HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-12-04, Page 11GUARANTEED! S .ERVICE ATISFACTION MILE "RE-OPENING" SUPERTEST GARAGE ON HIGHWAY 8 (opposite Bank of Montreal) MONDAY, DECEMBER 8 I WELCOME YOUR CUSTOM CHRIS. NEWBY PHONE HU 2-3890 (ex RCAF) vozommatomazeimetoc_tomatoemion vrometwowatetvometatozzc Big Selection of CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE and SPRUCE TREES A. G. 6R166 and SON CLINTON .5rmAiwattatzma-zooautm.mwl-maemoirs- Phone HU 2-9411 "DOLLAR DAYS" SALE AT SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET DECEMBER 4-5-6 CARNATION MILK 16 oz. tins 7 for $1.00 ST. WILLIAMS JAMS Assorted 9 oz. jars 5 for $1.00 MARTINS APPLE JUICE 48 oz. tins 4 for $1.00 AYLMER VEG, Or TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. tins 8 for $1.00 TEMPT DOG FOOD 15 oz. tins 12 for $1.00 (plus one Free) HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE 10 rolls for $1.00 GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 1 lb. pkgs. MINNETTES TOMATOES 28 az, tins AYLMER PEACHES-15 61. tins ROSEDALE TOMATO JUICE-20 oz. tins 8 for $1.00 DELMONTE CATSUP-11 oz. bottles 6 for„$1.00* RECORD CREAM CORN-15 oz. this ...„ 8 far. $1.00 STOKELY'S APPLE SAUCE-15 oz, tins 8 for $1.00 ELL MAR PEANUT BUTTER-16 o2, jars 3 for $1.00 CHEERY MORN COFFEE-1 lb, 69c ROBIN HOOD FRUIT CAKE MIX pkg. 6110 FREE DELIVERY Phone HU 203813 4 for $1.00 5 for $1.00 6 for $1.00 THOMAS LEIPER Thomas Leiner, RR, 1, Londesboro (left) topped the poll on Monday, when Hullett Township ratepayers voted upon.. their choice for council in 1958. He received a total of 312 votes. Coming a close second was Hugh Flynn, RR 1, Londesboro (second ARCHIE YOUNG , . from left) with 302 votes. This is Hugh's first attempt at muni- cipal politics, Others elected were Emmerson Hesk, RR 1, Lon- desboro, with 281 votes, and Archie Young, RR 1., 133yth (right) with 179 votes, (News-Record Photos) HUGH FLYNN. EMMERSON HEST( Hu!lett Township Elected These Councillors w Efp FREE CALENDARS for every customer during month of December SPECIAL DISCOUNT FEATURES in each calendar throughout Yal-aiDazawaiDatworzwarDaihDarvalvambla4ma ce Charles House of Beauty rip CLINTON 1959. Phone HU 2-7065 onlovetRovevaitatamooctwatalgtoftlatm-v-wom aya SNOW TIRES Both New & Recapped All Standard Sizes BATTERIES ANTIFREEZE WIPER BLADES See the New McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW HERE Wells Auto Electric KING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 24851 Kit SNOW TIRES TUBELESS TIRES - 670-15 Low Milage iZiti1Vi'-w&ail.'10,0ark14424)041)A2044diilditflidi 4TOVVVVVateKIV MFAttreatateM"-Z-MMCIMICIVEVVVVVOVA4V441 A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIO CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxes of 50-98c & $1.98 Boxes Religious Cards PERSONAL CARDS - Sc to $1.00 W. C. Newcombe, Phin.13. Chemist and Druggist PHONE'HU. 2-9511 CLINTON 4 WOOL and NYLON SOCKS Solid Colors 8, Patterns r DRESS SHIRTS White or Pattern Single or Double Cuff Imelatm q-zolatetwatc-lawatcy FORSYTH TERYLENE NO-IRON SHIRTS P Single or Double Cuff - $9.95 DM17102,1alu, ZIORDOlia $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 $3.95 to $9.95 CHRISTMAS TIES We've got every type of tie to please every man on your gift list, Come in and From $3.95 to $12.950, sleetleucstiohne.lp you make your raeivitirsDimaiwortazommtawaottRatztzizaoviromor*Num • GIFT ROBES • SWEATERS by Tony Day and Shelby • HICKOCK BELTS and JEWELLERY for Men • GIFT CERTIFICATES • ALL PURCHASES GIFT BOXED ireatonatNto-voi-zatzemaizaarotaN,Awzairdolubloovolzmoil HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR °3 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS HU 2-9351 CLINTON wf-,00**********0043,040ambuiloohm•uoor*Atotit•Ixo‘ SPORT SHIRTS Stripes, Plaids and Novelties tr In all Sizes. RSDAX, :DI CE1VISM 4, 1958 axTroti- NEWS-ggcORP PAGE ELEVEN Street Church Ladies Join Forces For Christmas Meeting in Church Parlour was disclosed at this meeting that the first edition .of, the new Hens- all Observer will be published December 4. Legion Ladies Aux- iliary catered for the dinner held in the Legion Hall. Officers for 1959 are as follows: past president, Mrs. W. S. R. Hol- mes; president, Mrs. Brock Olde; vice-presidents, Mrs. S. Schoenhals and Mrs. W. M. Aiken; recording secretary, Mrs. F. -Townsend; as- sistant recording secretary and corresponding secretary, Mrs. M. Crich; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Lavis; Christian stewardship, Miss Hattie Courtice and Mrs. M. Batkin. Associate members, Miss Sybil Courtice, Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Al- vin Cox; supply secretary, Mrs. Sly, Mrs. R. Plumsteel; expense fund secretary, Mrs. Wheatley; Christian citizenship, Watch Tower, Mrs. R. Fear and Mrs. Ar- thur Aiken; Community friendship, Mrs. Webster, ,,Mrs. Swan, Mrs. H. Courtice; press secretary, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; Missionary Mon- thly secretary, Mrs. A. J. Mc- Murray. Literature secretary and study book,. Mrs. G. Mills, Miss E. Wil- tse; pianist, Mrs. E. Radford; Mis- sion Band leaders, Mrs. George Colelough, Mrs. Ross Trewartha; Baby Band, Mrs. Willard Aiken, Mrs. E. Dale; social convener, Mrs. E. Radford; auditors, Miss Mary Turner, Mrs. J. Radford. The joint Christmas meeting of the Woman's Association and the Woman's Missionary Society of Ontario Street United Church was held Thursday afternoon in the church parlour which was nicely decorated for the festive season. Christmas carols were sung after which the WA president, Mrs. B. Lavis, extended a cordial welcome to all. Reports from committees were received. It was decided to pack cheer boxes for the shut-ins. The WMS president, Mrs. W, S. R. Holmes presided for the re- mainder of the meeting. Mrs. S. Schoenhals had charge of the de- votions, She was assisted by Mrs. Edward Dale who lighted the candle representing "Hope", Mrs. Ross Trewartha representing "Pea- ce" and Mrs. Willard Aiken, "Love". Mrs. S. Courtice closed the devotional with prayer. A "picture trip" to Mexico shown on the screen and describ- ed by Mrs. G. Mills was very in- structive and interesting. Christmas music was provided during the social half hour which followed and lunch was served by the ladies of St. George's Ward. In Hensall the present reeve Norman Jones •was re-elected to the office, defeating his challenger, Gordon Schwalm, by a vote of 190 to 173. There are three new faces on the council in Hensall. Leading the race was a popular Hensall businessman, Lorne Hay, who polled a total of 317 votes. Next in line was John Henderson, with 269. Mrs. Minnie Noakes was the first woman to be elected to the Hensall council, gaining a total of 171 votes, The fourth member elected to the council was John Baker, with 145 votes. Fire completely destroyed a small dWelling two miles north of Exeter on Monday night. Leon Triebner, the bachelor occupant of the home was not at home at the time. At first it was feared he might have been in the building, but he turned,up some hours later. It was just seven years ago, and just before Christmas, that Mr. Triebner.'s farm house burned to the ground. Kinetee Club. Mrs. Jack Drysdale was hOstess November 25, for the meeting of the Kinettes when plans were fin- alized for a dance in the arena on December, 6. The travelling bas- ket is tc3:-:make another round among the Members. The raffle donated. by Mrs. George Sawyer, was won lay Mrs. William Mickle, Next. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Reaburn. Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wes Richardson were honored With surprise pres- entations in 'honor of their 25th wedding anniversary last week. Monday evening friends met at their home and . presented them with a hassock. Tuesday evening members of the. family gave them a set of matching table lamps, and electric tea kettle. They were also the recipients of many other lov- ely gifts in honor of the occasion. Bob CaldWeIl has purchased the property of the late Mrs. Isabelle Daniels. Mrs. C, Wilkinson was the lucky winner of $100 at the Lions Bingo in Goderich November 26. William Brown has been re-elec- ted president to the Hensall Br- anch, Canadian Legion, Vice-presi- dents are Jim Clark, W. J. Cam- eron,. secretary-treastirer, P. L. McNaughton; sergeant at arms, Jack' Simmons; executive, Wes Vdnner, George Varley, W. O. Goodwin, Fred Beer, the Rev. Charles D. Daniel. Rev, Breit de. Vries, Exeter ad- dressed the Chamber of Commerce at their dinner meeting 'Wednes- day evening, presenting a very in- teresting talk on conditions in Holland during the last war. It Huron County . Farming Report (Ity n H. Miles, Agricultural Representative for ifurott County) "Heavy snowfall over most of the county brought to a standstill all outside farm operations, Ar- ranging a schedule of chores is the order of the day," Clinton Women Give Woollens In 'Answer to Roll Clinton Women's Institute meet, ing last Thursday in the agricul- tural office board room, answered roll call by donating used woollens. Mrs. Mervyn Batkin presided. Me- mbers voted to donate $10 to- wards the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. Mrs, C. Elliott reported on the progress in her class, "Sew to Save Dollars", An appeal received from Wo- men's Institute members in other countries asking for pen pals was warmly received, Mrs, Charles Nel- son and Mrs, Ernest Radford told of attending the Tweedsmuir His- tory workshop at Dungannon re- cently. Mrs, Wes Bradnock, Auburn, dis- trict president, gave a talk on the Institute Creed. 'By request Mrs. Bradnock gave the highlights of a recent trip she had to IVIexicd. Mrs. Batkin reported on the luncheon held at the Royal Win- ter Fair, Toronto, when 1.45 4-H Club Leaders were guests. Mrs, Batkin made particular mention of the luncheon's guest speaker, Miss Ethel Chapman, editor of the national magazine for the WI who spoke on education for the homemaker. Mrs. Wilfred Colciough gave a humorous reading; Miss Lois Grasby and Mrs. Ernest Radford, piano duets; Mrs. Howard Snell, a reading on the Christmas tur- key. A demonstration on the mak ing of Christmas candles was given by Mrs. Don Kay and Mrs. Frank McEwan, after which tickets were drawn on a candle, with Mrs. El- mer Trick holding the lucky tick- et. Mrs, Charles Nelson and her committee served lunch. 0 100F Notes The annual Christmas party of Clinton Lodge No. 83 and Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306 will be held in the I.O.O.F. Hall on Tues- day, December 9, at 8.15 p.m. All members and their husbands, wives or friends are invited. There will be an exchange of gifts. Also, the members are asked to donate food for Christmas baskets which will be sent to the needy, St. Andrew's Girls Invited to Special Pot Luck Supper All members of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch- urch are invited to attend the pot luck supper at the church on Wed- nesday evening, December 10, at 7 p.m. Christmas gifts will be ex- changed. All ladies of the church who should belong to this organi- zation are invited to come and en- joy this Christmas meeting and join in the work of the club for the coming year. HENSM-1, OQM.MUNITY SALE. NOV, 27 -(By our Hensall correspondent) Weanling pigs, $9.50- to $13; chunks, $14.80 to $17.60; feeders, $18 to $23.25; sows,. $70 to $$6. GIFTS for HER BATH SALTS & OILS, $1 to $2.50 BILLFOLDS $2,95 to $10.00 COSMETICS $1.25 to $15.00 DRESSER SETS .. $8,50 to $15.50 MANICURE SETS .. $1.50 to $5.00 PERFUMES $1,00 to $10.00 SOAPS 500 to $2.25 GIFTS for HIM HAIR BRUSH 98c to $3.00 ELECTRIC RAZORS $19.50 up SHAVING SETS .... $1,10 to $5.50 SHAVING BRUSHES $1.00 to $10 CAMERAS Holstein -calves, $12. to _$22,501 Durham calves, $43 to $63; fat cows tip to $15.90; springer cows., $235;: butcher .heifers up to V2..90; stocker steers UP- to $24; Stocker calves -up to $25 Gifts +Qr YOUNGSTERS BABY BOTTLE WARMERS $3.45 BABY GIFT SETS $1.00 up BUBBLE BATH 50c to $1.00 SOAP NOVELTIES 500 MANICURE SETS $1.50 CAMERA OUTFITS $11.45 up GIFTS for EVERYONE BATHROOM SCALES $8.95-$10,95 BOXED CHOCOLATES $1 to $5 FIRST AID KITS .. $2.50 to $11.95 HEATING PADS $4.95 up KEY CASES 45c to $1.50 PLAYING CARDS 75c to $2.85 PHOTO ALBUMS $1.25 up DECORATIONS ARTIFICIAL SNOW 98c CHRISTMAS CARDS 5c to $1.00 GIFT WRAP - RIBBON 15o & 250 TAPE and SEALS ...... 5c-15c-25c TINSEL 590 TREE DECORATIONS 98c up Hensall Elects Woman First Councillor; Fire Destroys Bachelor's. Rdsidence $6.95 up WALLETS $2.95 to $10.00 PEN By PENCIL SETS $4,95 up CIGARETTES-50's 82o Cartons $2.99 LIGHTERS .„.. .. . .... .......... 490 up PIPES $1.25 up