Clinton News-Record, 1958-12-11, Page 11TENTION ALL FARMERS WE NOW HAVE FACILITIES TO HANDLE GRAIN IN BULK You will find that this new service will save you considerable labour in bagging your grain. It also Will save you time, as we can now handle your grain more efficiently. This is just one of the many services we can offer you TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT TODAY ox.• * H. F. WETTLAUFER CLINTON Phone HU 2-9792 AGAIN FEATURING Swift's Butter Ball Brand Turkeys 1 Varna United* W.A. Elect Mrs, Harold Dowson President Mrs. Robert Taylor was host. 0$4 for the Woman's Association annual meeting on November .26, Mrs. W. G. Clarke led in the devotions and was assisted by Mrs, T. J. Pitt and Mrs. George Reid. Mrs. Lyle Hill was at the piano. President .Mr$, Lee McConnell conducted the business period. The treasurer, Miss Rachael Johnston gave a good report. The group (le-aded to buy some new supper . tables. Roll call will be answered at the. next meeting by paying membership fees. The Rev. T. 3. Pitt spoke a:few words of praise and encottrage, ment to the members for their, unselfish 'and untiring efforts. Officers for 1959, are: past' president, Mrs, McConnell; presi- dent, Mrs. Harold Dowson; presidents, Mrs. 0, Dowson, L. Hill, Mrs, Robert Stirling, Mrs. Charles Reid; secretary, Mrs. W. T, 1VicAsh; treasurer, Miss R. Johnston;: Christian stew- ardship, Mrs, McConnell; .Christ- Ian citizenship, Mrs. 3. Postill; Christian education, Mrs. R, Tay- lor; lunch committee, • Mrs, C; Reid and Mrs. R, Stirling; organ- ist, Mrs, Hill, Mrs. G, Stephen- son, Mrs. Willis. Davies; press secretary, Mrs. John Deer; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; pianist, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; assistant pianist, Mrs, An- drew Kirkconnell; program com- mittee, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, Mrs. Meally and Mrs. S. Polish. It was decided to send 510 to the Muncey Indian Reserve for Christmas treats. A successful auction was held and the hostess assisted by ,her daughters, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and Mrs. J. Daer served a delicious lunch. WVOMICZPOMMEZektatOMOMMW There are two popular silages-corn and grass. Good grass silage is high- er in protein and needs less pro- tein supplement; corn silage is more valuable for fattening cattle because of the additional fatten- ing nutrients in good corn. To carry cattle (grown in thrify conditions) on silage: Corn silage feed 3 lbs. of silage per 100 lbs, body weight per day with 2 lbs. of Steer Fat- ena per animal per day. Grass silage-feed 3 lbs. of silage per 100 lbs. body weight but only 1 lb. of Steer Fatena per animal per Always feed some hay with above rations to cattle being carried. To fatten cattle for the first period on silage but using grain for short finish period before marketing; Corn silage-full feed with 31/2 lbs of Steer Fatena per animal per day. Grass silage-full feed silage with 21/2 lbs. Steer Fatena pen animal per day, No hay need be fed during this period. If only a limited amount of silage is fed (21/2 lbs. per 100 lbs. body weight per day) along with grain: Corn silage-feed 21/2 lbs Steer 5atena pen steer per day, Crass silage-feed 2. lbs. Steer Fatena per steer per day. Clinton Farm Supply C. Noison, Prop. HU 24613 CLINTON SILAGE: per day, -clay /(Government Graded) All fresh chilled birds! In our large self-serve counter the week of December 17. A'lso !on display-Geese, Ducks, Capon Chickens. Finest ever shown - Wide Selection. Before you choose your poultry-Drop in to the MODERN MEAT MARKET Your visit \will help you make the RIGHT Decision Let Us Stuff 'em for You ! ! The Modern Meat Market will Stuff and Cook your Holiday Poultry on request Drop in and see just how they do all this and more FEATURING THIS WEEK ONLY- Our own True Flavoured OVEN ROAST HAM, fully cooked, in the piece only 89c lb. Our Own Mild Cure BREAKFAST BACON, sliced the way you like it 69c lb. PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL Lean, no waste (our own processing) by 'the piece 45c lb. FRYING CHICKENS 29c lb. PHOTO STUDIO BRANCH FROM WINGHAM SPECIAL OPENING OFFER DEADLINE DECEMBER 15 One 8 x10 ( in folder) of your Child Price $2.98 Additional Charge for Two or More Persons roefoicizrefoe etc- f efelzicimiziamoeferve ALL PHOTOS READY FOR CHRISTMAS mtaizrzol-2,..laaarzrzzmortetzt-201D4wwm.vizatm-mmmaczottiztolzark 91 South Street, GODERICH - PHONE 1372 SNOW TIRES TIRES 2 Only - Tubeless Suburbanites -- 670.15 LOW MILEAGE J.- PRICED TO SELL AUTO•LITE taltaao Welts Auto Electric Phone HU 2-8851 KING STREET CLINTON wtt,itt Sesitlartot tint triftl Chtatarararrzi stht'rtZii rirtr "erkt tkr r7rt t rtirittarrytk, Hitt HEARING TEST Weld's Fistit Ey,gus K MI by DAHLBERG HEAR WITH BOTH EARS! *Weft your ant glows • Chan, bows Us worth • Nomal opeeer• ance...sotwal- Ilk• COME IN TODAY! nal inivoninena no. osuaknoon We4AgifikAVT BATTERIES ANTIFREEZE WIPER BLADES A See the New McCULLOCH CHAIN ,0 SAW HERE • W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 - CLINTON Mr, and Mrs,. Harry- H, Dinnin and Kathy, Petrone,. with Mr. and Mrs. W. :Pinola and Wilma visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. W. 4. Wright, Seaforth. George Neil, Kirkton, • brother of Cheater Neil, R..4, •SeafOrtb, remains in $t. Joseph's Hospital, London,, where he. has spent the past two weeks.. egion Turkey 'Bingo ElteliTTIIURSDAYNIGHT 15 Games for Turkeys or Cash Prizes 3 Sharo,the-Wealth `ernes Special $26 Game Regular Jackpot Prize on Share-the-Wealth Games ..-- Jackpot $50,00 on 50 numbers Legion Hall, Kirk Street ADMISSION: 50 CENTS 49,50.1-b NEW FROM KODAK r,.. and available HERE right now! BROWNIE ecopaigx MOVIE CAMERAS ,Now Brownie Cameras with built-in meters! Step up to either of these new Brownie Movie Cameras...and step into a new world of movie- making sureness and simplicity. Built-in meter has a pointer vis- ible in the viewfinder. Turn a dial to center the pointer (you don't even have to take the camera from your eyej-and exposure's right ..automatically. Built-in Mars hsciaciad. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS TOBACCOS - CIGARETTES, 50's COMB BRUSH & MIRROR SETS $8.50 up COSMETIC SETS-by Tussy, Yard- ley, Houbigant, Shultan, Max Factor Priced from $1,10 to $5.50 SHAVING SETS-by Stag, Yardley, Shulton, Old Spice; Gillette; Mennen Priced from $1.10 to $5.50 ELECTRIC RAZORS - Sunbeam, P hi I 1 is have, Schick MANICURE SETS-Bath Salts Bub- ble Bath SOAP NOVELTIES-For the Child:. ren CIGARS, PIPES, LIGHTERS, TOBACCO POUCHES BATH ROOM SCALES, CAMERAS, FILMS, FLASH BULBS BOXED SOAPS-by Tussy, Yardley, With singe f/1.9 lens .„„ $94.50 f/1.9 turret model $119.50 BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS, Special box 50 cards 98o BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS, Special box 50 cards $1.98 Gift Wrap - Tags and Seals - Christmas Tree Decorations We Will Do Your Gift Wrapping Free of Charge Tiffany TRvilsP. Y, PS0gMDER 1.1., 103 -MINTON ;UM/WOO:MP PAGE MgVggi- O. Stanley, Prop. zehrt '',M414,41-Igt.iqt0= Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily 50-b zoiwg/191-26:0-wmti9i9m9M01-DiZitimmirei. D4/MIRMINDtaliDMMDiaiN. FOR MAXIMUM GAINS AT A MINIMUM OF COST Feed Master 30% Steer Con. with .0011% Diethylstilbestrol at 2 lb. per head per day or Master 32% Beef Con. with .0022% Des. at rate of 1 lb per Head per day These feeds have been proven at The Master Feeds Exper- imental Farm, to save up to 3c per pound of grain. Wettlaufer's Feed Mill MARY STREET - CLINTON SNOW TIRES Both New & Recapped All Standard Sizes AUBURN (cOntinued from rage flight) solo$ by Robert and Mal- colm II ltx, glen Webster gave a recitation for Mrs. George lian's .class, A duet was sung by Cheryl Toll and Diane Harley and also a selection by Kiaska KOop- ma,ns of Mrs. Bert Craig's class. Mrs. Fred Toll's class sang. Jack Durnin gave a recitation for Mrs. Olive Anderson's class. The sen- ior Bible class provided a duet by Mrs. Gordon McCiinclleY and Miss Sadie Carter accompanied by Mrs. W. O. Craig, Miss Margo Grange played a Christmas piano selection and a reading was given by Mrs. Ken- neth McDougall. Santa Claus aP- peered and gave gifts and candy to all the children, qhristmas Meeting of St, Mark's Church The St. ,Mark's Anglican Guild met December 4 at the home of Mrs, Sam Daer, Mrs. John Daer, the president, opened the meeting. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell was pia- nist in the absence of Mrs. Gordon Taylor. George Schneider read the Scripture and prayers were given by Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt. A reading, "Ready for• Christ- mas" was given by. Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt. Rev.. Meally gave the topic on the true meaning of Christmas. He also gave a review of the church work during the past year and told the progress it had made. The president thanked all who had taken part and an invitation to attend the Christmas meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. was accepted. It was decided to have a Christmas concert in the Orange Hall on December 19 at 8 p.m. Mrs, J. Daer and Mrs. T, Haggitt were appointed to look after the boxes for the shut-ins. Rev. Meal- ly had charge of the election of officers: President, Mrs. Tom Haggitt; first vice-president, Mrs. George Schneider; secretary, Mrs, Ed. RUCHED Harvey Taylor was an honour- ed gtflest et the Co-op dinner in Toronto last week. Ray McNeil also. attended, Dr. William Aikenhead,. Toron- to, was a recent - guest with his sister Mrs. T. B. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bain and John, Stratford, spent Sunday With the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne-Wilson, Robert. Mustard spent the week: end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mustard. Mr, .and. Mrs. 'GeOrge Griffith and family, Stratford, spent Su day with relatives in the S.S, 3, Tuckersmith will hela, their Christmas concert on Fri- day evening, December 10. Mr. -and lyirs. William Murdock, H.ainilton,,Visited with his parents, Mr. 4ncl.grs. John R. Murdock, The many friends of Robert, Al- len, O'r., wish to congratulate him on being chosen the World's Bay Champion. - RCAF Ladies Bowling Teams Pile Up Scores The R.C,A,F. Ladies were on hand last Friday evening for their third last night of bowling before. Christmas. Competition for top team is strong, and Hula Hoops are still in the lead by a slim mar- gin, with 50 points. Aces are in second place with 48 points, and Satellites are in third place with 42 points, Mrs, M. Hudson won high triple prize with 588, and Mrs, R. Mat- tinson won high single prize with 209. Ladies who bowled over 200 were: Mrs, M, Hudson, 255; Mrs, Banville, 223, 222, 210; Mrs, M. LeCierc, 205; Mrs. K. Spils- bury and Mrs. M. Wadsworth each 202. Optical inks* by lkowid tp•cisible Dahlberg Hearing Service Newcombe's Rexall Drug Store HU 2-9511 - Clinton Gentlemen please arrange without obligation a free hearing test for me. Name Address Phone 46-7-8-b TAN LEY' MODERN MEAT MARKET Other Gift Ideas GIVE YOUR MAN A GIFT HE CAN WEAR tg-taletwomatmc-tomemtetetatme Open Evenings Thursday, December 18 to Wednesday, December 24 and Wednesday Afternoons loitataftrAtioaorAzoatrorvai SPORT SHIRTS SPORT COATS Sport Coats are top with men-truly ideal gifts Light - Medium - Dark Shades $19,95 to $37.50 InfatguttIMZUMMOKV4IW4lAIO FORSYTH NO-IRON SHIRTS White - Check All sizes 14 to 18 $5.95 $7.60 $9.95 • BELTS • HOSE • • GLOVES PYJAMAS ] • SCARFS • JEWELLERY • Handkerchiefs • HATS & CAPS • TIE RACKS • SLACKS • Dressing Gowns • SWEATERS lotz-toctctotztooctoomortztzvcloattiockztozzvevz-tctetctzte GIFT CERTIFICATES Ifyour problem is one of size or choice s , of style that you can't solve-Give a r GIFT CERTIFICATE .Samaaratrfarztz-vi-*-**04z-Z***4-2004worztval-**0 Our Selection of nation- ally known makes is' one of the largest you'll find. ALL GIFT BOXED $3.95'to $12.95 erman's Men's Wear CLINTON Dial HU 2.9351 pootAvvotetivAlet4,44woltoo*,