HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-01-08, Page 4Colquhoun-McLeod Wedding at, Bayfield Air: MINTON :NEWS-RIMAD A-0.4 six THURSDAZ JANUARY 1,959 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Douglas IL Miles. re holidaying in Southern United tates. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne J. Brown It on Monday fora winter vac- Um in Florida. Miss Barbara Oliver, Edmonton, ata„ is at home with her father, 11.0Mas Oliver for holidays, Harry Venner and Mr, and Mrs. .4* Fetheringharn were holiday isitoz's with. Mrs. A, Venner, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Feagan and amily Goderich spent New Year's rith Mr. and. Mrs, David Eason, Mrs. Lillian Welsh, Lambeth, pent Christmas and the holidays with relatives in and around Clin- on. Miss Jo Ann Murphy, Arva, pent the holidays with her grand, parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Velsh. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McBrien, ,,Yliner, visited their parents, Mr. lnd Mrs. Harvey McBrien 'during he holidays, Mrs. W, Stevens and Miss Nor- na Stevens, London, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jenk- rie, Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Nott spent e Christmas hpliday with Mr. Mrs. A. E. Garrioch°, and iss Leola Nott, Detroit. • njoy DANCING to the Musk of ' Desjardine Orchestra in the Community Centre Zurich EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Johnson St. Marys, visited. Clinton rela- tives-during the holidays. Murray Stanley expects to leave this weekend for Halifax, N.S., where he will begin training with the Royal Canadian Navy. Ben Case, Georgetown, and SteWart Scott, Toronto, spent the. New Year's holidays with Judge and Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs, A, L. Thompson, Dunnville, spent the Christmas weekend with her mother, Mrs. H, J. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Thomp- son, Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton, with Mrs. George 1VIacLennan sp- ent:. New Year's weekend with their son Kenneth Roberton at Aylmer. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Lepping- ton, Clinton, spent Christmas day with their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Leibold and family, RR 2, Clinton. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald MacDonald for the New Year's, were Mt. and Mrs. Lyle Pratt and son, Merlin; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacDonald and son, London. Pte. Ronald Clifford, of the Roy- al Canadian Ordinance Corps, Training- School, at Montreal, spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Will:Se left Monday to spend the winter mon- ths at Haines City, Florida. Miss Susan Calm spent a few days with her friend Miss Janet Tyndall. Roy McLean. signalman ap- prentice, Vimy Barracks, Kings- ton, spent his Christmas holiday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McLean, Sum- merhill. Mr. and Mrs.- John E. Cuning- hame and family have returned to their home in Liverpool, N.Y., af- ter an extended Christmas visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, Clinton, and the tatters' relatives in God- erich. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morrell were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Morrell and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morrell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer, Henson; Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Smith, Gode- rich Township. Miss Elaine Smith has returned home after spending some holidays with her grand- parents. Golden Wedding. c„elebrated..By Former, Clintonian Mr. and Mrs, George Boyer held a reception afternoon and even- ing, on January I., 1959„ at their home, 442 Milverton Boulevard, Toronto. The occasion was' their golden wedding anniversary. The celebrating couple were married in Clinton, were the bride (nee Minnie cook, Sister of E, "Cap" •Cook) was born, The couple has four sons, Ken- neth, Harry and Edgar Boyer, Toronto, and' William, Quebec. They have nine grandchildren. Mr, and Mrs. Boyer received many callers and were assisted by Mrs. Boyer's sister, Mrs. Harry Garrett, her daughter Lillian; three .daughters-in-law, and grand, 'daughter Margaret, Mr. Boyer spent many years in the automobile industry but is now retired, Mrs: Boyer spent her girlhood in Clinton, and about 56 years ago worked in the News- Record office for a time, Mrs. Sarah Mutch Mrs. Sarah J: Mutch, 36, Clin- ton, died in Clinton Public Hospi- tal, Monday, December 29. She was born in Oakville, a dau- gliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carter. They moved to the Nile and following her marriage to Frederick Mutch in 1902, they moved to Clinton. She was a member of St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church. Her husband died in 1944. • Surviving are three sons, John, Detroit; Frank and William, both of Clinton; one daughter, -Mrs. Richard (Jean) Jacob, Clinton; one sister, Mrs. William Cochrane, Clinton; three grandchildren. one son, Charles, was killed overseas in 1942, as a member of the RCAF. Funeral Was from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, December 31, with the Rev. D. J. Lane of- ficiating. Pall-bearers were Jabez Rands, Lorne Brown, Fred Elliott, Harry Cochrane, ET h r i a na Snell and Clarence Neilans, Flower-bearers were John Jacob, Charles Mutch and Alan Cochrane. Attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutch and their son Charles, from Detroit. 0 HEARTHSIDE CLUB TO MEET ON JANUARY 8 The Hearthside Club of Ontario Street United Church will meet- on Thursday, January 8. The girls are asked to come early and meet at. the church at 7.15 p.m. so that they may attend prayer services. ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS TO MEET ON JANUARY 13 The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church will be held in the Sunday School room of the church on Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 13 at 8.15 p.m. (By our Bayfield Seasonal decorations of Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield? provid- ed an attractive setting for a quiet wedding ceremony performed De- cember 31 by the Rev, E. J. B. Harrison, Joan Mae, eldest dau- ghter of Mrs. McLeod and the late W. J. McLeod was united in mar- riage with Thomas H. Colquhoun, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun, Clinton, She was attended by her sister, Helen McLeod, London, as maid of honour, and Cadet Hugh M. Col- quhoun, Royal Military College, Kingston, was his brother's grooms- man. The bride wore a sapphire blue sheath dress with white accessor- ies and a corsage of white carna- tions. Miss Helen McLeod -wore a figured navy blue sheath dress with white accessories. After the ceremony Mrs. McLeod Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLIN. TON Sunday, January 11 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service. Guest speaker, Mr. M. Martin, Haw- ksville. Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study ALL WELCOME TO OUR SERVICE ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M; J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 11 9.45 a.m.-Church School meets for study 10,45 a.m. Divine Worship Subject of Meditation: "Our Hope Through Christ For The New Year" - - WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICE In This Church For The Whole Community Thursday, January 8 at 7.30 p.m. Conducted by the Women of Town with special speaker, a Bible College representative from London. ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church REV, G. J. HOYTFMA, Minister Sunday, January 11 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 1130 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p,m.-Service in. English Everyone Welcome' tiniteb IL COM(' REV. J. A. MoKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, January 11 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class 7.30 p.m.-Evening Worship-- Installation of Officers. HOLIVIESVILLE ]airs, Lloyd Bond, Organist 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Correspondent) held a small reception at her home attended by the _immediate famil- ies and the rector. The young couple returned on Sunday from a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and will make their home in Clinton. Mr. Colquhoun is an intertype op- erator with the Clinton News- Record, and his bride is employed with the Clinton IGA Market, 0 Hospital Auxiliary Will Meet on January 15 Annual Meeting of the Wom- en's Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Nurses Residence on Thursday, January 15 at 8 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn a- bout the work done in 1958. A large attendance is requested. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, January 11 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "The Church Which Is His Body" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service "The Second Birth Cancells The Second Death" Baptismal Service Wed,, 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to mese services,. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in 'the above hall invite you to came and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, - Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3,00 p.m.-Sunday School 7,00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday-- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, January 9- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, January 11 10.00 a.m,-Sunday School 11.00 aan..-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.---Gioappel Service Tuesday, January 13 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist First Sunday After EpiPhany 8,30 a'.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 4.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Wed., Jan, 11-Frieridshi pClub will ,meet in Parish Hall for Pot Luck Supper at 6.30 p.m. Ontario Street WA Hear Year-End Reports at Meeting The Ontario Street United Church Woman's Association met Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. J, Levis opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Another Year". She extended a welcome to all Present, and also to the new of- ficers, and expressed her thanks to the members for their help and co-operation for last year, Devotions were taken by Mrs, G. Mills on the theme "Faith in the New Year". The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Brock Olde, Roll call was answered by paying of fees. Mrs. Cliff Proc- tor gave the treasurer's report, Annual reports were given. The flower convener had sent flowers to 51 persons and the visiting committee reported 377 calls, Two piano solos were played by Mrs, Charles Brown and two musical numbers by Neil Trewar- tha and John Powell on their band instruments. Mrs. George Potter gave two readings. A picnic lunch was served by some of the ladies of the social committee, Clerk and Reeve Both Resign at Hensall After 30 years of continuous service as clerk-treasurer fbr the village of Hensall, James Pater- son resigned from that position at the inaugural meeting of the hew council, This action followed a stormy nomination meeting, when charges of "running the town" were level- led against the clerk. At a special meeting of council last night, January 7, the reeve, Norman "Jones, resigned his posi- tion. He 'is reported as saying, "The council fired my clerk, and dumped everything in• my lap." Councillor John Henderson is act- ing reeve. TV NEWS Mrs. Carman McPherson, Clio,. ton, will be a guest on "IVI'Lacly", .OKNX-TV, on Monday, ,January 12, to demonstrate the MOM' of a "Baby's Bib," Time 3:30 1)411, Carl Hemingway, Brussels, see- retary-fieldnion for Huron Feder- ation of -Agriculture, will appear on the farm show over. CFPL-TV Tuesday at noon; .January 15. Flying Officer "Bud" Hayter. RCAF Station Clinton, will be guest on "M'Lady", CXNX-TV, on Wednesday, Jai-glary 14, to speak on "Ice Hazards", Program time, 3.30 p.m. Also a film on the School of Food Services, RQ4F Station Clinton, will be shown at this time, ONTARIO STREET WMS MEET ON JANUARY 13 The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario Street United Ch- urch will hold their January meet-, ing -on January 13 at 2.30 p.m. Roll call, a "New Year's Thought", Fees should be paid at this meet- ing. o WESLEY-WILLIS GOOD W114 CLUB TO MEET ON JAN. 13 The Wesley-Willis Good Will Club will serve a pot luck supper at 6;30 p.m. in the church hall, January 13, Come and bring a friend. . i 'FREE FILMS are supplied by the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY through Clinton Branch. Projector & Operator Supplied For information, call MRS. F. FINGLAND H U 2-7007 (President) or REV. J. MoKIM HL1 2-9696 (Education Convener) -10:00 to 1:30 Modern -- Rock 'n Roll Squar,e Dancing ADMISSION: 75 cents ponsored by Zurich Lions Club Join The Crowds 1-b WENTWORTH STUDIOS CO. Because of popular demand, we are nfinuing our special prices for January. Phone 1372 Goderich it's our annual ,,:,'WO,APA04keMESS1z, saran EALY - Once a Year - SPECIAL . MANY ITEMS REDUCED FROM 10 TO 25% FOR EXAMPLE roehler 2-piece Chesterfield Suite ffed and airfoam back, fur- uoise, freize cover. gular Price $309.00 • PIECE CHROME KITCHEN SET Reg. Price $65.00 Sale $49.95 PIECE BIRCH WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE- Bookcase Bed - Chiffonier - Double Dresser Reg. Price $195.00 Sale Price $159.00 OEHLER REST ROCKERS or TV SWIVEL CHAIRS-. Reg. Price $44.00 Sale Price 439.00 YOUR CHOICE Sale Price $248.00 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES Reg. $59,50, less on'e-fhird PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE ... As shown in our window, consisting of: 2-pc. Dayeno Suite, 2, End Tables, 2 Table Lamps, 2 Corduroy Cushions, 1 Coffee Table, 9 pieces for only $189.00 ONE-THIRD OFF " $39.95 ANY MORE ITEMS REDUCED kDR OUR JANUARY SALE Church Directory CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH 11,00 a.m.-"Putting The Lure Fmto The. Leftovers" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School Thursday, 7.30 p.m,-Young People's and Prayer Meeting. A Cordial Welcome to All Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. Chocolate Chiffon Cakes I I Reg. 45c For 39c 11 ' t1S ORS 2-1458 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF. SEDANS with automatic, fully equipped 2,750 1958 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDAN, with automatic trans., fully equipped 2,495 2-1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDANS, fully equipped with automatic trans, 2,695 A-1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDANS, stan- dard transmission, fully equipped 2,495 2-1957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDANS, automatic transmissions, fully equipped 2,195 1957 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR HARDTOP, V-8, automatic transmission ..... 2,295 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 2,295 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1,650 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic trans, fully equipped 1,595 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1,450 1954 FORD COACH, overhead motor 1,195 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN........ ,..„ ....... 1,195 1954 FORD CUSTOMLIN E, with radio 1,195 1954! DODGE SEDAN 1,195 1954 METEOR 2-DOOR HARDTOP, automa- ' tic transmission, fully equipped 1,195 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN $ 995 1953 DODGE SEDAN' ..... .. ...... ..... $.,'995• 1951 DODGE STATION WAGON- $.. 695 1951 DODGE SEDAN, fluid drive $ 495 BNs Bakery Ltd. CLINTONa11 HU 2.9727 RICE GUARANTEE: If our merchandise, sale qualify, can be purchased anywhere, for less, we will fund full. price paid within 10 days of purchase. BEATTIE FURNITURE 'r\•444444,040,6,1 • ONTARIO STREET UNITED .CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH', Pastor-REV. GRANT *ILLS, B.A. 9,45 a.m,-Sunday School 11,00 a.,M,-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Chapel Service 8.30 p,m.-Y,P,U. TURNtR*8 CHUFtell 2.00 p.m.-Worship SerViee 3.00 0,t0.--4S1111(1411 8011001 Cars can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this AdvertiSement. Brussels 1Vlotors .11-r i4e** OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL.- From Our Store Only Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer MUSSELS, ONT. Pho