HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-18, Page 5Specials At Your n Stanley's Red & White Supermarket 1. SUPREME SWEET MIXED PICKLES • 16 t;)z. „ „ „ . , ............ . 21c 2. DAVID MATINEE SHORTBREAD, 1 lb. 29c 3. TULIP MARGARINE, 4 for „ „ $1.00 4. KING CHOICE GREEN BEANS, 20 oz., 2 .for 29c' 5. FRESH LOIN PORK CHOPS 55c a lb. ORDER YOUR MANDARIN ORANGES NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE We Have A Large Stock of Navel Oranges at SPECIAL LOW PRICES STANLEY'S Red and White Supermarket Phone HU 2-3447 For Best Car Care . AND BEST BUYS IN ALL CAR NEEDS— SEE US! • Tires Always Checked • Windshields Cleaned • Car Swept Out • Under-hood Check-up Don's 11-11 Service Volkswagen Sales Clinton HU 2-9088 PAGE 'THREE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1.958 Happy Workers Club Elects Mrs, Joe Gibson The Happy Workers Club held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Van Den Dool, in the afterinoon of December 11, with 11 reeinbere and 'seven child-, ree Present, Roll call was tins,. veered by stating "what J want for Christmas," Officers for 1959 axe. president, 110s, Joseph Gibson; vice-president, Mrs. Wilfred Glazier; secretary, Mrs, Warren Gibbings; treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Ball; flowers, Mrs. Jack Smith; quilt, Mrs, William Holl- and and Mrs. Elmer Dale, The lucky ticket was held by Mrs. William Holland. Chrietteas gifts were exehanged and, the Meeting closed with "qqd Save the Queen," Lunch was served by the, hostess, assisted by Mrs. Will-, lam Holland and Mrs. Hugh 43all, The next meeting will be on the afternoon t, of January 8, with Group 44 'to serve. All members are asked to come or 'seed mem- bership fees. Anyone wishingeo join the club is welcome, did urged to either come to this meet- Letters to the Editor: `District , Farmers Union Expect President G. Hill As aest Speaker Hlere Over 40 Years Though"- over forty years since leaving Huron County, we still find many items of interest in the. News-Record. - Yours very tinily, 14fiss. Rhea C. Stirling., 46 Tecumseh. Ave.,. London, Ontario, December 11, 1958, The executive of Heron District Ontario Farm Union met at the home of Mrs. A. Nesbitt to make final plans for the regular quarterly district Meeting, which will be held in the agricultural of- fice board room, Clinton, at 8,30 Arne Thursday, January. 8. It was decided to have provincial presi- dent Gordon Hill as guest speaker, if possible, as well as Mr, Bellman, agricultural engineer, Walkerton, Mr. Hill is in Winnipeg this weep attending the annual meet- ing of the Interprovincial Farm Union Coupeil, 60t1041.Coth Holds Chriftas Pkrty (y -0ele elensell Vergespeneent) General Coach Works of Canada, treated their employees and staff to a turkey 'banquet in the .C4ode-, rieh Pavillion last Friday night: Special guests were officials of the General Coecb plant le Marlette, Michigan, All the ladies were presented with corsages and cups .and sauc- ers, Mr. Atkins,. president, and Mr, ' Ramsay, vice-president, from Mar- lette, were both presented with .gifts on behalf of the staff by Ro- bert Norris and Don .elesse,. Dancing was enjoyed following the banquet. rred, the Joker The News-Record; I understand that the Powassan News The Grand Valley Vidette, The Meaford Express and many. 'Many ether papers renew all Dee- .ember expiring subscriptions with- out charge as a Christmas gesture .of How come the News-Record cl- ings to its old fashioned ways in this matter?. $3,00 herewith. Fred .Slornan, Capreol, Ontario. December 7, 1958. Another Renewal The Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario, Gentlemen; I am enclosing Money Order for ,¶3.00 to cover renewal subscrip- tion, for 1959, tee Mies. Edna B. Stirling, 46 Tecumseh Ave„ London, Ontario. Renewal. Clinton News-Record; Please find enclosed money ord, er, amount .83,00 for my 1959 sub- ecription for News-Record. Would- DT care to be without it as' it's like receiving a letter from my old home town, Wishing the whole staff a bright and happy Christ-mas and a prosperous New Year.. Your Sincerely, Mrs, Arnold Hill, 91 Westlake Ave., Toronto 13, Orit., December 9, 1958. ing, or send membership fees (25c) with a member. This is to give the officers a chance to organize the groups, News of Varna , Living at Ottawa MR. AND MRS. ADRIAN JOSEPH LAMARCHE were mar- ried in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Satur- day, November 15, by the Rev. E. Reed-Lewis. The bride is Virginia Ann, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoy, Clinton. Her husband is the son of Mrs. Lamarche, Montreal, and the late Adrian Lamarche. The young couple is living at 33 Craig Street, Ottawa, where the groom is stationed at RCAF Station Uplands. Mrs, T. 3. Pitt; correspondence secretary, Mrs. S. Keys; Christian stewardship committee, Mrs. Fred McClymont; community friend- ship, Mrs. Harold Dowson; assoc- iate helpers, Mrs. George Reid; citizenship, Mrs. J. Postill; organ- ists, Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs. Gladys Coleman and Mrs. T. J. Pitt, Following the election, tea was served by Mrs. W. Webster's group, Closing prayer was offered by the Rev. T. 'J. Pitt who had conducted the election and con- gratulated the members on anoth- er fine' year of service. NEWS OF EBENEZER (By Mrs. I. Merrill) -,2411111111•1111.01•10111MIMP ONG'S GRILL SEAFORTH CHINESE FOOD A SPECIALTY ANINNINNI,0"14,44N1M4.4.1.41,04~~414 SERVED AT ALL HOURS 0,41.4.4.~.4.•4,11411,0•41 . Open 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. 2 49-50-1-b Our shelves are still brim full of christmas Gifts. ' Farm, Forum The SS 4 Goderich Township Farm Forum met on December 9 at the home of Mr. and' Mrs, Fred Lobb. The topic was "Management Training". Members considered the TV broadcast very interesting, and during discussion period were agreed they could use more help in managing their farms, if they could secure help to advise them in their weak points in busi- ness, and guide them in better use of their credit. 'They thought help should be available from the government and also from associa- tions. Following discussion period, lun- ch was served. Mr. arid Mrs, le Tebbutt were to be hosts for this week's meeting. ing. Roll call was answered by giving 25 'cents each toward the donation to the Children's Aid Soc- iety. During the business period, it was decided to curtail the giving of boxes of fruit to members and their families only. All ladies of SS 4 and community are cordially invited to • join the club. Mrs, Tebbutt, retiring president expressed her thanks for co-opera- tion during the past two years. Mrs. J. Merrill is succeeding her as leader of the group. Other officers for 1959 are: vice-presi- dents, Mrs. W. Lobb, Mrs. M. Forbes; secretary, Mrs. S, Far- quhar; assistant secretary, Mrs. J. Lobb; treasurer, Mrs, L. Tyndall; assistant treasurer, Mrs. D. For- bes; press secretary, Mrs. I. Mer- rill; quilt committee, Mrs. I. Teb- butt, Mrs. F. Lobb, Mrs. J. Teb- butt, Mrs. W. Biggin; fruit and gift committee, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, Mrs. H. Oakes; buying committee, Mrs. W. Forbes, Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs, R. Thompson. Community Club -The SS 4 Community Club met at the home of Mrs. J. Merrill for the December meeting with the president, Mrs, J. Tebbutt presid- Street Lights Several street lights have been installed in the village and they are giving general satisfaction. Be- fore their installation, Varna at night had the appearance 'of a "deserted village." Special Christmas service . is planned in the United . Church next Sunday. afternoon at 2 p.m. The Sunday School Christmas tree entertainment on Monday ev- ening, December 22 and a Christ- mas Eve Service in the Church ion Wednesday evening, December 24, at 8.30 p.m. Varna L.O,L. No. 1035 ,held its election of officers last Thursday evening. Officers elected are as follows: Immediate Past Master, Lloyd Keys; Worthy Master, Fr- ank McClinchey; Deputy Master, Charles Pilgrim; Chaplain,.-Charl- es Reid; recording secretary, Rob- ert Webster; finahcial secretary, Louie Taylor; treasurer, John Ald- ington; Marshall, Grant Webster; ,first Lecturer, Robert Johnston; second Lecturer, William Dowson. The local 'Orangemen have decid- ed to again operate the skating rink during the winter months. -WMS Annual The annual meeting of the Ver- na United Church Woman's Mis- sionary Society was held in the parsonage on December 9. The Christmas service was conducted by Mrs. Gladys Coleman and con- sisted of readings, carols and a quintette. The slate of officers brought in by the nominating committee was adopted and officials for 1959 are as follows: president, Mrs. Wat- son Webster; past president, Mrs. Anson Coleman; honorary presi- dent, Mrs. T, J. Pitt; vice-presi- dents, Mrs.. Robert Taylor, Mrs. P. Johnson, Mrs. Mervyn Hayter and Mrs, Gladys Coleman; secret- ary, Mrs, Louis Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. George Reid; press secretary, VeeselefeeetetVeleeeteetteteeet-teeet P II ti Goshen, WMS Hold Christmas Program, Officers Elected for WMS and WA - 7. t g .4 .1 • 1 Come in nowF and we will ably assist you in making your selections se am OUR 'STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS FROM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 itemketwatatmometemovorovemmok-tatetwooveVrtwomewommq GI FT WRAPPED FREE AT YOUR REQUEST ogratami - eueeereeereeeleeeMeeete,eleereeeleS MARTIN DEPT, STORE THE NEW : 441PAPOP1 r .A04W • ' ' The Christmas meeting of the Goshen Woman's Missionarye Soc- iety was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Robinson, The special Ch- ristmas program in the Missionary Monthly was followed, with Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Mrs. Robert Mc- Kinley and Mrs, John Robinson taking special parts. Mrs. Elmer Hayter was in ch- arge of the business. A thank-you card from John Armstrong and family was read. Mrs. T. 3. Pitt read an article on temperance. Rev. T. 3. Pitt took charge of the election of officers .which resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Elmer Hayter; vice - ,presidents, Mrs. Bruce Keys, Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Mrs, Allan Armstrong, Mrs. Ans- on McKinley, Mrs. Robert Mc- Kinley; treasurer, Mrs. John Rob- inson; recording secretary,- Mrs. Clare McBride; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Richard Robinson; lit- erature secretary,' Mrs, Clarence Parke; supply secretary, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, Mrs. W. Eckel; Mission Monthly secretary, Mrs. Bert McBride; press secretary, Mrs. Arnold Keys; Associate Help- ers secretary, Mrs, Bert McBride and Mrs. William Hayter; Christ- ian stewardship, Mrs. - Margaret Erratt; temperance and citizenship secretary, Mrs. Pitt; community friendship secretaries, Mrs. John Keys, Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mrs. Clarence Parke, Mrs. Kenneth Parke, Mrs. Richard Robinson and Mrs. William Clarke (cards); Baby Band secretary, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong; organist, Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mrs. Bruce Kees; birthday fund, Mrs, Elgin McKinley; card fund, Mrs. Keith McBride; Mission Band, Mrs. Robert McKinley, Mrs. Kenneth Parke, Mrs. Douglas Rob- inson, Mrs. Clare McBride; tea fund, Mrs, James Keys. WA Officers The election of officers for the Woman's Association f o 11 ow e cl: Mrs. Bruce Keys and Mrs. Allan Armstrong were elected as joint presidents; t h e, vice-presidents, Mrs. Arnold Keys, Mrs, Robert Peck, Mrs. Anson McKinley; re- cording secretary, Mrs, James Keys; treasurer, Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride; organist, Mrs, Melvin El- liott. Smith Corona ELECTRIC-- PORTABLE TYPEWRITE Give this exciting new electric appliance; Perfect for all the, family, the Smith-Corona Elec- tric Portable typewriter. $19930 WS SO EASY TO BUY SMITH-CORONA PORTABLE Lamb-McCullough doyin payment will put one in your hands right away. A remarkably low-cost budget plan enables you to spread the balance over 6, 2, 18 or 24 months, as you prefer. See us at once we'll gladly make the necessary arrange. meets so that you can gladden the heart Of a member of your family — or all the family — this Christmas. Clinton News-Record Albert Street Dial HU 24443 BEATTIE 'FURNITURE St. James Church, Middleton, beautiful in Christmas dectieations and white 'mums, was the setting on Thursday, December 11, when Mary Jane McCullough, R.R. 3, Clinton beeame the bride of Don- ald James Lamb, Colborne Town- ship, The bride is the daughter oe Mrs, Benson McCullough, RR. 3; Clinton, arid the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B, Lamb, Col.; borne Township. The Rev, E. j, B. Harrison, leveled, performed the double ring ceremony. The bride was lovely- in a floor- length gown of lace over white Satin, fashioned with long sleeves. She ear:tied red roses, Jo Anne McCullough, lk,R. 8; Clinton, attended her sister, wear- ing blue taffeta arid carrying white 'mums. Arnold Lamb, Colborne Town- ship, was his brother's groomsman, A reception was held at the bride's home. The bride's mother received, wearing a -bevy blue crepe dress and corsage of white carnations, assisted by the greorres Mother in navy blue silk rind Cut- sage of white dathatiolle, The young couple will reside in Colborne Township, Att-AVVVIIMItr, 01%.111610-rek-VMPA.1%-'WoltiltAtWok:*.: 0,01011:1*V0A-VVIONVIVolliVikAVGV-AVV-MtirolOnM CieINTrON NEW. SeRECORD ekeeeeeeee,,e,,, In Step wiih the Season we wish you A'MERRY CHRISTMAS Folding Doll Buggies, reg. $6.95 $5.50 Hostess, Occasional, =Rockers and Recliners Selection of 35, # priced from $11.00 to $59.00 JUST. RECEIVED TODAY ... 4 KROEHLER 2-PIECE CHESTER FIELD SUITES Colors in red, fuiluoise, •Beige and charcoal 'Reduced 20% 'for 'dheistnias Selling only SPECIAL 1 GROUPING OF TABLES Step, Coffee and 5nd Tables, Walnut finish • REDUCED 25% oe