HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-22, Page 3Good Will Club Regular Meeting -• A delicious pot-luck supper was served by the Wesley-Willis Good Will Club to their members and friends on January 13, in the church, hall, This was followed by a bus- iness meeting and program, pre- sided over by Mrs. G, Man, ning. After the opening hymn, Miss E. Jamieson read a short New Year's message by Francis Gay, Miss L, Walkinshaw offered the prayer, The December and also the Annual secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Mrs. ,H, Jenkins reported for the BORROW CONFIDENTLY AT THE SIGN OF MONEY SERVICE YOU CAN TRUST Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company No bankable security or endorsers needed. Money loaned for purposes you think worthwhile. HOUSEHOLD FINA M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH LADIES! Have You Some Spare Time ? Here is a fascinating hobby that can prove profitable as well as interesting. FLEXIBLE PLASTIC AERATED FOAM can be used to manufacture - Corsages, Handbags, Dolls, Wall Plaques, Cushion Covers, Brooches, Table Centres and Flower Displays. We have foam available in fifteen different colours, 3/32 and 1/2 ", other thick- nesses available upon request. Also avail- able are the instruction Books, Winding Tape, Stem Wires, and Tying Wires, Rose Leaves, Stamens, Dolls and Styro Foam. COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF FINISHED ARTICLES - SUTTER PERDUE L QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES Clinton Dial HU 2-7023 RUG STORES Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! If you have not purchased your DUNLOP SILENT TRACTION WINTER TIRES, this is your opportunity. To Buy The BEST SNOW TIRE Made At Considerable Savings We have a few .pairs left and would like to dear the decks for our Spring Tire Campaign. i' Yob Save List Price Sale Price On a Pair $27.15 600/16 $20.00 $14.30 $27.50 670/15 $20.00 , $15.00 $43.90 60/16 6 ply $26.50 $34.80 l' $30.25 750/14 $22.50 $15.50 All tires 100% Natural Rubber Tread to give you Greater Traction. No Trade-in Required Free installation 4.04-44,-Poo.r."-eNe-theivesivro.ininie4- CL ,A VT (11 ›,‘ D i x ors kti rt e, ,4? AUTO SUPPLY mot60 0, , attenhs, Yl Two DoivivAtSt. James!. 4 Depend on us for every printing need from a letterhead to a complex adverb' rising piece. Esti- mates given on request. Friendship Club Has New President, Mrs. G. Herman Installed by Rector FPHOTO SERVICE n Special for Casual Hairdos NEW REFILL St. James WA The Women's 'Auxiliary of St. James Church, Middleton, met Wednesday afternoon, January 14 at the home of Mrs. Arnold Mil- ler, with 19 ladies present. Service of dedication and instal- lation of officers was conducted by the rector, the Rev. E, J. B. Har- rison. after which he shook hands with and'spoke personally to each officer re her 'particular office. Mr. Harrison; gave a short but inspiring talk deploring the fact LA-50, FINE PRIM % Cr Clinton News-Record Albert Street Dial HU 2-3443 Smitigorona Portable Typewriters On Display in the News-Record Office (By .our Middleton 'Correspondent) The annual Vestry meeting of St. James'Church, Middleton, was held on Friday evening, January 16, at the home o f Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Wig.e. In spite of very in,. pigment 'weather, 24 persons at- tended, The rector, the Rev. E. J. )3, Harrison, opened the meeting with .Vrayer, The Vestry clerk, RaY WiSe, then gave the minutes of the last annual meeting, Mr; Harrison' .gave a detailed report of, the 'yea'S activities. He expressed his happiness' in his as-' soeiation with the people of this parish. In thanking the various Officers and members of all or- ganizations for their efforts, he Particularly stressed' the import ance of the work in the Sunday School. He. thanked the ladies who look 1,.ttY.'the regular voluntary cleaning of ;,the church, "Our little: ,•_gem of a church . is „like a minature Pathedral in design", stated. 'Mr. garrisOn and should bel:kept up in every way. He thanked .Mrs. Storey; who sudgeecled:Mrs.Raw- AO as Organist; .'alSO.,DenalcrIVlid, dleton' who'. actg'• ,as'•',•fireman; very -: important .service -in this . , "snow belt". Mr, garrison repotted.58 church Services held during the year; the average attendance was 24 and there were three births, two Mar- riages and One burial, The rector's warden, Donald Middleton gave the treasurer's re- port showing a substantial balance in the bank. The new furnace is paid for in full. Edward Wise spoke briefly as peOple's warden. He has loOked Well to keeping up the church pro- perty. Mrs. Keith Miller, secret- ary of the WA reviewed their activities; Mrs.' Alvin Dutot gave the treasurer's statement of the Woman's Auxiliary; Mrs. Ray Wise gave the Sunday School re-- port, showing an enrollment of 18 Pupils; Mrs, Stewart Middleton reported for the Huron Church News, now linked with the "Can- adian Churchman". The church books were4111 audited by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton and the lat- ter reported them in excellent condition. For the election of officers, Mrs. R.,•Ttowden and Mrs. Ross Middle- ton were appointed scrutineers., 'Re- sults were as follows: Rector's warden (appointed by See if we don't get white Wash,whiter-bright colours brighter-send your clothes back fjnished the way you like' them! We'll make an extra-special effort to keep you satisfied at within rea- son prices, Phone to-day. lurch Annual rector), J, Ross Middleton; peopl- es warden, John Peeves; board of management (six appointed by rector) Donald Middleton, Mrs. Fred Middleton~ Joseph Storey, Ed- ward Deeves, Charles Cooper, Ed- ward Wise; . (six elected by the people), Stewart Middleton, Alfred Hudie, Ray Wise, Mrs. Arnold Miller, Mrs, Edward Wise and Mrs. Ross Middleton. Vestry clerk and secretary to the board of management, Ray Wise; lay delegate to synod, Don- ald Middleton, substitute, Edward Wise; treasurer, Ross Middleton; envelope clerk, Ross Middleton; Huron Church News Secretary, Mrs. S. Middleton; rectory com- mission, Charles Cooper; chair- man of sidesmen, David Middle- ton; auditors for 1959, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wise. After the election of officers, Mr. Harrison read excerpts from a letter from the Rt. Rev. George, N. Luxton, now entering his sec- ond decade as Bishop of Huron. During his first decade the Bish- op stressed church extension, his emphasis now will be on spiritual .advancement. There are 300 con- gregations in the Diocese of Hu- ron. The meeting decided to make an effort to help carry out the Bishop's plan for 1959, A hearty vote of thanks was expressed to the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wise for graciously offering their home for the meeting. The new people's warden, Jahn Deeves, then made a speech of acceitance, His is an office of great honor and of great antiquity. During the year, two of the congregation's most valued mem- bers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rowden, moved to Clinton follow- ing 'Mr. Rowden's serious illness. It seemed fitting that they should be present and honored at the annual meeting. Charles Cooper read an address to Mr, and Mrs. Rowden and they were presented with a long walnut coffee table and a beautiful tri-light lamp, -gifts from the St. James congre- gation. I Mr. Rowden replied very fitting- ly,, thanking his friends for their gifts and reviewed his long assoc- iation with St. James Church. Mr. Rowden also thanked Mr. Harris- on for his visits during his illness. After the meeting was adjourn- ed, a hearty lunch and social half hour rounded out a very success- ful aninual meeting. Walter J. Parker Walter James Parker, Hamil- ton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Parker, died in Hamilton Saturday, January 10. He was three months old. Surviving are his parents, one brother, Thomas George Parker, Hamilton; his maternal grandfa- ther, Thomas Oliver,. Clinton, and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. George Parker, Saint John, N.B. Service was held from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Wednes- day, January 14, with the Rev. J. A. McKim, Wesley-Willis Un: ited Church, Clinton, officiating. Burial was in Clinton Cemetery. Pall-bearers were Harvey Wells and David Reid. Herman; first .vice-president, Mrs. Alf,Crozier; second vice-president, Mrs. ThomaS Peeves; secretary, Mrs. Vi Habgood; treasurer, Mrs. Len Arnston; social convener, Mrs, Robert Draper; cards and flowers, Mrs, Agnes Dale; buyer, Mrs. Bruce Bartliff; sewing committee, Mrs, Bert White, Mrs. Charles Wilson and Mrs. Robert Scott; program committee, Mrs. William neck and Mrs. Robin 'Thompson; Press secretary. Mrs, Gordon . Niv-ins, Mrs, Gordon Herman, president for the new season was welcomed and took over the meeting. Plans were made for a work night to be held next meeting, Wednesday, January 28, The president closed the meeting with prayer. found. Those on the program com- mittee are Mrs. Wes Hoggert, Mrs. Ivan"Hoggart, Mrs. Bill Jenkins,, Mrs. Ross Lovett. 0 Tuckersmith Club Sending Help To Mount Forest The Tuckersmith Ladies CIttb met at the home of Mrs. Ed. Lay- ton at 8.30 p.m, on January 16, with 15 members and six visitors present. Roll call was answered by "The Resolution that I broke last year". It was planned to send two quilts and a pair of flannelette bl- ankets to a family in Mount For- est whose home was burned re- cently, Mrs. M. R. McKinnon, Clinton, was guest speaker and gave a very interesting and much appreciated talk on her trip to France, Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, It- aly, and England'. She also showed many interesting and lovely sou- venirs of her travels. Lunch was served by group 3. that these hectic days leave no time - for • Bible reading. He ex- horted each one present to return to daily Bible reading. He wished the new officers success in their enterprises and stated that the WA of St. James has been long outstanding in its devotion and fellowship. The new president, Mrs. Milton Steepe took charge of the meeting and asked all the members for their ' loyalty and co-operation, "may we all work together for a happy and successful year". Mrs. Keith Miller read the min- utes of the annual meeting and Mrs. Dutot gave the financial re- port. Mrs. John; Grigg, head of the Dorcas committee. outlined the moneys and articles needed for that important phase of WA work, with particular reference to the Mohawk Institute and also the In- dian Residential School at Cards ton, Alberta. Mrs. Steepe remindedithe ladies of the Women's World Day of Prayer Service tb be held Febru- ary 13. It was decided to unite this year with the service in the Presbyterian Church in ,Clinton. It was also decided to hold the usual summer baking sale in Bay- field. The date obtained is Satur# day, August 8. Plans were made for a social evening in the "Tipperary" school- house on Friday evening, January 23. A new member, Mrs. Chalm- ers, was welcomed by the ladies. Mr. Harrison closed the meet- ing with prayer. Lunch and a soc- ial period followed. Centering Mrs. Miller's dining room table was some yellow forsythia in bloom- "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" de-ifte,00.,•~••••44-#~...4"...ie.e.••••••••••••m MODEL D 112 No more guessing or uncertainty . with your Westinghouse Dryer you can dry ALL fabrics safely. Dries clothes faster . , Uses less current with the exclusive advant- age of DIRECT AIR-FLOW,. , air and heat passes directly into the clothes not through, the basket. Four Models of Westinghouse Dryers to Choose From. Priced from $199.95 Clinton Electric-Shop "Your Westinghouse 'Dealer" 0. W. COMM, Prop. Albert Street Clinton PAGE Vouw flower committee and Mrs. G. Jefferson for the travelling bas- ket, Recommendations suggested at an .,executive meeting Jantiary 7, were approved. Miss Mavis Steepe 'favoured with a beautiful piano solo, "My Prayer", Mrs, E, H. Epps recited a humorous poem. Mrs. J, A. McKim, as guest speaker, gave an interesting and. informative talk on, "Five Oaks"telling,of the reasons for founding, its lay- out, types of courses, retreats and conferences. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, Everyone Reads The Classifieds SPAY, NTANVARY 22, 7,959 CU:WON NEWS-RECORD Just simple pin-curls and Bobbi-that's all you need for a pin-curl permanent. Refill kit contains Bobbi lotion, end-papers, easy directions. HMI complete with "Casual Pin-Curlers" $150 $200 Members of the Friendship Club of St, Paul's Anglican Church met and enjoyed a pet lack supper in the Parish Hall, Wednesday, ,Tan- uary 1.4. The meeting followed with the president, Mrs. Harry Thompson. The president opened the meet" ing with prayer, The secretary's report was read and approved, given, by Mrs. VI Habgood; also the annual report was read, Mrs.. Len Arnston, treasurer, gave her report, also the annual . report, Mrs, Agnes' Dale gave the cards and flowers report. , After a discussion of business, the president, Mrs, Harry Thomp- son introduced the Rev. C. S. In- der, who installed the new officers for 1959: president, •IVIrs. Gordon The Summerhill Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. George Wright on Wednesday, January 14. The president Mrs. Neville Forbes read a poem "A Receipt for New 'Year's Punch".. 21 mem- bers answered roll call by nam- ing their best Christmas gift. Thank you notes were received from Kenneth Rapson, Mrs, John- ston, Mrs. John Gibbings, Mrs. Charles Josling, and the Child- ren's' Aid Society. It was decided to make jackets and nighties for the hospital in Hazel Town, B.C. where Vera Lyon is a nurse. The program consisted of a rea- ding by Mrs. Chester Farquhar named "The Battle of ,Blenheim". Mrs. Percy Gibbings read a poem, by Mrs. Joe Manning, Londesboro, who at the age of 82, wrote about the village of Londesboro. Mrs. Neville Forbes gave an account on Robert Burn's life and played some Scotch selections on the piano. Beverly Wright played an instrumental on the piano. Th next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Keith Tyndall, on Wednesday, February "fl, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call is to be answered by a Valentine verse. Those on the lunch committee are Mrs. Ivan Hoggart, Mrs. Don McLean, ,Mrs. Fred Vodden, Mrs. Wilfred Pen- This Week The Lucky No. Is 1997 Check yonr Calendar. If the number matches, take the. Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. AIR-CONDITIONED‘ FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT BUY NOW and PAY LATER AvairYourself of Our Revolving Charge Account - Come In And Get Full Details of the' REVOLVING CREDIT PLAN 3 WAYS TO BUY • REVOLVING CREDIT • LAYAWAY • CASH • No Interest • No Carrying Charges We Welcome Your Credit -Traiammemlitiaisimmairsmommummommsommiww• Victoria. Street Phone HU 2-9711 Clinton -- Ontario 24 tfb- Summerhill Ladies Stage Meeting At Home of Mrs. George Wright NE\t/S of MIDDLETON Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative - Phones - Bus„ HU 2-6606 - Res., HU 2-3869 AQUAMARINE LOTION DEODORANT Reg. $2.50 'FOR VI.50 DOROTHY GRAY DRY SKIN LOTION Reg. .$2.50 FOR $1.23 WI LDROOT CREAM OIL Reg. 73c FOR 63c WOODBURY SHAMPOO , , Reg. $1.10 69c Specials, Jan. 19-24 HINDS H and A CREAM Reg. 65e 2 for 980 HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO Reg. $1.25 - 98c NOXEMA Giant 10 oz. - $1.25 MILK OF MAGNESIA 16 oz. - 29c 32 oz. - 49c VICKS VAPORUB Free cough drops with $1.09 size VICKS MEDIMIST With Pocket Kleenex 98c GLEEM TOOTH PASTE With Nail Brush 63c REVLON. AQAMARINE Lotion Reg. $2.00 - $1.25 LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO Reg. 98c - 73c NOXEMA LATHER BOMB Reg. 89c - 74c B. PENNEBAKER DRUG GIST HUnter 2-6626