HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-08, Page 9PHILIPS -•STYL: TELEVISION 'BUY NOW AND SAVE ,Come in and , See our New Models 'PRICESAANGING 'FROM $199.00 UP Nadia:T.V..,..Service CLINTON --,Phone HU 2-7021 7133.14SDAY, JAM_ Y , 1950 RIR hlhl t 4 LIAA grr Professionally -Approved REMEDIES VITAMINS For Vim - Vigour &(It and Good . Health / take' ' Super Plenamins for Adults & Children 36's .„ ..... $ 2.79 72's ..... $ 4.95 144's $ 7.95 288's $13,95 MODONICONBMMINKIN WHAT PURINA STEER FATENA IS: Purina Steer Fatena is a combination of pro- teins at a 32% level, built to supplement pas- . Lure, roughages, and grain feeding. It is made in both meal and 1/2 -inch checker form, W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. It Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-95 1 1 - CLINTON FEED PURINA STEER' FATENA: You logically sell your grain through your cattle when you see prospect of its bringing you most that way. Just as logically you feed Steer Fatena with your grain-because Steer Fatena helps bring more money. Grain alone lacks balance between carbohydrates, pro- tiens, vitamins, and minerals. Steer Fatena helps sup- ply this balance, and makes the grain and roughage more palatable. Thus more gains result from the same amount of feed and cost goes down, It isn't how much you can get for a dollar; but how much gain and finish! Cattle at the Purina Research Farm fed corn and hay, both with and with- out supplements, for 247 days, proved the above statements. And here are results of a wide survey of a wide survey of Steer Fatena-fed cattle: Average feeding period, 197 days; average daily gain, 2,16 lbs.; average feed per 100 lbs. gain, 75.5 lbs. Steer Fatena, 588 lbs. grain (plus hay or rough- age)„ WHY PURINA STEER PATENA 2-96.5 3 S W 'II UM - CIPTIVIN NEWERIECORD TOPCOATS SUBURBANS CAR COATS HU 24351 • Mr-and Mrs .Tlembly were London visitors last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Davies visited On the holiday With Mr. and Mrs. C, • Eastla and . other relatives in Londoirand Belmont. Mr, ,and Mrs. Donald .Haines, and-'Etitlie,.. Visited last week with her parents,, Mr. and. Mrs. • William Rathbun, Tcliusborg, Mrs, Fred Plaetzer returned laSt • weekend after a Visit ,in 1.,ticitnovr with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Johnston • and Milton Plunkett at Toronto, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Stoltz, who will celebrate the 60th anniversary of their wed- ding day next Sunday, January 11„ Mr, and Mrs, .Maitland Allen re- turned from Flint, Mich,, last Sat- urday, where they spent the holi- day -Season with her sister, Mrs. William Coates and Mr. Coates, Dance Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toll with their faintly, Mr, and lVirs,„At en.- neth .-MeDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Toll and Mr. and Mrs, .Hugh McCrostie entertained their friends last Tuesday evening in the Blyth Memorial Hall.. Music for dancing was supplied by. Al- lam Orchestra of .Kirkton. A de- licious lonch was served to the many guests. Mrs, .Stanley Johnston visited last Saturday with, .Mrs, Les John- ston. Blyth, Miss Margaret Craig, Eluevale,. visited with -Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Craig last week, Miss. Ruth Andrews, London and Miss Marie Andrews, Hamilton, spent the New Year's hOliday with. their„,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warn- er Andrews. and-faniiiy,, SS 0 - Annual The annual school meeting of US$ 5, Hallett, was held last -week in the school room with a fair at-'. tendance. Matirtce 'Bean • was ap- .pointed chairman for the' evening,, Secretary-treasurer Frank RaitltV gave. hiS reports. William ,1YloW was appointed the new trustee,. re- Placing' Robert Turner whose term had expired. - Other trustees. are: J. Keith -Arthur, chairman and Mrs. Ted East. Young. .Peoples The YOung People's Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met, in the Sabbath School of the ch- urch with a good -attendance. Ed- gar Leatherland. the -president was in .charge.With Shirley Brown at the. piano. .Serip ,tune was read by Gordon Daer. Minutes were read by - Helen Youngblut, who, also called the ccirrosP9nden0 4arnes 4tIrling Phone HV .,?-9537 • Alvin Jones .spent a few days with his friend, Bruce Bottles, Mr. Wi.11W Switzer, Kitchener, Vent .4 feW days, with Ins parents, Mr and Mrs. Earl Switzer, Mrs. Perothy Reinke, liana ton, spent a few days. last week with Mr..' and Mrs. john Torrance.. Miss Jane Mary Snell, R.N. of Toronto, spent a few days last week' with her sister Mrs. Alvin Dettles. Mr, and trs.. 3, Torrance and family and Miss Kate Williams. roll.‘Qffering was Teethed by Gor- don -Deer who also gave the trea- surer,:s report. Rev, 13, J. Lane spoke on' the first three Shorter Catechisms and gaVe their meaning. He also told the life story' of Philip Brooks 'who wrote the song "0 Little Town of Bethlehem". The Young People were divided into groups and contests were enjoyed per- taining to the Christmas Story. 4-H Final Meeting . The seventh meeting Of the Au- burn Appetizers 4-H Club met last Friday evening at the home of the leader, Mrs: ,Ed. Davies at 7.30, o'clock, The president, Marilyn Daer opened the meeting with the' 4-H pledge, Minutes were read by the secre- tary, Marie Leatherland. Final ar- rangements were made for the Achievement Day in Blyth on Feb- ruary 7. Several of the girls made and demonstrated how to cut ging- er cookies. Next Saturday, aJnuary 10, the club girls. will visit the Howson & Howson flour mill at Blyth to see the process that wheat is put through to make it into flour. All record books must be finished by that day and handed to the lead- ers. Lunch was served by Mrs. Dav- ies, assisted by Mrs. Audrey Me- ehan and ginger snaps, cheese and tea were enjoyed. Eileen Schneid- er was chosen to make the com- ments On the exhibit "Wheat and its products" at Achievement Day. Walkerburn Members of the' Walkerburn Club entertained their husbands and families last week in the Or- ange Hall with a large attend- ance. Mrs. George Schneider,. pre- sident,. was in charge with .,Miss Margaret A. Jackson at the piano for the singing of the carols. Recitations were giVen by 'Ka- thy Schneider, Jimmy McDougall, Douglas Archambault and Billy Lapp. Duets were sung by Gerry Deuzer and Joan McDougall; Nan- cy Lapp and Brenda Archam- bault; Wendy and Cathy Schnei- der; highland 'fling dance by Ruth and Eileen Schneider; trio sung by Douglas Archambault, Billy Lapp and Bobby Schneider. Three girls sang and did the "Hula Dance Song". A humorous skit, "In the Bar- bershop" was given by Ted Hunk- ing, Lorne Hunking, Leonard Ar- chambault, Jim McDougall and Joe Hunking. Crokinole and cards were enjoyed. Gifts were exchanged by the club sisters who also bought for their. husbands. Bags of candy and treats were given to the child- ren, A beautiful quilt mad‘by the club members on which tickets had been sold was won by Charl- es Asquith. Wilmer Errington drew the ticket. Proceeds will be &mated to the cemetery boards of Ball's and Hope Chapel. A der- icious lunch was served. a GODERICH PAVILION EVERY • VEDNESDAY at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club for Welfare Admission: $1.00 NO BINGO -DECEMBER 24th 'or 31st ..RESUME JANUARY 7 tfb 041441.41440~~4100.0*~NIVOINV44 spent New -Year's with Mr and. rs, Ed, Wilhainsi „Goderich. Jimmy Stewart, Montreal, who has been spending his holidays with ,his parents, Mr, and ,Mrs, Clifford Stewart, Stanley Town.,'-ship, visited one day with Mr, and Mrs. ..Grant Stirling, Cully School,. SS 8; ..Gederich Township, held its annualmeet-. ing on Wednesday, December "You mean to say R ! Ziamday may send backache away:'', Sounds good! Logical, tool. You seeliencirmal job of .the kidneys is to remote mxcess waste; and acids so often the cause of backache-from the system, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the fridneyri in this function and so may bring you that welcome relief from backache they have "' h many others. Try just 3-a-clay, You can depend oniDodd's in the blue box with the red band. 64 wires,How -We lioutifo Your `PRESCRIPTION to Serve You ..BETTEReijiliSTER There are no annoying long waits when you have a prescrip.-tion filled at our store, because Pharmacy is our profession and we are always, ready, willing and able to serve you with all the speed made possible by professional skill, complete stocks of .the finest quality drugs, and a fully equipped pre-scription laboratory. YOUR PRESCRIPTION reecives our individual atten- tion. We dispence with painstaking care, tpye the doctors directions on the label and them double- check each step to make accuracy doubly sure. Clinton Farm Supply C. Nelson, Prop. HU 2-9613 CLIKTON c.erranendontt- MRS. -BRA NPOlic -Phone*.plyth 43-r-14 PAGE NINX it has been closed for several 'years! but they ..may. have to re* open it as there are 3.7 children in the section now, Trastees had transporting them to-SS 4, Stanley West, Fraser Stirling who has acted as trustee for yeaM has resigned for somebody else to take their turn, Merrill Swit4er was appointed trustee for the next three years, .THE WOMAN WHO MARRIED A MAN TI/AT HAS MONEY TO auRAP,UsUAL4LY MAke.SA0000 AfArai ././? Solids, Tweeds, etc., Everything You Want! Comfort and Warmth Combined-See Theni! Quilted or Orlon Pile Lined SMART SPORT SHIRTS All Corors and Styles - Reg. to $7.95 SALE SPECIAL The-entire. balance of our Sportcoat Stock Men's -Felt Hats (all sizes) $2.95 Men's Plaid Work Shirts $1.95 Men's Dress Socks (Reg. to $2) 85c pr. Men's Gindmere Sweaters Reg. $7.95 to $9.95 Sale Price $5.95 41111111111111116, EXTRA PANTS FREE ON Hobberlin Made-To-Measure Suits JANUARY SALE Shop/early for exceptional men's wear values . All Herman's - regular high quality lines at genuine savings ' on SUITS, COATS, ETC, All Sizes and Styles From Our 'Regular Stock Reg. to ON $44.95 Reg. to ON 39.50 $69.50 SALE $55.00 SALE - BOY'S CAR COATS & SUBURBANS (with hoods) Reg. $1 1.95 to $16.95 SALE PRICE Sizes 14 - 16 --18 yrs. 'WA and $11.95- FANCY DRESS SHIRTS by -Forsytkincluding a large group of NOIRON SHIRTS STRIPES -- CHECKS -- PLAINS -- WHITE Reg. to $7.50 SALE PRICE $2.95"and $3.95 FINE READY-TO-WEAR MEN'S SUITS .. z Starts Thursday, January 8 $15 $24.95 1 95 to Men's Jackets . Sizes 38-40 -Full 35" Length ' Quilted Lined • Reg. $24.95 SALE PRICE $9.95 PRICED AS LOW AS $10.95 $3.95 and $4.95 WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR OTHER SPECIALS -- No Exchange -- No Refunds -- Terms Strictly Cash, - CLINTON Twp. South •B IN O Vglumwmplp erer.Nmeri peenoessionnonommoilmin.mmurognowomemi HERMAN'S MEN'S OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 11111111101111111111