HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-02-05, Page 4Tropical Dishes Can Be 'Brought RIO Into Your Home, Using Milk and fish (By Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods Service Sweat() 2 egg yolks VA to 110. cup brown sugar • teaspoon salt 31,4 cup evaporated milk 344 cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons butter Mix egg yolks, brown sugar, salt And vinegar and bring to stirring OntS411101403r, When tire reaches a boil, reduce heat and Acid evaporated milk. When about ready to boil again, remove from heat and stir in butter. We- en butter is melted, pour dressing over crisp cabbage and mbc thor, ou.ghly. Let stand for one hour before serving, Do not refrigerate, but toss from time to time. SUNNY SOUTH SALADS (Makes S Servings) 2 medium oranges 1 package orange jelly powd- er orange juice plus boiling water to make one cup 1. cup creamed cottage cheese cup chopped pecans 2 medium bananas, mashed (1 cup) cup evaporated milk, chilled icy. cold. Peel oranges, then section over bowl to catch juice. Place two orange sections in bottom of each of S custard cups or individual molds. Squeeze membranous or- ange cores to extract remaining juice. Piece jelly powder in mix- ing bowl. Measure orange juice and add boiling water to make one cup. Add to jelly powder and stir until dissolved. Chill gelatin mix- ture until consistency of unbeat- en egg white. Stir in cottage ch- eese and pecans. Fold in bananas. Whip evaporated milk until it holds stiff peaks. Fold into gela- tin mixture. Spoon over orange segments in molds. Chill until firm, about 2 hours. Unmold, 1/12 1/2 FREE—With every Smith- Corona Portable purchas- ed here: One Long-Playing Record with instructions for learn- ing how to type at home, I Don't Miss This Bargain! Five Great Models: ▪ The SUPER (in 6 colours) • STERLING • CLIPPER • SKYWRITER ($79.95) and the • ELECTRIC (now only $199.50) complete with carrying ease.• Surveys Show 38% Better Marks! Yes, students using typewriters obtain 38 % better marks, accord- ing to surveys made. Worth thinking about, isn't it? Might be a good idea to give your son or daughter the opportunity for more practice at home! The STERLING- -Only $115.50 The SUPER-,- ---Only $129,50 Clittton News-Record Albert Street Dial HU 24443 So good ot cook watt tt-too I ,write 'for Marie Fraser's Aa' free New Evaporated Milk recipes, DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto PAGE FOUR, .mwsm,pcortp THURSDAY, Fli3SRUARY 5, 1059 In Canada in the 1948-1957 per- iod the total of federal, provincial and municipal transfer payments for welfare services increased by 152 percent. Clinton FolkAssist Wingham Lions Band. Canada's Pacific coast Indians were divided into seven different language groups. All lived mainly on salmon and sea foods rather than on foods from the hunt. Lake Louise in Banff National Park was named by CPR survey- ors to honor Princess Louise, wife of Canada's Governor-General at that time. Practising each week in the firehall at Wingham, are o number of Clinton young people, under the leader- ship of George Wonch, Bandmaster, Mr. Wonch is also of Clinton, and assists in transportating the local pupils to the practise. He is in the civil service, a draftsman qt RCAF Station Clinton, Local youngsters taking part in the Wingham Lions boys and Girls Band, are Bonnie Hamilton. (shown below, centre of picture, with trumpet), William Hamilton, who plays baritone and bass; Linda McDonald and Helen Liv- ermore, both play baritone; William McKim and Harry Cummings both play trombone. Bandmaster Wonch (at left) reports there are now 30 members in the band, with more from Clinton interested in taking part. The Band is going to play for the Ice- capades in the Wingham Arena in March, and after that Mr, Wonch hopes to make arrangements for public ap- pearances several times a year. Word from Mrs. B. N. Corrin, Wingham, in behalf of the Wingham Parents Band Committee is that they are grateful for the interest shown in the band by the Clinton people. She notes that on January 21, despite the blind- ing snowstorm in the Wingham area, alt of the Clinton band members showed up for regular practice, even though some meetings in Wingham had to be cancelled due to the storm. Women Teachers Entertain; Hea r `Form0 Principal Clinton Unit of the Federated Women Teachers Association of Ontario was held in Clinton Public School on January 27 with 16 me- mbers present. Miss Edythe Bea- com in charge. Roll call was res- ponded to by each teacher quot- ing a few lines from memory gems' learned during school days. During the business period plans were made for the dinner meeting to be held in March. It is expect- ed that Miss Barbara R. Sibbald of the Copp Clark Co. will be present at that time and will give a talk on "The Development of Oral • Reading in the Elementary Schools". Mrs. Reg. Ball, program con- vener, introduced Beverly and Budd Boyes who delighted the au- dience with vocal duets accomp- anied at the piano by Mrs. Bert Boyes. Miss Bonnie Boyes rend- ered a pleasing piano solo. •The guest speaker of the even- ing (no stranger to those assemb- led) was G, H, Jefferson, former principal of Clinton Public School. Mr. Jefferson gave an exceeding- ly interesting talk on the Ontario school readers used in the early years of the century, and quoted many passages from various sel- ections. A social hour brought the meet- ing to a close. The News-Record Sells Counter Check Books VALENTINE'S DAY IS APPROACHING! FOR YOUR VALENTINE GIVE THE GIFT THAT ONLY YOU CAN GIVE , , YOUR PORTRAIT dii94,1404 Slat& rot Appointment Phone Clinton ICU 2.9316 INONNIrmNr4~404144 ,04,0,444,40,444144,04404s Is wishing yott were in the sun- ny south a part of your now and then day dreaming . as you dry the dishes and watch the snow swirl down outside your kitchen window, or as you shiver on your way to do the grocery shopping these midwinter days? Then stick with us, for we've an idea to help you bring a tropical touch right into your home and to your table. We call the idea Tropical Mold, and we think you'll be so pleased with this salad, you'll hang on to the recipe for summertime, and the heat you're even now dream- ing of. For although salads are wonderful summer fare, oftentim- es they're even better hi the win- ter, Especially along about now when we may slip up occasionally on that "salad a day", even though we know what a lift they give to our heavier winter meat-and-pota- to duo. Tropical Tuna Mold is a two layer affair . . with an early sp- ring-green shaded layer up top, and a contrasting white layer be- neath. The tuna layer is light and almost fluffy in texture. Made creamy and rich with evaporated milk, beaten egg whites are folded in, along with diced celery and green pepper to add crunchiness. Evaporated milk, of course, is the dairy food that comes to us in double rich form because half of the water's been removed. The top layer of lime flavored gelatin has an unusual combination of crushed pineapple and chopped cucumber that is delightful. Two other salads with winter-in- summer appeal are also suggested , . . a Hot Slaw that's different, with a piquant evaporated milk dressing that's made right along with the salad; and our Sunny South Salads feature oranges and bananas along with chopped pe- cans and cottage cheese, all nicely getting acquainted in a flavorful orange jelly. Summer in winter? Well, next time you day dream about the sunny south, why not get some of these wishes in action. Serve Tro- pical Tuna Mold, or one of the other salads, and have fun in Feb- ruary pretending you're a little nearer the tropics. TROPICAL TUNA. MOLD (Makes 8 to 10 Servings) Pineapple Layer 1 (8 ounce) can crushed pine- apple, drained 1 package lime jelly powder 1 cup boiling water pineapple syrup plus cold water to make 1/2. cup 2 tablespoons lemon juice cup peeled, chopped cucum- ber. After draining pineapple, there should be about two-thirds cup crushed pineapple and 1/2 cup syr-up. Dissolve lime jelly powder in boiling water, Add pineapple Syr, up and water mixture, then lemon juice. Chill to consistency of un-beaten egg white, Add drained pineapple and cucumber, Pour in- to 10x5x3 inch loaf pan. Chill un- til very firm, about 2 hours. Tung Layer 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin % cup cold water 2 eggs, separated 1. teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1 cup evaporated milk 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 (7 % oz,) can tuna, drained, flaked CUP sliced green pepper 1/2 cup diced celery 1. cup mayonnaise - Soften gelatin in cold water several minutes. Beat egg yolks with salt. mustard and paprika in top of double boiler. Add evapora- ted milk and lemon juice. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, about 5 to 7 minutes, stirring constantly. Add softened gelatin to hot mixture and stir until dissolved, Chill mixture un- til it begins to set. Stir in tuna, green pepper and celery. Fold in mayonnaise, then egg whites which have been beaten stiff but not dry. Spoon mixture gently over firm lime layer. Chill until tuna mixture is set, at least 2 to 3 hours. When ready to serve, un- mold on cold platter. HOT SLAW (Makes 0 to 8 Servings) 1 medium cabbage, shredded 1/2 5 years Saturday Night Dancing In The COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH 9 p.m. to 12 Music by Grant Edighoffer and his Melody Masters k With Vocals by Jo-Ann ADMISSION: 75c Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club Tpu've the opportunity NOW to invest your money safely, so it Will earn In X British Mortgtrge tkithAff? AMIN ffhet malt your elieque. klortelitiP 4W del Interest lieghis tlie day tot aRtrjjai MORTGAGE et 1110MY Fonidlea In Mt iltraitont