HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-08, Page 5RATES No charge for anneUteeenants. Of 'Marrietgee and Deaths Articles for sale, Tent, VV.* C:144 -40411104. in. Memoriam, '.engagements, 3c It word. falaleoettn 'roe Box No. to this office 15c .Atepeat Ln eereiene 2c a word, minimum W. • CASK DISCOUNT: .1/2 g paid by Saturday lowing last insertion.. Eqlling charge of .10e added each time bill is sent. XeSteet Time fOr Insertions noon Wednesday Dial XIV 2.3448 NEWS,RECORD WANT FOR QUICK RESULTS NOTICE , AUTOMATIC SAW SHARPEN- ING. New location, Ontario Street, east of the Shell Service Station, on the Clinton and. Seaforth high- way. Wm. E. Jervis, 47-tfb Employment Wanted . CAPABLE LADY WOULD LIKE to do housework, 6 days a week, Phone HU 2-3283. • 1-p Fruit For Sale SPRAYED "APPLES: Spy, King, Snow, Sweets, Delicious, Greening, and good cider apples, Free de- livery in Clinton and RCAF Sta- tion. Phone HU 2-3214; Fred Mc- Clymont and Sons, Varna. 53-1-2-3-p Farm Equipment For Sale NOW IN STOCK! We now have for sale the McCulloch Chain Saw, Come in for a demonstration. Wells Auto Electric, Clinton. 1-2-3-b Help Wanted—Male OPENING FOR 1 SALESMAN. Duties to commence immediately. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, phone 1135. 53-1-2-3b WANTED: Reliable man as Deal- er in Huron County._ Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-169-163, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal. 1-b LARGE United States and Canad- ian Manufacturing Company requ- ires District Manager in Hullett and Goderich Townships. Except- ionally high earnings?Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile essen- tial. Agricultural or farming back- ground ' most important. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario. 51 to 5b Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counters Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 1p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings. and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take char= cos, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing.. W. N. Counter. 1p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired, Bruehes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. WATERLOO CATTLE ' BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton ZEnith 9-5650 If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number Clinton Minter 2-3441 For service or more information, call between: ' 1:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days 6:00 and 8.00 p.m. Sat. evenings For cows noticed in heat on Sun- day morning, do not call until Monday morning, The quality is high and the cost low. 53-tfb Pet Stock REGISTERED GERMAN Shep- herd dog (male), 51/2 months old, black and silver in color. Contact Viola 'R. Haines, RR 2, Blyth, or phone Blyth 53r13, 53-4-p Property For Sale 8 ROOM SOLID STONE HOUSE, hardwood floors new built-in cup- boards, 3-piece bath, water sof- tener, stocker furnace, house suit- able for apartments, set in lovely surroundings in town of Brussels, reasonably priced. Box 10, Clin- ton News-Record. 10-1-2-p REAL .ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTIESf farms and homes.- Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2.6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 49tfb REAL ESTATE IS OUR BUSI- NESS. Farms, residential, com- mercial, summer cottages. For de- pendable and capable service. Ilse your property 'with John Bosveld, Welesley Stkeet, Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: C. Buruma, Clint le n; J. McConnell, Sea- 1-tfb Salesman Wanted A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 45 FOR CLINTON AREA WE NEED a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings. We prefer someone be- tween 45 and 65...who can make auto trips for about a week at a time . . . 'and can call on small town industrial and rural prop- erty owners. • WORTH. $1.2,000.00 Our top men in other parts of the country draw exceptional earnings up to $12,000 in a year, This open- ing in the Clinton area is worth just as much to the right man. We take care of all deliveries and cal. lections. Pay earnings in advance. Write a confidential letter to L, le, SWALLOW, President, Southwestern Petroleum Co., P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, T6xas FUEL OIL ALEX 1NKLEY WHITE 'ROSE DEALER Phone HU 2.9311 Queen Street --- Clinton TOWN OF CLINTON Citizens are requested (in view of the present rabies situation), not to allow their dogs to run at large in the Town of Clinton. If dogs are not controlled, then Council will fake steps to enforce this request. BURTON A. STANLEY, Mayor Town of Clinton. January 7, 1959 The HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will meet in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on 'Tuesday, January 20th, 1959 at 2.00 p.m. communications, notices of deiutations and ac- counts must be in the hands of the Cleric not later' than noon, Saturday, January '17th, 1959c JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk, County of Huron. 1-2-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere ,fasosepe, 'auto K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012---Clinton Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. Government' Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk "TIMRSPAY 8' 1959 CLINTON NEWSRECOM) 'PAGE VIVJ .41 Clinton Public School requires ASSISTANT CARETAKER Duties commence Feb. 1, 1959. Apply stating qualifications and salary. Applications to be in by January 14, 1959. H. C. Lawson, Secretary-Treasurer 53-1-b BRUCE MARLATT t ear Accommodation For Rent FURNISHED 3-ROOM APART, .enent, private entrance, share bath. Merle Seaforth 42, 1-tfb, .SELF-CONTAINED, 3-room, pri vote bath, furnished and heated. Phone HU 2-9$90. 1-p 'VICE APARTMENT — Bedroom, kitchen-sitting room, bath; heated; .partly furnished or • furnished, -Suitable for one person or couple, Phone HU 2-7227. lb WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE, IN Seaforth. 3 bedrooms, all conven- iences, available January 10. For finthers information phone $8 .See- forth. 1-p ' TWO-ROOM UPSTAIRS furnish- •'ed apartment; frig, and laundry facilities. Available now, Apply in person, evenings or weekends to ,Mrs. Marion Seeley, Huron Street. 1-b Accommodation Wanted LADY WANTING BOARD FROM Friday evening to Sunday. Baby sitting considered. Apply Box 11, 'Clinton News-Record, SMALL. HOME OR UNFURN- . ished apartment for occupancy on ..9th of January for couple and small child. Phone HU 2-9923 or write Sgt. S. K. Allen, RCAF Clin- -ton. lsp . Articles For Sale USED TWO PIECE chesterfield, -wine shade in good condition. Ph- . one HU 2-7093. 1-b ''2 COLEMAN' SPACE HEATERS, large size. One has blower. Pipes with both. Jack Nielans, Phone 'HU 2-9635. 1-2-p 6 DUNCAN PHYFE, DROP LEAF ,extension table; six chairs (wal- 'nut), perfect condition, reasonable, Box 298, Hensall. 1-b • YOUR OLD RANGE is worth $50 trade-in on a new Findlay Gas Range. Huron Gas Equipment Co. Victoria St., phone HU 2-6647. lb SUCH .AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU '2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfle 'NEW GAS WATER HEATER '20 imperial gallons, won on recent gas draw. Owner lives in non gas area. List price $95, best offer ac- ecepted, Phone HU 2-9900. 1-p DRAM TILE Call 193 Lucan RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Elginfield, Ontario, 49 to48p ZEE YOUR authorized dealer for -Viking eleetric separators, and re- pairs. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefiethd. 1-p SEVERAL new patterns in English Mane China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china, Counter's Jewellery. 1p 'QUALITY PROVEN PIONEER chain saws give you the most power at lowest prices anywhere, 'Complete parts' and service, Rob- ,ert Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clinton, "Phone HU 2-9909. 1-4-p YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH money when traded on a new Westinghouse washer, T. A. Dut- ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield, ?hone Clinton HU 2-3232, 11-tfb ' kGiL'ITING MARRIED? See camp- les of wedding stationery at the News-Record office. Invitations, Ihank-you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, match books, etc. 11-tfb THE EXTRA MILE IS WORTH YOUR WHILE! Come in and see Philips, RCA, Admiral, Marconi, Westinghouse TV at T. A. DUTTON BRUCEEI ELD 39-tfb . Articles Wanted , LARGE SIZE oil spaee heater, Phone HO 2-9485. 1-p GOOD STANDING TIMBER WANTED ,Apply Box 57, Aliso Craig 46-tth Clothing for Sale BUY YOUR THERMAL AIR POCKET INSULATION NDEFtWEA U ft By StAtifielde aHletTS AND LONGS ;Seals Heat le, seals'Cold out at HelpWanted ATTENTION LADIES — Beauty Counselors of Pamela offers you earnings today, seedrity tomorrow. Prospective part- or full-time counselors. Call HU 2-9967 for interviews. lb Help Wanted Female YOUNG LADY.FOR TYPING and general office work for ap- proximately 3 months.. Phone, HU 2-6622. 1-b OFFICE CLERKS Required for Department of Nat- ional Defence, Clinton, Ontario. Salary'$1,860 to $2,640 per annum, according to experience arid edu- cation, Please ' send application forms to, Civil Service Commiss- ion, 388 Dundee Street, London, Ontario, before January 17, 1959. 1-b DEATHS BAIRD:—Recently at his home in Oakville, William Baird, native of Brucefield, beloved husband of Mildred Stockdale. BIGGART—At Brampton, Ontario on Sunday, January 4, 1959, Elizabeth, sturgeon, of 1149 Strathy Ave., Lakeview (form- erly of Bayfield) in her 78th year, beloved wife of - John G, Biggart, dear mother of Mrs. Albert Kennedy (Vera), Lake- view, Arthur, Charles and Basil, all of Toronto. Rested at the Ross Craig funeral home, 1357 Queen Streeth W. (near Lanss down). Service in the chapel on Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. Inter- e-nent Prospect Cemetery COUTTS—At his home in Os- goode, Ont., early Thursday morning, January 1, 1959, Car- man Cecil Coutts, beloved hus- band of Norma Ferguson, for- merly of Wingham, in his 47th year, GLAZIER—In Clinton, on Sunday, January 4, 1959, Percy Glazier, Hullett Township, in his 69th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cent-, etery, on Tuesday afternoon, January 6, by the Rev. J. A. McKim. MACAULAY —.In Sarnia General Hospital, Sarnia, on Wednesday, December 31,- 1958, infant son , of Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Mac- aulay (nee Helen Shaddock). OSBALDESTON— At Benmiller, on Friday, January 2, 1959, El- , izabeth Ann Osbaldeston, widow of the late Herbert Osbaldeston, in her 75th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, .to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, Jahuary 5. TREWARTHA—At his home in Hullett Township, on. Monday, January 5, 1959, Howard Clar- ence Trewartha, beloved hus- band of Mary Tyndall, Hullett Township, in his 68th year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, January 7, commencing at two o'clock. Past Presidents Night Held By Kin Club Past Presidents night at the Kinsmen Club of Clinton saw four of these officielseattending: Don- ald and K. W. Colquhoun, Donald Kay and Harry 1WcEwan, Mayor Burton A. Stanley was made an hono'r'ary member of the club at this meeting. The Pee Wee hockey schedule is underway, involving •80 boys, with three teams in. town, and one from RCAF Station Clinton. From these an All Star team will be chosen for out-of-town compet- ition. The Club reports a 'successful toy campaign,' with 102 children from 20 different families, suppli- ed with food and candy and cloth- es at Christmas time. BIRTHS ALDwiNKLE--xn Scott Memor.- ial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, December 24, 1.94t,. Mr. and Mrs, Dean Al0wmiclex Varna, a daughter. CRICII,—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Stmclayi January 4, 1959, tp Mr,-and Mrs, -Crick, Clinton, a daughter. Murray• LTNFQRD—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, December 28, 1958, to. Corporal and Mrs.. Dennis D. LinfOrd, Clinton, a daughter. KEYS----In Clinton. Fublic 'Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, January 6, 1.909, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Keys, Clinton, a daughter; MACAULAY —In Sarnia General Hospital, Sarnia, on Wednesday, December 31, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs, 5. Macaulay (nee Helen Shaddeck), a, son. McCLINCHEY—Tri Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 4, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Bruce McClinchey, RR 1, Brucefield, a daughter. WILLERT — in Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 4, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willert, RR 2, elensall, a (laugh-ter. .MARRIAGES COLQUHOUN-IVIcLEOD—In Trin- ity Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Wednesday afternoon, De- cember 31, 1958, by the Rev. E.' J. B. Harrison, Joan Mae, eldest daughter of Mrs, McLeod, Bay- , field and the late W. J. McLeod, to Thomas H. Colquhoun, Clin- ton, son of Mr, and Mrs, E. W. Colquhoun, Huron Street, Clin- ton. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and re- latives for their kindness and th- oughtful remembrances, for the many cards, telephone calls and telegrams we received; also for those who called at our home on our 50th anniversary.— J. B. and Mrs.. Rathwell. 1-p The sisters of 'the elate Percy Glazier wish to eepress -their th- anks and deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes received from friends, neighbours and re- latives. Special thanks to Rev. J. A. McKim, Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, Mrs. Jervis and pall- bearers. 1-p The family of the late Mrs. Fred Mutch wish to extend their thanks and deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness, mess- ages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from friends, neighbours and relatives. Special thanks to Rev. D, J. Lane and the pall-bearers. I would like to thank my friends and neighbours for lovely- flowers, cards, visits and treats while a patient in Clinton Public Hospit- al, Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes and nursing staff. —Jean Heddene 1-b I wish to thank Dr. Oakes and the nurses of the Clinton hospital for their care and kindness to me while I was a visitor for so long in the Clinton hospital. It was like a home away from home. I thank all who sent me flowers, fruit and reading material, and the great number of cards and letters I received. Special thanks to all who came to see me at the hospital. —Mrs. Herb Mog- ridge. 1-b JtOXY THEATRE (Rotor, Two Shows Nightly. Wide smell) TIME CHANGE; Our Shows. Now Commence art 7 1),m„ And approximately 9 p.m. instead of 7,30 and 9.30 Now Playing: (Adult Entertoinment) NOW; Thursday, Friday and Saturday "A CERTAIN .SMILE" Rossano orwzi Joan Font4irte Christine .carere NOTE: This picture will not be shown on Saturday afternoon, For the children we have "TAZA, SON OF 090,11W? MONDAY TUESDAY rw WEDNESDAY "DOCTORAT LARGE" Light-hearted nonsense, guaranteed to promote a pleasant degree of hilarity among viewers. Vistavision and Eastman color, Dirk Bogarde -- Muriel Pavlow -- Donald Sinden 1011111.11111.11•111011.01,1,1i THURSDAY — FRIDAY SATURDAY "SPANISH AFFAIR" Romantic adventures filmed in the historical cities and hilly countryside of beautiful Spain. Cinemascope and color. Richard Kiley -- Carmen Sevilla -- Jose Guardiola wirovvir#####4,441.4.4444.4.•444 eereeseereseeeereeireesoreese-egeeeseeer ,PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: Robert Mitchum, in "THE HUNTERS" In Cinemascope and Technicolor Monday -. Tuesday and Wednesday -- Double Bill — RED BU TTONS Taina Eig and Glenn Ford Presenting an episode from Worl War II in which a sergeant take over when the general is killed, "Imitation General" and as an added attraction, the bright British comedy "DAVY" with Alexander Knox and Donal Sinden Thursday Friday and Saturday MARJORIE MAIN with Parke Fenneily and all the other Kettle in a riotous comedy adventure — THE KETTLES on old MacDonald's Farm — A barnful of fun for every member of the family. Coming: "Carve Her Name With Pride starring Virignia MacKenna a a a aa CONTRACTS FOR MALTING BARLEY NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH CLINTON ELEVATOR GRAIN & FEED — GRASS & CLOVER SEED FERTILIZER Grains Cleane,d and Treated JOHN W. ELLIOTT,, Prop, 1116111111,741115Mtner"e— Home Builders Course will be held at Clinton District . Collegiate Institute EACH WEDNESDAY NIGHT from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. for a period of 10 weeks beginning Wednesday, January 14, 1959 Registration Fee Will Be $4.00 Classes will only be held if 15 or more register. Those interested may use the registration form below or write a letter giving the necessary information. Please forward registration forms to E. A. FINES, Principal, C.D.C.I. Clinton, Onf. 4•01•6•!..1•, 1.1•••.• 4•Mill•dt REGISTRATION FORM Board and Room R, ACCOMMODATION FOR board- ers or roomers, one Or , two she'', ing. Phone HU 2-9465, 1:-h Custom Work BULL DOZING and excavating, J. and G. Postal, RR 3, Clinton, TIiiJ 2,7436. 31ettfle FOR YOUR. PLUMBING AND Heating needs,' call HU 29433 Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! White washin g, disinfecting, cleaning barns, and spraying cattle for lice, Phone Hubert Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3. 4-p Livestock Wanted 1.1) HORSES WANTED AT 31/2 s b., and dead cattle at value. If lead, phone at once. GILBERT 3ROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- ect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. 38-tfb ATTENTION: FARMERS:I ,.Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, Dead stock pick- ed up tree of charge; no call acs cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed.. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 39-petab DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for dead, Bold, sick and die bled horses and cattle, Old honses, for slanght- er at 5c a pound. For prompt, sanitary disposal phone coiled, Norman Knapp, Meth 21r12; if busy Phone Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, William Morse, Bree- ds 1536. Trucks available at all times. 36 to 10ep ead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED 'COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses per pound Phone Collect 133 BRUSSELS I Name Address Phone Noma Bhsnderat Course at 001 Night School ..114•014 41414.41