HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-18, Page 6Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL . cx.mmow Christians gathered in the name of the Lard Jesus Christ (Matt, 18: 20) Meeting in .the above hall Invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 arm—Breaking Bread 3.00 p,m.-•--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.M.—Wednesday— Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ANdLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA- St. Paul's — Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Fourth Sunday in Advent 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—IVforning Prayer 4.30 p.m. —Evening Prayer • Mon., Dec 22—The Chancel Guild will meet in the church at 2.30 p,m. to decorate church. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "TIIE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor—BEV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School .11.00 a.m.—Christmas Service 7,30 *p.m.—Candlelight Service sponsored by •CGI'l TURNER'S CHURCH 4;;;:t..,e4:44,K4.x..• • 25 W. Coloured Bulb with Siandaid . Base Reg. 35c—Special 20c CHRISTMAS TREE Reg'. I 9c—Special 15c ULTIPLE ' Reg. I5c—Special PHILIPS TV FOR CHRISTMAS T.V.Merrill Service CLINTON — Phone HU 2-7021 FREE DELIVERY tfiElertfettUfttet LUGGAGE -Many different styles end prices for the Man, Lady or Young One on your list, BILLFOLD S --Finest Leather and Smartest Designs, Prices from $L50, Gold Initialled FREE. BRIEFCASES .UTILITY CASES CHANGE PURSES — KEY CASES -- WRITING CASES 2,00 p.m.—Christmas Service` 3.00 fp.m.—Sundav School OUTDOOR BULBS INDOOR M BULBS GET Sunday, December 21. 10.00 a.m,—Sunday School 11,00 a,rn.' .—IVIorning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Annual Children's Ch- ristmas Program Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible s Study "All Welcome to our Christmas Services" ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. IX J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS, M. J, AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, ,December 21 9.45 a.m.—Church School meets for study 10.45 a.m. Divine Worship Subject of Meditation: "The Joy of Christmas" Special Music from Carols• Anthem: "While Sheperds Watch- ed Their Flocks by Night"— Roland Smart Male Quartette: "0 Holy Night" Christmas comes again, let us sing for joy. ' ALL WELCOME BAYFIELD • BAPTIST CHURCH' I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sat., Dec. 20—Film and The Mas- ter's Men Quartette at 8 p.m. Sunday, December 21 10.U0 a.m.—Sunday School 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Immaculately Conceived and Virgin Born" 7.30. p.m.—Evening Service 'The Preference of Providence' Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services. Heorthside Club .The Hearthside •Club of Ontario Street United Church held their Christmas meeting on Thursday, December 11, with the president Ruth Knox in the chair, The de- votional service was taken by Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, assisted by Miss Winnie Gray, The guest speaker was Miss Sybil Courtice on Christ- mas in Japan which was much en- joyed, Each Member introduced her guest. Lunch. was in form of a buffet. Fresh Supplies of CELERY LETTUCE --- RADISHES CRANBERRIES GRAPES TANGERINES Etc., Daily. Free Delivery — - Phone HU 2-3445 Season's Greetings To All asSeasseVialRiSartalliWeVrearSiastelMaiasSeSalkaMaireMarreasSeeasslasSe‘ risreietsissSesesesssssesomeeseeet-esmesioassromstsesestsiosvesssieietsieeaeelwsos 1141VMSIellelesesaleeeseselMe Ielese-MaleKse, erb's Food Market CHRISTMAS •'; sleelMeleseqele•ISI Calla Lily Pastry Flour 24 LS El :.G $1.35 Navel Oranges SIZE 113'S—LARCE Doz • 49c Mixed Nuts CHOICE 43c lb., 2 lbs. 85c McCotmick's Mixed Candy, 3 L.• i„<,s $1 Kist Ginger Ale 2 for 35c (Plus Deposit) For Your HOLIDAY FEASTING bias FRUIT CAKE CHRISTMAS PUDDING SHORTBREAD CHRISTMAS COOKIES Low-priced Plaid Tops or Pine Leather Styles for your selection, SWEATERS GLOVES SOCKS SPORT SHIRTS Mt. A AIKEN'S SHOES OMR FOOTWEAR *****1 1ompmpookommoodomioropottoixtmottotoml- SLIPPERS —For Men and Boys. PAOi CLINTON NEWS-RECORD' T,IIIIRSDAY, DECEMBER Is, 1058 , cuNyobr ,BAPTIST CFATJRCII castor : aont. AGULIAN, A.Tia 11,00 asn.—"Christ IS Here" 12,00 a.m.—Sue/41Y Se11001 Thursaay, '7.30 p,ris—Young People's and Prayer Meeting; A Cordial Welcome to .411 ine4er- Viniteb eburtb REV. J. A. McKIIVI, B.A. MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist. M. R, RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, December 21 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class 7.30 pans.--YPU Christmas Pag- eant. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.—Worship Service, 2.30 p.m—Sunday School • Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister Sunday, December SI 10.00 a.m.--Service • in English 11.30 a.m.---Sunday School • 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Every Saturday afternoon: Bible School at 1,30 p.m. • Everyone Welcome PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton IC L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, December 19- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, December 21- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday school 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, December .23- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. , A Special Welcome Awaits Yoe Maple Street ' GOSPEL HALL CLINTON • Peysonal4 Mr, and Mrs. 11014 John ,Craigi Kristin -;,1.11.4 Karen., of Liverpool, K,Ye are. expected to spend Christmastide with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs- Gordon Cnriingharne. Protestant Laymen Planning Service On. January The Clinton Ministerial Associa- tion called a group of laymen rep- resentatives of all :the Protestant congregations of the town to meet together to plan a -Laymen's Ser- vice for all men, planned for Wed- nesday -evening, January 7. --- Meeting on Sunday evening With. Rev.- 4,- A. McKirri, this committee appointed R. G, 'Shortreed as overall chairman,, with Herb, Bridle as secretary. Theme of,ithe service will be "Adventures with Christ in '59"; and a strong pro- gram is underway to make this service • worthy of the support 'or every man in Clinton, and district. A committee to arrange for a speaker is headed by W, V. Roy, with Roy Tyndall and G. Hoytema as members. The committee to plan the order of service is, headed by Mr. Shortreed with members P. Reinsma, W. Hearn, R. Merrill, M. W. Rob'ertson, G. Grant. Lunch committee is. headed by Garnet Harland with power to add if required. Through the press and the churdies the committee will advise of additional plans as they %progress, , o Girls' Club Stages. Pot Luck Supper At Holiday season - Last Wednesday evening mem- bers of the Girls' Club. of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church as- embled in the Sunday . School rooms for a pot-luck supper. Sitting at tables, fittingly decor- ated for the Christmas season and laden with a varied assortment of tempting dishes, the girls spent an enjoyable supper hour. Gifts were exchanged and everyone joined in Christmas. cared singing, Miss Anne Radley, the presi- dent, welcomed a new member, Mrs, Stewart, into the club. Mrs. Robert Morgan, 'of the striking committee, read out the new slate of officers for 1959, The president, Miss Radley, was returned to of- fice for another year, After malting arrangements for donations of candy for the Sunday School concert, the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. St. Andrew's WMS Enjoys Gathering at Mrs. SiniderisHome The Christmas meeting of St. Andrew's Women's Missionary So- ciety was held at the home of Mrs. John Snider, The president, Christmas service of, worship with Mrs. Robert McKenzie, led. in a all taking part, and Mrs. M. 'D. McTaggart leading in prayer. 27 calls were reported and the allocation greatly exceeded by a Life Membership from the society and another the gift of a former member of the church who wishes to remain unknown, The hymn "Away in a Manger" was sung and Mrs. Snider told the story of the author and the occasion of its• composition. Helen Keller's interpretation on the birth of Christ was given by Mrs. V, J. Lane. Mrs. McKenzie presented Mrs. S. K. Makins with -a Life Mem- bership and Mrs. Lane presented a similar honour to Mrs. W. J. Cook. Though taken by surprise both ladies were most appreciat- ive. The Misses Cathy Haig, Marg- aret McKenzie and Kay Snider sang a beautiful trio "There's a Song, in the Air". The president, Miss McKenzie thanked the men- hers for their co-operation hi the past year and asked for their con- tinued support in 1959. Mrs. Sni- der and Miss Kay served refresh. meats. . ,*" For Their Ladies The Clinton Lions Club held Ladies' Night in Hotel Clinton on December 9, in place of their reg- ular meeting, There were 29 seem- bers attending, Novelty bingo and other games were followed by dancing until n o'clock, when a buffet luncheon was enjoyed. Harold C. Lawson and Royce Macaulay were in charge of the evening, and every lady present received• a gut. 0 • Still Time To Donate Money Towards TB Seals Campaign There's still time to send along yaur assistance to the Huron County 'Tuberculosis Association, in return for the Christmas seals they sent you. • Although TB is rapidly being dealt with, the disease is most certainly not stamped Out yet. For instance, seven new cases were found in Huron County last year. All seven were admitted to sana- toria. Also last year ten patients were discharged from the sanator- ia. This means more cases cured than were discovered, so the pro- gress is good. But financial assistance is need- ed for continued work, and some of the patients need help in find- ing a new means of livelihood, to avoid having the ''disease strike them again. While they are being rehabilitated, money is heeded to help , them. Don't forget that you can be of help. Mrs. Henry Erroll (By our Hensel.' Correspondent) Mrs. ,Henry Erratt, the former Mary Ann Robinson, R.R. 1, Var- na, passed away on Sunday at the home of her son Russell, in her 85th year. Mr. Erratt died 16 years ago. Surviving are one son Russell, R.R. 1, Varna; two daughters, Mrs. George (Olive) Stephenson, R.R: 1, Varna; Mrs. George (Ruby) And- erson, Seaforth; six grandchildren, seven great grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. Erratt, Toronto; three brothers, Rev. William Robinson, Manitoba; Thomas Robinson, Eg- Mondville; Richard Robinson, R.R. 1; Zurich. , Public funeral service will be held from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hensall on Wednesday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. T. J. Pitt. Interment will be made in the Bayfield Cemetery. Mrs. T. W. Parimer (lay our Henson Correspondent) Mrs. T. W. Parimer, the former Hannah Belle Wilspn, a resident of Hensall for many years, and a former dressmalier here, passed away in Clinton on Tuesday, Dec- ember 16, in her 86th year. Her husband, who was in busi- ness here for many years, died- in 193$. Surviving are two sons, Earl, Toronto; Roy, Windsor; and one granddanghter, Carol The body is resting at the Bon- thron funeral chapel, Hensall, where. public funeral service will be held on Thursday, December 18, at 1 p.m., conducted by Rev. Charles D. Daniel, and interment will be in Hensall Union Cemetery 1q4-flig-Atglerwstrg401444 Mc Laren; pianist Mrs J McGill; Mrs. H, Currie and Mrs. James press secretary, l ertha Diehl, Mrs, N. Shepherd's group took charge of the devotional part, Scripture was taken by Mrs, N. Shepherd as leader, Mm, C. Nel- son and Mrs, H. C. Manning as-1 sisting Mrs. E. Epps read scripture "Blessed be the Lord God of Is-rael". ' Roll was responded to by a Christmas thought. After which Mrs. G. W, Nott read scripture "Arise and Shine for thy light is come". Mrs, M, Addison read a Christmas story "TheoEirds' Chr- istmas". Prayer by Mrs. Shepherd closed tierneeting. Young Mothers Group At Christmas Meeting The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley-Willis United Church held their Christmas meeting on Wed- nesday evening, December 10, at the home of- Mrs. -Wilfred Jervis with Mrs. Gordon Steepe in ch- arge. ' The Christmas meeting of Wes- ieson; citizenship and, temperance, Woman's Missionary Se- Mrs, D. LaidlaWl membership con' eiety WAS held in the church Par- yeller, Mrs. E: Epps; associate lour last Thursday afternoon, Dec- members, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha ember 11, with Mrs, C. Nelson and Mrs. L, Jervis; Mission Band,. presiding, The opening hymn "0 Mrs, A, W. Lowe; Baby Band, eedombye Alprlayyeer!saithful" was follow- Mrs, W, Jarvis, Mrs. R. Shipley, The nominating committee re- port was accepted as follows: lion- orarY president, Mrs..J. A. McKim.; President, Mrs. C. Nelson; V1ce- presidents, Mrs. N. Holland, Mrs. N, Shepherd, Mrs, F, FIngland; recording secretary, Mrs, George Beattie; treasurer, Mrs, B. Hearn, Corresponding secretary,, Mrs. John Nediger; community friend- Ship, Mrs. R. Jenkins; Christian Stewardship, Miss M. Stone; sup- ply secretary, Mrs, 1VI. Adilison; literature secretary, Miss E. Jam- Lions Stage Night Wes!ey,Willis Church Missionary Society Elects Mrs, Charles Nelson as President , • Business being opened with an article on "What Christmas means to you". The roll call was answer- ed by "What Does Christmas Mean To Me?". During the evening Mrs, Bill Holland and Mrs. Harold Wise gave some very enjoyable Christ- mas numbers on the accordion and piano respectively. The group join- ed in several Christmas carols and the evening -closed with a social get together. `WW hood Will Club Has Christmas . umbers at Meeting The December meeting of the Wesley-Willis Good Will Club was held in the Sunday School room On Tuesday evening, December 9, Rev. J, A, McKim was In the chair. Ile welcomed all preSent and the meeting opened With a Christmas hymn and prayer by Mr. McKim. A delightful musical program of Christmas numbers was given, con- sisting •Mavis oSftetewpeo, Piaangro (sruclIp°s obfy three s songs by the Junior choir, conduct- ed by Mrs, W. Hearn, and two solos by Mrs. _Donald Andrews, accompanied by Mrs. B. Hearn. "The Sceptre and the Mate," magnificient color film of Queen Elizabeth's most recent visit to Canada, was shown, with Kelvin Jervis . as projectionist, Before retiring the children were treated to Christmas candy. Mrs. H. G. Manning graciously thanked all who had assisted with the program. A short business session was conducted by the president. The, treasurer's statement was read and Mrs. G. Jefferson reported for the travelling basket fund. Mrs, F, Fingland, reporting, for the nominating committee, read the slate of officers for 1959, which was adopted. Tea and delicious Christmas sweets were served and a social hour enjoyed. • CHOCOLATES in Gift Wrapping By MOIRS SMILES 'N CHUCKLES m9P *Hs" P ou won't believe your earsL YOU CAN GET STEREO, PLAYERS and RECORDS NOW AT GALBRAITH Radio and TV ;k14MAiri-PAPAIIMW06,1414-*".410.00' OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL• From Our Store Only---% CHOCOLATE CHIFFON CAKE Reg. 45d for 39c Barth% Bakery Ltd Bakeiy and Restiltirtint " IttO Oit ***I** OFV01*00t****A*t**VA***tY' OA