HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-05, Page 7'THURSDAY, ;E 4DRUARY 5, 1059 PAGM S]W= POO _m 11 BIRTH$ ..MMM,..., i HE'W$-RECORD - 91A T 9A - No charge. for announe�nents..of 1190ttir, IVIarrlaees ant! 17er�thn . W A DS Articles :for sale, rent, etc-, 01" sof 'M&44 <. gemoriarri, png age. Onts Sc a word, Minimum M: ANBox No, to this office 15c additional, Repeat In $ert�iom 2c a "word, miniinultl 50c. CASH 1DISCQUiv'I : A it pald by Saturday foi- lowing last insertion. Billie .caiiarge .of 10c added cash time WII is sent, FOR QUICK RE$ULTs Latest Time for Xnsertian$ -., 12 »ovlF• Wednesday Dial OU 2-8448 Accommodation For Rent =2 LARGE ROOMS, furnished, a- 'vo.Uable now, Phone I -W 2-6634, 513 3-RADOM APARTMENT, furnish- 3ed,:`with bath; available now, Ph- one HU 2-9508. 3-4-b - 35 ,'FT. CABIN 'TRAILER, furn- ished, Apply at Becker's Trailer `Park.,, -,3-RO.QM apartment, private bath, 'furnished- and heated; available now, Phone HU 2-3329, 5.6-p FURNISHED 3 -ROOM APART- ,'Ment, private entrance, share bath. Phone Seaforth 42. 1-tfb, 'S ROOM furnished apartment a- vallable February '15, Phone HU -2 5-b .3 -ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apart- ment, heated and furnished, av -ailable now, Phone HU 2-3844. 5b• r ONE DUPLEX 'HOUSE for rent "livingroom, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom, unfurnished avail - .Able now. phone HU 2-38117 5-b Articles For Sale BABY CARRIAGE, good condit- :; Tori. Ilial HU 2-3450. 5-b &QUANTITY OF BALEI? HAY. Phone HU 2-9197, 5-p -:3011 MOFFAT GAS RANGE, in -~:good condition. For information Phone HU 2.9257. 5-6b BEECH coal and wood range, com- plete with water front, 25 ft, of TV' pipe, range boiler in good con- Lidition, Bayfield Hardware' Co.~, ph- r,une Bayfield 3. 5-b BRAND NEW 21" television, :4$189 and your suitable trade, R ter good while stock lasts. T A. -:Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. -:Dull HU 2-3232. 5-b SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with .special care. Phone for an even-� .zing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU', 2-70M. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb :SEE THt' NEXT "PHILCO combin t` h d dry t T' A Articles .For Sete APARTMENT SiZE CLOTHES- DRYER Chilton Portable Spin Dryer Plugs in anywhere. Fruit For Sale SPY, .GREENINGG, • SNOW, DELI- CIOUS, etc. Free delivery in town., Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McClym- ent and Sons; Varna. 5-6-7-$p Livestock Wanted paid for sick, down, and dlsabW cows axil hrnsses, Dead smwm pvk- Economical, operates �/�c per hour, ed up free of charge no � ac- 1 Year Guarantee, Price $$9.00, oe�ted i nder � &s' Cali collect Ed, Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Asso0ated with Damb ug and Co Can be seen at od Canada Ltd. 39-p-rGfb Becker's Trailer Park 0M HOSES WANTED AT 3 lb„ and dead cattle at value. If or dead, phone at once, GIxMA.T REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farm, and homes. Build a home to suii your pocketbook on the Nu,Was house plan, Leonard G. Winter Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment. High Street, Clinton, 49tfh REAL �SATV IS OUR BUST - NESS. Fh ens; ,rwAdmytial, corn- menpial, vznwner cottages, Far de. penda4f�I�e and, papaNe service liisl your property with John Bow, Wellesley Street, G,oderleh, Phone 1108. Salesmen; ' C. 8uruma, Clinton; J. McConnell, Sea - forth. 2-tfb Sa-lesmlan Wanted white collie dog. Apply to Mrs. All persons keying claims against C:l.othing 'for Sale :Pence Johnston, Varna, phone HU •the `Estate, of z t'ne above' deceased 2-9863, 5-b are required to file the same with a ion was er an era ' �'utton Appliances, Brucefield, op- ,yen evenings, phone HU 2-3232, 4-tfb YOUft RCA VICTOR dealer's 'February special, $199.,95 RCA * Victor Hi -Fl record player,, now wonly $174,50, Galbraith Radio and - S -b BROS. M0TK RANCH, phone col. -RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Phone HU 2-7066 lect, Goderich, 100J4 or U83J1, MAN OVER 55 5-6-b DEAD STOCK SERVICE 3 DAYS A WEED ` Articles Wanted Hie"t dash prices paid for. dead, old', and disabled, horses Here's an excellent opportunity for uCome in for a demonstration. and cattle. Odd horses for slauught- a mature man to make enough For Home or Hospital er at 5'c a pound. For prompt, money in only 3 days a week . , . GOOD STANDING disposall�oaie collect, to spend the other 4 days enjoying TIMBER .WANTED �°° '� app' 21Z; if busy 1phme Leroy Acheson, At- life, 'Because we . pay our top men in Apply Box 57, Ailsa Craig woad 153, Wi],liam Morse, Bruns- other areas up to $5,000,00 to $12,- 46-tfb seas 1596, Trnzalzs available at a1t1 00.00 in a year; this opening we -others in our window and get oue . ` fines. 36 to 10 -pp have in the Clinton area should be Board and Room ,QUALITY PROVEN , PIONEER worth ,chain saws give you the most } �fl Dead Stock Services $4,000.00 to $9,000.00 have freedom in running foam rubber upholstery. $140. New ONE OR TWO roomers or board- ers. Phone H U2-9465, 5-b . HIGHEST CASH ,You your own work. schedule and receive friendly help from Business Opportunities I PRICES personal our home office people who appreciate What's SPYJCIAL dresser, with plate glass mirror, $35. Buffet type three -drawer cab - your effort. more, you can SUNOCO' SERVICE STATION for PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS get more pay' and still have a happier .life. ha rent in town of Clinton, doing large gallonage. Real money mak- and HORSES. are amulti-million-dollar con - cern with a national sales force of 'a for right man, If interested apply Ross Scott Limited, Also middle-aged men who are finding our work the most fascinating and 5-6b cefield, telephone HU 2-3257. 5-6b , Dead Cows and HOrSeS best paying they `have. ever exper- Custom Work At Cash Value ienced. If you .want to spend 3 days a IS WORTH YOUR WHILE! Old Horses --, 4e ,per pound week -.taking short auto trips in BULL. DOZING and excavating. J. and G. Postal, RR 3, Clanton, Phone Collect surrounding area to handle con. tacts with our customers, then we ITU 2-7436. 31,45 '133 -- BRUSSELS can make it worth your while, For FOR g YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call :FIii 2.9433. � stating number to Box �� R � complete information write O: C. Swallow, President, Box 789, Fort GIRL WANTED to assist in Seas T, A. DUTTON forth home six days per week, jive in and help with house work, BfUCEFlELLy All modern conveniences, includ- Worth' -1, Texas. 5b Hawkins Hardware, 2-tfb SPECIAL $4.95 24 Hour Service Notice #o Creditors TUNE UP YOUR PRESENT. Sewing Machine for Spring Sew- ing, Reg. $10.00 for $4.95. singer �'�`- LOST and FOUND IN THE 'ES'TATE OF Kenneth A. McKenzie, late of the 'Town Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, On- - of Clinton in the County of Huron, tario. 4-5-6-7-b FOUND --Short haired yellow and ,Contractor, Deceased: white collie dog. Apply to Mrs. All persons keying claims against C:l.othing 'for Sale :Pence Johnston, Varna, phone HU •the `Estate, of z t'ne above' deceased 2-9863, 5-b are required to file the same with a ion was er an era ' �'utton Appliances, Brucefield, op- ,yen evenings, phone HU 2-3232, 4-tfb YOUft RCA VICTOR dealer's 'February special, $199.,95 RCA * Victor Hi -Fl record player,, now wonly $174,50, Galbraith Radio and - S -b FUR COAT, black seal size 14. , Could be remgdelled into cape. Will sacrifice. No longer fits own- er. Also black cloth coat, size 14, Write to Box 52, Clinton News- Rec rd. 5- 4 p -RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate.,, on or before the 23rd day of February, A.D. 1959, after. which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst'the parties enti- tled thereto havingregard only to the claims of which notice shal have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 29th da f J Miscellaneous WATMi REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work. -assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery., on County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 5-p Employment Wanted HOUSEWORK wanted by the day ' LET US REPAIR AND MAKE DRAIN TILE Phone HU 2-9541. 5-b -RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan For Rent Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p R t ( T �y ZIOW IN STOCK! We now have for sale the McCulloch Chain Saw. a Philips 'Po rte b l e uCome in for a demonstration. '"Wells Auto Electric, Clinton. 4-tfb For Home or Hospital '2 GOOD USED SNOW TIRES, Phone HU 2-7421 °600x16; also one. new tire 600x16, °with tubes. Priced reasonable. Ap- For, Repairs to' TV, Radios ply .George Bayley, phone HU 2- and Appliances '5853. 5-p' in English 'Merrill TV Service .SEVERAL new patterns Tion China Dinnerware, including Iovely "Cornflower". See it and Located on No, 4 Highway -others in our window and get oue �. �_..�., - 5b 'Jow prices for fine china. Counter'sff -Jewellery.. 5-p FURNITURE FOR SALE ,QUALITY PROVEN , PIONEER 2 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SET, ,chain saws give you the most brown nylon frieze. with gold lurex, ,power at lowest prices anywhere. foam rubber upholstery. $140. New =Complete parts and service, Rob- last April, $239. Excellent West- •ert Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clinton, inghouse, used frig., $100. Solid Phone HU 2.9909, 5-8-p -limed. oak (not veneer) double SPYJCIAL dresser, with plate glass mirror, $35. Buffet type three -drawer cab - SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS roes with sliding drawers, $20. $39.95 and up, 4 models to choose p Crib, with plastic spring -filled �. -from. Call Singer Sewing Mach- mattress, $10. Five -piece kitchen -ine Co„ The Square, Goderich, ;phone 1135 or contact your local red and grey chrome set, $22. Large model Eureka vacuum, year -representative, lion Sutton, 15 old, $70. Power saw, $15. Other 'Toronto Blvd,, RCAF Station, small items. Posted overseas. Ph• - *Clinton. 4-5-b one HU 2.3805. 5-b THE EXTRA MiLE Help Wanted --- Female IS WORTH YOUR WHILE! Come in and See WOULD LIKE part-time baby sitter, Phone HU 2-9849, 5-p Philips, RCA, Admiral, AVON offers opportunity for growing• income through servicing Marconi, Westinghouse families in your community, Write, ' telephone stating number to Box TV 53, Clinton News -Record 5-6.7-b at GIRL WANTED to assist in Seas T, A. DUTTON forth home six days per week, jive in and help with house work, BfUCEFlELLy All modern conveniences, includ- ing automatic wasber and dryer 39-tfb +OETTING iVM�[t�RIED? %;ee samp - Res a wedding stationery at th Vewg-Record offlce. I;rivitations, ` hWik-you cards, wedding , eak boxes, place cards, serviettes, snatch books, etc. 11-tf TED RYDER'S TV SALE(S� and SERVICE ;YOUR DHMONT DEALER USED TV SETS FOR, SALE Dial HU 2.9120 Mill Street, Clinton Vhe *toad to the Drive -In Theatre Apply to Box 803, Iluron Exposi- tor, Seaforth, e Help Wanfed�-- Male e 1A'WLEIG14 BUSINESS novo open b in . Huron County. Trade well es, tablished, Excellent opportunity, Full time, 'Write at once , Rawl- eigh's, Dept, B-1.69.189, 4005 Rich- elieu, Montreal. 5-b LARGE United States and Canad- kutomobile essen= or, farming back- mportant,. Sales teply to Box 84, 51 to 5b ydur rings and jewellery' like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N, Counter, 5-p MOTORS AND GENERATORS reWollnd and repaked. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired, Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at'Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb WATERLOO I CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Bauer Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle, If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton ZEnith 9-5650 If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number Clinton Hunter 2-3441 For service or more information, call between: 7.30 and 10:00 a.m. week days 6100 and 8.00 p.m. Sat. evenings For cows �no i d i he w toe n at on Sun- day day morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost Iow. • 53-tfb Personal WHY FEEL OLD ? Feel years younger. Ostrex 'Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only, 60c. At all druggists. 5-6-7-b REAL ESTATE 1 Storey 3 Bedroom Oweliing with living room, dining room and modern kitchen; 3 pc: bath; oil heating, sun porch; full base- ment withlaundry tubs; garage. Well Iocated, Early possession. 1 Storey New 2 Eedroom Dwell- ing, nice living room, modern kitchen with dining space, 3 -pc. bath, full basement. Gas heat- ing, Immediate possession, 2 Storey Brick Store (size 20x60), Wit" dwelling apartment second floor; oil heating, well rented. Sold subject to present lease. 2 Storey Brick Store (size 22x80), With. modern, 2 bcdroom,»apart- ment on second floor. Well lo- cated. .,wilding tots. 1.---1.24`x348', locat- ed near schools. 2 -w -66'x72', very reasonable, H. G. LAWSON INSUAAN09 and REAL !*q wre Hotel Clintcri Oulldinq Dial HU 9.9644,- busihess 'Hli A97S7 residence 5-b y c anuary, A.D. 1959. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 5-6-7-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate' of HOWARD C. TRE WARTHA, ' late of the Town- ship of Hullett in the County of Huron; Yeoman, deceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of, the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said :Estate, on or before the 23rd day of February, A.D. 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of February, A.D, 1959, E. B, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, .. Solicitor for the said Estate, 5-6-7-b NoT Notice ar C edito rs Iii the Estate of SARAH JANE MUTCH, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Wid- ow, deceased. All persons having claims again. st the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 23rd day of February, A.D, 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the part- ies entitled thereto, Having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of Pebruary, A.D. 1959. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 5-6-7-b Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 P.M. .dovi3mmetit inspected, Saaiesi Cattle sold By Wdight TE S' CASH JOIx COORXIF�lt Salg1N' AuctoneerISA Vi)COi.01 0UN, Clem �.a,•, Y+A f„N.. +i.♦ 1'F4i1i.Af1AGR, 1Li jr 5, Chatham, a son (John N.W)l* liam, brother for Debbie), ANDERSON In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Jany nary 28, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Anderson, RR 5, Clinton, a daughter. ARMSTRONG In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, January 30, 1959'to 11xr. and Mrs. Williams . Armstrong, and 3, Bayfield, a son. B 61K,ItIn Clinton Public Hospi, tal, on Wednesday, January 2$, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bak- er, Felson Street, Hensall, a son. DOIG 1n Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, on Friday, Janu- aiy 23, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth. Doig, Seaforth, a son. "R l!ER.: In St, Jflsel h'$ Hospi- ta-London, on ,January 22, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. J Fraser, London, a daughter (sister for Ricky, Elizabeth and Irene), McBRIDE - In Clinton Public t Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan- uary 28, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride, Varna, a son. SCOTT in Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, January, 31, 1959, to LAC and Mrs, John Scott, Clinton, a daughter, SOROS — In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, January 30, 1959, to LAC and Mrs. Stephen J. Soros, Clinton, a son. SP,ROUL--Tn Clinton Public Hos-, pital, on Wednesday, January. 28, 1959, To Mr, and Mrs. David Sproul, RR 3, Auburn, a da_ ugh- ter. STEEVES - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, January 29, 1959, to LAC and Mrs. Law- rence Steeves (nee Donna Moore), Clinton, w daughter. DEATHS AIKENHEAD — In St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham, on Thurs- day, January 29, 1959, Donna Louise Cochrane, beloved wife ike of Wilfred Anhead, in her 53rd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Saturday afternoon, January 31. DALE—In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Sunday. February 1, 1959, Florence Sifton, beloved wife of Frank A. Dale, 632 Sp- ringbank Drive, London. Funeral from the A -Millard George fun- eral home, Wednesday after- noon, to Woodland Cemetery, London. HALL ­Suddenly at her home, 153 Elizabeth Street, Goderich, on Friday; January 30, 1959, Alice Maude *Bacon, widow of the late William Edwin Hall. Funeral from the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, to Bayfield Cemetery, by the Rev. E. J, B. Harrison, on Monday afternoon, February 2. CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank' all those who were so kind to me while I was in hospital. --TERRY FLYNN 4-p Mrq. William H. Knox wishes to express her thanks for flowers, gifts and cards sent to her at Victoria Hospital. 5-b We wish to thank the Bruce - field fire department and all that assisted in putting out our chim- ney fire. Mr. and Mrs. SAM Me - CLUNG and BOB: 5-p T wish to. thank my friends, neighbours and relations for flow- ers, cards and treats while a pat= lent in ,Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, F. M. New - 'land and the nursing staff. —MRS, KEN. CALDWELL. 5-x I would like to say sincere thank you to all who remembered me with calls, cards, letters, flowers and treats while a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital and since my return home, they , were all very much appreciated, MRS. STAN- LEY LYON. 5-b I would like to extend --my sin- cere thanks to my friends, neigh- bours and relatives for their kind- ness to me and my family, also for flowers, cards, gifts and also while I was & patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Munn and the nursing staff. --- BESSIE M. ELLIOTT 5-p ,,The family of the late Alfred Reichert wish to extend tboir sin- cere appreciation and thanks for acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy, and beautiful floral trib- utes received from friends and re- latives during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, nurses of Clinton hospit tal, Rev. W inter, Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and the .Westlake funeral home., 5-p We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy, and- beautiful floral offer- Ings received from our kind friends and neighbours in our recent sad bereavement, Special thanks' to Rei; Roy Cook, Chatham; Pastor John Agulian, Clinton; Ball acid Muteh funeral home; the pallbear- ers and flower -beavers, and all who; assisted in any way. WTI,- VRED AIKLNHEAD and Family 5wp Alaska, With an area one-third that of Canada's northern territor- ies has a population of, about 200,- 000; seven times that of the Yukon and Northwest Territories comb - BOXY THEATRE iNRlton Two Shows Nightly�--,.First Show at 7 ,tarn,- .�1iAlide Scroan Now Playing; The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Parr. Marjorie Main -- ennelly .�- Gloria Talbott Monde �-- Ttle a Pork ...... ...... Monday sd y and Wednesday "CARVE HER DAME WITH PRIDE The story of Violette Szabo, the world's bravest woman, secret agent, Virginia McKenna -- Paul Scofield Thursday --- Friday and Saturday --- DOUBLE BILL "MISSISSIPPI GAMBLERit Tyrone Power -- Piper Laurie .and "MEET ME AT THE FAR/ Dan Dailey -- Diana Lynn Goderich Twp. Gives $25 For Seed, Show PARK THEATRE Council of the Township of G O D E R I C H' Goderich this week granted $25 to the Huron County Soil and Now Playing: Crop Improvement Association, and decided to send delegates to "Mississippi Gambler"" the Good Roads Association Con- with Tyrone Power and vention in Toronto this month, "Meet Me at the l=air" The township also is calling for tenders for sprayers and powder with Dan Dailey -- Both in for the warble fly campaign, and Technicolor applications for warble fly inspec- '- -- -^ --- — -- -- --- tor. MON., TUES. and WED. February 9.10-11 AUCTION SALE Audie Murphy .. Keiko Shims of Dairy Cattle at lot 5, Con. and Keenan Wynn 3 Stanley Twp,, 11/4 mites north Filmed in Japan. The hilarious an 1%4 miles west of Kippen on postwar adventures of some mill, Tuesday; February 10 tary newshawks as they prepare AT 1 P.M. their first editiorr. 35 Holstein heifers ranging from OJOE BUTTERFLY`" 2 to 3 years old, a number fresh In 'Socpe and Color -- with calves at foot. Remainder - - _ _ _ _ due in February and March, THURS., PRi, and SAT.., Cattle are all vaccinated. Sale will be -held undercover. February 12-13.14 Terms: Cash Anthony Perkins -- Shirley Prop,, ALEX McSEATH Maclaine and Shirley Booth A4ct., HAROLD JACKSON A lovable, conniving widow turns 4-5-b cupid and winds up with a new idea and a happier.ending:. "The MATCHMAKER" �4 In Vistavision -- - Coming: "9n Lave and War" 'Scope !.,Color with Robt..Wagn,6r WHY- DO ALL THAT , WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp will do it .holster, easlor, and who knows? asay. be neater, too. Order one at the Clinton News -Record Delivery, Within 10 days. A Flowers ,.tois Telegraphed s , 1' .Anywhere ��...��•� K. C. COKE,, F L O R I S T Dial HU 2 -7012 --Clinton There Will Be DMNY.,IRG (Every Friday light At The I OW -Forge - Bayfield 10,00 -- 1.30 Music By Grant Edighoffer. And His Melody Masters With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION. 75 Cents DiNE and DANCE 1 MORE WEEK! To take advantage of this made to measure special by W. R, Johnston approved clothes for men. Extra � Pants Free OR 20% Discount on 3 Top Ranges SAFE IJP TO $25.00 OPEN ERI, EVENINGS Pickett & Campbell Limited CLINTONM9N'S WEAR HU 2.4732