HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-31, Page 7Electric Shop WESTINGI4oUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST, D. W. Corril$11, Prop. CLINTON *******1746, Clinton I • • • 404 We Welcome Your Credit LEE Victoria Street Phone HU 2-9711 Clinton -- Ontario 441F1-PONDI71Ci,NED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT BUY. NOW and PAY LATER Avail Yourself of Our Revolving Charge Account t• Come In And Get Full Details of the REYQLVING CREDIT PLAN 3 WAYS TO BUY • REVOLVING CREDIT • LAYAWAY • CASH • No Interest • No Carrying Charges 24 tfb Nil frYear MERRILL'S TV SERVICE . Clinton ---HU 2-7021 p Victoria Street W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 - CLINTON WISHING YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! d'..0701raraoloiaisulsioalaittwammirair•oialtiii 4141,04teievp&i ,MC4, a May it be a bright and bountiful year for you! Pickett & Campbell Limited MEN'S WEAR , KEN PICKETT BOB CAMPBELL CLINTON HU 2-9732 At•?rtA32tItl vciaigtociociwItciomtalegortomiltictmci • • • • • • • . May 1959 ° Prove to be your happiest ever! ELLWOOD EPPS: and STAFF Epps Sporting Good King St., Clinton Phone HU 2-9622 .00:000.1400014-mr6401-7.1ximat ,,- witiamitalaimoittm. rifiimamorvetvoomekommwootiommeiopeto 4 tl ej Burt and Betty and Staff STANLEYS Red and White Supermarket Behind lidtloifer Transport Phone HU 241147 MeasmigogamallOttastdAVOM200-30000414•10•1044-1041-Weattlo, 11V$PAY, DECEMBER 31, 1958 Atthis Season of goodwill, We wont to tell you. our special friend . , just how much your friendship and foodwill have meant to us this past year. For your loYalty to us, we want to thank you sincerely and pledge ourselves to always serve you in such a way as to war- rant your. continued confidence. May your New Year be one of happiness and success. W. D WELLS and STAFF Ille•IMENMWE'VVVAZAMOMMOCCOVC Sincerest wishes ring out so true to all our friends, old and new! Jack, Scruton., and Staff - CITIES SERVICE OIL CO. LTD. crontainibv4imunriatzgoombe•mpioattoomovortizipirmziroaziattroron. actizaaAltcgctsicetcimcsoctrcimatcirvcrogicimicicilicicirowc-icKtmom the jaines McCools, mas with., Ernest, Knox and fern- Mrs, Lena Crawford was With Fred Shobbrook spent Christ- llY, Mrs. Mary Shobbrook spent Ch- ristmas with her son Bert and arnily„ Ann Fairservice ' and David Were Christmas visitors with their parents. Kenneth and Fay Gaunt spent the Christmas holidays with rel- atives at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunking and their sons, Ted; Jqe and Ray were with their families, Joseph Barnett and Mrs, Ern- ma are spending a few days with London friends. Mrs. Robert Yetingblut, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wells, were guests with William Wells and family for Ch- ristmas. Dr. Kirk Lyon, Leamington, and his sister, Mrs. Jack Morosso, Hamilton, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Jennie •Lyon.' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rivers (nee Hazel Lee), Stoco, visited with the latter'S brother, Jack Lee and family, over Christmas. tuts. and Mrs, Nelson Lear, Dor- is, Harry and Gail, June and Stan Crawford, spent Boxing Day with the George Underwoods in Wing- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin josling and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Seffer- son, Donnybrook, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moun- tain, Mrs. Allen. Shaddigk and daugh- ter spent a few days with her brother-in-law, William Reid, Mo- therwell. Mrs. Shaddick's sister, is a patient in hospital, Miss Edith Beacom spent Sat- urday and Sunday with her sis- ter, Mrs. George Neil, Kirkton. Mr„ Neil Was able to return home from hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs .Wilmer Howatt and Jack spent Christmas with her mother at Cromarty,: and visiting her father, who is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, in Sea- forth, Mrs. Wendel Grant and daugh- ter, Port Colborne, have been vis- iting with her father, Ted Pick- ett and Barbara for the past week. A new baby was one of Peggy's Christmas gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arm- strong and young son, Stratford;. Mrs. James Armstrong, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and family, spent Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEwan, Clinton, entertained at a family gathering— in honour of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Mc- Ewan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Govier on Saturday eve- ning. Maxine, Delphine and James Dewar, Attwood; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn and family; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lear; Mrs. Mar- garet Manning, all were guests of,Mr. and Mrs, William Manning and June at Christmas. Christmas day visitors were as follows; Harry Webster, Mrs. Nellie Barr and Miss Fanny Cole with Mrs. Lily Webster; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Small; June and. Starr Crawford, Toronto and Doris Lear, Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear; Miss Vina Knox, Toronto; Mr. and •Mrs. Aubrey Knox and family, Stouffville with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knox; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon and Murray, Sh- irley Lyon and Margurite, Strat- ford Teachers' College, with their mother, Laura) Lyon; Mr, and Mrs. Bert Beacom and family, Mrs. Vipend and Margaret and Miss Ella Pearson were with Mrs. Mary Beacom and family. Mission Mole The December meeting of the Aimuell Mission Circle was held in the church basement, with the president in the chair. The meet- ing opened with the singing of some Christmas 'hymns. „ Eleven mempers and three visitors were present. Edith BeacoM read the slate of officers for the coming year: president, Gail Lear; vice-presid- ent, -Marjorie McNeil; secretary, Evelyn Merrill; treasurer, Helen Lee; Christian stewardship, Edith Wright; temperance convenor, Do- rothy McLean. Ruth Vincent thanked the circle for the co-operation she had re- ceived in her term of office,. Marjorie McNeil opened the devotional service with a Christ- mas poem. Beth Knox read the scripture. Reta McMichael played a piano solo. Marjorie read a story "The Carpenter". Myrtle Knox read a story "The Carpenter Sh- op". Ruth Vincent sang a solo, The members spent a social hour after the meeting making favours for the hospital trays for Christmas. Nona Pipe and ,Ruth Vincent served lunch. The News-Record Sells Counter Check Books The Rt. Rev. William Town- shend and Mrs. TownShencl, Lon- don, were visitors in Bayfield, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, F. E. McFadden, Mary and 'Shirley, went to Allis- ton on Wednesday for Christmas.• They returned home on Friday. Ewan Sparks, Marion, Indiana, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks, Fourth Concession, Goderich Township, on Monday and Tuesday of last week, Patricia Sparks, daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Lorne Sparks sang a solo "Away in a Manger" at the evening service in the Baptist Church, Goderich, on December 21, Catherine Bev- erly and Barbara Sparks also as- sisted the Junior Choir on this oc- casion. Their mother has been helping with the Junior Choir training since early autumn. Mrs, Melizza Geiger left on Christmas morning to spend a week at her home near Zurich. Miss Ethel Blair, London, was with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair, over Christmas and the weekend. Donald Matthews, London, is spending the Christmas week with his wife and small daughter, Maureen. Mr. and Mrs. George Fellows, Pam, Fraser and Kim, Riverside, spent Christmas and the weekend with Mrs. Fellows' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser. John R. MacLeod accompanied by Victor Cobb, Port Stanley, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, H. D. MacLeod from Wednes- day evening until Thursday.' Miss Beverly Heard, London, spent the Christmastide with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Heard, Mr. and Mrs. j. B. Higgins left on Christmas morning for Toron- to, returning home on Friday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Brandon and baby son came home from Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser were Mr, and -Mrs, Andrew. OrintilaY, London, spent the Christmas lull- idayS, with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton.. The Woman's Association of St. James Church, Middleton, will not meet on the regular date, Please see next week's paper for definite notice as to time 'and place. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Middle- ton entertained their relations to dinner on Boxing Day, Among. those present • Were, Miss AgneS Middleton„ GoderielivDr. and Mrs. gdward Mullens and, family, Tor-, onto; Mr,, and Mrs. Ted Middle- ton and family, Stratford; Mr,. and . Mrs .Andrew Grindlay, London; Mr. - and Mrs. William • Counter and. David, 'Clinton; Mr. and Mrs,' RObert Campbell and sons, elm,. ton, and Ur. and Mrs. Fred Mid, dieton and. David Middleten. There were 28. persons in all. Mrs. John Middleton, -Goderich, Spent Christmas with Mr. 'and Mrs. Boss' Middleton and family. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton spent Christmas day with Mrs. O. L. Paisley and family, Clinton, God., Twp. South Correspondent: James R. Stirling Mr, and MrS. Allen Betties spent Christmas with his brother Earland and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance and family spent Christmas at Kippen, Mrs. F. Picot and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Switzer and family spent Christmas with Mr. N, and Mrs. Lloyd Picot and family, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eckert and family, Holyrood; Mrs. Walker, Owen Sound, were with Mr. and Mrs. William Stirling and family for Christmas: Bert Harris left on Sunday for Sault Ste Marie to set up a mach- ine for Dominion Road Machin- ery Co. Ltd.,Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Cole held Christmas for all their families. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Manning were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, Goderich; Miss F. Cuninghame and Mrs. P, Elliott, Clinton. Mr,' and Mrs. Alvin Betties and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. E. Snell, Hullett Town- ship. in London .for Christmas with their son Jack and family. With Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker over Christmas were their two sons, William, wife and baby Charlie, Robert. wife and little Pamela, London. Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Larson, Mrs. Betty Lou McLeod and Lea Anne, also joined -them for dinner. Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit, came on. Tuesday evening to spend the Christmas week with her brother, W. Leslie Elliott. Sgt. and Mrs. J. Mayman, Cent- ralia, came on Tuesday evening to spend the Christmas season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. MacMillen. Mrs. Mayman who has been recuperating at the home of her parents, had spent a few days at their home at the RCAF Station, leaving little Jeffrey with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Richards, Stratford, and the Iatter's sister, Mrs, M. 1VICLaren, Toronto, visited Mr. and.„Mrs, L. H. D. MacLeod on Friday afternoon. Keith Sterling, Sarnia, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Sterling. Joyce Bell returned to London on Mondayafter having been home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell; George, Don and Joyce were with their elder dau- ghter, Mrs. Alan Galbraith and family on Christmas Day. Mr., and Mrs. T. Mallett and Tommy, London, visited Mrs Mal- lett's brothers, Lyall, Melvin and Russell Davison on Sunday, De- cember 21. Miss Hilda King, who accompanied them, spent the day with her niece, Mrs, Alvin Dutot and family, Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Makins, Brenda and Brian were in London for Christmas with Atm. Makins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mackie, London, were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins, over the Christmastide. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scotchmer, Bronson Line, Stanley Township, for Christmas dinner, also the tatter's son, Kenneth Scotehmer and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and Bonnie, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Pruss and two children Janice and Charles, London, re- turned to their respective homes after having spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. 3. H. Parker. They were all with Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Weston and family on Christmas Day. Christmas ChOer. Santa Claus was commissioned by the Lions Club. to take baskets and treats td the aged, sick and shut-ins on Christmas Eve, He made 20 calls, via the school bus with Spencer Ervine at the wheel. The vehicle was gaily decorated with coloured lights and Christ- mas carols were broadcast from it over the crisp night air, Leslie Elliott and Reginald Francis op- Crated the p.a. system. Harvey Coleman, Eight Porter, R, Simons, Jack Scotchmer a n d Charles SCOtehmer assisted Santa who resembled Grant Turner quite strongly), in the work of spread- ing Christmas cheer. Correction kiottset In the issue of December 24, the Card of Thanks on Page 7 follow- log her bereavement in the recent death of her Mother, should have appeared as; .Ruby ritzsimetis and CLINTON 11g1/17S,; N ..... _ . ews o on es oro :,,o,,:regipor...,.._ MRS, 01fXM .4.XiAIST ' Rhone With 37r 6, Prove to be your hiappiesf ever! HAW INS tIARDWARE Hush Hawkins and Staff CLINTON HU 2-9413 Avoliivoaotbataltvanobsanseitooaktotroogrolowatuormob140)imomoiN, MIDDLETON NEWS OF BAYFIELD mirscialvevalciaimeacicieveciesecumptactasmisicurtaitteitaciciciamerviancle