HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-22, Page 4Public School Board at Inaugural
a The six-rrion board entrusted with administration of Clinton's $380,000 public
school building include (front, left to right) Alex Cudmore, senior member, with 38
years experience; Lawrence Houghton, new chairman; (back row) William Hearn,-Geo-
rge' Lay's, Clayton Dixon and' yicetchairman K. W, Colquhoun. H. C. Lawson, clerk-
treasurer for more than 20 years, is at right front. (News-Record Photo)
Witnesses Will Meet
At Elmira School
The Clinton congregation of
Jehovah's Witnesses Aare complet-
ing preparations to attend their
semi-annual convention in the El-
mira District High School, Janu-
ary 23 -to 25.
H. McNally, the congregation's
presiding minister, stated they will
assembled with delegates from the
Goderich, Seaforth; Mitchell, St-
ratford, K i t c h e n e r, Waterloo,
Brussels and Elmira areas for a
program of Bible discourses, dem-
onstrations and practical training
for their ministerial activity. The
theme "Expanding Our Ministry"
will be highlighted throughout the
Mr. McNally also announced
that all services of the congrega-
tion would be cancelled from Jan-
uary 23 to January 25.
Featured speaker of the con-
vention will be District Supervisor
Mr. A. F. Danley, who will short-,
ly be leaving' this country for
missionary service in South Afri-
ca. His discourse "The Watchtow-
er Society in God's Purpose" will
climax the three day program. Up-
ward of 500 are expected to at-
0 •
The Hearthside Club of Ontario
Street United Church met on Jan-
uary 8 and attended Prayer Serv-
ices in the Presbyterian- Church.
Lunch was served by Group 1.1
Some, Reduced Up To
I/2 04)
t. NEWS,11=81,
Huron 44I Homemaker Clubs To Tackle
Garden Projects This Coming Summer
Aged Bayfield District Man Recovering
From Ordeal Without Food 'or Heat
(By our Bayliold CorrespOndent)
William Williamson is recover-' hot drinks and soup. Mrs. Osmond
The Women's Missionary Soc-
iety of Wesley-Willis United Ch-
urch met on January 8, with the
president in charge. The commun-e
ity friendship committee reported
seven hospital and eleven home
calls made.
Annual reports were given as
follows; associate helpers, Mrs.
Jervis; supply, Mrs. M. Addison;
world day of pryer will be held
on February 13.
A bale of clothipg will be pack-
ed in the spring. During, the win-
ter months meetings will 'be in
various homes, on Friday even-
ings, Mrs. Frank 7'elrigland has
extended an invitation /or the
February meeting to be held in
her home.
Roll call was answered by pay-
ment of fees. Mrs. Fingland was
in charge of the program. Miss
E. Jamieson read the Scripture
and gave the lesson thoughts.
Miss L, Walkinshaw offered pray-
er. Mrs. Gordon H. Manning pre-
sented a musical number "Star• of
the East"! on ,the piano.
Mrs. Fingland gave the topic
on the "Carribbean"
and Mrs.
Lorne Jervis presented a New
Year's, poem.
Men's and Boys" Footwear
Mr. and Mrs.. W. Cochrane
Kotored tp Loudon, St. Joseph's
Hospital, to visit their daughter,
Mrs: J. F, Robinson, Gode-
rich, visited Mrs, R. Scott and
Robert Vodden one day the past
Mr. and Mee, Ernest Vodden,
Woodbane, visited their sister and
Neither, Mrs. Robert Scott and
Robert Vodden, one day this past
Mrs. ,fames Parker (nee' And-
eeer Oliver), 354 East 27th Street,
Hamilton, has returned home aft-
er being with her father Thomas
diver last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas H. Miles,
Gibbings Street, returned on Mon-
day from a wirieer holiday in Flor-
ida where they visited at Deer-
field and Riviera Beach.
Mrs, Irene Wolsey spent the
weekend visiting her daughters,
Mrs. Gerald Montgomery, and fa-
Toronto, and Mrs. E, A. Dit-
oer and family and Miss Gloria
Wilsey, Kitchener.
Mrs. Robert J. Draper
In her 96th year, Sarah Wat-
kins, beloved wife of the late
Robert J. Draper, Clinton, died
at the home of her daughters in
St. Catharines on January 19.
She was the last member of a
family of,, six, born to the late
Joseph and Isabella Watkins, of
the Base. Line, Goderich Town-
Most of her life was spent in
Clinton, but on account of failing
health she has lived for some
years with her . daughters in St.
Catherines. Her husband prede-
ceased her in 1940, shortly after
celebrating their golden wedding
She was a member of St. Paul's
Anglican Church, Clinton. Her
chief interests were church, her
family, her friends.
She leaves to mourn their loss,
one son, Caryl Wilton Draper,
Clinton, (a second son, Robert
Murray, was killed in action in
France in 1918); four daughters,
Mrs. G. B. (Isabel) McLeod,
Mrs. A. A. (Gladys) Morrison,
Mrs. Walter (Sadie Marion) Gay-
man and Winnie Hazel, all of
St. Catharines; four grandchildren
Murray and Robert Deeper, Clin-
ton; Mrs. Norman Hathaway,
Newmarket and Donald Morrison,
St. 'Catherines; and six great
grandchildren (William Draper
predeceased her in 1940).
Funeral service was from the
Ball and Mutch funeral home,
High Street, Clinton,-on Wednes-
'day afternoon, with the Rev. C.
S. Inder officiating. Interment was
In Clieton Cemetery.
Pall-bearers were Robert Fair-
service, Jsck Sutter, Theo Frem-
lin, Alex Cudmore, Wilbur Welsh
and Edward Nickle. Flower-bear-
ers were Donald Morrison and
Murray Draper.
Clinfonians Met To
Plan Raking Sale
The January meeting of the
Clintonian Club met in the counc-
il room with the president, Mrs.
T. O'Connell presiding. Yearly re-
ports were read, and committee
reports were given by conveners.
Mystery prize was won by Mrs.
Plans for a baking sale to be
held in March were discussed.
The next meeting will be on Feb--
ruary 11 in the council chamber
at 2.30 p.m.
ing in Alexandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital, Goderich, after ly-'
ing helpless in his home in Eisen-
bach's bush, third concession.
Goderich Township for two days.
During that time he was without
food, and without heat for a day.
Lindsay Smith, rural mail cour-
ier, became suspicious that some-
thing was amiss when he noticed
on Wednesday, January 14, that
Mondays mail had not been col-
lected. He walked in to the cottage
and found the 79-year-old man on
a couch with only a quilt over
Williamson told the courier
that he had taken a weak spell
and fallen, injuring his back in
a 4arby woodshed* on Monday,
Being unable to walk, he had,
crawled on his halide and knees
to the cottage. He had managed
to put what wood there was in
the house into the stove. With
him were his two cats and dog.
After lighting ,the fire, Smith
went to Earl Schilbe's and tele-
phoned the sick man's sister, Mrs.
William Osmond, Goderich. He
completed his rural route and re-
turned to the Post Office. Later,
he went back to Williamson's
home, accompanied by William H.
In the meantime, Mrs. J. Reder
and Mrs. Bert Schilbe, neighbours,
had gone to his aid and made him
Whole. Blood Bank
Idea Responded To
By 27 Volunteers
Twenty-seven responded to a
plea fri6ria Clinton Legion Branch
to have their blood typed at Clin-
ton Public Hospital this week.
Gordon Dalgleish, who spearheaded
this' Legion project expects many
more local folk .to join in this
Those who' have had their blood
typed, and the classification on file
at the hospital, will be called on
to give whole blood for transfu-
sions when occasion arises for that
particular type.
Junior institute Has
Shortened Rally
Due to Bad Weather
Seaforth District High School
was the site last Saturday of a
rally staged by the Junior Instit-
utes of the County. Due to bad
Weatber. Only a few girls attended,
and the meeting was trimmed
quite drastically,
Miss Jean. Smith, Broseels, ryes-
!dent of the County Junior Instit-
ute was in charge. Mee. Inn, Mc-
Allister introduced the guests.
Mrs, Elroy naajardina, Grand
Bend, Huron South Difitriet Pros.
Mont, brought • greetings for the
senior Women's Institute Ana
spoke oni the theme, "Give to the
world the best you hove and the
best will come bock to you,"
A Tomei tilseusolon on the Jim-
or Institute OMR thtuflon was tette
vied out by Miss Joan
erVhior of 'County Tiome P;(1 011001.
lots, MM. Desjordlne, tiondrn i-big,
Soofortb and Milia Mien 'Wilson,
Miss Jimei 1,11111111W 'flAT of whnl
the 'limier 14,101411e work roma
to her, and her (Intim Hs n. hogya
membor of the Votieralool Wont ,
InstIttlics of (wool,
and her son George had arrived
from Goderich.
Lindsay Smith hitched Billy
Williemsores well - known white
horse to a sleigh. With some dif-
ficulty, they moved the injured
man to the sleigh and took him to
George Osmond's ear on the road.'
Apart from his sore back, he had
suffered so from cold that his legs
were stiff, and he was on the
verge of pneumonia.
Maple Street
Sunday, January 25
10.00 aen,-Sunday Seltool
11.00 aim.-Morning Worship
7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service. Guest
speaker, Mr. Orville Shantz,
• Peterborough
Tuesday, 8,p.in.-Prayer and Bible
Study •
REV. D. 4, LANE, B.A., Minister
MRS. M. 4. AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, January 25
9.45 a.m.-Church School meets
for study
10.45 a.m. Divine Worship
Subject of Meditation:
"Jesus Christ The Same Yes-
terday, Today, and Forever"
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above hall
invite you to come and hear the
Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus
and His Love.
Order of meetings on Lord's day
as follows:
11.00 aen.-Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m.-Stinday School
7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel
8.00 p.m.-Wednesday-Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
telleoter-filliM 'finiteb
REV. 3. A. McKIM, B.A.
MRS, M. H. RENNIE, Organiet
lift, R. RENNNI. Choir Direethr
Sunday, January 25
11.00 a.m.-.Morning Worship
1.2,15 p.m,-Sunday School and
Bible Class
litrs. 'Lloyd UMW, Organist
1,30 po..-Worship Service
2,30 p,nri,- Sunday School
IA us use the Lottl's Day to
strengthen our Christian ittelith
Name New Officials
For Hensall Village
Peter L. McNaughton, Hensall,
has accepted the position of clerk-
.ereasurer and tax collector of that
village, He succeeds James Pat-
erson who was asked to resign at
the first council meeting of the
John Henderson, who has been
a councillor for the past three
years, is the village reeve suc-
ceeding Reeve Norman Jones who
resigned over the dismissal Of the
clerk. John G. Lavender, one of
two unsuccessful can,didates for
council in the December elections,
was named to council to replace
Mr. Henderson.
Sunday, January 25
10.00 a,m.-Sunday Scnooi
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
"The Local Church"
7.30 p.m.-Evening Service
"Putting The Question To The
Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting
You are cordially invited to these
Christian Reformed
REV. G. T. HOYTEMA, Minister
Sunday, January 25
10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch
Sunday School after Service
2.30 p.m.--Service in English
Bible School-1.30 p.m., Saturday
Everyone Welcome
Victoria Street, Clinton
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Assistant Pastor:
Friday, January 23-
8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors:
Sunday, Jaeuary 25-
10.00 a.m.--Sunday School
11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship
7.30 pen.--Gospel Service
Tuesday, January 27,--
8.00 pen.-Regular Prayer and
Bible Study Service,
A Special Welcome Awaits You
St. Paul's - Clinton
REV. C. S. 'INDER, Rector
MrS. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Septuageshna Sunday
8,30 a.m.-Holy Communion
Corporate Communion for B
AC. After breakfast, speaker
Mr, E. J, Judd, London, with
a film "Development of Can-
11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
and Installation of Wardens,
Lay Delegates and Board of
4.30 P.tre-Evening Prayer
The Nome Garden Club
Will be the project undertaken
by 4-}1 Homemaking Club,. Girls in Heron County this spring. The
project consists of planting and
.caring for a. garden, attending
four -club meetings and Achieve-
ment Day. Since the special top,
is to ' be considered: is home
beautification the girls will be
expected to, carry on a, small pro-
ject such as painting the mail-
box, making ea. flower bed, or
planting shrubs etc. which in so-
me way would add to the beauty
of home surroundings.
20 packages of vegetable seeds
and six packages of flower seeds
Will be available from. the 'Qatar-
io• Department of Agriculture to
club members and leaders.
A garden club may be organ-
between the ages of 12 and 26.
(Members must have reached
their 12th birthday by March 1,
Flight Lieutenant J. ta Carroll
received his promotion at RCAF
Station Summerside. ti
from CHLO St. Thomas
680 k.c.
Thursday Evenings
From 9 to 10 o'clock
Central .Baptist, London
The one day training school for garden .club- leaders will be
held in early April under the
leadership of Mrs. Ian McAllister
Horne Economist and D, XI, Miles.,
Agricultural RePresentative for
Huron County, Applications for
membership must reach the Ont-
ario Depattment of Agriculture
by February 10 in order that
sufficient seeds may be ordered
for all who wish to participate.
Display of Items
Made in Project
Sew to Save Dollars
Since last October, 21 groups
in Huron County have been tak-
ing part in the project "Sew To
Save Dollars and Make Senee"
sponsored by the Home Econom-
ics Service, Ontario Department
of Agriculture. On January 28,
all of the articles made will be
exhibited or modelled at a Sum-
mary Day held in the Legion
Hall, Clinton.
The program includes fashion
parade, exhibits, reports from the
group leaders, skits by the Sea-
forth and Fordwich clubs, com-
ments on the work displayed by
Miss Dora Burke, Specialist from
Home Economics Service, Toron-
to and a discussion of the pro-
gram to - be held in 1959-1960.
Mrs. N. T. McLaughlan, Wing-
ham will be chairman for the
program. Committee in charge
are Mrs. Ross Chapman, Kippen;
Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensall; Mrs.
W. Peel, Gerrie; and Mrs. Ian
McAllister, Home Economist.
Any one interested in sewing
is welcome to attend the pro-
gram which begins at 1.40 et:M.
Mothers Study Group
Has Regular Meeting
- The Mothers Study Group Of
Wesley-Willis United' Chnrch met
January 20- in the church with the
president, Mrs. Edwin Cooper in
the chair and Mrs. Robert Clark
lilt charge, .
Roll call was answered by nam-
ing date of birth. There were 15
present. Mrs, Percy 'Livermore
gave an instrumental and. a busi.
nese discussion took place. A. crib
quilt was tied Ana another quilt-
ed, Lunch was servecMy the .hest-
eeses, Mrs. Wright and Mrs, Al-
vin Wise,
WMS Plans Winter
Meetings in Homes
Church Directory
11.00 a.m.1-"You Want To See The Evidence, Do Your'
12,00 aen.--Sunday School
Thursday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's and Prayer Meeting-
' A Cordial Welcome to All
0,45 a.m.-Sunday SehoOl
11.00 aerie -Morning Worship
7,30 pm ,--Young Peeples Service-Pilm
ZOO p.rtt - Worship Service
3.00 to.m.--Sunday School
8,30 I in.--Y.RU,
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