HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-05, Page 10News of .Hollmesvilit-
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For peak performance in cold weather, for starting,
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Between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. Week Days
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For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until
Monday morning.
We have in service BIG BEEF BULLS of all breeds.
Also bulls of all the Dairy Breeds whose offspring are
the profitable kind.
Paul Pickett was the hero. He
pushed the puck under the sprawl-
ed-out Zurich goalie with only 20
seconds left in the game to break a
4-4 tie. Zurich were a man short
at the time. This goal and the
fact that he scored the first goal
of the game at .50 seconds, won
for Pickett the most valuable play-
to his team award.
The game was a regular.sched-
uled affair moved up to Satur-
day's Minor Hockey Day from
Monday night. .- •
This was the most thrilling game
of the afternoon. Clinton scored
three times in the first period,
while Zurich got three in the sec-
ond. Each team scored early in
the third period, and then played
hard rugged hockey for 18 min-
utes without a score itatil Pickett's
big one.
Eleven penalties were handed
out in the hard-fought contest.
Dennis Amacher, Zurich goalie,
received a bad smash on the side
of the face, as Don Scruton scored
early in the third period. He left
the ghme and was capably replac-
ed by Ron Deichert, who had been
playing forward in the first two
Ron Livermore, Clinton's classy
centre forward, won the outstand-
ing player of the game award. He
had scored two first period goals
and continually led his team
throughout the game. He won a
pair of hockey gloves donated by
the RCAF PMQ Adastral Park
Council, and presented by coun-
cillor F/S Doug Hudson.
The most valuable player a-
wards went to Paul Pickett, Clin-
ton, and captain Wayne Willert,
Zurich. Hockey sticks were pre-
sented to them by Don Kay, mak-
ingthe presentation on behalf of
Hawkins Hardware.
First Period
1—Clinton, Pickett (Scruton) .50
2—Clinton, Livermore
(Boyes) 5.15
3—Clinton, Livermore
(Boyes) 10.35
Penalties: Scruton (clipping)
1.30; Willert (elbowing) 17.40;
Scruton (clipping) 19.03; Masse
(slashing) 19.30.
Second Period
4—Zurich, Overholt
(E. Wagner) 8.45
5—Zurich, Weido 11.50
6—Zurich, E. Wagner
(Willert) 19.15
Penalties: Murney (holding up
game) 5.30; Jacob (roughing) 7.50;
Overholt •(cross check) 9.10; Drap-
er (cross ,check) 16.00.
Third Period
7—Clinton, Scruton 1.10
8—Zurich, D. Johnston
(Overholt, E. Wagner) 2.20
9—Clinton, Pickett 19.40
Penalties: Masse (elbowing)
7.20; Draper (cross check) 9.25;
Overholt '(hooking) 18.20.
Huron County
Hullett" and McKillop Townships
Tuckersrnith & Goderich Twin.
Clinton---Agricultural Office
Board Room — 2.00 p.m.
Hay and Stanley Townships
2.00 p,m.—FR I DAY, FEB, 13
Ontario Department of Agriculture
D. H. Wee
Agrictiltural Representative
Kinsmen Peewee All-Stars Win 2.0
Over RCAF Peewees; Close Game
The town Peewees and RCAF kin of the town team, were award-
Peewees played a very close check-
ing game in the third match of the
afternoon. The town Kinsmen team,
came out on top 2-0, on goals by
Gary Fleet -frOin 'Keith Ashton,
and Brad Dutot from Doug Frem-
lin. Only one penalty was called,
that going to Finch for crosscheck-
Gordie Logan was the outstand-
ing player of the game, winning
a pair of hockey gloves donated
by Clinton LegiOn Branch and pre-
sented by president Cam Proctor.
Goalie Ernie Fafard of the
RCAF team and captain Bob Bat-
ed the most valuable player priz-
es. They reecived hockey sticks,
&Mated by Ball and Mutch Hard-'
ware, and presented by Kinsman
Matt Edgar.
Clinton Peewees: goal, Larry
O'Connor; Jim Livermore, Doug
Fremlin, Doug Parker, • Harry
Cummings, Melvin Crich, Bob Bat-
kin, Larry Pickett, Allan Lowe,
Barry Glazier, Gary Fleet, Ricky
Finch, Mark Schoenhals, Brad
Dutot. Manager, Don Kay; coach,
Frank "Timmer" McEwan.
RCAF Peewees: goal, Ernie Fa-
fard; Brett Dark, Philip Burns,
Gerald Crockett, Gordie Logan,
1—RCAF;.Burns • 9.341
Penalties: Logan (boarding)i
7.15; Livermore (tripping) 11.40.
Second' Period;
Durnin (Carew) .. 19.40)
Penalties,: .Lockwood. (oharding)
T hird'Periods-
3—R-caaF,,Logan 33.30"
4—Clinton, Livermore 34.12
5—RCAF; Btirriaa- 35.20 .
6—RCAF, Carew (Woodson) 42.40/
7—Clinton, Don Colquhoun
(Bruce goer) 43.30'
8—Clinton, McRae (Laurie
Coiquhoun) 45.27'
9Clinton, John Cooper
(Lauriez.C,olquhoun) 46.15*
10—RCAF; Lagan 46.50'
Penalties: D u rain (hooking),
30.20; Gilks (slashing)) 36.40.
Referees: Cpl. Clive Lomax. anal
LAC Joe Fontaine, both of RCAF"
Darrell Gilks, Stuart Westie, Dorn
Mathews, Cary Dark. Richard Gel-
latly, Ross Taylor, Cottrell.; Jack.
Slater, Robb Harrington, David;
Desjardine, Craig Collier. 111fanag-
er F/S Doug Cottrell; coach, F/S
Lloyd' Woodson.
Referees: Cpl. L. E. Miller and,
LAC Jack Fair.
Clinton Merchants
and Retailers
The News-Record has been able to make a
Special Lot Purchase of
No. 1 Kraft
Wrapping Paper.
24" Rolls 18" Rolls 15" Rolls
approx. 40 lbs. each approx. 30 lbs. each approx. 26 lbs. each
51.20 $5.40 $4.68
per roll per roll per roll
(sales tax included) (sales tax included) (sales tax included)
At present we only have the above size rolls in stock, but
we can order any size you require at a
slightly higher price.
Clinton News-Record
Albert Street
Died HU 2.3443
l',4.QE TEN
Clinton's first Minor Hockey Day program was termed a
huge success Ihe committee in charge, One hundred and,
twelve young hockey players between the ages of eight and 16
strutted their stuff on Saturday afternoon in Clinton Lions Arena.
During the afternoon over 350 parents and spectators came into
the arena, Some even stayed the full five and .one-half hours
to witness all four games.
John Potter is a patient in Oin,
ton Public Hospital,
Mra. L. E. Morton has returned
to her home from Clinton Public
Hospital, where she was a patient,
following an operation,
Church Animal
The annual congregational sup-
per of Holmesville Unitedlehurch
was held on Thursday, January 29.
Overa80.-Sat deWitaatea.a,dalielou$
supper pi,e1)0.1%d by" lie Woman's . As ' _a! a. of the
cbc Clina
tonwas chairman for the amae,ta Taa ing which followed. . l
lot ann
Y was
a ender'
r d the
Elders and Dewar Norman foi
the Committee of Stewards, Ken-
neth Trewartha, gave the treasur-
er's report and Harry Williams
read a suggested budget for 1959.
Reports were given for the Wo-
man's Association by Mrs, Ed-
ward Grigg; Woman's. Missionary
Society, Mrs. Reg. Miller; M & M,
Mrs, Frank McCtillough; the choir,
Mrs. Lloyd Bond; Mission Band,
Mrs. Frank aNeCtilleagh; Sunday
School treasurer, William Norm-
an; Sunday School secretary, Dar-
rie Walter; flower 'fund,' 'Mrs, H.
Cudmore; Men's Club, Frank Mc-
Cullough; Young People's Union,
rank Yeo.
Dewar Norman was appointed
,Holmesville's representative to
• Men's Council. Rev. McKim
id of his yeaVa- work and ideals
the year to come, Irvine Teb-
butt voiced the thanks of the Pena
gregatien to Rev, McKim for his
Work in the papt year,
Officers of the chttrch for the
year 1959 will. be; Session of El-
ders, honorary members, John Pot-
ter, B. J. Trewarthe. and H. 3,
Trewartha; active members,. Lloyd
Bond, Harold Yee, Heat Finlay,
Irvine Tebbutt, Morgan Jones,
Barrie Walter, W. R. .Lobb; clerk
of session, Harold Yeo.
Committee of Stewards, W. Big-
gen, S. Farquhar, 3. Yeo, K. Har-
ris, E. N, Grigg, N. W, Heard,
William Norman, Harty Williams,
E. Potter, D. Norman, K. Trewar-
tha and Frank McCallough, chair-
Man, Harry Williams.
Church treasurer, Kenneth Tre-
wartha; envelope steward, Mrs,
Kenneth Trewartha; captain of
ushers, Harry Williams; recording
steward, Frank 'Yeo; auditors,
E. Glidden and E. N, Grigg; org-
anist, Mrs. Lloyd Bond; l‘if
treasurer, Edward McCullough.
Sunday School officers are: sup-
erintendent, Carman Tebbutt; as-
sistant superintendent, Jim Lobb;
secretary, Barrie Walter; treas-
urer, William Norman; pianist,
Da Grigg, assistants, Barbara Yeo,
and Cathie Potter; temperance
secretaries, Douglas Norman and
Bob Grigg; missions secretary,
Marilyn Tebbutt; birthday box,
Bonita Williams; teachers, Mrs.
N. Heard, Mrs. J, Yeo, Mrs. H.
Cudmore, Mrs, E. Potter, Mrs, F.
McCullough, Mrs. W. Norman and
Irvine Tebbutt.
OFU Supports Move
To Vaccinate Cattle
For Rabies Disease
Gordon Hill, Varna, president
of the Ontario Farmers' Union in
a statement issued from the Guel-
ph office of the OFI' advised live-
stock owners to have their herds
vaccinated againit rabies without
delay. A vaccination program to
cover the thousands of farm ani-
mals in Ontario would have to be-
gin immediately in order to have
animals immunized before they are
turned to pasture in the spring.
"Apparently," said Mr. Hill, "the
Federal Government is so preoc-
cupied with internal politics they
are unable to give consideration
to the farmers of Ontario, who are
bearing the brunt of the current
epidemic. The Departnient of Ag-
riculture appears content to hide
behind a technicality in the legis-
lation provided for such emergen-
cies, and let the farmers carry the
load." Indications are, he said, the
epidemic will be more severe next
The Contageous Animals Dis-
ease Act is used to quarantine
herds where a case of rabies is dis-
covered, Mr. Hill continued, but
the compensation, provided under
the Act is not paid. Agricultural
Minister Harkness has stated.
compensation is not paid because
animals are not ORDERED des-
troyed. However, this point is de-
batable. Owners are advised, by
veterinarians, to dispose of infect-
ed animals.
Rabies may develop within ten
days of the bite, or the germ may
lay dormant in a cattle beast for
almost a year, before the beast be-
comes infected, Mr. Hill stated,
animals that have been stabled
since last fall are now developing
the disease.
Supporting a vaccination pro-
gram, Mr. Hill said, immunization
usually develops within 30 days
and may last for one year.
Ontario Farmers' Union will
continue to press the Federal
Government for:
1. Compensation under the Con-
tagious Animals Disease Act
for Farm Animals lost thr-
ough rabies.
2. A vaccination program to
keep losses at a minimum.
3. Treatment for humans expos-
ed to the disease.
Over 90% of all Ontario
residents are now covered
by the Ontario Government
Hospital Ward Care Plan.
The Government Plan
PAY • • •
for Doctor's calls or
treatment, Surgeon's
fees or Medical costs.
The Government Plan
PAY • • •
for Private or Semi-
private Accommodation
or Special Nursing fees.
For low-cost
Medical - Surgical - Hospital
Assurance Corporation
145 Wood St., Stratford
Ed. Oliver, Phone 3149J
Ken Patrick, Phone 2615W
Ask us about our Personal
Compensation plans for
self-employed persons,
The entire silver collection of
over 860 will be turned over to the
Kinsmen Club of Clinton to be
used exclusively for their Peewee
Hockey League,
After each game, ladies of the
Kinette Club of _Clinton and the
Women's Auxiliary of RCAF Sta-
tion Clinton served sandwiches
and chocolate milk to the partici-
pating players. Over 150 packages
of sandwiches made by the two
groups, from bread and meats do-
nated by local stores, were serv-
eda also 130 bottles of chocolate
milk donated by Fairholme Dairy.
After each game the players
lined up on their own blue lines
while three prize-winning boys in
each game were presented with
their awards.
The judges who picked the "out-
standing player" .of each game
and the two "most vOltiable play-
ers" in each game, were WO1 H.
Halward, RCAF Station, and
Harry McEwan and Fi'ed Elliott
of town, The winners appear be-
low in each genie. Over 30 other
officials, acting as- referees; time-
keepers and goal judges, handled
their duties quite faithfully. LAC
Jim Cole did an excellent job on
the loudspeaker, relaying ,official
messages to players and. others
during the afternoon. a -
John Bell, Listowel, president
of the WOAA, spoke words of en-
couragement to players and offic-
ials between the first and second
games. WOAA business manager
Alf. Lockridge, Wingham, was
also in attendance.
Zurich: goal, Dennis' Amacher
and Ron Defehert; defence, Larry
Bedard, Wayne Willert; centre,
Bob Johnston; wings; Geraad Over-
holt, Earl Wagner; alternates„.
John Masse, Don Johnson; Bill
Wagner, Paul Weido, Paul Bedard,
Alan Thiel, Richard Klopp. Man-
ager, Earl Yungblut; coach, Don
Clinton: goal, Harris; defence,
John Jacob, Bill Murney; centre,
Ron Liveromre; wings, Budd Boy-
es, Roger Cummings; alternates,
Paul Pickett, Don Scruton, Paul
Draper, Bud Yeo, Tom Sharp, Ken
Truscott, Charles Bartliffa 'Keith
Allen. Manager, Dick Fremlin;
coach, Doug Andrews. a 4
Referees: Sgt. Dave ',eking and
LAC Don Nichols;.: RCAF Station
Clinton, and. Bob McKinley, Zur-
Two Scaiiit feel-11S' frbm RCAF
Station were leatared in the first
game,of the afternoon. These kids
between eight 'and' ter) years old,
are coached by F/S Court. Dark
and Cpl. Stan, Brown.
Cpl. Brown's >team won the af-
fair 2-0 on goals by MacKay and
Higgins, Referee Cpl. Jim Neely
did not have to hand out a penalty.
Chris Higgins was voted the
outstanding player of the game
and was presented with a pair of
hockey gloves by Barrett Taylor,
president of Huron Fish and Game
Club, Malcolm Cummings and
Allan Bohanis were judged the
Legion Midgets Score In Last Minute
To Defeat Zurich 5-4 in Rugged Contest
The fastest and most exciting
game of the afternoon was betWeen
Clinton Fish and Game Club Ban-
tams and the RCAF Adastral ,Park
Bantams. It was end-to-end hoc-
key for Vie fatll 50. minutes. The
air force boys won 6 to 4, mainly
due to their two goals in the first•
arid second periods. Each team
scored- four goals in the final• per-
iod; all scoring coming-within 13
minutes of -play.
The RCAF team had most of
the play inathe first, period, while
the seconOvas Very even. •
Bob Livermore was,, awarded UK:
outstanding player orfa the game
prize, a pair of hockey gloves, do-
nated by RCAF PMQ Adastral
-Park Council and presented -by-
Mayor1W,02 George Johnston, who
recently returned from hospital in
Allan Durnin, of RCAF.:. team
and John Cooper of the Clinton
Bantams, were fiUdged the most
valuable . players- to their teams.
they —re'c'elVdd hockey sticks, do-
nated by Ellwood Epps Sports
min Players. Competed In .Clinton's
Inor .Flockey. Day Last Saturday
RCAF Squirts -Featured In Opening Game,
Of tlifiton"--s- Minor Hockey Day Program
omst valuable players to, their re-
spective teams and each received
aa hockey stick from. Clayton:.
F/a Dark's team: Rene Deslana-
des, Dilly Hodges, Lorne Brown,.
Danny' Perkins, Allan Bohan's,.
Gregory Burns, Billy Truscott, Bob.
Hopaiula. Derrick Fairbairn, Frank.
Scobel, Jack Johnson, Maurice.
CO, Brown's team: Daryl Wads-.
owrth, Terry Halwarci, Robert ,Faa-
fard, Bill Honer, Rob Jones, Brian_
Crosby, Malcolm. Cummings, Bill;.
Stewart, Chris Higgins, Billy Mac-.
Kay, Bruce Fairbairra Mike Can--
Shop, and also, presented by May-
or Johnston.
RCAF Bantams: goal, Herb Mel-
lish; defence, Dennis Logan, Gary-
Gilks, Don Laister, Butch George;,
forwards, Tom Gillette, Mike'
Burns, Chris Hoodspith, Al Dur-
nin, John Carew, Brian Woodson,.
Terry Hudson„ Gary Sutton, Lea:
Spillsbury, Manager, WO2 Dana
Truscott; coach, Sgt. Roy Good-
,Cjintona,Bantams: goal, Bob Gla-
iier; 'defence, Don Lockwood, Doug;
Macaulay, Craig Cox, Don Free-
man! forwards, Bob Livermore,.
Bruce Cooper, Don Colquhoun,
J'bhn COOpea, Borden McRae, Lau-
rie Colquhoun; Doug- Mairs, Billy-
Barnes, John MacDonald, Bernie•
Scott. Manager, E. W: Colquhoun;,
elach, Al May:
Bantam Game Was Real Thriller;
RCAF Defeated Town Team by 64