel discussions on agriculture, entertainment, competitions for square dancing and old time fiddlexis, seed judging contests and ladies programmes on foeds, fashions and furnishings are part of a full series of programs. • Prize lists . are available from local agricultural offices, or the secretary, Room 210 Richmond Building, London. Entries close on February 19 and exhibits are to be at the fair on February 23 by 3 p.m. Definition of an automobile: A machine that eliminated the horse but made horse-sense necessary, it contains 1,000 nuts, the biggest one often behind the steering wheel, IT'S CASH YOU NEEDS 'TIS PLAIN TO SEE ,,,,SO OFF YOU GO • TO T.C.C. WA WOO The Woman's Association. of St, ..Taines. Church, Middleton, met On Wednesday afternoon, February 4, at the home of the president, Mrs., Milton Steepe, with 18 lad- ies present, Mrs. .Stee,•pe •opened the meeting with a lovely poem, "He Has NO. 'Hands but Our Hands," a verse of "Onward Christian Mothers"- was sung to the tune of "Onward Christian Soldiers", The Scripture reading, Psalm 24, was given by Mrs. Gordon Steepe; the prayer partner's prayer by Mrs. Ray Wise. Following routine prayers, the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Keith Miller, the financial' statement Was given by, Mrs. Alva Dutot and the DoreaS report by Mrs. John Grigg. Tentative plans were laid to have another social evening, poss- ibly at aster time, also a plant exchange at a spring meeting. The baking sale date in Bayfield is Saturday, August S.' Mrs. Ray Wise read a very •int, .ereSting letter from the Society's Prayer Partner, Miss, FranCea. Hawkins, Japan, describing in careful detail the 60th anniver- sary of our Kindergarten work there. Mrs. Fred Middleton read a very kindly and'. interesting letter from. Mrs, R. H. F, Gairdner, Bayfielt1,. Mrs. Gordon Steepe gave a time., ly talk on the history of the WO, men's World Day of Prayer, from its humble origins in 1927, to its present world-Wide compass. • The president -rendiatied the. members of the Women's. World Day of Prayer Service to be oh, served this year in Clinton. in the Presbyterian Church on .Friday afternoon, February '13, at 2.30 o'clock, Mrs. Milton Steepe and Mrs. Gordon Steel* were •chosen to represent St. James WA offic- ially as leader and reader, respec- tively. • The rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison gave a pre-Lenten talk on Lenten Devotional Readings and distributed pamphlets to each member. .He also conducted the litany service as fouhd in the Grace Church , Sunday School executive met on Tuesday evening last at the home of Mrs. A. Lock- hart. Rev, C, E. Peacock opened the meeting with prayer. The sup- erintendent, Mrs. Wilmer Harris- on gave a review of the year's activities, Rev. Peacock presided over the election of officers which resulted as follows superintendent, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison; assistant super- intendent, Mrs. Reid Torrance; secretary, Bruce Harris; treasurer, Claire Cox.' pianist, Mrs, Austin • • Harris; N Class teachers are; beginners, Mrs. Donald Harris; assistant, Shirley 1VIcCowan; primary girls. Mrs, Gordon Manning; assistant, Mrs. Harry Torrance; primary boys, Mrs. Reid Torrance; assist- ant, Mrs. G. Mothers; junior girls, Mrs. Tom Sowerhy; assistant, Mrs. Ray Cox; junior boys, Mrs. A. Lockhart; assistant, Mrs. William Cox; intermediate, Mrs. John Mc- Cowan; assistant, 'Mrs. Austin Harris; seniors, Mrs. Elgin Cox; assistant,1Mrs. Alvin Betties. Bible Class, Mrs. Wilmer Har- rison; Cradle Roll superintendent, Mrs. William Cox. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Pea- cock. A pot-luck lunch was served. CALL US, TODAY,' FOR FREE HOME DELIVERY The fair is spcilafged by the. IVIlddlosex. Soil and Crop IMprovel mem whose president, Hugh Filson, Denfield, asks for the support of all prospective ex- hibitors, and extends a cordial. vitatien to all to attend, Twenty-First Annual MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR ' FOOD SHOW and Farm Equipment Display . Western Fair Grounds, London February 24-27,1959 (11 Western Ontario counties)) Entries. Close February 19 I Secure prize list from County Agricultural Office ' or Secretary, Middlesex Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association, 210 Richmond Building, London. Be an Exhibitor . . . . . • Plan to Attend Township of Hullett TENDERS The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive Tenders for the the supplying of 'Six Hundred and Fifty (650) pounds of Warble Fly Powder in Fifteen (1,5) pound bags, and (59), pounds in One (1) pound 'bags for the spraying of cattle, foe Warble Fly in 1959. ' All' tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk, February 28, 1959. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. HARRY TEBBUTT, Clerk, Londesboro. 5-6-7-b Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive Applications for One (1) Warble Fly Inspector for the Township for 1959 Spray- ing of Cattle for Warble Fly. Salary to 'be .85c per hour and .05c per mile mileage while work- ing in the Township. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk, February 28, 1959. HARRY TEBBUTT, Clerk, Londesboro. 5-6-7-b Township of Hullett TENDERS The Council of the Township Of Hullett will receive Tenders for the Spraying of Cattle in the Township for WARBLE FLY. Tenders to be so much per head per spray for 2 sprays. Tend- ers to be in the hands of the Clerk, February 28, 1959. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. HARRY TEBBUTT, Clerk, Londesboro, 5-6-7-b, Township of Hulleti TENDERS PORTER'S HILL (Mrs. Don Harris, Phone HU 2-3362) NEWS OF BAYFIELD flow; or transporting` the extra pupils to- a. less crowded school at a distance, Harold .Brandon Mail Courier Oft Sick List (By our Bayfield Correspondent) Harold N. Brandon, the genial mail courier to and from Bruce- field , for the past 40 years is tak- ing an enforced rest. He complet- ed his two trips on Saturday. Af- ter supper he was taken ill and removed to Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. He underwent an appendectomy about ten o'clock and is making good progress to- wards recovery. Here over Sunday owing to the serious illness of their father were Keith Brandon, Stratford; Bobby Brandvi, Grand Bend; Miss Shir- ley4Brandozi, UWO, London, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitblado, Oak- ville. Middlesex Seed fair Making Plans for .21st. Annual Show; Inviting Exhibitors CONTRACTS FOR HALTING BARLEY NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH CLINTON ELEVATOR GRAIN and FEED — GRASS and CLOVER SEED FERTILIZER Grains Cl4aned and Treated JOHN W. ELLIOTT, Prop: tfb DO IT NOW . . The Flavour and colour of butter is Nature's secret. ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS Do Not Wait 'Till Spring Work Commences. We are at your disposal for Quick and Efficient Repair Services. Tractor and Farm Equipment Tire Service Is Our Specialty .••••••••••••••••••##•••••••#•ww.o."44% Gordon Radford's Garage Oliver and Minneapolis Moline ,Form Equipment ; Clinton 1-1t,Inter 2-9221 — TELEPHONES —4 Blyth 44 R 5 LONDESBORO -- ONTARIO 5,6,7,b Don't Let Your Fuel Oil Tank Get Too Low In Cold Weather. BILLS AND PAYMENTS OVERDUE,.,, WOE IS ME.„.' OH WHAT'S TO DO? • ••••;•:••,./;;;',•.••• TRANS CANADA CREDIT G`CI RPORATION LlAITED 3.48 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT., Itima allay Put up with money problem0 The solution to those worrisome bills is as easy as this: call Trans Canada Credit! Loans from $150. to $2,500., or even More, can be arranged for up to 20, or 80 months. So why not solve your money problein7 Call US today! The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive Tenders for the Crushing and Hauling of approx. 12,000 Cu. Yds. of Gravel for the Roads in the Township. dravel to be crushed and put through a % inch screen. All gravel to be crushed and spread to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent and the District Engineer, Lowest or any Tender not neces, sarily accepted. Tenders intist be accompanied by a $200 certified check. Tenders to be in the hands of the goad Superintendent by Feb- ruary 28, 1959. LEN CALDWELL, Road Superintendent KR I t Londesboro.