HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-18, Page 11tension cords. Re sure not to: use inflainmable decorations on the CM.IStinai tree sf the butt of the tree is held in a container, -Water- should be added daily to help keep the tree fromn dying out. Don't go Out of the heuse and leave the Christmas tree lights burning, GOSHEN UNE Berne McKinley, Toronto, 'is spending three weeks at the home of his parent% Mr, and Mrs.. Elgin -McKinley, Miss Beverly Wright, Lencles.-, boro, spent the weekend with Miss' Marlene. McClinchey. Mr. and Mrs, Donald James, London, . spent the weekend with Mr. and ,Mrs. Clare McBride. An RCAF-sponsored raael-building competi- Win commemorating the RCAF's 35th anniver- sary and the 50th anniversary of powered flight in Canada, offers prizes of a jet flight to Europe and flights on RCAF aircraft to the 1959 Calgary Stampede. This JN-4 ,Canuck (above) has been chosen a the •-contest model for all 'teenage boys RCAF • Contest Model in Ontario, exCluding those in Toronto, Hamilton, or Ottawa, Twelve major awards are offered to Ontario _competitors, Plans and further informa- tion may be had free by writing to: National Model Aircraft Contest Headquarters, AFHQ. Ottawa. (RCAF Photo). AGAIN FEATURING FEATURING .. . Swift's Butter Ball BrontU, Turkeys (Government Graded) All fresh chilled birds! In our large self-serve counter the week of December 17, Also on display—Geese, Ducks, Capon Chickens. Finest ever shown Wide Selection. Before you choose your poultry—Drop in to the MODERN MEAT MARKET Your visit will help you make the RIGHT Decision • Lay-a-way Plan • Free Gift Wrapping • Free Delivery to Christmas Eve • Ample Parking at rear of store off Princess St., for your shopping convenience. VISIT OUR • Toy Department and Hobby Section • Now is the time to select a gift from our fine selection. A small deposit will hold any item 'fill December 22. Low Prices Top Quality Satisfaction Guaranteed BALL It MUTCH I.H.A. HARDWARE Phone HU 2.9505 Clinton woottuN 'rrlt?RSI AY, 7 4CEIV113ER MINTON NEWS-Ag OTtirt PAQI JLFvN' News of !Brumfield INIGGNIINPIOMIPCIE Ciiristinas, Trees ',Carl. Be Enjoyed; The .Rolles Here are -some Mats on how to +enjtay your 'Christmas tree — in :safety; Select a tree that has been. $rethly tut, Cut a short piece off the butt ,and stand the tree in water, Sprinkling the branches with -Water will help to keep it fresh, When the tree is put tip, .be sure it is well *sapported and a- way from fireplaces, radiators,. television sets or other sources of beat. Cheek the electric lights and Jbonoections and replace frayed ex-. Chriftas baking, alwoys better made with butter! ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS FROM .HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR • Sweaters by Tony Day and Shelby • Forsyth No' Iron White Shirts • Spot Shirts • Hickock Belts and Jewellery • Neckwear and Hosiery • Gift Certificates myogromocienteimpw letvgletmosatetwatz OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Ai404-smaimeziompa-D4-2,01.. -- • .4-23Dttratbvtomtmow4i tHERMAN'S .MEN',S. WEAR .1-HU ,2-9351 • CLINTON *;4-2M6V---n-M-Mret4WNEVii Srs Let Us Stuff 'em for You ! Theo\Aodern Meat Market will Stuff and Cook your Holiday Poultry on request Drop in and see just how they do all this' and more JOY tO All this Christmas Season— and our thanks ,for your loyal patronage. BEST WISHES FROM GRANT, MURRAY, ORVILLE S TANLEY'S MODERN MEAT MARKET 0, Stanley, Prop, Wlloi/rit**WAMWOotlrblaihWtir 147,401 • Eleanor McCartney, Kitchener and Miss A. McCartney, St. Marys, spent the week With their parents, Mr, and Mrs, George McCartney, Miss Georgene McCartney, riursei-in-training at Stratford, sp- ent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McCartney. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Jr„ Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen, Sr., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squires and baby, Sarnia, on Sunday, Mrs. Goldie Graham, has return- ed after spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Robinson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson spent the weekend with Mrs. Hen- derson's sister, Mrs. Cox and the Rev. Cox at Bonhead, Mr. and Mrs. ' W. D. Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, spent ,Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay. The Rev, and Mrs. S. Davison received word that a dear friend of theirs, Dr. Eden, Leamington, died very suddenly. Christening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Al▪ lan, Sr., anclk%. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Allan, Brucefield, attended morning ser- vice at Devine Street Church, Sar- nia last Sunday morning. One of the children who was christened during the service was Sharon Ann Squire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squire, and grandddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Allan, Sr, Christmas Service A special Christmas service will be presented in Brucefield United Church on Sunday evening, Dec- ember 21, commencing at 7,30 p.m. with a combined choir of over 50 voices. Intermediates, juniors and adults will present the Beautiful Nativity Story in colourful pag- eantry, Some of the best loved Christmas carols will be sung. Everyone is invited to make a special effort and come to worship with the Brucefield congregation. t Gerald Orr was nominated to fill the position-of school trustee on the Goderich Township School Area Board for the next two years. The nomination meeting was held on Monday afternoon, 'prior to the regular council meeting. He WaS the only one nominated. Mr. and Mrs: Alvin Betties and two children, Peggy Ann and Mar- ie, visited with their• aunt, Miss Mary $nell,„liamilton on Sunday. Gordon. Manning is a. patient hi Clinton Publit :Hospital. To show you that the Goderich Township,. farmers are really a- fraid of rabies; one farmer took one dog"and nine cats, and when the veterinarians;innoculated them they asked •if , there were any more. The farmer's daughter re- plied that there vere nine more but they could not catch them. We have a new, breed of cows in the township. We note in last • It would be well to be in your seats before 7.30 to• view the love- ly candlelight processional. Neighbouring congregations are invited, and a large attendance is expected. WA Meeting The December meeting of the Brucefield Woman's Association was held on Tuesday, December 2, with an attendance of 34 mem- bers and three visitors. Mrs. Nor- man Walker conducted the open- ing exercises vt/ith Miss Margaret McQueen at the piano. Mrs. George, Armstrong gave the topic on "Glorifying and Praising", and led i nprayer. Mrs. John Broadfoot took charge of the balance of the meeting. Thank-you notes were read from Mrs. William Burdge, Miss Tena Baird, Mrs, Taylor, Sr. and Mrs. Clifford Henderson. Mrs. Seldon Ross reported for .the church committee; Mrs. Lorne Wilson for the manse committee; Mrs. H. Berry for the kitchen co- mmittee. In the absence of Miss M. Swan, Mrs. William Scott re- ported for the flower committee. The four groups reported their yearly activities, with receipts as follows: No. 1, $233.30; No. 2, $413.33; No, 3, $126; No. 4, $171. Election of officers for 1959 took place and were installed by the Rev, S. Davison as follows: president, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot; vice-presidents, Mrs. Edgar Allen, Mrs. Seldon Ross, Mrs. John Hen- derson; secretaryr1VIra. D. Trelb- 'ner; treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor; pianist, Miss Margaret Mc- Queen, Mrs. R. Scott. CorrespOnding secretary, Mrs. William Fotheringham, Mrs. F. Rathwell; press secretary, Mrs. H. Berry, Miss M. Swan; financial secretary, Mrs. L, Eyre, Mrs, E. ThomPSon; flower and cards, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Mac Wilson, Mrs. W. Scott. Devotional, first quarter, Mrs. -3 week's Record that Bob Harris had twd grey Holstein cows for sale. Frank Alsworth Frank Alsworth, who has been ailing for a long time, passed• away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Norman Hazel, Meaford. He was, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Alsworth, Goderich Town- iship and received his schooling in the old Gully SchoOl. He was mar- ried to Allie Wilson who prede- ceased him 11 years ago. They had one son Ray, Niagara Falls, and the daughter with whom he lived. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. John (Ruby) Dempsey; Mrs. Al- fred (Laura) Warner, Goderich Township; Mrs. Leslie (Pearl) 13eirnes, Winghe.m and Mrs. El- mer (Roxie) Eastman, Detroit. Funeral was from a Kitchener funeral home on Saturday, with six nephews as pall-bearers. J. Cairns, Mrs. Douglas; second quarter, Mrs. T. B. Baird, Mrs. George Clifton; third quarter, Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs. J. Aikenhead; last quarter, Mrs. Richardson,' Mrs. J, Caldwell. Manse committee, Mrs, N. Baird, Mrs. L, Wilson, Mrs. V. Hargreav- es, Mrs. R, Allan, Jr.; church com- mittee, Mrs. J. Broadfoot, Mrs. W. Moffatt, Mrs. Calvin Horton, Mrs. Clifford Henderson; program, Mrs, S. Davison, Mrs. George Henderson, Mrs. John 'McGregor. Mrs. Ross Scott moved a vote of thanks to the, retiring president, Mrs, John Broadfoot, which was seconded by Mrs.. Walter Moffatt and endorsed by all present. Group 4 had charge of the pro- gram. ChriStmas stories were read by Mrs, William Scott, Mrs. N. Baird and Mrs. Cal. Horton. Ch- ristmas carols were sung by the association, and a dainty lunch was served by the group. ilEASiNS TEST World's finest Epoidats Km* SM by HEAR WITH BOTH EARS! • Weer your ow* Odom • change frown In seconds • Normal appoirw ince ...rtatioral- Itkri bearing! COME IN TODAY FRU INFORMATION' 110 ORLIOATIONI Opticat finings by nmsed optical rpniallsio Dahlberg Hearing Service Newiombe's Rexall Drug Store HU 2-9511 — Clinton Gentlemen please arrange without obligation a free hearing test 7for *me. 46-7-8-b BINGO GODERICH PAVILION EVERY WEDNESDAY at' 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club for Welfare , Admission: $1.00 NO BINGO DECEMBER 24th or 31st RESUME JANUARY 7 1111T2.12Y WIL LIAMS `--Atze A WINTER TANKFUL IS A MUST; SINCE WINTRY DAYS YOU CANNOT TRUST Cv fts HARRY WILLIAMS 1 S Clinton Far GODERICH TOWNSHIP SOUTH Correspondent: JAMES R. STIRLING Phone Clinton HU 2-9237 50:40440:IMOCCONKCONK T NOW'IS THE TIME TO KILL LICE ON. YOUR CATTLE AND KEEP THEM HEALTHY We carry a Complete line of Howard's Lice Control Products. -Also wormers for Hogs and. Poultry. Get rid of these pests now so that your stock may produce more Gain for you I Supply C. Nelson, prop, HU 2.9413 CLINTON ..1.1•••••••••• Name Address Phone FUEL OIL45 GASOLINE MOTOR LU$Ri(AMIS t1-4 R.11,2,CLINTON •ami, Phone '2.-e6a3 ItItGetVtaMPPIKKIIIVEI;Grokett TO. STUDIO GODERICH. Wishes. to thank those whO patronized we, and hope to t?e of service to ail others in the futur,e for wed- dings, family groups, etc. . itemocrovemogiectimgiviorxtommmovelMIKNKVg44Wroog SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL stxxv,zogoommkstaboommvatomicromeogoot Open Evenings Phone Goderich 1372 Nteamatwom‘i-zuvablo PARTIES ARE MORE FUN HEN YOU TAKE PICTURES I Tiffany $1.00 up ? * COLOGNES — 4711 — Tussy — Max SEE US Factor,— Avant FOR THE KODAK CAMERA PERFUMES AND FILM TOM NEED Chanel CUTEX SETS $1.25, $2.00, $3.00 , ELECTRIC RAZORS — Schick — Sur1-1 beam — Phillishave SHAVING BRUSHES ..„ $1.00 to $10.00 WALLETS & BILLFOLDS $2.95, to $10 GIFTS FOR $1.00. Hair Brushes for Men and Womerl: Toilet Sets for Him and Her Cigarette Cases Pipes -- Cigars FANCY SOAPS By Yardley, — 'fussy, — Tweed — Yardley Schiaparelli and Houbigant GILLETTE SHAVING GIFTS Blades $2.50 and $5,00 Super Speed Kit $2.20 in every size, every type B Color film or black-and-white, BABY GIFT SETS $1.50 to $3.75 we're headquarters for Kodak Film. Our• stocks are always complete, always factory-fresh . . and always conveniently datemarked for your protection. Keep plenty of film on hand and you'll always be ready for thoseeq. • once-in-'a-lifetime snapshots. See Chr istmas, Tree Accessories us soon for Kodak Film ...stop Artificial. Snow — Spray Bomb 890 in again for fast, expert finishing when your pictures are taken. Decorations 59c up `TAGS — SEALS — RIBBONS FANCY WRAP PAPER CHRISTMAS CARDS, to suit the individual 50 to $1.00 BOXES CHRISTMAS CARDS 59c to $2.00 Need Film? We have KODAK FILM Inflated Toys 69c, 79c, 980 Charm-A-Tot Hot Plates $1.98 Bottle Warmers $3.45, $4.25 Brush and Comb Sets $1.00 W C. Itiervcombe -,. P m. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 — CLINTON ** ,eciveimacim'amote HUGE CHRISTMAS SALE NOW ON — Lay-A-Way Now