HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-18, Page 2Fairmont Concert The annual Christmas concert of SS No. 10 (Fairmont) Ptiblie School was held Monday evening, December 15. In, Spite of adverse weather conditions a large crowd was preSent. In the absence of the music teacher, Mrs, Rogers, Londesboro, the teacher, Miss Sandra Williams,. accompanied the mpsical. numbers most capably, Robert Welsh was the genial chairman for the evening. A •splen- did program was presented con- sisting of choruses, drills, plays, and recitations. We mention particularly the lovely chorus. of "Winter Wonder- land" and the recitation of tiny Wendy Rathwell; / The junior boys drill, a tatter demalion group in ancient patched blue jeans was certainly The, sweet voices of the .senior girls blended nicely in. the song "Silver Bells", Patty Semple sang a solo very sweetly. To the tune of "Red Wing" the girls dinned. .and dived through square dance while the floor did likewise, The Christmas story as contain- ed in the Gospel according to. St. Luke, was beautifully and rever- ontly read by Miss Bonnie Stirling. The audience was asked to join in the singing .of Did familiar Ch- ristmas carols, with Miss Welsh as • pianist, The chorus, "Hard Rock, Coco and Jo" was new and amusing, a song of Santa's helpers, The: play, "Jimmy's Unlucky Mommy",starring Linda Rathwell, Ellen Coe, Don Welsh and John Vanderhaar was realistic indeed, Interesting, .tho, was the play '"There She Is" with Lois Rath- well, Dianne Johnston, Karen Johnston, Barbara Semple, Judy Craig .and Lois:IVR:Phail ably tak- ing part. The play "I Came to Your Wed- ding," drew the most applause of the evening. George Flewitt in a BEFORE CHRISTMAS 1111 25 % OFF ON ALL FISHING. TACKLE IN , STOCK monimmo. CCM STANDARD CYCO BICYCLE Men's and Ladies' $45.95 CCM JUVENILE CYCO BICYCLE Boy's and Girls' $44.95 CCM BIKE WAGON $19.75 CCM 20" TRICYCLE $23.95 01111111101111111111111111011 TENNESSEE CEDAR GUN RACKS (Hold four guns) $17.95 maimunium animmeimi. ALSO NICE GIFTS — Thermic Jugs, Picnic Coolers, Picnic Hampers, Camp Stoves SEE THEM ALL AT • sizottia9 5004 047.2itatity CLINTON -...ONA*ARIO DirraoltbIttlai-MOW*MiZI- arMOIDO#2414i-la#202** • FROM Gifts Galore youR Favourite Store ELECTRIC CLOCKS Wall and $5,95 & uAVei BU Nip:firs): WARMERS 54.98 $4.98 ELECTRIC SANDWICH frtRlIgLE 59,50 up $21.95 MIXETTES ELECTRIC BLANKETS from PRESSURE Holster Sets Trucks Cars Trains — Dart Boards — Dolls Tea Sets - Cooking Sets Do tmc-tvg4.-Ictrkkakwveog#staszazetemov,gitztocalizzamtelekctog ,,oatatommatortvatmece Outdoor Flood Lighting Kits in Colours at $5.95 UTTER- pERDUE' I D QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES Clinton Dial HU 2-7023 0-,-Arorzlet:PAPP*M-Vsk-r..o2M APPPATV-202Zge0407020-M $16.95 up COOKER $113.95 $21.95 41 retV=Wit-tatatZMOMOPROM,I.vozOttzte:MAMUMM9 , —Full Power Transformer —Award Series Chassis —Nu-Slim Cabinets V - —Full Range Tone Control —Illuminated Channel Indicator , —Multiple Speakers and F.M. Sound TE11111111111111,,, MARCONI MOM!. 302 K21 Television Priced from $229.95 —Two full ranged balanced speaker —Deluxe Tone Arm —High compliance turn-over cartridge —Sapphire Needle —Four Speeds I MARCONI MODEL 1007 Record Players Priced from $29.95 \Stereo Fidelity Priced from $239.95 —Automatic Clock —Five Tubes —Automatic .Shut-Off —Up-toDate Styling —Four Colours-3 two-TOne • . MARCONI M0011 4711 Radios Priced from $24.9,5 A' Few 1958 Models Specially Priced COME IN FOR, A DEMONSTRATION OF STEREO HI-Fl Qg Clinton Electric Show "Your WESTINGHOUSg Dealer" ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop, CLINTON AvaammiNvableinvorz4m*-40.,-)01-200tvrwamotwooealwIzNzlwaomam;' EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEIDGE.---- loWS A CHARGE `THAT: FAIR • - AND THAT IS - us R ISE 111"1 PLUMBING HEATING & ELXCTRICA L •PC,,t,04:•ef-41.- CLINTON • 1`F1ANS CANADA CREDIT „AAA fifY MV SUIT IS ALL TATTERED MY MITTENS ARE FRAYED W SLEIGH NEEDS REPAIRING MY BILLS ARE UNPAID HEY, SANTA, THE ANSWER IS CLEAR AS CAN BE - LET'S HITCH UP YOUR REINDEER AND SEE T.C.C. HO,HOI 'THINGS LOOK,BRIGHTER j I'M HAPPY TO SAY COME DANCER AND PRANCER LET'S SHOP RIGHT AWAY! BE LIKE 600D OLD SANTA WHEN YOU'RE FEELING BWE- GET A %CC. LOAN IT'S THE SMART THING TO DO! p ;776. VtI:I;l4"4 TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMIT D 148 THE SQUARED PHONE 197 GOOERICH 0 ONT. Need Cakh for Christmas? txtta Christmas expense is just one of the many situations that seem to create 6. need for ready cash. Often, is loan In time win actually save yott money in the Ions run, Get the oath you tieecl—from $150. to $2,500, on budget plans spread over 12,11, 24 or even SO months. ((c 44 PAGE TWO Z lTQr NEWS.IIECORD ST CALL `Prices Range from $1.00 and up AT ELLIOTT'S . (BEHIND CLINTON ARENA) Open 2 p.m. until 9.30 p.m. ois Surprise award, for sports achievement was made for the first time this year by the Girls, Sports Club at CDCI; Miss Vicki Cluff, Who is now teaching school, received the award from Mrs. J. A. Webb (left) for the club. The award symbblizes out- standing achievement in sports in the schOol. - (News-Record Photo) Earns Special Sports Award CHRISTMAS TREES NEWS of MIDDLETON (By .Mrs, Grano Midtlieton) SCOTCH PINE BALSAM SPRUCE BUNDLES OF GREEN. Stands Put On While You Wait. FREE DELIVERY We are once again cutting and selling our own trees. Come and pick yours out INSIDE our Display Room. J. Wesley Shobbrook Funeral services were held last Wednesday, December 17, 1958, at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton ' for ,John Wesley Shobbrook, who pas- sed away at the Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, December 14, Mr, Shobbrook was born October 4, 1$81 in Hullett Township and was the youngest son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Shobbrook. He attended SS 2 on Concession 2. He was well known as a Rawleigh salesman for maw years, also as a bakery salesman in Goderich and Saltford, In later years he retired and enjoyed gardening with his flowers as his hobby. On December 24, 1902 he was married to Ethel Keen in Toronto, They resided in Toronto and in 1912 moved to Clinton where they made their home, Mr. Shobbrook has enjoyed good health until re- cently. He was a member of Ont- ario Street United Church. . Be- sides his wife Ethel, he is survived by one son, J. Stanley Shobbrook, Toronto and two daughters, Mrs. Frank T. (Ruth) McElroy, Toron- to and Mrs. William A. (Annie) Willard, Buffalo, N.Y. Also two grandchildren, Mrs. Robert Joslin, Halifax, N.S., and Jerome McEl- roy, Toronto, and one great gr- andchild, Carolyn Joslin, in Hali- fax. Rev. G. Mills assisted by Rev. D, J. Lane, conducted the funeral service with interment in Clinton Cemetery. Pall-bearers were A. Livermore, J. Corey, C, Levy, C. Stmdercock, B. Shobbrook, C. Crawford. • Due to bgd weather conditions last Wednesday ,night, only six members of Clinton District Col- legiate Institute Board were able to attend the meeting. Only one municipality, the Township of God- erich, has approved the addition to the building. Menno Steckle reported that the councillors in Stanley Township were concerned over the basis of assessment. This township pays for 31 percent of the costs of the school, based on equalized assess- ment throughout the district. They unfair. George Reid introduced the sub- ject being. talked „of in the Hay and Stanley Townships, of chang- ing the area slightly, and building another collegiate probably in Hay Township at Zurich. This would save in distances travelled by the students. He was reminded that if such another school were built, the rate- payers now in the Clinton Area would have to fulfill their obliga- tions for the Clinton school until the debentures are paid off. In addition would be the cost of build- ing, furnishing and staffing school, and transportation of pup- ils. J. W. VanEgniond, Hullett Township's representative said he felt. the present school should be completed with a decent auditor- ium and proper gym, before plans were made for another one. Chairman I. Tebbutt, Goderich Township, reported that there was some talk of sending a delegation to Toronto to ask for grants on the gymnasium and auditorium. Mr. VanEgmond said, "If the Depart- ment of Education would only think back to the time when grants on these items were cut off. It was when all those big metropol- itan schools were building those large gymnasiums. Ours would- n't cost a fraction of that. Yet at the same 6 time we're helping to pay for those large gyms which •were built when the grants Were ;still in effect" Principal E. A. Fines noted that ratepayers taxes Were paying for all those other buildings, and we 'should be getting some help with ,our own building, from those peo- '.ple already benefitting, The Board set the first meeting date in 1959 as the second Wed- ARE YOU: A School Teacher? An Accountant? A Farmer? A Store Clerk? The Great-West Life is desirous of establishing a representative in Huron County to service present policyholders and to establish new policyholders. Must be married and between ages 30 to 45. Must own car. Selling experience an asset but not essential; 4 to 6 weeks of school to learn basic requirements of business. Guaranteed remunera- tion and excellent supervision. We invite your application in confidence giving details of past experience to: • The Great-West Life Assurance Company, Box 340, London, Ont. 50-1-b Discuss CDCI Needed Addition Collegiate Board Has One Approval Other Areas Will Decide in 1959 swallow-tail coat was the preach- er, Joan Rathwell the •tattered bride, in blue jeans and Peter Pos- til, the groom, united in "holy deadlock". The singing of "White Christ- mas" concluded an interesting pro- gram after which a very robust Santa Claus distributed gifts to all the children from a well-laden tree. THURSDAY, DECE.MBER 18, 1.958 WV. apfoRtwgwictguocifotvflc4444:4g1441044 nesday in January, Principal Fines presented the idea of holding night classes in home building. This is 'a ten week course, organized under the Veter- ans. Three hours perNight, with to both veterans, and f, non-veter- ans.. Three hours per night, with the board paying the instructors, and the fee at about $4 per pupil. This home building course has been held in Goderich for two years and a similar one has just been completed at Station Clin- ton. feel that paying one-third of the The course will be held on Wed- white cost of the school 'is rather nesday night, in conjunction with the regular night classes, and will start the first Wednesday in Jan- uary, provided enough people en- rol. If 15 apply, then it will be held. The Ontario Department of Ed- ucation pays an 80 percent grant on this course, as well as for the other night school courses. Principal, Fines reported an en- rolment of 466 students, and an average daily attendance of 446,1. HAROLD iVASE:r bte6PLUMBER 0:0444404e44 .4~0