HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-08, Page 8TON ZAWS-RECORA P.4c44 =HT
ews e on es oro L
Cekreapendent MR% OVAT
rboao Illy* $7 r 5
Nil. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schickluna,
Gail and Marilyn, and Gordon
Gosling, ail of Lindsay, were with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mrs.
Sehiekluna spent the week with
her brother's family and Fay
Gaunt spent the week with the
cousins at Lindsay, rethrning
borne en Saturday.
450-fortners Attend.
OAC :Short Course .
The James WICCOOls visited with
Lena Crawford;
Mrs. Eleanor Throop is show-
ing a marked improvement.
Mrs, Margaret Crich .and family
Visited with, Ted Vothergills. •
Mrs. William Addison visited
with her son George, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howatt
and .,son were with the Wilmer
liovvatts. •
Mrs, Mary Crawford spent New
Year's with her daughter's • family
in Kitchener,.
Miss Maxine Bunking-returned
to Strathroy after a weeks holi-
dos at her home,
M. Jennie Lyon, who has been
Under the doctor's care, is
ing, but still bedfast,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Toni Allen and
• family spent New YeaPs 'with. the
Cliff Aliens, Fullerton,
Mr. and Mrs, Eric Allen (nee
Irene Fothergill) visited with the
I Ted 'Fothergills last week.-
Miss Mary Dymond, University.
• of TorOnto, spent k the weekend
with her friend,- June 'Manning., -
1Yfre,. Euddtck, Fred Johnston
and „David Ewan, were with
and Mrs. John Scott for New
Mr. and Mrs:: Mac Hodgert and
- family, Thames Road, visited with
and Mrs. Jim Howatt and
family. -
Elgin Josling. had the. misfor-
tune to•. lose a vry valuable horse.
• last week, which will be hard to.
replace, • .
Lois,.Linda and Patricia Moore,
'Ooderich„ spent a couple of days
witli'4:heir grandparents, the Har-
vey Hunkings. -
Mr. .and • Mrs, William Moore
and family, Mr. and ..11Cirs, Gerald
Bunking,- visited with -Mr. and
Mxs Harvey Bunking.
• 1V1i..and Mrs. William Wells-And
Douglas; Mr. and Mrs Alex Wells
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert • Allen,
spent -New Year's • with ,Mrs; .Ro-
bert - Youngblut,
The ReVi and .Mrs. Brenton and
- Woodstock; .Mr.,- and Mrs.
William Manning :and June, spent
New' .Year's with.' Mr. and Mrs,
Harry- Lear, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton.
called on friends in the village on.
Farm Leaders Discuis 'Co.operatives
Officials in district Co-operatives attended' a conference in marketing and co-
operation, held by the agricultural economics department at OAC, Guelph, during the
past week,' Above Prof. W. D. Hopper (left) of that department; is in discussion with
.1, Carl Remingway, Brussels, the secretary4ieldnvn of the' Huron. County Federation
of Agriculture; W. H. McWhinney, Poet Albert,:secretaryof the Ashfield Federation of
Agriculture and Frank Yeo, RR 3, Clinton, the president of the Goderich Township Fed-
eration, (Dept. of P.R., OAC)
Approximately 00 Ontario Far-
mers from all parts of the province
varying in age from 16 to 70, at-
tended the Annual Winter Short
Course at the Ontario AgriC,Ultnr-;'
al College last week- They took
advantage of this annual oportun-
ity to learn the latest methods of
modern Agriculture, and , became
acqUaintecl with the faculty and
facilities of their College, Among
them were Frank Yeo, RR 3, Clin-
ton, president of Goderich Town-
ship Federation of Agriculture
and J, Carl, Heiningwayt Brussels,
Huron County Federation Field-
The courses included informa-
tion on the feeding and nutrition
of the various classes of livestock,
a course in soils and land use, and
agricultural mechanics, which in-
cludes farm shop, farm buildings
and rural electrification, and trac-
tor and farm machinery. A new
and popular course was held this
year at the. Dairy Dept., in Qual-
,ity Milk Production.
There was a course in Animal
Health, given by the Ontario Vet-
erinary College for Junior Farm-
ers, and a course for 4-H Leaders,
sponsored by the Extension Bran-
ch of the Ontario Department of
At the same time, a conference
in marketing and co-operation is
being held by the College Agricul-
tural Economics Dept, attended by
directors of co-operatives, Federa-
tion of Agriculture, and represen.:
tatives of various, commodity
More Participation in Farm Forums :4.
Required To Gain True Farm. Opinions
USA meetings state that Produc-
er Marketing' such as carried on
by 'the Ontario Hog Producers
may' well be the salvation of the
family farm. Perhaps you could
keep this in mind while studying
the farm forum programs.
As mentioned in previous artic-
les a brucellosis information cam-
paign will be conductedeshortly,
There will be meeting Within'
easy reach 'of you, •'This.-ls an irry
portant 'factor in the health, of
your family as well •as a means
of reducing lossea' in livestock. ,We
hope all of you will come out and
get all the information.
(By J. Carl ileiningway)
ident of the Ontario Hog Produc-
ers Association was invited to
speak at 'several meetings 'of Ag-
ricultural Producers in the United
States. There, vertical' integrat-
ion of broiler industry is complete
and is expanding in the produc-
tion of hogs quite rapidly.
It is interesting to see that
news reports coming from these
- -
„';Use thei Petroleum Products that will 'see you safely
.AND ecanamically through winter—CITIES SERVICE '
•'y OW OIL—the perfect combination,
for mastelefficient operation.
By the time you read this the
first Farm Forum program on
Vertical Integration will be over.
I sincerely hope a large number
of you attended your forum and
reported your findings, These
findings are important.
The National office reports a
great number of requests for the
findings of the Forums on the
tppic "Performance or Personal-
ity." These requests are coming
from, Fair Boards, Agricultural
Colleges, and Breeders. It isn't
enough that information gets out
to you; we must get your ideas
back if anything is to be done.
If you didn't attend Farm For-
um, and remember you have two
chances in this area, radio Mon-
day night at 8.30 and CKNX- TV,
Tuesday night at 9.30, there will
be the second in this series this
coming week and the final the
following week.
Most of you have probably
heard that Charles McInnis, pres-
Cantelon's Service Station The News.Re'cord
Sells Counter
Check Books
Corner Mary and • King Streets
Phone HU 2-9032 Westinghouse
Automatk Washer
triitat' Vannit2eZMAOMIMMIMMAUMEIMEffiw
Set Flexible Control Dial
and forget it . . you "can
do your whole wash auto-
matically, or tise the dial to
skip or repeat parts of. the
washing cycle.. Weigh-To-
Save Door saves up to ten
gallons of water with every
load . . . without re-using
dirty cold water. Slanting
front and shelf-like door
make loading and unloading,
• from a -standing position. .
„Plet'Avootteetete Aromoufeeemege
and., SEAFORD'
Telephone Customers
‘In the next issue of your Telephone Directory
you will find a new combined
Prices ranging from $289.00
Come In and Test Your Own TV and
Radio Tubes 'FREE:
Clinton Electric Shop
ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -
Plans Revealed
For Safeguarding.
Queen on Visit
When Queen Elizabeth comes
to Canada next year to open the
;St, Lawrence SekWaYv tine of the
most complicated security opera-
tions in history will swing into
Helen Cathcart, Royal Court
Correspondent, writes in the cur-
rent Liberty magazine, "Highly
trained RCMP officers will work
in co-operation with rhe select
-"Special Branch" detectives from
Scotland Yard who guard the
Royal Family continually from
'minor mishaps and crackpots of
all kinds."
While the Queen is in Canada,
Commander Evan Jones, Chief of
the Special Branch, will furnish a
top-secret dossier of assassination
precautions to her hosts.. Before,
the Queen takes up residence in a:
Canadian home, RCMP Will sear-
ch the premises for any possible'
hidden bombs. Royal planes will
be stripped before every passen-
ger flight; every; item will be
double checked before placing 'on
board and all cases of food and
packages will be, X-rayed. During
the Seaway ceremonies, all bord-
er crossing points'will be checked
by both Canadian and U.S. police.
Despite extreme precautions
`land vigilance on the part of . sec-
urity police, 'unexpected accidents
do sometimes occur. Such was
the case in Montreal some time
Ago when a section of stone cop-
ing crashed to, the pavement sec-
onds after the Queen had moved
away from under it. While the
.Queen was touring Colombo a
:nian dived between guards and
threw himself .under the car in
'which she was riding. "Security
men shudder at the thought of
such a man with a hand grenade,"
Miss Cathcart *writes.
Similarly, While the Queen was
viewing a tennis match at Wim-
bledon, a Woman raced across the
centre court to the Royal Box.
Luckily she did nothing more
than wave a banner which read,
"Make the Prime Minister,"
classified section listing all business concerns, pro-
fessions and services which are actually located in
the three communities.
Vor your conVenience the Yellow Pages listings
will be arranged alphabetically under appropriate
business and profe'ssional classifications.
ley using the Ye/low Pages you will save time
and trouble ►. . find "where to buy it" quickly
and easily.
All telephone users will appreciate the many
advantages of this handy shopping guide . . the
new combined Yellow Pao..
We Supply Hogs and Feed
Purchase Your Own Hogs and
We Will Pay For Them
Ca Us At Once
Grant €dighoffer
And His
Melody Masters
With Vocals by Jo Ann
III and OANCA 143
Canada Packers Limited
Phone HU 24301 or Nib 24815 Clinton Ontario
1 1 I 11 1 I1111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 a11111111111111WEE 11111'111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
(LINTON 4kiia, Phone
HU 2-6633
=i • Commencing
Friday; January 9'
There Will Be
Every Friday Night
At The
Old Forge Bayfield 10.00 1,30
Music By