HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-15, Page 6PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Paster Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, January 16- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, January 18 -- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Warship 7.30 p.m,-Gash Service Tuesday, January 20- 8.00 p,rn.-rtegular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special VVelcotne Awaits You ANGLICAN CHURCH Of CANADA St, Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDtR., Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist 1.6.1100* Second Sunday After Epiphany 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 4.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer . (13y A. S. Bolton, Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Fifty-five Huron County Junior Farmers and Junior Institute me- mbers attended the Annual Jun- ior Farmers Conference at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Sat- urday, January 10. Several Pro- vincial Competitions were held at this convention and Huron Coun- ty was represented in all of the Competitions. One of the most keenly contested competition was the Provincial Public Speaking Competition with 27 entries. Miss Sandra Doig RR 1, Dublin, rep- resented Huron County in this competition and was selected as one of the five top speakers in the competition. Each of the five winners received a silver tray from the Junior Farmers Associa- tion of Ontario and a desk set donated by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd, The topic of Sandra's ten minute address was "Tact", Muriel Gowdy, Ruth Proctor, Ted Dunn and Peter Newans represented Huron County in the Mixed Quartet Competition. They placed second in competition with eight other quartets and will re- ceive $20 prize money. In the La- dies Trio Competition the Huron County entry of Doris Johnston, Carol Pepper and Catherine Wel- sh stood third in a competition with ten entries and will receive $10 prize money. In the Male Local Girl's Husband Now Flight Lieut. Air Force Headquarters has re- cently announced the promotion of Flying Officer J. D. Carroll, Regina, Sask., to the rank of Flight. Lieutenant. Flight Lieut- enant Carroll is presently station- ed at RCAF Station Summerside, Prince Edward Island, where he is employed as a ground and air electronics instructor. Flight Lieutenant Cerro' enlis- ted in the RCAF in March 1951 and received his training as a radio officer at Air Radio Officers' School in Clinton, Ontario. He graduated, receiving his wings, in early 1952 and was transferred to Air Navigation School as a staff radio officer. In May 1953, after further train- ing "Denny" was transferred to 405 Squadron at Greenwood, Nova Scotia, where he served until his transfer to Summerside as an in- structor. Flight Lieutenant Carroll is married to the former Barbara Louise Steep, Clinton, and at pres- ent they reside in RCAF Station Summerside, married quarters. They have a daughter Shirley Lynn, 5. OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL-- From Our Store Only- Old Fashioned Cake Do Nuts Reg. 49c doz., for 43c ,ee//'•/./6.' A VARIETY OF . . CAKES - COOKIES - PASTRIES For Those Healthy Appetites Sandwiches Taste Better Made with BARTLIFFS ENRICHED BREAD Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Bakery and Restaurant CLINTON HU 2.9727 seee-ee-e-S-4-4-e-e-esee-4-0-444-4-.4+++++++444-e-e.+4-4-4.e.e.4.444,esses_spe 1PAGE SIX CLINTQIY NEW$-RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 1.5t 190 1PAGE SIX CLINTQIY NEW$-RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 1.5t 190 Ontario St, WMS Elects New President, Mrs. W. B. Olde Succeeds Mrs. Holmes tion of assessment on farms cross- ed by pipelines, The farmers feel that there is a definite depreca- tion of sale value when a farm is crossed by a pipeline, Perhaps not so much from the actual loss suf- fered, as by the permanent nuis- ance of having their farms acces- sible at all times to the employees of the company. Arthur Bolton outlined the lo- cations and times for meetings for brucellosis information to be held throughout the county during the first two weeks in February. He pointed out that this disease is dangerous to health and causes considerable loss to live stock in the county. The Department of Agriculture is depending on the township unit of the Federation to assist in the publicity and take responsibility for having all cat- tle owners sign for or against the test and slaughter program. The very well attended meeting was presided over by president Winston Shapton, Exeter. Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) Meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m..-Wednesday- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Sunday, January 11 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "The Church, His Purchased Possession" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service "Deterioration Unnoticed" Wed., 8 p,m.-Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to tnese services, BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Joseph Strut GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Federation Sees Increased Interest In Leadership Course; Selects Two Ladies Personals Joe Weir, Dunnville, spent Tues- day with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Welsh. Mrs, Robert Williamson, Lonc1- 0, was the weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, James Livermore were Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Smitherclorf, Es- sex, and Mrs. Eric Cote, Delhi, Miss Eleanor Plumsteel has re- turned to her teaching duties aft- er having the misfortune of fall- ing on the icy sidewalk fractur- ing some ribs. E, S. Livermore, Q.C. and Mrs. Livermore, London; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green, Exeter were New Year's visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, James Liver- more, King Street. Elwin Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter, and Miss Shirley G. Sutter, Preston visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Dunn, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. R. P. Robbins and family, Richmond Hill, Mrs, Leonard Theedom (nee Is- abel Colquhoun) is at RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, taking a five weeks course. On its completion she will return to RCAF Station Parent, where her husband is stationed, Harry Crich Again Master of LOL 710 At the last meeting of Murphy Loyal Orange Lodge No. 710, Har- ry Crich started his third year as master of the lodge, with oth- er officers as follows; Deputy master, John Hender- son; chaplain, Alex McMichael; secretary, Thomas Deeves; treas- urer, Henry Sloman; marshal, Wilfred Glazier; lecturers, Clayt- on Hodgins and Ross Millar; com- mitteemen, Harold Crittenden, Garnet Cornish, Frank Andrews, Melvin Crich and Norman Liver- more; tyler, Charles Cooper; sen- tinel, William Cook; past master, Mervyn Falconer; auditors, Nor- man Sly and Melvin Crich. An invitation was received from South Perth, to celebrate the bat- tle of the Boyne in St. Marys on Saturday, July 11, and it was ac- cepted. 0 CLINTON WI WILL MEET ON JANUARY 22 The Clinton Women's Institute will meet in the Agricultural Of- fice Board Room on Thursday, January 22 at 2.30 p.m. Roll call will be "Where I Would Like To Go On A Bus Trip". The topic will be Citizenship and Educa- tion. Conveners are Mrs. H. Snell, Mrs. J. Batkins and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. In charge of the program are Mrs. J. Johnston, convener; Mrs. Ernest Epps, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Wes Hoggart. Hostesses are Mrs, Gordon Cudmore, Mrs. James McBride, Mrs, W. Trewartha and Mrs. Lucas. THE GOSPEL HOUR from CHLO St. Thomas 680 k.c. Thursday Evenings From 9 to 10 o'clock (Cetral Baptist, London 2-3-p 0•131.0110,1111Mia The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario Street United Ch- urch met Tuesday afternoon in the church parlour. Mrs, W.s.M. Aiken was in the chair for the first part of the meeting. Devotions were taken by Mrs. A, J. McMurray. Script- ire reading was from Psalm 121, and the theme of her talk was "Crossing the Threshold of the New Year," Annual reports were read and accepted. Mrs, Aiken then extended a wel- come to the no wpresident, Mrs. • New President Of Wesley-Willis WA Takes Up Position The January meeting of the Wesley-Willis United Church Wo- men's Association was held in the church parlor with a good attend- ance and Mrs. M. Nediger, the new president, in the chair, The meet- ing opened with a prayer for the new year. Mrs. W. Nott read the Scrip- ture Lesson. Mrs. George Beattie took the thoughts on the lesson and Mrs. McCall led in prayer. The Lord's Prayer was then re- peated in unison. Minutes were read. The treasurer's report show- ed a substantial balance. Plans were made for the turkey supper for the annual meeting. Mrs. F. Fingland read a note on Racial Discrimination. Inter- esting and encouraging reports were given by various secretaries Good humor and the relaxation of a friendly game of cards are the recipe for longevity of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Charles Stoltz, who celebrated their 60th wed- ding anniversary Sunday, January 11. Residents of Auburn district since their marriage, the couple farmed before retiring to the village 11, years ago. Both are natives of New Dundee, in Wat- erloo County. Mrs. Stoltz is the former Margaret Ellen Garland, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Garland, and her hus- band is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoltz, The couple still recall their wedding trip by horse and buggy over icy roads to their farm home between Blyth and Auburn. The trip took two half days, one night being spent with friends at Seb- ringville. Mr. Stoltz remarked that the horse did better than seven miles per hour even though they en- countered plenty of snow around Seaforth. When they arrived in Auburn district they stayed with cousins, the late Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson for a few days. They farmed successfully. Mr. Stoltz was a breeder of registered Short- horn cattle and had a wonderful apple orhcard. 12 years ago they sold, their farm and retired, mov- ing into their present home about Brock Olde and the new first vice- president, Mrs.' Stewart Schoen- hals. Mrs, Olde took the chair at this time, A vote of appreciation was ex- tended to Mrs. W. S. 13., .1-101mes the retiring president. The secretary, Mrs. F. Towns- end gave the secretary's report. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. J, B. Levis, and also the expense fund report by Mrs, Lev- is. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Melvin Crich. All other re- ports were given by the conveners of the committees. Roll call was answered with a New Year's thought and paying of fees. Mrs, Bruce Cann sang two solos which were much enjoyed by ev- eryone. Miss E. Plumsteel was ac- companist on the piano. Mrs, Ray Fear gave the Christian Citizen- ship talk. The Study Book was ably taken by Miss E, Wiltse and Miss S. Courtice. The study was on "Trinidad". The meeting clos- ed with prayer by Mrs. W. B. Olde and the Mizpah benediction. of last year's work, and plans were made for next year. A committee made up of the president, Mrs. Nediger and Mrs. George Beattie was formed to meet with other committees of the other organizations of the church to discuss plans for remodelling the basement of the church. Roll call was taken and the fees were paid. Meeting closed by singing "Oh for a thousand tongues to sing" and the Mizpah benediction, A social hour was spent with Mrs. Harold Adams group in charge, 11 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Stoltz are both valued members of Knox Presby- terian Church where he has been a member of the Session for over 30 years, also a trustee, and on the Board of Managers for many years and treasurer of the Central Committee. Mrs. Stoltz is a Life Member of the WMS, a member of the Ladies Aid, the Women's In- stitute and the local Horticulture Society. They have one son, El- don, Guelph, and one daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, Wingham, and three grandsons, George Daw- son, Dungannon, Donald and Doug- las Stoltz, Guelph. One daughter, Edith, passed away 18 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Stoltz attended Divine Worship last Sunday at Knox Presbyterian Church. Fol- lowing the service, the Rev. D. J. Lane called the celebrants forward and Mr. Duncan MacKay read an address of congratulations and Rev. Lane presented a large beaut- iful Bible to them from the cong- regation. Mr, and Mrs. Stoltz both thanked those assembled and invited all to their home for the reception. The home was beautifully dec- orated with baskets of red roses and white 'mums when they re- ceived their guests. Mrs. Stoltz wore a lovely black dress with satin trim and a beautiful white orchid corsage. Guests were welcomed by Eldon Stoltz, who also was in charge of the guest book. The lovely tea table covered with a lace cloth, was centred with a large decorated anniversary cake, flanked on both ends by crystal bud vases contain- ing red rose buds. • Tea was pour- ed from a silver tea service by Mrs. William T. Robison and Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Those serving the many guests were Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, Mrs. Eldon Stoltz, Miss Karen Dawson, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Mrs. Kalmer Dawson, Mrs. Sam Daer and Mrs. John Graham. Mrs, Ed. Davies also assisted. Friends were present from Hamilton, Burling- ton, Galt, Kitchener, New Dun- dee, Bluevale, Wingham, Clinton, Goderich and surrounding district. Congratulatory messages were received from Queen Elizabeth II, theProvince of Ontario, the two local members of Parliament, and a telegram from Mrs. Stoltz's brother, Norman Garland, Swan River, Manitoba. Mrs. Stoltz's sister Edith Castle, Ayr, was able to come to the celebration. Many beautiful gifts and cards were received from the neighbours, friends and relatives, to help meek this wonderful occasion which very few are able to celebrate, Both Mr. and Mrs. Stoltz enjoy good health despite their advanced ages and take a keen interest in church and community affairs. 0 St. Andrew's Girls Begin New Year The regular monthly meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held with the president, Miss Anne Radley, presiding. Mrs. G. Sutcliffe read the Scrip- ture and Miss Mabel Harvey lead in prayer, Minutes Of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. R. Morgan, and the treasurer's report and annual report for 1958 were given by Mrs. Fe Match. The Study Book was taken by Miss Radley , The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. R, Macaulay, con- vener of the Social committee and plans were Made for a Velentirie Tea and Bazaar to be held in the basement of the church on Satur- day, February 14, Hostesses were Miss Radle3t, Mrs, Morgan and Miss Winhie araY, CONSERVATION Ct,UP :Rg-El-EOTS MRS. L. FOFMST Mrs. L. Forest was re-elected president of the Ladies Comer.. vetioe Club for a second term. A very suceesful year was re- fleeted in the financial report. Other officers included; '.first vice-president, Mrs. P. MacDonald second vice-president, Mrs, C, ermore; secretary, Mrs, R. Elliott, re-elected; treasurer, Mrs, A. Mat- thews, re-elected; membership. Mrs. R. Fret-nitre flowers, 'Mrs, H.. Glazier; .committee members, Mrs, S. Taylor, Mrs. H. Fairserviee and Mrs, C. Livermore; press, Mrs. R, Carter. GOSHEN LINE The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Goshen United Church held the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Melvin Elliott with worship was taken from the Miss- ionary Monthly, with Mrs. Bruce Keys presiding, Scripture read- ings by Mrs. Floyd Armstrong. The business was conducted by Mrs. Elmer Hayter. Mrs. Clare McBride read the minutes of the December meeting. Cards were received from Mrs, A. Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Erratt and Mrs. Margaret Erratt; also a letter from Miss Anne Davison concerning the use of old nylons. Two ladies of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Robert McKinley and Mrs. John Robinson were voted to be- come life memebrs. Eighteen calls to shut ins were reported. Mrs. Robinson gave the treasurer's re- port and Mrs. Elgin McKinley gave a good report on our Birthday Fund. An invitation to meet with the Varna ladies was accepted for World Da yof Prayer, Mrs. F. Armstrong reported for the Baby Band and Mrs. Roebrt Peck for the Mission Band. Study period was as a panel discussion with Mrs. B. Keys, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. William Hayter and Mrs. Arnold Keys as panelists. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. William Hayter and the singing of: "Abide with Me", with Mrs. R. Erratt at the piano. Mrs. Bruce Keys has been sup- ply teaching this past week at the Front Road School (SS 3); Mrs. Marie Beatty has been sick since school closed at Christmas. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Robert•Robinson is a pat- ient at the Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall. She is expec- ted to be there till March, Miss Linda Joanne Armstrong, Bronson Line, spent the weekend with Jacqueline Peck. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLOTTON Sunday, January 18 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Warship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service. Guest speaker, Mr. John Rae, Lon- don. Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study ALL WELCOME TO OUR SERVICE ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 18 9,45 a.m.-Church School meets for study 10,45 a.m. Divine Worship Subject of Meditation: ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister Sunday, January 18 10.00 a.m.-Service in English Sunday School after Service 2.30 p,m.-Service in Dutch Bible School-1.30 p.m., Saturday Afternoon. Everyone Welcome ntleMep.tetiiirs 4initeb eburcb REV, J. A. McIellel, I3,A. MRS. M. R, RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNW. Choir 'Director Sunday, January 18 11.00 a.m,-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class HOLMESVILLE Idrs. Lloyd Bond, Organist 1,30 p.m.-Worship Service 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School Let us Use the Lord's Day to strengthen our itihristian Faith Legion Auxiliary Has Officers Installed by Zone Commander The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch 140, was held Monday, January 12 in the Legion Hall, Mrs, G. McCann, Fordwich, the new Zone Commander installed the 1959 officers: past president, Mrs. W. McAlpine; president, Mrs. C, Proctor; first vice-president, Mrs. Fred Truell; treasurer, Mrs. Vi Habgood; secretary, Mrs. Wil- liam Jervis; standard bearer, Mrs, H. E, Hartley; executive, Mrs, Douglas Andrews, Mrs. Herb Fairservice, Mrs. Alex Riley, Mrs. R. Dickson, Mrs. J. Graham. The auxiliary is catering to the Progressive Conservative banquet on January 23. The yearly reports were read and approved and new committees formed. The spring dance for March was discussed. A social half hour was enjoyed by all. Quartet Competition, Huron Coun- ty was represented by Larry Wh- eatley, Ken Campbell, Bill Camp- bell and George Turner. They tied for fifth position in competition with nine entries. The Huron County Junior Far- mer Choir took part in the An- nual Provincial Choir Festival. Although the choir festival is non competitive the Huron County choir received a very favourable adjudication from Dr. Leslie R. Bell and again this year the choir festival with five choirs represen- ting five counties in Ontario was quite successful. - 0 Ross Forest Chairman Tuckersmith School Area Trustee Board The Tuckersmith School Area Board held its inaugural meeting in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Mon- day, January 12. Clerk E. P. Chesney swore in the newly elect- ed trustee, Robert Gemmell and the re-elected trustees, R. J. For- rest and Cleave Coombs, Seaforth. Mr. Forrest was re-elected chair- man and Mr. Coombs, vice-chair- man. Management of school propert- ies was allocated as follows: R. 3. Forrest, RR 2, Kippen, School No. 1 and 2; C. Coombs, Seaforth. schools No. 4 and 7; John Pat- rick, RR 4, Seaforth, school No. 5; Clair Haney, Egmondville, school No. 8; R. Gemmell, RR 2, Kippen, schools No. 9 and 10. W. P. Roberts, RR 3, Seaforth, was re-appointed secretary-treas- urer. Employee accident and lia- bility insurance was renewed with John Cardno, Saforth. 0 Bill Parker Opens New Barber Shop in Exeter William Parker, who has just returned from a six months course at Toronto Barbers College, open- ed his barber shop in Exeter on Monday, January 12. At College, Mr. Parker achieved honours in theory, and has passed his pract- ical examinations, though he does not yet know how well he stood in that part of the course. For, the present he will commute each day from his home here, to Ex- eter. Prior to taking up barbering as a career, Mr. Parker was assoc- iated with his brothers Wilfred and John in the Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd. enterprise. ST. ANDREW'S WMS TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Shaddick on Tuesday, January 20 at 2.30 p.m, The News-Record Sells Counter Check Books Church Directory • CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 11.00 a.m.-"These Are Urgent Questions" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School Thursday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's and Prayer Meeting. A Cordial Welcome to Ali .A leadership training program being held by he community pro- grams branch of the Department of Education at Pridham Gard- ens, Vineland, seems to be gain- ing in popularity. For the past, two years, it was with difficulty that Huron Federation of Agri culture managed to get two dele- gates to attend the course. How- ever, this year, there seems to be several willing to take advant- age of this specialized training. It has been found necessary for the Huron Federation to convene a selection committee of repre- sentatives of the district Women's Institutes, Junior Farmers, coop- eratives, farm forums, and county agriculture representatives, to eel- ect Huron County representatives for this year. The suggestions of the Federation are Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor, Tuckersmith and Mrs. Frank Yeo, Goderich Township. Huron County Federation is sorry but they feel unable to con- tinue with the $5 grants to those attending the OAC short courses. However this grant was given to encourage farm young people to learn more of the OAC, and since the Department of Agriculture is doing a wonderful job with their 4-H courses, large numbers of boys are attending the OAC short course and the 'Federation feels that encouragement from them is no longer vital. In the brief report to the exec- utive meeting here Tuesday. Carl Hemingway, zone director for the poultry producers noted that coun- ty meetings Will be held shortly for the township poultry producer directors. They will be given an outline of the campaign to get the approval of the poultry pro- ducers on the promotion program that has been under discussion for some time. The secretary-fieldman attend- ed a court of revision presided ov- er by Judge Laing in Hibbert Township, to consider the reduc- ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Paster-J-REV, GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 axe-Sunday School 11.00 a.m..-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Chapel Service 'T'URNER'S CHURCH 2,00 p.m,-Worship Service 3.00 p.m.---Stindaiy Sthaol 8.30 p.M.-Y.,13.1./. WINTER SHIRTS Regular and heavy weights SWEATERS GLOVES - SOCKS Auburn Couple Celebrates Sixtieth Wedding; Congratulations Received (By our Auburn correspondent) Junior Farmers Do Well at Toronto Inter-Club Competitions on Weekend