HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-05, Page 5FEBRUARY IS TRADE-IN MONTH at BEATTIE FURNITURE • KROEHLER "RED TAG VALUES" are available 1959 Suites Now in Stock. • LARGER DISCOUNMon TRADE-INS this month. Kroehler' &Piece Livitig 'Rijn Suite, Reduced to $209.00 410' BEATTIE'S are offering for a limited time: _3 Arborite Top. Tables- Consisting of: ,2 Matching Step Tables Coffee Table This group sells regularly at $38,80 Store Leader at only . , .... $29.85 41 February is Certainly Bargain Month at Beattie Furniture.' Orst004,~~44.#,04 USED CARPET SPECIAL 27-inch by 24-foot lengths, Made by Barrymore. , • Special at $3.00 per yard (Suitable for Stair or Hall) ire Auburn Hort. Society Prepares Petition, Plato SponsprPostetandEssayContest Vorresnendent) Robison, ill the absence of the secretary, Miss Elnia Match, ,who Is Correspondence was read and discussed, was decided not .to send a delegate: to the .annual The Auburn horticultural Sec-- jety executive met at the home of the president,. Mrs,- Bert Craig for its first meeting of 1959; Minutes • were read' by Mrs, William „ T.. ME S Russell Belton _County President , 5/. Carl Hemingway 4eeretery•Treasnrer rfi 5-h NO USE WAITING ANY LONGER ..-• law ROW SWF llotoM67140 leer &eh .(tre' TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS *ill make it purr like's kitten fi,Test and sOivice entire electrical system irtheck Carburetor tr Cleanspark plugs, regark cod replace if necessary:: thertdiviihmt -710 Work Done fty atiOrtlimitiOtOgamitt, AUTO WELLS ELECTRIC Clinton Phone HU 24051 AUTO'LITE EIZMO IrSentemb.. -go:* —7111111111"-41111111 , I DPhil" UNDERMINE your Sirirogs Account Here's the way to keep lit well propped up. Open a separate Pdrsonal. Chetruing Account foi paying bills. Keep your Savings Account strictly for saving. Ask at any branch ab,out this new Royal Bank Two-AtcouNir PLAN'. tHE ROYAL BANK OF dANA1134 Clinton Branch Enoomeati,- marmot. Getletieh Or'endt H. G. Spring, Manager Call us now for your Fertilizer require- ments." Early discount prices still in effect for one more week. -CALL OUR FEED MILL HUnter 2-3815 Doug. Freeman, Foreman Canada Packers Limited ' STANLEY'S Red and White Supermarket Queen Street — Behind. Hanover Transport FREE DELIVERY LOTS OF PARKING SPACE • rir- , "P" ; RETURNING FOR ONE NIGHT OW EVANGELIST ARTHUR DURNAN youth crime wave, will preSent his answer for this notion, of problem.. Be Sure and Hear ,. ARTHUR DURNAN CLINTON, LEGION HALL. Saturday, February 7, 1959 8 p.m, Tri County Youth for Christ 5-b A.116. .•••• Aim 41, JUL Aim ,011. AA. milLa m1116•.• ..111r,d1La After extensive study experience with our modern Exeter High School Chairman to Favor Of Additional Grants Larry Snider, slips chairman, 'said last week he would support a Huron county delegation seek- ing provincial government grants fOr the construction of gyinnasi- igns and cafeterias in secondary schools, "I haven't been approached about - it yet hut I would -certainly. be 'behind the 'move," he stated, "We • need a 4a.rger :cafeteria and anoth-er gym at South Huron," He doubted however, if the re guest petition Would be successful, "The government has only so much money to spend on. education • if we get it one way we can't get It another." The delegation will be headed by Warden W, Jewitt, RR" 1, Clinton., 0 THURSP A.Y,IVDRUARYa, 1959 :ArriainfritraliirditAM 'MR Your NEW TELEPHONE BOOK will be printed soon: EXTRA, LISTINGS, at little cast, \ make it Carder for people to find you: IN BUSINESS! , Use extra listings to show other Arm names for your business—to, associate your name and residence telephone number with your firm name—or to show ofter-boui numbers for you and your key employees. AT 110141M members of the family and relatives, roomers or limn-dere Woulcl.benefit from bovine their.nones listed'in the telephonedirectery, Please be sure to check your directory right away:, For changes and additions call our Business Office without delay, THE DELL. TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA A quiet atmosphere in pleasant surroundings And a trained competent staff, BALL & MUTCH FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone I4U 24441 Ontario Horticultural Association, meeting on March 5 and 6, held in the Xing, gdward Sheraton Ho- tel. In Toront, A petition against .the Plant pa, tent Law was signed and forward- ed; it read thusly: "Whereas Plant. Patent Laws would injure the economy of Canadian nurSer- ies and whereas there vvould be a hardship to consumers _ in- creasing prices On. nursery stoek unnecessarily by royalties which would be .sent. to the U.S.A., and whereas they would lead to domin-ation. of Canadian nurseries by ArneriCan patent holders, we here, by petition the Royal CellalaliSien to recommend that no action be taken by the Dominion .09vorn, Govern- ment at this time on Plant patent Laws." It was. decided to sponsor the Poster Contest and :also to enter the Essay Competition. The aiff., erent tours that the Provincial Hortieultural Society is sponsor-. ing were discussed and a letter was read from Swift Canadian Co, offering prizes for the Plower.Sh- pw,. which will be applied for at. a later date; An invitation front the Toronto Telegrarn'to .advertise meetings and speakers in the On- tario Garden Clinic was read, Plans were made for the work of the coming year and the next meeting will be held in the Or- ange hall on March 2 With Ws. -Robert J. Phillips Charge of the music - and Mrs, Ed, Davies, Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. Frank RaithbY as hostesses.. • MIDDLETON Mr, and Mrs. Sfewart Middle- ton attended the annual meeting of the Western Ontario Aberdeen- Angus Association held in London last Saturday. They were over- night guests with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gindlay and their guests at , the showing of "Coppelia" by the National Ballet Company"-of Canada at the Grand Theatre on Saturday evening. Social A Success - A very successful social even- ing was ligid in the SS No. 10 schoolhouse, (Typetary) on Friday evening; January 30 under the am- picas of the Womah's Association of` St. James Church, Middleton. The WA president, Mrs. Milton Steepe, welcomed those pres- ent. There were 14 tables for eu- chre, The ladies high prize was won by ,Mirs. Stewart Middleton; the men's high prize by Stewart Middleton. Charles Cooper won the prize for the most , lone hands; the ladies' low prize" was won by Mrs. Cantelon, the men's low prize hy J. Harris. A lively mock auction sale of donated articles produced much interest and merriment (and few bargains!) under the able manage- ment of Donald Middleton and John Deeves, It proved a lucrative project, A hearty lunch and coffee roun- ded out a very pleasant evening. WESTINGHOUSE Speed Elettric Range . Custom Imperial 30 Model AL-30 0 Automatic Surface Unit 0 Roast Guard O Colour GlanCe Controls O Automatic Timer Ci Reversible Oven Racks 30" RANGES $249 95 Prom .,,,.,, ........ Clinton Electric Shop Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor HU 2-6646 CLINTON TV NEWS Mrs, Carman Macpherson, Clin- ten will be a guest on "M'Lady"--- CKNX-TV„. on Monday, February 9, to demonstrate making "Four Bridge Napkins", 'Program time 2.20 p.m. On, the" same program, F/O G. L, "Rua" Hayter, RCAF Station Clinton, will speak on • "Ice Hap., On Tuesday evening, February 10, between ten and 11 o'clock, _MINX,TV will present the story of William 4"riger' Dunlop.. Mr. Dtmlop,._ an early settler in the Ooderichp area, arid founder of the. town of 'Goderich is remembered for his .colorful personality and eccentricities, A surveyor and road builder, as Well as surgeon and administrator, he became, A - Member of Perna- rnent and is well remembered 'fez; his humorous "Will", 0 Women's Auxiliary At RCAF Station Plan Giant Bingo RCAF Women's Auxiliary met- Monday, February 2 with Mrs. j. Michalski presiding. Mrs. J, Mermen read the minutes and Mrs: S. Labedovich gave the fin- ancial report. Plans' were made for the regular monthly visits to the County Home. It was decided to send flowers to Padre McLaren who is ill. Mrs. 5. Brightweli (ways and means) announced that a giant bingo has been planned for March VT to be held in the drill hall. Mrs. Art James will be in charge of refreshments, 1V,Irs. T. Jackson, en- tertainment, Prizes to be purchas- ed by Mrs. T. O'Brien and Mrs, D. Hatherall, Tickets to be drawn by a raffle on a hostess chair will be sold by Mrs. B. Bruce and Mrs. A. Springate, raffle will be drawn at bingo. Some changes were made in the constitution which it had been de-. tided was in need of revision. -Following the meeting a review of "Round the World With Aunty Mame„ and an enjoyable discus- ion was given by Miss B, Hall, Clinton Librarian after which re- freshMents were enjoyed. PA.04 I I, HURON: COUNTY WHEAT PRODUCERS. .ANNI,14 MEETING AGRICIATURAL. BOARD ROOMS, .CLINTON Wednesday, February 1141959; at 2,00 'p,m. Reg, Myers, Ontario President, Guest Speaker Election of. Officers SPECIALS at Your RED & WHITE SUPERMARKET February 5th 6th 7th 1. Sun Spun Salad Dressing .. 33c -2. Crosalackwell Mincemeat Ia.. 2k 3. Libby's Tomato Juice 20 oz. -- 2 for 2k 4. Stuart House Wax Paper tt roil 25c 5. Aylmer PineaPplp Sneed or-Tip Bits 20 oz, 29c 6. Mitchell's Apple Sauce Is cz. 2,f., 25c 7. Fresh Meaty Spare Ribs per lb. 4k These Are Just A Few Specials — Come In and Save At OUPTIVri NEWS, MW • 100F NOTES Clinton Lodge Lo.o.r, No. $3 will entertain their wives rind. the Rebeitahs. and their husbands to Wildey Night 'on • Tuesday, Feb- ruary.lQ, miss Plane Corey, Pet- rolia will be present and give her illustrated talk as a youth dele- gate on the United- Nations Pil- grimage• of 1958, sponsored by the I.Q.O.F, Lodges,. Happy Workers Club To Meet February 12 The Happy Workers Club, will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, February 12 at the home of Mrs. Warren Gibbings. A quilt is to be quilted so memb- ers' please bring, thimbles. Roll call "My New Year's Resolution and How I have Been Able to Keep It". Group 4, made up of Mrs. Cliff Glazier, Mrs. IClaver and Mrs. Gibson, will be in charge of lunfp, o Mrs. Frank Dale Funeral service was conducted yesterday afternoon, February 4, from the A, Millard George fun- eral home, London, for Florence Sifton, beloved wife of Frank A, Dale, 632 Springbank Drive, Lon- don. Interment was in Woodland Cemetery, Surviving besides her husband is one son, Ian, at home; a bro- ther, Dr. John A. Sifton, Pompa- no Beach, Florida, and her fath- er-in-law, Arthur Dale, Clinton. A brother, Leonard B. Sifton, St. Thomas and a sister, Mrs, Meta Forbes, Woodstock, predeceased her. - r sr I IOW