HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-24, Page 5mirmico N148 ED Do Men Like The Empire, Look? Well, it's the style in which Josephine vamped Napoleon— and became Empress! Little wonder that modern Josephines are buying and sewing this essentially feminine fashion. Legion Auxiliary Has Enjoyable Party Featuring Music, Carols and Santa PAO nvg AtiPOPPROPPIEVP441104 OUR GREETINGS TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS ART LEVETT. l iradraaraiallraniMaiDiSinMaitialt=6-DiSatlu'ViaaftlatM.. iaia1M-32:UUMM aletvg-miosaionicisimicis,icisimawsisiawgisvog-isvcioommaiciciosaimealmaigievvveig-iciciaisteamistgaiggisl cCiinton HU 2-9505 S. B. Lovett, Prop. r)8 Albert. St., Clinton Dial HU 2-9634 21-VaFOIADIADIVataiMN-MIDINZIE7101110121M-Z7=1VMaglei$ .7. .1. ' This Week The Lucky No. is 2118 Check your Calendar. If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. UN DRY ANDS .1/4‘4,e4e4 CA 'A'reditVe4".t;& aged CL I 141.01( 9a1 HU-2-7064 We extend our heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christ- mas with many thanks for allowing us to serve you all the year, O 1959' Calendars will be distributed next week. They will be numbered, and each week during 1959 a draW for $3.00 Credit will be held. The, lucky number will 'appear each week in our News-Record ,advertise- men+. 3eholb!..the Aflabonna 4'0 OD, lacreb opmbol0 of th4eation, anb a rerninber of our mane blecsoingo Id no rejoice note, for the Prince of peace hs 'born again, bringing us a renetual of faith anb hone. & SON CLINTON Phone 'HU 2-9411 LEAN ... SAFE ... LOW-COST HEAT ',NO:SC/X=40C • , mvcomm.,..,,to.vigte4v#0000.mattwomtv.r • • 1- Our gift to you — many best wishes for a very bright and Happy Holiday From all the Staff at BALL & MUTCH I.H.A. HARDWARE ' Our entire staff wishes you very merry, merry Christmas RUBY and BILL'S SNACK BAR Huron St. — CLINTON HU 2-9361 AvyteetvatzmaiDasastmomaatz4DoNviza-aosal abirvogriDea Zpv. mmvou,..matealoatetftgalc-tetetemmv V .± 'I- tlp + tfi 81 rkAinaca HURON GAS EQUIPMENT CO. Victoria Street — Next to Bank of Montreal CLINTON HU 2-6647 nboolramomaaaa,atkadowatoototualwobvizRzamehmmompabli on • DEBENTURES a nd GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ti FOR A 5 YEAR TERM, • Huron & Erie • Canada Trust rt Head Office London, Ontario District Representative -- H. C. LAWSON, Clinton, Ont. ^ + Phone HU 2-9644 veminnnumessor wonsP". PEC > l3 R 2.4, 7958, The Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion, Clinton Branch No. 140, held their regular meeting on December 8 in the Legion Mem- orial Hall. After a short business session, a Christmas program was enjoyed by all. Mrs. William Holland presented some lovely Christmas melodies''on the accordion. Mrs. Douglas And- rews, accompanied by Mrs. E. Radford on the piano, sang two. Christmas numbers. A fashion show was run by Mrs. Ransome and several volunteers from the vamparmotweratometmetetatatatettmomatoglatc-rotteveletetel; --*- • ,, Time again • PA K OA g Ai, +N. to say, r„ have a ,S as LOVETT'S SPECIALTY SHOP Ladies Planning -For Special Service On January Evening Co-operating with, the Clinton Ministerial Association, the ladies. Of protestant churches in Clinton are joining for as speCial service on the evening of ,TanUary 8, with a speaker from London. The committee in charge Pf plans is made up of Mrs. W. M. Nediger„ Mrs, W. 13. Olde, Mrs. Lillian MaRinnon, Nfra.-1, Town send, Miss Anne Radley and Mrs, J. Vander Heide.. The evening will be a part of a larger project nam, ed 'Adventures with Christ. in '59", As plans go forward, More de tails will be printed, in the News- , Record next week. Clinton Students .Are Successful in 0,W,C,M, Examinations Successful candidates of the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music includes several from Clin- ton. With first class honours, Gr- ade 3, junior, Richard Brian Hall; first class honours, Grade 2, jam, ior, Janet Anne Hall, Clarence Ma- gee; honours, Sharlene Turner; first class honours, Grade 1, jun- ior, Barbara L. Swan and Gary Black. First class honours, 80 to 100 inclusive; honours, 70 to 79 in- elusive; pass, 60 to 69 inclusive. craistasticiaCiMaMelliaanICalTaik op0 tro LOL Hosts For Big Christmas Party As, LOBA En14,ys' Event The Loyal Orange Lodge mem- bers were hosts on Saturday even- ing, December 20, for a party at which the Loyal Orange Benev-' olent Association were guests. The event was held in the Lodge Rooms over the Library. The program included recitat- ions by Douglas Trewartha, "The Wolf" and by Jack McMichael, "Welcome"; by Gordon Henderson and Bruce Falconer. Janet Tre- wartha sang "Away in a Manger" and "Silver Bells". Several Christmas carols were sung by all throughout the even- ing. Thomas Deeves played a mouth organ selection. Santa Claus arrived bearing gifts for ev- eryone. 0 Candlelight Service Staged by CGIT in Ontario Street Church The annual candlelight service was held in Ontario Street United Church on Sunday evening, and was sponsored by the Canadian Girls in Training directed by Mrs. Cunningham. The Scripture was read by MiSs Mary Lavis. The story „called "The Shepherd 'who Didn't Go," was read by Miss Gloria Rumball and three candle- lighters were Misses Gerta Skov, Nancy Schoenhals and Wendy Mc- Gee. The rest of the CGIT members formed a choir and sang "Infant Holy" "We Three Kings", "0 Lit- tle Town, of Bethlehem" and "Joy to the World." The service closed with the girls singing "Silent Night" and walk- ing up the aisle carrying their glowing candles. MIDDLETON (By Mrs. grace Middleton) The Sacrament of Holy, Com- munion will he observed in St, James Church, Middleton on Ch- ristmas Eve. Service at 8.30 Shower field Mrs. Donald James Lamb (nee Mary Jane McCullough) was ,the guest of honour at a lovelyf, mis- cellaneous shower on Friday aft- ernoon, December 19 at the home of Mrs. Fred Middleton, There were about 20 ladies pre- sent and an interesting program enlivened the afternoon. Mrs. Ray Wise gave a reading entitled "The Bride's Pie"; Mrs. Keith Miller conducted a contest, "Car Quiz", joint winners were Mrs. Kenneth Merner and Mrs. S. Middleton, A very amusing game contest, "Packing the Bride's Bag" was won by Mrs. Keith Miller. Following' the program, Miss Mavis Steepe read a rhymed ad- dress and a •tea wagon piled high with gifts was brought in by Mis- ses Cheryl Steepe and Arlene Du- tot and presented to Ars, Larnb. After opening her presents, Mrs. Lamb thanked her friends of the WA of St. James Church and of the community and invited them to her new home. Clinton Laundry and .Dry,Cleatiing A. "RED" GARON, Proprietor BEECH-STREET CLINTON HU 24064 *1.404****400041-***4ai t tbtliletbiZtSt htbt t74aiti*Iiibtl06,r3titbtbtatstittr aatnin* ailideonnalmatialintgask* aSnii • DON'T BE !COLOR-BLIND WHEN YOU BUY COAL It can cast you money! Insist on the coal that's col- ,cored blue. It's your guarantee, you're getting top:quality hard coal. ,'blue coal' burns• clean and hot with far less waste, Clean, Sofa, Low-Cost Heat 'blue 0 mar It's thrifty—it's safe! Bay 'blue coal' today! J. L HEARD BARBER Ontario Sfreet — Clinton .ftvizat-DaDigaere May this Christmas be but another happy marker along the road of a good life! audience. A reading, "Day After Christ- mas" was given by Mrs. A. Inkley. Mrs. D. Bisback on the mouthorg- an and Mrs. William Holland, had everyone's fOot tapping as they presented rollicking numbers. Mrs. K. Bennett closed the pro- gram with slides taken in Western Canada, and some pictures of the Legion picnic and the 25th anni- versary party, These were much enjoypd by members and friends. Santa Claus paid a visit, with gifts' for all. Lunch was served by the social committee and a social half hour was enjoyed by everyone. MOTOR REPAIRS Clinton — HU 2-6640